The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 85

After a heartwarming talk with issei’s parents Roxanne began to drive towards her home. Since she was alone she began to drive at her usual speed. That is 290 Km/h on the road. When she was with Issei and Asia she only went at about 100- 200 Km/h since she didn’t want to scare them too much. That is why they were a bit late when returning home.

As Roxanne came near the mansion the gates began to open automatically. She shortly drove her car back to the garage and parked it there. Getting out of the car Roxanne let out a yawn as she stretched her body a bit.

‘While last night was fun i need my beauty sleep immediately ‘ Roxanne thought as she walked towards her room. While on the way she saw the living room where the party was held was being cleaned by the maid unit.

While Lucia normally handled all the duties in the mansion by herself for festivals like these she is obviously not enough. So Roxanne employed a batch of part time maids from the shadow garden to help Luciana. The only reason they aren’t full time is because Luciana has an obsession of doing everything by herself.

And Roxanne not wanting to have an argument about super maids usually let her do what she wants. Since she seemed to be happy doing maid work, who was Roxanne to stop her.

After taking a shower Roxanne flopped down on her bed. With the exhaustion of yesterday's actions catching up with her she immediately went to dream land. While she was sleeping, unknown to her conscience was being transferred to a place where a beautiful goddess was waiting for her best friend.










Opening her eyes Roxanne found that her surroundings were covered in a white. But unlike before there are occasional modern items like the 65 inch Tv screen or the bean bags placed everywhere. There is also a new manga bookshelf to the side.

If earlier this place can be considered a white room , now this could be considered a paradise for any shut-in otaku. ‘Well with a literal goddess being here this is really a paradise. ‘Roxanne thought as she walked in the now familiar space.

Her destination is of course where the colourful arrows are pointing at. Since her friend went through the trouble of setting this up it is only natural she went through with it.

Going where the arrow heads are pointing at Roxanne finally arrived at a grand library. But unlike a normal library this one here has the bookshelves floating in the air and organising themselves on their own.

And in the middle of this library stood Amyliya with a wide smile. She spread her hands wide and said, “ Do you like your birthday gift? This is the library that you always wanted. A magical library with its own consciousness. “

Roxanne nodded as she marvelled at her gift. This was one of her childhood dreams. While she didn't like to read that much, she always wanted a magical library. This is because she once saw a movie where a magical library helps the heroine find the sealed book containing the information about a guardian beast that will help them.

Although she forgot the name of that movie she still remembered the magical library. Her facianation was how such a being was able to come to life.

In fact she once tried to create such a being with runes but was unsuccessful. While the runes can make it act in a similar manner but it can never make it real. To fully create the magical library there is a need for a soul but unfortunately Roxanne isn't very keen on harvesting a soul just to make her childhood dream come true.

Unless she managed to create a soul from scratch she wouldn't continue on her quest. That is due to her principle of not wanting to harm an innocent person just to achieve her goal with the easy way.

“ Thank you , thank you thank you sooo much Amylia” Roxanne said as she gave Amylia a big tight hug.

“ Hahaha I'm glad you like it “ Amylia said as patted Roxanne on the head.

“ So wanna play GTA 6 with me “ Amylia asked after a few minutes.

Hearing the words GTA 6 made Roxanne's eyes shine with excitement. “ Hell ya “ she said as she dragged Amylia to the gaming place.

“ Fu fu fu someone's excited ” Amylia said as she let herself be dragged by Roxanne.

“ Are you kidding me? It's GTA 6. How could anyone not be excited “ Roxanne asked with exasperation.

“ Well that's true. Even god's like us want to play that game, “ Amylia nodded after thinking about it.

As they arrived at the gaming area both of them sprang into action. Amyliya went to turn on the playstation while Roxanne went and did the other preparations like snacks , drinks and such.

Soon both of them sat on two bean bags and started their gaming night. For hours they would enjoy playing this game. Curse at each other and trash talk with other players. They only decided to stop after nonstop gaming for 7 hours.

Roxanne sighed as she drank her soda while melting into her seat. Playing with Amy for 7 hours straight is much more tiring since they always have to keep each other in check. Well it is also a good training exercise to stimulate her reflexes. In fact it isn’t wrong to say that Roxanne has gained high reflexes due to this.

“ Hey Roxanne I’m a bit curious why did you tell Issei about your identity this soon. If you really wanted to tell, they are better opportunities than in the party “ Amy asked with a bit of curiosity. True, if Roxanne wanted to reveal her true identity then the best time would be when the Kyoto incident happen.

“ well It’s actually quite simple. You see, with my mother back Grigori will once again start working properly. And with her presence being known in the peace meeting the other factions would try to dig up every small detail they could on what happened to her. And knowing my mother she won't care too much about that unless it affects me.

That is why she would try to distance herself from me or manage things at home so as to not let anyone know about me and disturb my plans. While this method is good it isn’t practical.

My mother, despite not showing it, loves Grigori as much as she loves me. So for me seeing her being torn apart while handling both sides is too painful. So that is when she said she wanted to celebrate my birthday I let her invite everyone she wanted and blow up my cover. “ Roxanne said as she looked at her soda can.

“And besides, being the princess of the fallen angels isn’t without any benefit “ she added with a cheeky smile.

Looking at her friend Amylia shook her head and thought, ‘ You are still the same , You place your family over all the benefits you could gain ‘.

After talking for a while Roxanne left as she desperately needed some sleep. It is her school holiday after Kuoh Academy was being remade.












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