The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 27

I really don’t know how the original innocent Oriana became like this.

The legendary powder cut black is like this.

After entering the third floor, Ye Ting immediately smelled a pungent smell, which was a mixture of smelly socks and public toilets that had never been cleaned.

Then he heard-a deep grunt and the sound of huge feet dragging on the ground.

At the end of the passage on the left, a behemoth was moving towards him.

Ye Ting quickly broke free of Oriana’s embrace, cast a shrinking curse on her, and then put her back in her pocket, the girl seemed a little bit unsatisfied.

What appeared in front of Ye Ting’s eyes was a monster he had never seen before. It was twelve feet tall, with a dull skin, gray as granite, and a huge and stupid body like a huge pile of mud. , With a cocoa bean-like head on top. Its short legs are as thick as a tree stump, and underneath are flat, stubborn, large feet. The smell from it was disgusting. It was holding a thick wooden stick in its hand, and because of its long arms, the stick was dragging on the ground.

That is a giant monster, a magical creature with amazing strength but very low intelligence. They have the same name as the Troll in World of Warcraft, but they are obviously slightly different in intelligence.

The troll stopped by a door and peered inside. It wiggled its long ears, made a decision with its small head, then lowered its head and slowly entered the room.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ting heard a sound that almost stopped his heart—a stern, frightening sound—from that room.

It was Hermione, she was hiding in the women’s bathroom.

Ye Ting drew out his wand without hesitation and rushed over.

Hermione Granger shrank by the opposite wall, chanting the Levitation Charm with a trembling tone. A thick book hit the troll’s head, but such a weak attack on the rough-skinned monster To no avail.

The giant monster was approaching her, walking forward slowly, and the thick muscles smashed the porcelain sinks along the way.

“Am I going to die?” Hermione turned pale in fright when she realized that her spell had no effect on the monster. She closed her eyes in despair and waited for death to come.

At the moment of facing death, the first thing that appeared in her mind was not her parents or the professors at Hogwarts, but the boy, the handsome boy who gave up to save him when she fell from the broomstick. .

“Help me—Ye Ting—” she yelled inwardly.

Although she didn’t use the elixir, her wish was immediately realized.

“Shen Feng Wuying!” Ye Ting chanted the spell loudly, an invisible sharp blade cut through the air, and flew silently to the monster’s back, but in an instant it caused a one-meter-long back on the monster’s back. The wound, blood splattered everywhere, and the blood gurgled out.

The momentary pain caused the monster to roar and scream.

Finally, the monster with low IQ turned around and found the culprit.

Hearing a roar, the monster ran towards Ye Ting with a stick, leaving a blood behind.

At this time, Hermione, who was already desperate, also noticed that things had changed. The boy’s curse and the strange behavior of the troll made her understand that someone saved her and drew the troll’s attention away.

She fixed her eyes: it was the boy she was thinking of standing at the door of the toilet.

“Be careful!” Watching the monster walk towards Ye Ting, she yelled anxiously.

After looking around, she hurriedly picked up the surrounding rubble and threw it at the monster, trying to divert the monster’s attention, regardless of whether she could deal with the monster.

However, Ye Ting’s harm to it was so great that Hermione’s harassment could not be noticed at all.

The giant monster lifted the huge wooden stick high, and then smashed it down at Ye Ting.

However, in the face of this powerful blow, Ye Ting still didn’t change his face. He ignored the whirring wind and calmly chanted the spell.

“Armor for body protection!”

Hearing only the sound of “Boom—”, the giant monster hit with all its strength as if it hit the transparent wall.

The air shook violently twice, but the terrible wooden stick still stopped three centimeters above Ye Ting’s head, making no progress.

Indeed, due to the powerful magic resistance of giant monsters, even at Ye Ting’s current level, his spells can’t have any effect on giant monsters. Just like “disarming curse” and “coma spell”, their effects on giant monsters will be all There is a lot of difference, but spells that work indirectly through physical effects such as “Blade Curse” and “Iron Armor Curse” can still play a certain role.

Especially under the use of someone with powerful magical powers like Ye Ting, the giant monster did suffer heavy losses.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Ting flexibly bypassed the giant monster, came to its back, and hit the sink with an explosive spell.

In an instant, a row of wash basins was blown to pieces, the water pipes burst open, and the jet of water poured the monsters through.

The water-covered troll struggled to turn around, wanting to retaliate against its opponent again.

Ye Ting held his breath, concentrated his attention, and recited a “Frozen Curse” to it with all his strength.

Since it was the spell he released with all his strength, the effect was so great that it turned the decay into magic. The water on the giant monster quickly turned into ice within a few seconds, and the action of the giant monster instantly stiffened—it was frozen and could not move at all.

Item 0044

When Professor McGonagall rushed into the toilet, what was shown before her was a funny picture—it was a huge, constantly twisting mummy in the shape of a monster. It was tightly wrapped in layer after layer of white linen, unable to move, and could only twist on the ground like a bug.

Next to it, Hermione with tears in the corner of her eyes was trying to turn toilet paper into linen with a transformation curse under Ye Ting’s guidance, and then controlled the linen with a movement curse and a floating curse to tie the “mummy” a bow.

This scene is really weird. It is because Professor McGonagall is knowledgeable enough, and it took a long time to see what happened here-two little wizards actually defeated an adult monster!

Immediately afterwards, Professor Snape and Professor Quirrell also rushed in breathlessly.

The two professors looked at the tethered monster, and they were equally surprised and speechless.

“What the **** are you playing?” Professor McGonagall said, with cold anger in his voice.

“You are lucky this time, and you are not killed by it. Why don’t you stay in the dormitory honestly?”

“This is exactly what I want to ask.” Ye Ting asked Professor McGonagall with the same angry tone: “Before I got here, Hermione was almost killed by this monster. If I came a minute late, I can’t believe what will happen. Why did the college leave any monster in the corridor? Where did you put the safety of the students?”

He didn’t pretend, but was really angry. On one hand, he blamed himself. He felt that he knew that there was this scene in the plot, but he didn’t protect Hermione properly and almost let the tragedy happen.

Due to the butterfly effect, Hermione did not have the assistance of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley this time. If he came a step late, he would really have to face a tragedy—a tragedy caused by the butterfly effect he caused. .

If it was Harry or someone else who was surprised by the butterfly effect, he would be sad for a minute at most, and then nothing else-it’s impossible for the traverser to cause the butterfly effect anyway, and he doesn’t need to be responsible for it. But it was not a stranger who had the accident this time, it was the person he cared about—Hermione Granger.

He vowed to be careful and careful in the future, and he also decided to train Hermione and Zhang Qiu for duels later, and Penello would also join if necessary.

The three girls have not yet realized what kind of hard training they will face.

On the other hand, he was also angry at Hogwarts’ negligence of defense-the Harry Potter series spanned eight years, and every year of the eight years there were accidents at Hogwarts.

As an audience, he found these accidents very interesting and enriched the interest of the story. However, when he is really a student of Hogwarts now and has someone who cares here, these endless accidents make him feel that the future is full of crises.

He can’t wait to increase his strength so that he can protect others. At the same time, he also hopes that Hogwarts can take measures and be more cautious-of course this is impossible.

Hearing Ye Ting’s questioning, Professor McGonagall’s attitude softened unexpectedly. She apologized to Ye Ting, and then began to ask what happened calmly.

In response to this, Ye Ting was a little angry and silent, while Hermione described what had happened.

Then, she began to plead with Ye Ting: “Professor McGonagall, all this happened because I came to find the troll, because I—I thought I could deal with it alone—you know, because I read about it in the book They know them well. If Ye Ting hadn’t arrived in time, I would probably be dead.”

“Please don’t be angry with him because of what he just said. Ye Ting didn’t mean to refute you. He was just worried about me and was overly emotional. Can you forgive him?”

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