The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 83

“ Well, I think Vali gave his introduction when he fought you guys, “ Azazel asked, making Issei and Asia both nod their heads. He said he was a half devil and is also the descendant of the original Lucifer.

“ Well here is the thing Vali here has someone who he wants to take revenge on. And that person is suspected of being part of the Khoas Brigade. So instead of him betraying Grigori it is best you could say that he is an undercover spy. “ Azazel explained. What he didn’t tell them is that Vali who was seriously about to betray Grigori hastily abandoned his plan. He didn’t dare to do anything with Azrael and Roxanne looking after him.

“ Oh and don’t speak about this to your girlfriend. She may be Sirzechs sister but she is too naive to know this information. “ Azazel warned them.

Issei nodded although not fully knowing the depth of this information his instincts warned him to keep quiet. Never underestimate a dragon's instincts.

Seeing issei nod his head, Asia too agreed to keep quiet. Her trust in Issei is almost as high as heaven.

Suddenly the music stopped as all the lights suddenly pointed towards the center where Roxanne and her mother are.

"I thank everyone for coming to my daughter’s birthday party despite the short notice. I won’t bore you all with a lengthy speech so without further ado let’s cut the cake. “ Azrael said in her soft voice.

And as though her speech was a signal, the song ‘Happy Birthday To You’ began to play, performed by the Shadow Garden girls who were disguised as a band. With everyone joining in singing, the birthday cake was cut amidst cheers and applause.

Shortly after that the maids began to distribute cake pieces to the guests. Most of them are also Shadow Garden girls while some of them are servants who worked in the numerous establishments Roxanne owned.

While everyone was enjoying themselves Roxanne the birthday girl was walking back to her friends. Like what Azazel said most of the people who came here are people Azrael invited. While this party is for Roxanne’s birthday it is also meant to be a celebration party for a reunion party for her mother.

This is why she was so free. Unlike her mother who had the duty of entertaining her guests Roxanne was allowed to enjoy her day with her friends. Just as she arrived at issei’s table she was surprised to see a familiar figure.

“ Master ScáthachI didn’t expect you to be here “ Roxanne said in a bit of surprise as she saw her master talking to Issei. Well she was talking to Draig in fact.

“Haha my disciple you didn’t tell me you invited Draig’s host to this party. “ Scáthach said heartily as she looked at her disciple with a bit of anger.

‘Oh right Draig was originally from Welsh. Man I kinda forgot about that. ‘ Roxanne thought inwardly. She kinda forgot about that as she rarely associated with Draig. But she wasn’t going to say that. That is unless she wanted to go on a three month adventure in the Land of Shadows being hunted by her beloved teacher.

So she hastily said, “ Oh I was just about to introduce you guys together. But it looked like master found him before I could do anything. “. Since she was technically not lying ( no she just imagined it ) her master wouldn’t catch on her lie.

“ I see well I will leave at that for now “ Scáthach said as her eyes narrowed a bit before returning back to normal.

Roxanne inwardly heaved a sigh of relief after hearing her teacher’s words. To fool someone who could spot lies immediately you first need to believe the lie yourself. That is what Roxanne did. She hypnotises herself to believe the lie is the truth.

“ So she's one of your disciples huh “ came Draig’s voice interrupting their conversation.

“ Yes she is the best of all of my disciples “ Scáthach said proudly like a mother boasting about her daughter's achievements.

“ But I thought Lugh’s brat was your best one “ Draig asked innocently. He is one of the few beings who would tease Scáthach like this. As powerhouses form the same country they had many encounters.

Despite Scáthach’s title as a God Slayer , Dragon Slayer and such she isn’t one to go and hunt a dragon or god just because of boredom. No, she earned those titles because all of them came to fight her. And Draig was also one of those fighters.

In his youth Ddraig Y Goch was a fighter who would challenge anyone he came across. He defeated many foes Gods and such. But in his fight against Scáthach it ended with a draw. And at the end of the battle both parties gained respect for each other. And for some time both of them would spar with each other from time to time.

So Draig could be considered one of the little acquaintances Scáthach has. So she didn’t get angry at his words like she used to. She just rebuked him, “ Hmp Sétante may be talented but his talent is insignificant before this monster. If I remember correctly she defeated him in her second year after starting my training. “

Even Draig was stunned at this. To defeat that guy in just 2 years is something one could say bulshit. Do not forget Sétante is a demigod himself so the older he gets the more stronger he gets. And to defeat him in only 2 years. “ She really is a monster,” Driag admitted.

Roxanne's eyes twitched as she heard the conversation. She knew she was very talented but to compare her to a monster. And that too in front of her.

And just as she was about to burst into anger Issei asked in a bit of confusion, “ So wait Roxanne was training when she was just 9 . Wait, that is about the age she left Kuoh. “

“ Yes, actually the real reason I went away from Kuoh town is to hone my abilities even more. Despite my advantages as a supernatural being I'm still a little girl with no combat experience at that time “ Roxanne explained to Issei.

“ Wow “ Issei and Asia both exclaimed in admiration. Issei knew how hard it was to get strong. The training hell he had to endure still brings nightmares to him. And from the looks of it Roxanne went through something so similar that too at such a young age.

What Issei didn’t know is that when comparing the training Roxanne went through, his training could be considered a luxury. Despite Scáthach’s reputation as a great teacher, almost no one wanted to worship her as a teacher.

For Scáthach the person who wished to become her disciple must have an interesting character. She doesn’t necessarily care for the lack of talent since she as a human who is known for their weakness killed many gods with just her spear. So she has the confidence of making any person a great warrior.

The other condition is they must be able to endure her brutal training. The training that even God’s would shrink terror. Even her disciples will never recommend someone to go through that training since it was too brutal.

But if they managed to endure all that hardship then you have a worrier that could even defeat the gods with their mortal hands. And according to Scáthach Roxanne is the fastest person who completed her training while making even her surprised.












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