The Gate of Shadows

Chapter 51: Confrontation…

Enveloped in Melody’s warmth, I remained stunned, barely able to form words.

"What?" I gasped.

The black wolf held me tightly to her bosom, ringing her heartbeat in my ears, alerting me that she was worked up over what she had heard.

"After listening to all of that, how could you blame yourself for everything that happened?" She huffed, growled, and held me like a pup in her protective embrace.

Her warmth was like the one Fenris gave me whenever I woke up from a nightmare.

"I killed all those people... Melody. That’s something that can’t be changed. How can I live when thousands died? I don’t—" I argued, trying to pull away from her.

She denied me, though. There was no way she would let me go after hearing that.

Do you even know what the netherworld is? Of course, you don’t! You wouldn’t be holding me like this if you did!

Yet everyone knew about the gate after what happened fourteen years ago; the only thing hidden was me. I was the only piece of the puzzle that was concealed from the public view.

"No, you didn’t kill all those people! You were just ten, Lilith! If anyone must pay for this! It’s that sisterhood that did this to you! You were trying to save everyone, not caring what happened to you!” Melody declared, leaving me wide open.

Holding me closer, she wrapped her tail around me, too.

“So, what if it backfired?! You were just ten years old! How can anyone judge a ten-year-old girl who was abused in ways no one should?! Lilith, you’re so brave and kind! Live! Live and survive in this cruel world! That’s what should matter to you!" she cried again.

Again, this wolf blew me wide open, holding me tighter with her trembling hands.

This is the first time… Anyone has…

I was eerily reminded of Klein when he told Lilith to live, resulting in her living for revenge. Unlike her, I hated no one but had no desire to live other than Fenris.

"I don’t know if I can... I’m just—" I began, only for Melody to interrupt me soon by squeezing me.

"Of course you can! Lilith, you must live! Not because of the thing inside you, but because you have the right to! Fight for whatever you want to! Heck, I’ll help you win over that stupid wolf!" She smiled gently, cupping my cheeks in her hands.

Tears fell from her cheeks when she tugged away from me, leaving me in awe of her.

Can anyone like you exist? If they do, then how many can I meet?

"I..." I trailed off, feeling her place her forehead against mine.

Grabbing onto my chest, I felt a new sensation grow within me.

Can I live? Is that really a thing that is possible for me?

"You’ve just as much right to find happiness as anyone else. I’m rooting for you and Fenris. Don’t let the psycho bitch win!" she reassured me, swinging my heart open.

This wolf was smashing all the walls I placed between my heart and this world. Tears flowed out of my eyes before I even realized it. Again, I broke, incapable of stopping my emotions; I cried in her lap as she whispered sweet things to soothe me.

Her words had no hint of hate or anger, which I was accustomed to hearing. All I felt was her affection. I never expected her to cry for me or to say I had a chance at life, a first for me. Despite hearing everything I said, she pushed me forward with little fear.

Shade, wanting in on the warmth, dropped beside her, purring. Much to my surprise, she didn’t pull or push the little cat away after learning what she truly was; instead, Melody petted her with her free hand.

"You did your best, Lilith. Now it’s time to reach for everything you want in the world. It owes you that much." She caressed my hair, humming a lullaby.

Her Grandmother used to sing it for her when she was distressed, something that stuck to her whenever she was baking. Kindness kept pouring my way, and I didn’t know what to do with it.

If I surround myself with people like her, I can move forward.

When Fenris finally returned with Liam, who helped him carry some bags. Thanks to Layla's slumber party, we had diminished most of our supplies in the prior days. However, chaos followed when my wolf saw me crying on Melody’s lap.

Dropping the bags where he was, he bolted towards us, stopping by the bed frame.

"What did you do?!" Fenris growled at Melody, eyes shimmering.

Ah… You’re wrong, she didn’t… hurt me. She filled me with hope, one I never thought I’d have.

Without looking at him, Melody continued to caress my hair.

"All I did was tell her to live," She answered.

I tugged away, wiping my face with the sleeves of my dress.

"What?" Fenris questioned.

“Wait—” I mumbled, attempting to come between the two.

However, before I could finish, Melody turned towards him without flinching at her dreaded alpha.

"Lilith told me everything about her past." She began, eyes twitching.

“Lily, told you, her past?” He breathed, shifting his eyes towards me before darting back at Melody when she gripped his shirt with her fists.

"Fenris... Did you know she wants to die? How sad is that? Isn't Lilith your fucking charge?!" she huffed, flashing her fangs at him.

The silver amber eyes widened upon hearing her, shaking his head before gritting his teeth.

"How could you fail so badly to protect her?! No... How cruel can you be parading that psychotic, heartless bitch around her?! Especially when she’s so vulnerable?!" she went off on him.

Lycans and their anger...

This black wolf would be one heck of a Lycan to reckon with. If she ever recovered, her full connection to her beast form.

"Melody..." I whispered.

Fenris was aware of how I felt about everything that happened, but not that I still wanted to die. Part of me thought I had moved past it, but reliving it all left that desire alive, eating away at me, even if I slept in the arms of the man I loved every night.

"Melody... I..." The silver wolf trailed off, shifting his gaze away from us.

The brave Lycan holding him wasn’t done with him yet, tugging on his shirt and forcing him to lock eyes with her.

"Lilith wants to die, Fenris! It’s all she wants, not to survive but to die! She thinks everyone would be better off if she were! Fix this! She doesn’t deserve any of this!" she demanded.

She asked for something he couldn’t do in our last fourteen years together. Clenching his hands into a fist, he glanced towards me with an expression that made my heart sting.

I… never wanted you to look at me like that.

Clasping onto my chest, my words felt so heavy upon seeing those eyes of him gloss.

"Melody, it isn’t as easy as it seems. Come, I will explain." Liam sighed, grabbing onto her shoulder.

The black wolf quickly pulled away from him, "No! This is enough! Fenris, you need to do better! She’s more than your ward, isn't she?! I know she is!" She snapped at them both.

Melody... If only everything were as simple as you wish it to be.

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