She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 21

Chapter 20 – Accident

After Jian Qing finished speaking, the next one was Chu Yan.

Lu Yinxi was not interested in listening, so he slipped out again and went to the lounge outside the academic hall to meet the staff for tea, chat and snacks.

There is also an electric massage chair in the lounge, which shakes vigorously and makes people feel comfortable. Lu Yinxi decided to stay here in the afternoon to get a comfortable massage and not to go in for comfort.

Halfway through the meeting, Jian Qing sent her a message.

[Assistant Lu, the coffee is cold, it’s time for me to change it. 】

Lu Yinxi lay on the massage chair, typing and replying.

【Ms. Jian, do it yourself, have enough food and clothing (*▽*)】

There are special staff in the venue who are in charge of tea, and the expert seat is the focus of attention. Jian Qing is purely entertaining her.

She is not fooled.

A minute later, Jian Qing personally took the cup to the lounge and filled himself with hot water to make coffee.

The staff hurried forward to help, but Jian Qing politely declined.

When Lu Yinxi saw her, he jumped up from the massage chair, leaned over, and was about to say something with a smile, when his expression changed suddenly, and he held his chest.

Jian Qing put down the coffee, held her shoulder and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Lu Yinxi turned his head and glared at the massage chair viciously, leaning close to Jian Qing’s ear, wanting to say something, but was too embarrassed to say it.

He stomped his feet and ran to the bathroom.

Jian Qing catches up to see the situation.

Seeing her chasing after her, Lu Yinxi took off his coat, threw it in her hand, and walked into the toilet cubicle.

Jian Qing knocked on the door and asked, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”

In the cubicle, the voice of a deer drinking stream like a mosquito can be heard: “No…the massage chair shook my underwear away…”

Jian Qing was stunned.

“Don’t laugh!” A shy and angry voice came from the cubicle again, “No snickering!”

Jian Qing let out an oh, but didn’t say much.

After a while, Lu Yinxi fastened her underwear, opened the door and came out.

Jian Qing held her coat with her right hand, and made a fist with her left hand, pressing it to her lips, with a serious face.

Lu Yinxi pretended to be calm, brushed his hair, walked to the mirror, took out a small cosmetic bag, put on lipstick, and covered up his embarrassment: “Actually, this kind of small accident is nothing. There are so many emergencies, it’s nothing at all…”

Looking at her thin red cheeks, Jian Qing nodded without saying a word.

Lu Yinxi snatched the coat from Jian Qing’s hand and put it on, while putting it on, he threatened in a low voice: “You can’t say it!”

What a shame! When she said it, her idol baggage was gone.

Jian Qing nodded without changing her face, and said lightly: “My coffee is cold.”

Lu Yinxi understood what she meant, and rubbed the bridge of his nose: “Then I’ll re-soak it for you…”

Jian Qing clasped her arms around her chest, with a blank expression on her face, and nodded reservedly. Like playing a piano with her fingertips, she tapped on her arm a few times briskly, revealing her happy mood.

So, throughout the afternoon, Lu Yinxi really became Jian Qing’s assistant, sitting behind her, serving her with tea and water, and waiting for her errands at any time.

After the underwear button was shaken off once by the smart massage chair, it was loosened twice in the afternoon.

After Lu Yinxi ran to the bathroom twice, she silently pondered whether this underwear didn’t fit well, did she accidentally lose her bust after working out recently? Are you going to buy some again when you go back?

She shook her head halfway through thinking about it. The experts on the stage were still talking about academic research, and she was absent-mindedly thinking about underwear, which was really wrong.

Lu Yinxi tried to concentrate and listen carefully, but the experts studied too deeply, and some nouns were beyond her comprehension. After listening for ten minutes, she was so sleepy that she wanted to yawn.

In the afternoon, I was prone to drowsiness. In addition to the people in the front row of experts sitting motionless and listening carefully, there were also many doctors in the back row who covered their mouths and yawned, and rushed out to make coffee to refresh themselves.

Lu Yinxi had no choice but to look at Jian Qing in front of him and endure the sleepiness.

Whenever Chu Yan turned his head to communicate with Jian Qing in a low voice, Lu Yinxi coughed lightly from behind, indirectly reminding them that he was staring from behind, and that communication is communication, and the two heads should not get too close.

At five o’clock in the evening, the meeting came to an end, and the organizer of City C City One invited all the participants to the dinner.

Sometimes, the hospital holds academic conferences not only to learn and share clinical experience, but also to spread the influence of the hospital, establish a certain exchange and cooperation relationship with experts from various provinces and cities, and occasionally conduct poaching work.

Dinner is the best place in China to maintain human relationships. Sometimes things that are difficult to say in the hospital can be resolved at the dinner table with a few glasses of wine and a few words.

In the hotel, Director Zhang of the City No. 1 Oncology Department and Vice President Lin in charge of oncology business kept toasting, inviting experts from various provinces and cities to visit once or twice a month, or seeking to establish a remote consultation cooperation model.

Tumor is a serious disease, and most patients are concentrated in large hospitals in provincial capitals or first- and second-tier cities.

Oncology departments in some small cities are marginal departments.

Patients were either detained by the relevant specialist unit.

Either the doctors in the big hospitals declared that there was no cure, and the end of the road, so they chose to go back to the oncology department in the small city for palliative care.

Or, there are some relatively poor families whose economic conditions cannot support them to go to large hospitals for better treatment, so they have to stay here.

Establishing a cooperative relationship with a large hospital, on the one hand, can drain patients, and on the other hand, can also give patients more professional treatment.

Lu Yinxi was at the next table, stretching out his ears, hearing a little bit of understanding.

Jian Qing and Chu Yan looked particularly young among the 40- and 50-year-old experts. Most of the time, they stood up and poured wine for everyone.

Jian Qing will not be reticent and condescending in formal social occasions. Out of etiquette, she will communicate with everyone appropriately and express her opinions humbly.

Lu Yinxi looked at her from a distance, and then quietly guessed her age in his heart.

Last time I heard from Zhang Yue that she went to university at the age of 16, and went to the hospital when she came back from studying abroad at the age of 24. She just became the deputy chief physician this year.

In the medical system, after one year of doctoral training, you can directly take the examination of attending doctor, and you can practice attending for 2 years, during which you will go to the grassroots to help the countryside for 1 year, and you can participate in the evaluation of deputy chief physician in the third year.

In theory, the youngest is 27 years old.

However, public hospitals are public institutions, with financial allocations and a limited number of establishments. Each department has several chief physicians and several deputy chief physicians, and each department needs to report to the superior department for approval.

Sometimes even if the professional title exam is passed, the hospital is limited by the number of establishments and cannot hire. It still has to be ranked based on seniority and wait for the previous radish to retire.

So, in fact, it may be 28, 29, 30, or even early 30s.

Lu Yinxi propped his chin and smiled slightly.

I am about 4 or 5 years older than my real self, which to some extent meets the requirements of my ideal type within a 7-year age difference.

After drinking for three rounds, Vice President Lin of City No. 1 started the work of poaching talents, trying to poach Jian Qing and Chu Yan to his hospital.

Jian Qing is a junior deputy chief physician in Jiangzhou No. 1. There are many chief physicians and senior deputy chief physicians on top. Inpatient medical use, inpatient medical is not suitable for human use.

If you change to a smaller hospital, you can indeed live a more relaxed life.

Lu Yinxi straightened his back and stretched his ears to listen to Jian Qing’s answer.

Before she heard Jian Qing speak, her back suddenly relaxed

—The underwear button is undone again.

Regardless of Jian Qing’s response, Lu Yinxi pretended to be calm, left the table in a leisurely manner, walked to the door of the bathroom, and quickly got in.

When she opened the door and came out, she saw Jian Qing washing her hands in front of the sink.

Seeing Lu Yinxi coming out, she dried her hands and said softly, “Take you shopping.”

“What are you doing shopping?”

Jane glanced at her chest: “buy underwear.”

Lu Yinxi also looked down, his face was a little hot: “It’s okay, there is still time to buy it when you go back, isn’t your dinner party not over yet?”

Jian Qing said solemnly: “I told them that my assistant has been coughing this afternoon and may have a cold. I need to go back and drink more hot water to rest early.”

“Cough, cough, cough!” Lu Yinxi coughed a few more times, sniffed, and said, “My throat has been a little itchy, maybe I really have a cold.”

City C also has Galaxy Plaza, which is near the hotel where they live.

Walking into the square, the two walked side by side, causing passers-by to look back frequently.

Jian Qing is tall and slender, with a cool demeanor, and has a sense of distance from a superior person. A pair of cold eyes swept over him, and no one dared to look at her. Lu Yinxi has a gentle temperament, but he has received special physical training from artists. After becoming famous, he will be surrounded by stars everywhere he goes.

The two of them are pleasing to the eye in the crowd, and they can be seen from a distance but not approached.

Walking into an underwear store, the shopping guide in the store greeted them and asked them what style of underwear they like.

Lu Yinxi didn’t plan to pick and choose slowly, so he picked out something that seemed to fit, and went to the fitting room to try it on.

Jian Qing grabbed her.

Lu Yinxi turned around and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Jian Qing glanced at her chest, and suggested calmly: “Try another one, the size you have is too small, it doesn’t fit.”

Lu Yinxi looked at the underwear in his hand, then looked down at his chest.

In winter, wearing a thick coat, it is not easy to see the size. Jian Qing can judge it at a glance. It is definitely not a conclusion drawn from on-site observation, but, in the past…

Thinking of the scene of sitting bare-chested on her waist under the moonlight, Lu Yinxi’s cheeks flushed quickly.

She glared at Jian Qing, wishing to kill her with her eyes: “Forget about it!”

Jian Qing nodded: “I will try my best.”

It wasn’t her fault that her eyesight and memory were too good.

Lu Yinxi snorted softly, and didn’t want to pay attention to her, turned around and carefully picked out another piece, and went to the fitting room to try it on.

The re-selected ones really fit better, Lu Yinxi asked the shopping guide to pick up a few brand new ones and put them on.

The shopping guide took the opportunity to sell: “Miss, do you want to look at other styles? Our store recently launched a new anti-cancer underwear, which can prevent breast cancer. A set only costs 1,888 yuan.”

Lu Yinxi shook his head, expressing no interest.

If a piece of underwear can prevent breast cancer, those scientific researchers in the laboratory who raise animals day and night and run data will go home and farm.

For a set of 1888, all IQ taxes are paid.

Jian Qing behind her asked, “What material is it made of? What is the anti-cancer principle?”

Miss A, the shopping guide, thought that Jian Qing was interested, and hurriedly surrounded her to sell: “That’s right, this anti-cancer underwear is designed by the top designer of our brand, and the materials are all imported from overseas, such as the silicone cotton from country D, and the underwear from country H.” The golden jade cicada silk and so on are expensive to make, and they are definitely worth the money!”

Shopping guide lady B also surrounded her: “Many women are suffering from breast cancer now, and I heard from experts that this disease tends to be younger. For example, last year there was a female star who was only in her early thirties and died of advanced breast cancer. It’s terrible, I bought two of them to wear myself.”

Miss C, the shopping guide, went on to say: “There are also experts who have found that if you wear underwear with steel rings for more than 8 hours a day, the probability of breast cancer will increase by 20 times! Our anti-cancer underwear is all designed without steel rings, which will not oppress Breasts can promote blood circulation and prevent many diseases. Shall I try two of them for you? They are on the shelf over here.”

The three shopping guides took turns, and a bunch of terms, true, false, and false, were thrown at them. An ordinary person might be bluffed.

Lu Yinxi was stunned for a moment, glanced at Jian Qing, and said in his heart: You can’t leave an expert in three words, and now there is a real expert standing in front of you.

Jane scanned the colorful underwear on the display rack, didn’t say much, but pointed out concisely: “False propaganda.”

The four words, compared to the shopping guide lady’s bunch of jargon, seemed very unconvincing, but her serious and cold appearance made the shopping guide lady feel very uncertain.

The shopping guide in the middle said: “There is no false propaganda. Our brand is a time-honored brand with scientific basis. Like the underwear this lady picked for the first time, if it is too small and too tight, it will cause breast hyperplasia, which will cause breast hyperplasia. It can cause cancer.”

Jian Qing retorted blankly: “If tight underwear can cause breast cancer, then wearing tight pants will cause leg tumors? Wearing too tight shoes will cause foot tumors?”

A few shopping guides looked at each other and didn’t know how to respond.

Lu Yinxi earnestly popularized science with them: “Mammary gland hyperplasia has nothing to do with underwear, and endocrine disorders are the main risk factors. There are also studies that have found that it is related to factors such as menstrual disorders, miscarriage times, and dysmenorrhea. No underwear can prevent cancer, and it has nothing to do with what to wear. It doesn’t matter, breast cancer is only related to factors such as family inheritance, age, and advanced primipara. Don’t be fooled.”

An older shopping guide saw through his words and saw that these two were not the target customers, so he accepted them wisely and said with a gentle smile, “So that’s the case, I’ve been educated, and the two ladies can look at other styles.”

Seeing her good attitude, Jian Qing didn’t say anything, paid the money and left the store.

After leaving the shop, the two continued to stroll along the shop.

Lu Yinxi sighed and said: “Nowadays there are so many rumors like this, and so many people believe them, so stupid.”

Jane said calmly: “In fact, it is the unequal information between doctors and patients. What is wrong is those who use the public’s panic about cancer to carry out false marketing. What is missing is the health education and supervision and management of relevant departments.”

Hearing this, Lu Yinxi stopped, turned around, and looked at Jian Qing seriously.

Jian Qing also stopped and looked at her with puzzled eyes, as if asking what to stop for?

Lu Yinxi shook his head, his eyes filled with a gentle smile.

Nothing, she just learned something from this man

—Do not stand in the professional field that you are good at, and arrogantly laugh at those non-professionals.

Jian Qing reached out and rubbed her head, without saying anything, turned into another underwear store.

Lu Yinxi held her back: “Hey, I’ve bought enough, I don’t need it anymore.”

“I need it.” Jian Qing looked down at Lu Yinxi’s chest, and pointed out calmly, “We bought the same style and color of underwear from the same store. You packed your luggage last night and confused mine with mine.” , Today we are all dressed wrong.”

The author has something to say: Lu Yinxi: The death scene of a large society orz

*Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-3100:27:44~2021-02-0100:48:57~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 2 Tianjie Xiaoyu; 1 money worship boy, Xuyuan, and Tanhuan;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Yanqi; 20 bottles of Laughing Storm, Yagi; 10 bottles of God’s Absent Sunday, Lin Jian, and Jinse; 5 bottles of Mo Tingfengyuan; 4 bottles of Hututu; 3 bottles of Yuanmu ; 1 bottle of far fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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