The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 26

In fact, Ye Ting’s learning progress has now reached the level of third grade. This made the teachers feel a little ashamed—Professor Snape was an exception—because they felt that they could not teach Ye Ting anything, all knowledge was mastered by himself.

Since he has completely learned the first-year courses, all the homework is a piece of cake for him.

On the evening of the assignment of homework in each class, Ye Ting will give out the answers to the homework. These answers are often referenced and copied by his three roommates, and then spread throughout Hogwarts the next day.

This has led to a long period of time, Hogwarts professors will face a lot of highly similar homework every week, the answer is completely correct.

But this kind of happy plagiarism did not last long. After clarifying the situation from some Slytherin who hated Ye Ting, starting with Professor Snape, all the professors exempted Ye Ting from doing homework. This The special treatment made the Hogwarts first-year students wailed—not because of jealousy, but because they could no longer get such a perfect reference answer.

Of course, Ye Ting had many stories in the past two months. In short, before he knew it, the first holiday at Hogwarts, Halloween was approaching.

On the eve of Halloween, Ye Ting could smell it when he woke up early in the morning, and there was a sweet and alluring smell of roasted pumpkin in the hallway.

This morning, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor are going to take Professor Flitwick’s spell class together.

In this class, Professor Flitwick announced: He thinks they can start to make objects fly.

In the previous class, since the students saw Professor Flitwick controlling Neville’s toads flying around in the classroom, they had been eagerly hoping to try this magic.

Professor Flitwick divided the class into two groups to start training.

As usual, Ye Ting is self-study. The book he is currently reading is “Magic Graphic Talisman Collection”. He has not finished “Advanced Magic Text Translation”, but it is similar to “Magic Graphic Talisman Collection”, “Magic Text Dictionary”, and “Magic Graphic Talisman”. Basic books like “ZiYin Table” can’t trouble him at all.

As for Hermione, as another schoolmaster recognized by the teachers, she was arranged to practice alone as usual. In fact, the teachers all know that what she calls practicing alone is to practice with Ye Ting.

“Well, don’t forget the subtle wrist movements that we have been training!” Professor Flitwick stood on his pile of books as usual and said sharply. “A wave and a wave, remember, a wave and a shake. It is also very important to read the spell correctly-don’t forget the wizard Barufio, he said’f’ to’s’ and found himself lying On the floor, there is a bison on his chest.”

The students burst into laughter, and the classroom was filled with joyful air.

Suddenly, just hearing the sound of “Bah!”, a huge bison appeared in the classroom out of thin air, and the little wizards were startled. Everyone ran away, and then gathered around this big stinking guy.

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“Oh, who did this?” Professor Flitwick asked aloud, but obviously he was not angry.

“It’s me, professor.” In the crowd, Ye Ting raised his hand: “I thought it was just a joke. Obviously, this is a genius curse, at least more complicated than the floating curse.”

He chanted a disappearance curse. The bison who was about to attack the podium instantly disappeared in the classroom, and then he recanted a restoration curse. The tables and chairs that were hit by the bison in a mess instantly returned to their original shape.

“Beautiful spell.” Professor Flitwick nodded to him appreciatively and commented: “Although it sounds like a joke, the Bison spell itself is indeed a great spell, but we won’t talk about it now.”

He clapped his hands and announced the start of the practice.

The scene was very chaotic at one time. Harry Potter and Seamus Finnigan were in a group. They waved and waved and did it over and over again, but the feathers that should have been sent up in the air were still lying motionless on the floor.

Seamus was angry and stabbed the feather with his wand. The feather was on fire—Harry had to put out the fire with his hat.

At the other table, Ron’s luck didn’t seem much better.

“Yugadim Leviosa!” he yelled, waving his long arms like a windmill.

“You are wrong,” said Hermione, who was aside, unceremoniously.

Under Ye Ting’s guidance, she succeeded after only two attempts. When he saw Ron’s awkward attempt on the side, she couldn’t help being a teacher.

“It’s Yuga-Dimlve-O-Sa, the word’plus’ needs to be said long and clearly.”

“Since you are so clever, you can give it a try,” Ron snarled.

Hermione rolled up her sleeves, waved her magic wand, and said, “Yugadim Leviosa!”

The feather rose from the table and hung four feet above Hermione’s head.

However, Ron’s reaction to Hermione’s instructions was very strange:

“Oh, dear Miss Know-it-all, why don’t you stay with your equally talented lover?”

Hermione’s face went black on the spot.

After class, Ye Ting walked to the library with the book, but Hermione did not follow.

He thought Hermione had something to leave on her own-it was not the first time she did this-so Ye Ting did not delve into it.

On the eve of Halloween, the Hogwarts lobby was refurbished.

When Ye Ting walked into the restaurant in the evening, there were colorful Halloween decorations in front of him.

A thousand bats flew sharply on the walls and ceiling, and another thousand, like low clouds, hovered and danced above the dining table, causing the candle flames in the pumpkin belly to flicker.

The delicious food suddenly appeared on the golden plate, just like at the banquet at the beginning of school.

Ye Ting did not eagerly enjoy the food like other little wizards. He walked around the long table and asked people if they had seen Hermione Granger. The hungry Feiju followed him.

However, everyone said that they had not seen her. Only Ravenclaw’s girl Lisa Dupin mentioned that she had seen Hermione in the corridor at the entrance of the toilet.

Hearing this news, Ye Ting immediately thought of the plot in the original book-Hermione ran into a giant monster in that corridor.

Even though the current Hermione is much stronger than in the original book under his training, she is still not the opponent of the troll-at least with her current magic power and spell level, there is no way to resist the troll.

Ye Ting immediately ran out of the dining room, but on the way, he suddenly saw Professor Quirrell rushing into the dining room, his big scarf was slanted on his head, and his face was full of horror.

Everyone stared at him, and saw him walk up to Professor Dumbledore’s chair, leaned on the table, panted and said, “The troll—in the underground classroom—thinks you should know.”

After speaking, he fell to the floor and passed out.

There was a mess in the restaurant. Professor Dumbledore had to make a few harsh fireworks explosions on the head of his wand before everyone was quiet.

“Premier,” he said in a low voice, “take the students from your college to the dormitory immediately!”

On Ravenclaw’s side, Penello calmly gathered the Kitty Hawks and asked them to line up towards the tower. Only Ye Ting left quietly, except for Zhang Qiu and Penello himself. No one outside discovered this.

When it was possible to confirm that there was no one around, Ye Ting took the figure-sized Oriana in his pocket and put it on the ground.

“Now take me to the public toilet on the third floor.” He said anxiously to Oriana: “The situation is urgent, hurry up, please!”

“Understood, Father.” Oriana briskly chanted a spell-of course it was a spell in Valoran’s magic. It was used to “dispel” magic. Her puppet burst into light in an instant, and a purple magic wave waved. Fired at Oriana herself.

After being hit by the magic wave, the effect of the shrinking curse on Oriana was immediately lifted, and she returned to her normal size.

She was holding Ye Ting, who was taller than her, in her arms, and then moved at high speed in a suspended state.

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Although Oriana is a doll, Ye Ting feels embarrassed to be held by such a doll girl.

Under this awkward feeling, he twisted his body uncomfortably and protested to Oriana, but was ignored by the doll girl-in fact, the doll girl who was held in his pocket by his father had long thought about it. Give it a try, she did it all on purpose.

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