She is the Third Kind of Stunning

Chapter 20

Chapter 19 – Hotel

Lu Yinxi remembered that Jian Qing was a bit obsessed with cleanliness. He would definitely feel uncomfortable when he came to City C from the hospital, so he said, “You go wash first, I’ll pack your luggage.”

Jian Qing didn’t refuse. Hearing this, in front of Lu Yinxi, she reached out and unbuttoned her coat one by one.

Lu Yinxi didn’t expect her to move so fast, and she didn’t have time to look away, so she stuck there, staring at the movements of her hands, the flow of time seemed to slow down at that moment, every move of the person in front of her was infinitely magnified, From the top button all the way to the front of the lower abdomen, the details of the stripped clothes can be clearly seen.

“When do you want to see it?” Jian Qing slowly took off the coat, revealing the pure white sweater and exquisite curves inside.

A word that made Lu Yinxi blush to the base of his neck, he felt impolite, immediately turned around, faced the wall, and apologized softly: “I’m sorry…”

Jian Qing didn’t talk to her, and routinely checked whether there was a camera in the room. After making sure it was safe, she took out the change of clothes in the suitcase and prepared to take a bath.

Lu Yinxi was still facing the wall, with his head down, like an autistic mushroom.

Before entering the bathroom, Jian Qing said: “Punish me to recite the drunken man’s pavilion, and recite it to me when I come out.”

Lu Yinxi silently slandered: You, a teacher in a medical school, actually punished you by reciting classical Chinese…

After slandering, she took out her mobile phone, searched the original text, and recited it word by word, and she suddenly remembered that when she said the ideal type last time, she hoped that the other half would have a higher literary quality and be able to complement her…

Can’t help laughing.

“Drunkard Pavilion” is the content of compulsory education in junior high schools. What kind of literary quality can it reflect?

While thinking it was funny, she couldn’t help but wonder if Jian Qing made any changes for her own words?

Thinking about it, my heart became restless, happy thoughts were swept away, my eyes became a little dry, and my nose became sore.

When you fall in love with someone, you can’t help thinking about her every move, every word and every action, guessing over and over whether it’s related to you, and feeling a little sweetness in your imagination.

If two people can be happy, it is a happy thing for anyone.

But Lu Yinxi couldn’t see the future of this relationship.

She can fall in love with Jian Qing regardless of gender or age, but she and Jian Qing are still not in the same world.

She is no longer a child, and she clearly understands that if she likes someone, she doesn’t have to be with her.

A person’s life is not only love, but also family, friendship, ideals and beliefs.

She is Lu Yinxi first, and Lu Yinxi who likes Jianqing second.

Her liking for Jian Qing was not enough to make her give up her life in another world and stay here forever.

Leaving this world and returning to the real world is her ultimate goal.

Reason and emotion collided, Lu Yinxi squatted down, so sad that he wanted to cry.

She rubbed her eyes, not daring to let her pessimism spread, she turned her attention back to her phone, and recited “Drunkard Pavilion” silently.

Recite the phrase “walking six or seven miles in the mountains, and gradually hear the gurgling sound of water pouring out between the two peaks, that is Ningquan”, the gurgling sound of the bathroom can penetrate into my ears without any leak.

His thoughts froze for a moment.

Lu Yinxi was distracted when he heard it, and after recovering, he immediately moved an armchair and sat down.

People who work in hospitals have a common problem. After get off work, they never touch the bed or bedding before changing clothes.

She sat on the chair with her back straight, trying to concentrate on reciting classical Chinese silently, but the sound of water in the bathroom lingered in her ears for a long time.

Lu Yinxi fumbled for the remote control in a panic, turned on the TV, and let the sound of the TV series cover the sound of water from the bathroom.

Jane stood in the water unconsciously, her long wet hair clinging to her waist and back, she closed her eyes and let the hot water wet her body.

When she opened her eyes to apply the shower gel, she glanced outside the bathroom.

Lu Yinxi was still facing the wall obediently, not daring to turn around and take a look.

In fact, the glass in the bathroom is not ordinary completely transparent glass, but electrolytic atomized glass. When people walk in, the sensor automatically senses it. From the inside, the outside can be seen at a glance. From the outside, it seems to be covered with a layer of white mist. clear.

When Jian Qing dried herself up and went out, she didn’t tell Lu Yinxi this.

“I’ll recite it to you after I wash it.” Lu Yinxi walked into the bathroom with a change of clothes, regardless of whether Jian Qing agreed or not.

Jian Qing was wearing a white bathrobe, with her arms folded, leaning against the wall, standing frankly and frankly opposite the bathroom, looking in the direction of the bathroom, taking time to appreciate it.

Lu Yinxi took off half of his clothes, saw Jian Qing’s frank and shameless behavior, quickly put on his clothes, opened the bathroom door with a bang, poked his head out, and gritted his teeth: “You, don’t look! Go to the window! Before I come out, Don’t come here!”

She acted upright and sat upright, and she didn’t do anything sneaky, and almost forgot that the person in front of her was not a gentleman at all, but a scum!

Jian Qing walked over step by step, a pair of long legs swaying under the bathrobe.

Lu Yinxi held his breath and clutched his collar tightly.

Jane glanced at Lu Yinxi’s chest, and pointed to herself. As cold as her face was, her words were as shameless as she said: “I have everything you have.”

The implication is that it is not rare to look at her.

“Go away!”

Jian Qing obediently walked away.

Go to the window for cool air.

After a while, the sound of dripping water came from the bathroom. Jian Qing stood by the window, lowered her head, and looked through the PPT on the iPad that would be shown and explained tomorrow with a blank expression. The tips of her ears turned red before she knew it.

Lu Yinxi put on a bright red coral fleece long-eared rabbit nightgown, and jumped up to Jian Qing: “I can recite “Drunkard Pavilion”, do you want to recite it for you?”

Jian Qing looked up at the child.

His eyes were moist, and his hair was full of refreshing moisture.

Hibiscus comes out of clear water, and it is naturally carved.

Jian Qing lowered her head, restrained the urge to touch the rabbit with rabbit ears, and continued to watch the PPT: “No, go and blow dry your hair.”

The PPT stayed on the same page for five or six minutes.

In the middle of the night, after tossing everything, the two of them were going to bed.

Before going to bed, Jian Qing looked at the light and fell into hesitation.

Lu Yinxi didn’t wait for her to speak, and took the initiative to lie down and put on a blindfold: “You don’t need to turn off the lights, I’m wearing a blindfold.”

Jian Qing looked at Lu Yinxi on the bed, and saw that her eyes were covered by a black eyepatch, revealing her tall nose bridge and ruddy lips. Her gaze lingered on her face for a few seconds before she looked away, pressed the switch, and turned the cold white The light switches to a hazy, soft warm yellow.

Lu Yinxi took off the blindfold and took a peek at the light, feeling that the color was a bit ambiguous.

It’s like a light that turns on when you do something bad.

She was lying on her side, not feeling sleepy, looking at Jian Qing who was in the next bed.

Jian Qing leaned halfway on the bed, holding an iPad, logged into the job number of the Academic Affairs Office, entered the background, and corrected the final assignments submitted by the students.

“Mr. Jane, why don’t you sleep?”

“You didn’t sleep either?”

Lu Yinxi had nothing to say: “What are you doing?”

“Change homework.”

“What homework?”

Jian Qing patiently asked her questions and answered: “The student’s final assignment.”

“How many copies do you want to change?”


“do you need my help?”

Jian Qing glanced at her and asked, “How is your English level?”

Questions and answers are in English.

Lu Yinxi is not modest about this: “It’s not bad, I can translate documents.”

In the field of medicine, one needs to write papers and learn about the latest research progress at home and abroad, so the requirements for English proficiency are not low.

At that time, she was admitted to the eight-year clinical medicine major. The class she was in was a bilingual class. The teachers taught in Mandarin, and the textbooks, handouts, and exams were all in English.

Her English level was very good in high school, and after two years of university training, she is very good.

Later, when I entered the entertainment industry and interviewed for international cooperation film projects, this was still a plus.

Jian Qing reported the answer and account password to her: “You start changing from the last page.”

Lu Yinxi babbled while correcting homework: “I can also use epidata, SPSS, and Python, which can help you crawl, clean, and statistically analyze paper data.”

Jian Qing hummed.

Lu Yinxi waited for a while, but didn’t wait for her praise, rubbed his nose, and continued to boast: “Although I am very good-looking, I can be easily regarded as a vase, but I am really not a vase. Sometimes, I Still useful.”

Jian Qing still said indifferently: “Yeah.”

Lu Yinxi stopped talking.

She thinks it’s better to be in the entertainment industry, you praise me and I praise you, from head to toe, from the inside to the outside, who can boast people to the sky. These academics have no vision and don’t know how to praise others.

After a long while without hearing the little chatterbox, Jian Qing glanced over and asked, “Do you want me to praise you?”

Lu Yinxi snorted softly, turned her back to her holding the iPad, ignored her, and turned into an autistic mushroom again.

It can be seen that she is not blind, she is purely trying to amuse people.

Some academics are actually very good at it.

At seven o’clock in the morning, the director and doctors of an oncology department in city C, the organizer of the academic conference in city C, came to accompany the experts to have breakfast, chat, and connect with each other, and personally picked them up to the academic hall of the hospital and took them to the ward Visited a slip.

The meeting lasted for one and a half days, and there were about a dozen experts teaching.

Among the bald and beer-bellied expert team, Jian Qing and Chu Yan were the most conspicuous. Everyone praised the two men and women for their good looks. When the group photo was taken before the academic conference, the positions of the two of them were specially shown. Arrange in one piece.

The arranged expert seats are also connected left and right.

Even though he knew that the two of them would not call from the beginning to the end, Lu Yinxi still looked sour.

She didn’t have an exclusive seat, and the front row was full of experts from various cities. She could only sit in the back and watch the two people get close to each other from time to time, whispering something.

I don’t know if it’s her delusion, but Jian Qing’s attitude towards Chu Yan seems to be warmer than that of ordinary people, occasionally she would smile lightly, lightly, and once looked at each other with a smile.

Due to professional reasons, Lu Yinxi pays more attention to people’s facial expressions and body movements than ordinary people, and can easily detect other people’s emotional changes.

When she saw Jian Qing talking to Chu Yan, her body would actively lean towards him, and her cold face would soften.

In an instant, there was not only sourness, but also bits and pieces of jealousy.

The jealousy gradually spread, and she was so burned that she refused to look at them again. She ran to the lounge outside the conference hall to drink tea and snacks, chat with the staff, and soothe her emotions.

When Jian Qing came to the stage, Lu Yinxi returned to the academic hall, sat in the last row, and looked at her.

Jian Qing shared a case of liver cancer immunotherapy and the latest research progress of breast cancer immunotherapy.

Many people in the audience took out their mobile phones to take pictures, and Lu Yinxi also turned on the camera to take a picture of Jian Qing’s personable appearance on stage.

The liver cancer case she shared is a very successful case of immunotherapy.

The patient was pathologically diagnosed with liver cancer 4 years ago, and multiple metastases in both lungs were found 3 years ago. After PD-1 treatment, the lesions in both lungs and liver shrank significantly. In a re-examination 2 years ago, the lesions in both lungs almost disappeared, and the right posterior lobe of the liver remained intact. There is a little patchy shadow remaining, and the reexamination this year is still stable.

The PPT showed the patient’s medication from beginning to end, and the comparison of before and after imaging data. Jian Qing showed them one by one, and then announced: “As of now, the patient’s PFS (progression-free survival) is as long as 46 months.”

When she shared this data, her eyes fell on Lu Yinxi in the last row.

Across hundreds of people, Lu Yinxi forgot all the sour and jealous emotions, raised his head, looked at her tacitly, smiled, and felt her joy from the heart together.

That’s right, joy.

On the stage, Jian Qing’s expression hardly changed, and his tone of voice didn’t fluctuate much, but Lu Yinxi sensed the joy from the heart when a doctor and a scientific researcher snatched a life from the hand of death, Congratulations, and pride.

The author has something to say: Enthusiastic Zhang Yue: I guess Xiaolu is Sichun, senior sister, you take Xiaolu to the academic conference together, create opportunities for them, maybe that kid Chu Yan will become your cousin-in-law~ ~~

Jian Qing: … (Understood, let’s “create opportunities”

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-01-3000:01:00~2021-01-3100:27:44~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the shallow water bomb: 1 Xilan;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 Tianjie Xiaoyu;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: I also slept very late today, with one clam;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 3516284424 bottles; 20 bottles of Li Xiaojin; 10 bottles of Superman, Cheng Moulin, and Sara; 5 bottles of flowers, plants, and plants; 3 bottles of Eryi; 478543902 bottles; 1 bottle in hand;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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