The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 84

Like that the night went by. Issei managed to meet various people who were either friends with Roxanne or Draig’s past acquaintances. He even managed to meet Ophis, the supposed mastermind of the Koas Brigade.

And honestly he couldn’t help wondering what the hell was going on at that time. If it wasn’t for Draig warning about her identity he would seriously wouldn’t believe that little girl was Ohpis the Ouroboros Dragon.

And if she wasn’t enough, another shocking person came by. She introduced herself as Scarlet. And according to Draig she is known as Gread red and is considered the strongest individual on this planet. And furthermore she and Ophis are supposedly enemies.

Fearing this Issei was on edge for the whole duration of the party. Dragons tend to fight for the silliest reason and are quite unpredictable. This is what Issei heard from Rias. She sometimes talked about a dragon valley in the underworld.

But even with all those incidents Issei and Asia enjoyed themselves to the fullest. Roxanne had lacked anything but money so there were a ton of things for the guests to enjoy. If it wasn’t for Roxanne explaining most of them they would have missed half of what was there.

Issei despite being a teenager had never been to a high profile party like this after all. And as for Asia , that poor girl never had a party so she was a complete novice.

Roxanne really wondered whether she should do a thorough clean up in the church after seeing how Asia was surprised for the smallest thing. After she became the leader of heaven she left Michael and Gabriel to do the clean up since she was not very interested at that time.

But from the looks of things even Michael and Gabriel may not recognise the church if they realise how many dark things they have done under their backs. I mean which church forbids a nun from having a party. Even a small party would do. What’s more this is a Holy maiden who has a valuable sacred gear. If they treat a holy maiden like that then what about the normal nuns or even the orphans.

While Roxanne wondered these thoughts inside she didn't show any of it on her face. It isn't very nice to always show a sad or sympathetic expression when they are enjoying themselves.

Like the night went by and the grand party was finally over. Since it is close to midnight Roxanne decided to drive both Issei and Asia back home.

When Issei heard Roxanne was driving he had a complicated expression. It's not that he didn't want to go when Roxanne was driving. It's just that his pride as a man is being hurt when a girl is already driving their own vehicle while he still didn't even get his driver's licence.

Arriving at the garage issei saw rows of Luxury cars. Seeing this many cars issei couldn’t help but ask, “Hey Roxanne I don’t mean to be rude but why the hell are there this many cars? If we take in account the cars that were parked on the driveway it would be close to a hundred cars. Are you somehow trying to open a car showroom? “

Roxanne chuckled at his words, “ Well hate it to break it to you Issei but the cars parked outside on the driveway aren’t mine. They belong to the people who came to my party. “

“ But aren't most people there from the supernatural world? . Isn’t using teleportation magic way easier than driving a vehicle. “ Issei asked, puzzled.

“ Well issei you might not understand it for now but for long lived species boredom is a dreadful thing. So they always try to find new things to spice up their lives. For example while the use of teleportation magic is way more convenient than driving a car it gets boring after a decade or so. But driving a car is more exciting. You could enjoy the wind, breeze and scenery of this world . “ Roxanne explained like she was some sage teaching the ways of life to a lost child.

“ I see “ Issei said offhandedly, clearly not understanding what Roxanne was saying.

After that the three of them got into one of the cars there. It was a Lamborghini Sián FKP 37. One of Roxanne’s favourites. Not only did she like the design, it is also one of the fastest cars she has.

After the three of them got into the car Roxanne started the engine. The car roared as though it was announcing its presence to the world. Roxanne then drove the car out of the garage towards the gate. After the gatekeeper opened the gates she accelerated as they passed through gates.

While she was driving on she suddenly asked Issei , “ hey Issei do you guys want to go for a spin. The night is still young after all “

Issei incredulously asked, “ what do you mean it is already past midnight? I doubt anyone would be on the road now. “

Roxanne smirked as she said, “ Oh Issei you are still thinking as a normal human. Did you forget there are more than enough supernatural creatures who prefer the night than the day?“

“ Oh right “ issei admitted his mistake with a sheepish smile. But he turned to Asia and asked with a smile, “ but whether we will go is another matter . So Asia do you want to go to this place Roxanne is talking about or you want to go back home. “

Asia with a bit of shyness asked in a low voice, “ If it isn’t a bother I would like to come along.”. She is also curious about the place Roxanne was talking about. But despite her curiosity she didn’t want to inconvenience Issei.

Issei, seeing Asia’s eagerness, smiled and declared, “ Well then it's decided. Roxanne we are all yours . Take us anywhere you want “

“ Now you're talkin my language, '' she said as she hit the gas pedal. The car began to accelerate and began to head where they will start their night adventure.

For the whole night Roxanne brought both Asia to places where they enjoyed themselves to the fullest. They went to arcades , race tracks and such reserved for the supernatural community.

And such places using magic was the norm so both Issei and Asia felt that they were in a fantasy novel. They also were able to enjoy some delicacies that many supernatural shop vendors sell.

For the rest of the night the three of them were enjoying themselves that they were a little reluctant to return home. Even Roxanne was a little hesitant. It wasn’t like she didn’t enjoy such things before but hanging out with friends like this is not something Roxanne had the luxury to do before.

After her awakening she was constantly on the run and was busy with strengthening herself. She trained for almost all the time in her childhood. So it isn’t a wrong thing to say that this is one of the rare moments she was able to enjoy herself with her friends.

So she was hesitant to end it. But despite that she ultimately consoled herself to do something like this again in the future. So she drove both of them back to Issei’s house.

Since it was already almost sunrise Issei’s parents were awake when they arrived at Issei’s house. They were a bit worried about their children since they didn’t come back home last night. But their worries subsided when they saw Roxanne escorting them back.

If they were asked who they would trust amongst them the most then they would undoubtedly say it is Roxanne. Issei out of the question since they knew how much trouble their son could do if he was left unsupervised. Asia, although quite obedient, relied heavily on issei. So she won’t be able to keep issei in check.

But Roxanne is another story. At an early age she was the most responsible amongst the three kids ( issei, Irina and Roxanne. ). When those two went and brought trouble she was the one who went to help them. She was too responsible and caring that the whole neighbourhood wanted their children to be like her.












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