The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 28

“Oh-if so…” Professor McGonagall stared at them and said in a deep voice, “Miss Granger, you silly girl, how can you think that you can deal with a giant mountain-like monster alone? “

Hermione lowered her head. She is the least likely to violate the school rules, and now, in order to get Ye Ting out of trouble, she actually lied that she violated the school rules.

What a nice little girl, who is usually proud and respectful of her teacher, she learned to lie, sophistry and intercede for the first time.

“Miss Granger, Ravenclaw will be deducted five points because of this,” Professor McGonagall said. “I am very disappointed in you. If you are not injured at all, you’d better return to Ravenclaw as soon as possible. Go to Crow’s Tower. The students are all enjoying a Halloween dinner in their college.”

Professor McGonagall turned to Ye Ting.

“Well, I still have to say that you are lucky. Few first-year students can compete with an adult troll. You won 10 points for Ravenclaw. I will inform Professor Dumbledore of this. of.”

Ye Ting pulled Hermione out of the room and walked towards the direction of the academy. When they passed the first corner, where the professors could not see, Hermione suddenly jumped into Ye Ting’s arms and hugged her tightly. He is unwilling to let go.

The fatal blow of the troll frightened her. At the scene, she hadn’t noticed it because of her emotions. Now that she had calmed down, the thrilling scene lingered in her mind over and over again. , So that she could not forget, so she had to find a sense of security in Ye Ting.

Ye Ting kissed her affectionately on the forehead, and then took her all the way to the Ravenclaw lounge with a half-wrapped half-arm.

When she heard other people’s footsteps and voices, Hermione finally reacted, leaving his arms flushed and jogging back to the lounge first.

Item 0045

Early the next morning, the story of Ye Ting’s single-handed defeat of the monster was spread in Hogwarts.

Most of the little wizards praised Ye Ting’s powerful mana, and some senior wizards also said that even they can hardly do this.

However, some senior students still feel jealous that a mere monster is not enough.

Slytherin’s Draco Malfoy even called the existence of the trolls a conspiracy of “that mudblood” in front of his two followers.

That night, he was hit with a sap—according to his own memories, he was hit in the head by a metal ball with gears.

In addition, in this incident, Professor Quirrell also completely lost his reputation: because he was a professor of the Dark Arts Defense class, was actually frightened by the troll, but as a student, Ye Ting defeated the troll.

At this time, everyone recalled Ye Ting’s evaluation of Professor Quirrell. Everyone began to admire his foresight-Professor Quirrell was indeed a “virtual appearance” guy.

In the following days, the atmosphere at Hogwarts gradually began to stir, because the Quidditch season was about to begin.

After entering November, the weather became very cold. The mountains around the school were gray and covered with snow and ice, and the lake was as cold and hard as hardened steel. Every morning, there is frost on the ground.

Hagrid can be seen from the window upstairs, wrapped in a long moleskin coat, rabbit fur gloves, and huge **** fur boots, defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch court.

Ye Ting also began to join the training of the Ravenclaw team.

Among the team’s three chasers, Ye Ting is responsible for the main attack with Superman’s personal ability, while Roger and another chaser are responsible for cooperating with him, assisting him in completing the breakthrough, covering him and supporting him.

After Ye Tingji came to the Ravenclaw team, he not only improved the overall level of the team with his strong personal ability, but also greatly benefited the team in terms of tactics and strategy.

In fact, the four Hogwarts teams have their own characteristics: Gryffindor has strong positive strength, Hufflepuffs are good at protracted battles, Slytherin wins by physical confrontation and foul tactics, and pull The Winclaw team is known for its varied tactics.

However, the wizarding world is too conservative and self-proclaimed, and the logical abilities of most wizards are really worrying. In terms of tactical research on ball sports, wizards mostly rely on feelings, and rarely perform scientific statistics, analysis, and summaries. This has led to their tactical level being quite backward.

As Muggle attaches importance to science and logic, the tactical research of ball sports is more practical and thorough. Although the gap between football and basketball and Quidditch is not the same, Muggle’s advanced tactics can be better than Quidditch tactics. Draw on.

Ye Ting relied on his wisdom, combined with Muggle football, basketball and air combat tactics, and designed many Quidditch attack and defensive tactics for Ravenclaw.

The level of these tactics far exceeds those of Ravenclaw’s existing routines, even in the Quidditch World Cup, few teams can come up with superior tactics. This made Ravenclaw’s players admire Ye Ting. They thought that even if Ye Ting did not join the Ministry of Magic as an Auror after graduation, or stayed at Hogwarts as a professor (they thought it was Ye Ting’s The best way out after graduation), you can also shine in Quidditch games and become a legendary player or coach.

Roger appointed Ye Ting on the spot as the next captain of the Ravenclaw team.

In fact, Ye Ting is now equivalent to Ravenclaw’s actual captain: he is responsible for designing tactics, arranging training programs, and also in charge of commanding during the game-these are all the work of the captain.

However, Roger, who was seized in this way, was happy to see it, because Ravenclaw hadn’t won the Quidditch Cup for several years. Now Ye Ting can lead everyone to shame, and he is of course happy to see it as the captain.

As a result, in addition to basic practice, the Ravenclaw team took all the time to become familiar with these new tactics. In order to make the effect of the new tactics more obvious, they also formulated a confidential plan. They asked the other little wizards of Ravenclaw to patrol near the Quidditch pitch during their training, and disperse any idlers approaching the Quidditch pitch. Prevent information leakage.

In order to give full play to their tactical advantages, Ye Ting designed a set of gestures for them to communicate. After training, the players will spot check each other’s mastery of gestures in the Ravenclaw lounge.

In Ye Ting’s plan, he was going to train Ravenclaw into a banned army-just like the Spurs in the NBA.

Although his ultimate goal in this world is to master the rules of magic, Quidditch is just a hobby, but even if it is a hobby, you must do your best when you have the opportunity-this is his attitude.

Today, everyone on the Ravenclaw team is looking forward to the upcoming Quidditch Cup, and they can’t wait to shine.

Chapter 0046 Snape’s Secrets And The First Quidditch Game

In fact, there was no Ravenclaw in the first Quidditch game of the semester, but two rivals, Gryffindor and Slytherin.

On the day before the game, Harry Potter found Ye Ting and Hermione mysteriously in the library, and he and Ron took them to a corner.

“Do you know? I just saw Snape at Filch.” Harry lowered his voice and said secretly, “He was **** and **** on his leg, and he was bitten by something at first glance. I still have it. He overheard a sentence:’How can you stare at three heads at the same time?’”

Hermione was confused when she heard: “What does this mean? I don’t understand, what exactly did you bring us here to—”

“He said’three heads’!” Ron emphasized a little loudly: “You know, Harry and I were caught by Filch’s Claw on a night tour. That was the day we entered that night by Dumbledore. Professor Lido emphasized the corridors that are forbidden to enter. Guess what we saw?”

Obviously, due to Ye Ting’s sake, Ron and Hermione did not have much contact, so the two did not misunderstand each other as in the original book. There was a big contradiction-except for Halloween. That spell lesson.

At that time Ron irritated Hermione fiercely, and the self-esteem little girl was left alone in the hallway sad, and was almost killed by the troll. Although Hermione didn’t irritate others, he hadn’t liked Ron since that day, presumably the plot of the original “Flowers on Cow Dung” could not happen again.

Of course Ron himself did not understand this.

Ron’s impression of Hermione at this time was that he was a good student who was too serious and difficult to get along with, but he didn’t dislike her.

But now, he actually sold it out in front of Hermione, who was a little naive.

Obviously, he still underestimated Hermione.

“Do you mean the three-headed dog? I know, there is this guy there. This is what you call the “three heads”, right?”

“What, you already knew it.” Ron was a little bit disappointed when he failed to show his knowledge in front of the girls.

“So, do you know what this means?”

Harry took the conversation and said, holding his breath.

“On Halloween, he wanted to pass by the big three-headed dog! When we saw him, he was going there—he was looking for the thing guarded by the big dog! I dare to use my flying broomstick Bet, he let the troll in, to divert people’s attention!”

Obviously, Ye Ting was not the only one who left the big team in the chaos, and the savior duo took the opportunity to take an adventure.

But Hermione didn’t believe this.

“No—he won’t,” she said, “I know he is not very good, but he will never steal the things that Dumbledore strictly collects.”

“Do you think so too?” Ron looked at Ye Ting with an expectant look.

To his disappointment, Ye Ting nodded in agreement.

“Perhaps Snape is sullen, partial, petty and doesn’t wash his hair, but he is a qualified professor. He is accomplished in potions and will never hurt his students.”

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