Wearing It Before Scum A Tortures The Heroine

Chapter 56

Xu Jinchao was stunned for a while.

She understood every word of the doctor and could clearly understand it, but how could Song Jiao be the core person in these instructions?

She didn’t believe it at all.

“Doctor, that’s not right. My wife has no mental illness. She has always been normal. We… grew up together and lived together for a long time. Can you watch the movie again?”

In order to prove his statement, Xu Jinchao also brought out the experience of [Xu Jinchao] growing up with Song Jiao and asked the doctor to re-read the scan.

She was also convinced that everything was normal for Song Jiao. Before going out in the morning, she joked with her that she wanted to kiss her goodbye. Last night, she suddenly had a small temper. She must confirm that her appearance is the type she likes.

How can such a fresh person be implicated in mental illness?

It’s not that Xu Jinchao discriminates against mentally ill patients. She has some relevant medical knowledge and knows that it is a common disease like various chronic diseases that humans are susceptible to.

After falling into anxiety and depression, she also went to the psychiatrist, but considering the various side effects of the drug, especially the extrapyramidal reactions such as resting tremor, she did not take it in the end.

But that’s Song Jiao, who is full of energy every day, will joke with her, occasionally be willful and coax her, but she is very caring and caring for her Song Jiao.

Xu Jinchao didn’t think there was anything wrong with Song Jiao. Seeing that the doctor did not intend to overturn her previous judgment, she asked again:

“Is there a mistake in the film?”

She was so sure that the doctor asked again seriously, confirming that Song Jiao had no relevant medical history in the past, and then said:

“It is unlikely that the wrong CT and MRI film will be taken at the same time. If you are worried, go to the imaging department and ask.”

Xu Jinchao felt that he had to ask again. It would be troublesome if he made a mistake in the film. After all, Song Jiao was also associated with another patient.

She found the imaging department of the hospital, and the medical staff of Huacheng Hospital were very serious and went to verify it immediately.

Xu Jinchao refused to believe that Song Jiaozhen had any organic brain disease. He believed that he had made a mistake in the film, and was a little annoyed and funny.

It was so outrageous that she had to tell Song Jiao about it and make her smile too.

Unexpectedly, the hospital quickly responded: The film is not wrong, these two brain scans are of Song Jiao.

Song Jiao was the only patient who underwent CT and MRI at the same time due to concussion in the morning, and the other films did not match.

Xu Jinchao seemed to be thrown a bowl of cold water on her head. She stood there, only to feel that the temperature of the air conditioner in the hospital was so low that it made people feel cold all over.

She seemed to go back to the time when she heard that Song Jiao had a car accident, her mind was in chaos and she couldn’t find a clue.

Xu Jinchao found the doctor in charge of Song Jiao. She lost her previous conviction, and she was in a hurry.

“Doctor, my wife and I did grow up together. Her parents were not with her for a long time. We lived together for several years. I can confirm that she has no experience in psychiatry, and her daily behavior is normal. , very normal. How could she have brain lesions?”

The doctor also found it strange. His attitude was extremely gentle. He didn’t get impatient because of Xu Jinchao’s tossing back and forth, but re-read the two scans.

Xu Jinchao was very nervous. She asked, “Will it endanger her life? What should I do?”

Doctors can’t give a definite answer: “It won’t be directly life-threatening, but if the patient does not have a history of mental illness, it may be a natural abnormal brain structure.”

He pointed out a few parts, Xu Jinchao was not a medical major, and he didn’t quite understand what was related, but the other party’s conclusion was very clear.

“…theoretically, these would interfere with the patient’s perception of emotion and the regulation of social behavior.”

Xu Jinchao asked, “Can you be more specific?”

The doctor was a little hesitant, and he thought about the words: “In daily life, common phenomena, such as being difficult to empathize with others, lead to a lack of empathy, apathy, and not often annoyed by their own behavior, etc. But human beings The brain is so complex that it cannot be said that it will be.”

The doctor’s statement is already very subtle. He has only uncovered the tip of the iceberg, carefully speaking about the possible barriers to empathy and the lack of guilt.

This is a relatively acceptable term.

Considering that the female Alpha in front of her has repeatedly emphasized that her wife’s daily performance is not abnormal, in order not to stimulate her, the doctor did not mention the possibility that the patient was disguising, and emphasized the complexity of the human brain mechanism at the end.

Although the doctor was very euphemistic, his words were eloquent, which made Xu Jinchao figure out a lot of things.

She thought of the ‘performing sense’ that she had vaguely investigated, thought of many strange things in Song Jiao’s life that she had always ignored, and thought of Song Jiao asking her blankly:

I don’t know how to give back your emotions.

Xu Jinchao said to the doctor, “Thank you.”

She took the two scans the doctor removed from the viewing lamp, put them back in the plastic bag, and got up and left.

Xu Jinchao was walking in the corridor of the hospital. Some people were in wheelchairs being pushed by their family members. Some people were hanging on their injured arms that had been cast in plaster casts. There was a small cry in my arms…

She walked through it, the index map of the hospital stood at the corner, one by one, breaking down each area and giving instructions.

Xu Jinchao stopped in front of the index map and saw the words representing various physical diseases in various departments and wards. In the end, she exhaled a long breath.

At least, she thought.

At least Song Jiao did not have these difficult diseases. She did not need chemotherapy, dialysis, or surgery.

The lost strength and soul gradually returned to Xu Jinchao’s body.

This is indeed the truth. There are so many patients in the whole hospital, and how many people are tortured by physical diseases.

In any case, Song Jiao has at least gotten rid of the fate of dying before the age of 40, and she still has a long life to live.

As for those, sympathy, guilt, and normal human emotions that are messed up, if you don’t have it, you won’t have it.

Besides, doesn’t Song Jiao really have these?

In the confusion caused by the concussion, she repeatedly talked about not being able to tell herself about the car accident.

“Don’t tell Xu Jinchao, she’s busy over there…”

Song Jiao’s weak murmuring sounded in Xu Jinchao’s ears again.

She trusts what she sees and hears more, and trusts her daily observations more.

No matter what happened in the past, the current Song Jiao is indeed fresh and lovely, and it is not false that she cares about herself.

How stupid does a person have to be to deny the authenticity of the behavior of the person he cares about for the sake of two brain scans?

How subtle human emotions are, they cannot be roughly summed up into chemical reactions and physical phenomena, at least they will not be disassembled in this way.

She chose to trust her intuition.

Xu Jinchao returned to the ward where Song Jiao was. Aunt Li had just come out of the bathroom. She said to Xu Jinchao:

“Xiao Song vomited badly just now. She said she was thirsty, and I didn’t dare to let her drink water.”

Xu Jinchao hurriedly entered the ward and saw that Song Jiao’s hospital bed had been rolled up. Omega was wearing a hospital gown with pillows behind her back, leaning on the raised half of the bed.

Song Jiao’s face was still pale, but her expression was much clearer. She was surprised to see Xu Jinchao’s moment, and seemed to want to speak.

Xu Jinchao stopped her: “Don’t speak in a hurry.”

Sitting on the small stool by the bed, she pulled up Song Jiao’s hand and held the little hand that was still cold in the summer.

Song Jiao turned her head and turned slightly towards Xu Jinchao, her eyes kept on her face, as if she couldn’t see enough.

Xu Jinchao felt a little pain and grief in his heart, and said softly, “I came a long time ago. You had a car accident. It was Yu Lan who called an ambulance to bring you here. I asked her to finish the transcript and go back to the company to help you watch. You can rest assured here and observe for a few days.”

Song Jiao’s fingers moved in her palm, held it lightly, and pinched it again.

Her voice was low: “You gave me half of the good luck, I’m fine.”

Xu Jinchao didn’t react at first, and after two seconds, he realized that Song Jiao was talking about the parting kiss and that she was joking to give her good luck.

The pain in her heart was heavier, and the less she felt that there was something wrong with Song Jiao, she leaned over gently and kissed Omega on the cheek again.

Xu Jinchao’s long hair was tied into a ponytail, and with the movement of leaning over, the braid slipped behind his head.

When she approached, the tail of her hair brushed slightly on Song Jiao’s collarbone, and a warm and soft kiss slowly landed on her cheek.

Song Jiao felt that her heart was speeding up, and it seemed that something was sprouting from the invisible, but because of the discomfort in her brain, a burst of physiological dizziness and nausea was implicated.

She held back the pain, but had no choice but to let go of some flash of inspiration.

Xu Jinchao sat up straight again and put his other hand on the back of Song Jiao’s hand: “Then I will give you all the luck, you will get better soon.”

Song Jiao was still a little dizzy, but she couldn’t help but raise the corners of her mouth a little. She laughed in a low voice when the feeling of vomiting in her chest subsided.

“Then what can you do? You give me all your luck, what do you do yourself?”

She spoke very slowly, she stopped after a few words, and when she finished speaking, Xu Jinchao said, “It’s just a little bit luckier, it doesn’t mean you’ll be unlucky, right?”

Such a cunning statement made Song Jiao laugh again, she said, “I’ll have a good rest, you can go back.”

Xu Jinchao said: “I will accompany you again.”

Song Jiao shook her head slightly and insisted, “Go back.”

She even took the initiative to let go of Xu Jinchao’s hand, retracted her own hand, turned her face, and stopped looking at her.

Song Jiao is too aware of Xu Jinchao’s importance to Wanwantong. This is the other party’s current focus. She only had a slight concussion, and she was not about to die.

Although she really wanted to have Xu Jinchao by her side, she remembered her annoyance and helplessness when she found out that she couldn’t get up and go back to the company immediately.

She couldn’t implicate Xu Jinchao and let her waste time in the hospital needlessly.

Xu Jinchao looked at Omega who was stubbornly avoiding his sight, and suddenly realized that this was almost a move that subverted Song Jiao’s previous behavior.

She should have acted coquettishly and cried out in pain, let her accompany her, and pestered her not to leave. She should have only cared about her own interests and didn’t care about other people’s thoughts and predicaments.

Xu Jinchao can’t count how many times she has been willful and stubborn in the past, but the kitten, who was the most inhumane at first, is now ill and drives people out, refusing the company she offered to accompany her.

Xu Jinchao said softly, “Then I’m leaving?”

She saw that Song Jiao’s fingertips moved slightly, and Omega finally turned her head again and looked at her.

Xu Jinchao saw reluctance and urging in each other’s eyes.

She felt all kinds of unspeakable emotions lingering in her heart. At first, it was hatred for the world mixed with bitterness and bitterness, hating why she gave so many hardships to the people in front of her.

On the contrary, there are countless positive emotions. For the precious feedback Song Jiao gave her, the beautiful kindness released to her by this physically judged personality who can maintain her selfishness confidently makes Xu Jinchao feel that her soul has been washed.

“You’re not indifferent at all.”

After these words blurted out, Xu Jinchao realized that she had made a slip of the tongue and was too abrupt. She avoided Song Jiao’s gaze and said firmly:

“You’re fine, really fine. Rest well, I’ll go first, and I’ll accompany you at night.”

Xu Jinchao turned and left, but Song Jiao fell into deep doubt.

Her mind is not fully awake, and her whole body is not in a good state, but what Xu Jinchao said before leaving was obviously abnormal.

Aunt Li was originally outside the ward, leaving space for the two of them, and only now came in again.

Song Jiao whispered, “Auntie.”

Aunt Li felt distressed when she saw her bloodless face, and hurriedly asked, “Are you thirsty? I’ll give you a drink with a spoon.”

The doctor instructed not to drink water for the time being. Song Jiao emptied everything in her stomach. She had been thirsty since just now, but Aunt Li dared to let her moisten her mouth.

Song Jiao shook her head and asked, “What did she do before Xu Jinchao?”

Auntie Li told her: “It seems that I took a CT film to the doctor and went for a while.”

Song Jiao was thoughtful, and she asked again, “What did the doctor say?”

“Xiao Xu didn’t tell me, don’t worry, it’s fine.” Aunt Li thought she was worried about her condition and comforted.

Song Jiao nodded and said nothing.

By the time the doctor came to the ward, Song Jiao had recovered a lot and was no longer so weak. She could sit normally by herself, and her voice became stronger again.

After the doctor asked about the situation, she said to Aunt Li, “Auntie, I really want to drink milk. Go and buy a bottle of milk for me.”

Aunt Li looked at the doctor, and the doctor said, “Since I don’t vomit anymore, it’s okay to drink some milk. You can also eat properly. Remember to keep it light and don’t eat greasy food.”

After getting permission, Aunt Li no longer had any worries, and happily went to buy milk.

This ward in the southeast corner has a total of two beds. Another patient was just discharged this morning, and now only Song Jiao is there.

She called the doctor who was leaving.

“Doctor, wait a minute, I have something I want to ask you.”

Xu Jinchao did not take the two scans with him before leaving, but gave them to Aunt Li, who put them in the locker.

After Song Jiao felt better, she asked her aunt to bring the film, but of course she couldn’t understand it herself, the plastic bag containing the film was hanging beside the hospital bed.

After leaving Auntie Li, she took off the plastic bag, took out both the CT film and the MRI film, and handed it to the air.

“Please take a look at these two films.”

The doctor took the scan. He had already forgotten the morning female Alpha and what she asked.

With so many patients, it is impossible for a doctor to memorize all the details, and to read the hospital records during ward rounds.

But Song Jiao’s situation was special. As soon as the two films entered his eyes, he recalled the previous events.

The doctor couldn’t help but look at Song Jiao again. The Omega female patient in front of her was a well-bred and logical young man who behaved and spoke well in the conversation just now.

Just looking at the behavior is indeed normal, there is no stiff and sluggish expression that often occurs in mental patients, and he is coquettish at the middle-aged woman who accompanies the bed, begging for help.

Song Jiao asked softly, “I have a problem with my brain, right?”

Her voice was quiet, her expression was calm, and although she used a questioning tone, she revealed certainty.

The doctor was stopped by her question for a while, and he didn’t know how to answer.

After handing the scan to the doctor, Song Jiao’s eyes kept falling on the other’s face, carefully observing his reaction.

When the doctor got the film, he clearly recognized it immediately. He had an impression of the two scans, and then looked up at her, as if comparing the real person with the brain map scanned in the film.

Song Jiao was now 70% sure that her guess was correct.

After Xu Jinzao left, her mind gradually became less chaotic, and she repeatedly thought about Alpha’s two words.

The most important key word is indifference.

Xu Jinchao asserted that she was not indifferent, and this sentence was obviously said impulsive, as if refuting something.

Song Jiao thought that it was likely that someone had said that she was indifferent not long ago, and Xu Jinchao responded to this evaluation from the air.

The two of them only separated in the morning. There was nothing unusual in Xu Jinchao’s performance from last night to this morning. She is not someone who can hide things in front of her. This must have happened after she left home.

And now that she is injured in a car accident, she is staying in the hospital for observation. With Xu Jinchao’s character, she should not be distracted thinking about her attitude towards people at such a time.

Unless it is greatly stimulated.

Indifference, mental state, CT film, Song Jiao just combined a little bit of association, and there was an inference.

Her cranial CT may be abnormal, and the direction of the abnormality is related to her psychological state. Someone inferred her problem based on the scan and revealed it to Xu Jinchao.

Song Jiao had consulted relevant information, and her emotional cognitive impairment had already appeared when she was a child. Obviously, this is not a completely acquired factor, but a physiological cause.

At that time, she vaguely realized that her brain was not normal.

The person who pointed this point to Xu Jinchao through the CT image is most likely her doctor in charge, and the other party will definitely not have malicious intentions. There should be some misunderstanding.

Song Jiao’s question has her own considerations. She needs to get an accurate answer to see if things are as she thought.

So she didn’t go around any corners and asked straightforwardly. The doctor hadn’t replied yet, but Song Jiao got the answer from the other party’s temporary silence.

She said, “You don’t have to answer, I see. Can you tell me how you told my wife? Please tell me the details, it’s important to me.”

Song Jiao’s voice was earnest, and her face was full of half-truths of tiredness. She had to get the details.

Xu Jinchao left the hospital in the morning and received a call from Yu Lan before he arrived at the company.

The hit-and-run driver turned himself in. The man drove on the road before he got his driver’s license. After rear-ending, he tried to find Song Jiao, but Song Jiao was unconscious and couldn’t wake up.

He panicked immediately, his mind was confused for a while, he returned to the car and drove away, trying to find someone to pack the bag.

But the accident road was an intersection. He got off and got on the car and tossed the ground. He had already photographed his face on the surveillance camera, and he surrendered to the crime under the persuasion of his family.

Xu Jinchao really hated this man, seeing Song Jiao fainting and not calling an ambulance in time, or Yu Lan, who lived in a nearby apartment, happened to pass by at work, and immediately called an ambulance.

Fortunately, it was only a minor concussion. If the injury is really serious, the rescue time will be delayed.

Yu Lan: “This mentally retarded thing, I just called the lawyer to ask the lawyer, Song Jiao’s situation is not estimated to be a minor injury, but he drove without a license, and found Song Jiao in a coma and escaped, although he surrendered, it was enough for him Detained for a few days.”

Xu Jinchao was originally annoyed. Hearing Yu Lan greeted the driver in the Juzhou dialect, she was afraid that if she took the initiative to ask the lawyer, 100% of her anger was relieved.

She said, “Don’t scold me, I’ll go to the traffic police team, and you can send me the list of expenses for Song Jiao’s examination and hospitalization.”

Xu Jinchao took a taxi to the traffic police team, and the perpetrator was detained.

After dealing with these matters, it was past noon when returning to Xinhu Square. Jiang Chao asked her, “Why are you back, is Xiao Song seriously injured?”

After Xu Jinchao finished speaking truthfully, Jiang Chao and Yu Lan criticized the escaped driver as harshly as they did.

Xu Jinchao’s residual resentment was wiped out by the insults of the two real Juzhou people with a variety of dialects.

“Oh, okay, I’ll quickly get rid of the backlog in the morning and go to the hospital to accompany Song Jiao at night.”

She made up her mind. Song Jiao’s mind was already delicate and sensitive. Now that she was injured and lying in the hospital, she wanted to accompany her as much as possible.

Xu Jinchao put aside all the thoughts triggered by the two scans. The emotional side of her character often troubled her, but now it has helped Xu Jinchao stabilize her mind.

Go to his sanity, go to his medicine, Song Jiao in her eyes is very good.

Taking a ten thousand steps back, even if Song Jiao was really a cold-blooded kitten, what she did was disguised, but so what?

Song Jiao no longer needs her protection, but still clings to her. Isn’t this more convincing than any recognizable emotion that exists in consciousness?

Song Jiao cares about her, she cares about Song Jiao, no problem!

At the end of the day’s work, Xu Jinchao didn’t eat dinner seriously. She couldn’t take much care of it at all, so she bought two sandwiches for dinner.

Xinhu Square is very close to home. Xu Jinchao went back to change his clothes, packed his toiletries, and rushed to Huacheng Hospital.

The night is dark, and the lights are on.

When Xu Jinchao arrived at the hospital, she did not have an **** certificate, but the ward was not very strict, and entered the ward floor after a few family members who came back from a meal.

Song Jiao was having dinner, the table was propped up on the bed, and Aunt Li was muttering to her.

“The doctor didn’t let him get out of bed, so he just stayed in bed obediently. How can there be so many who can’t sit still…”

The door of the ward was open, and Xu Jinchao slowed down.

She saw Omega resting her cheeks in one hand and a spoon in the other, scooping up and down the take-out porridge bowl with her head down, a look of hopelessness on her face.

Aunt Li: “Don’t play with the food, it will get cold if you stir it again. Drink it quickly. You are as thin as a cat, and you are also picky eaters. Be obedient, I will make you a casserole porridge when I get home…”

Xu Jinchao heard Song Jiao say, “Xu Jinchao must be eating and drinking spicy food outside, but I want to drink pot water.”

Xu Jinchao: “?”

She was wronged. She ate a sandwich for dinner and forgot to buy water, so she almost choked to death.

Aunt Li: “Nonsense, this porridge is a little thin, and it’s not like washing the pot with water.”

Song Jiao: “Xu Jinchao is sure…”

Xu Jinchao can no longer allow the bad-hearted kitten to slander his personality and cough loudly at the door.

Song Jiao looked up, her eyes instantly brightened.

She pushed the porridge bowl and said sweetly:

“Wife, you’re here! Have you eaten dinner, do you want some porridge?”


The author has something to say:

Today: My wife, really lacks a sense of shame (sigh

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