Resequencing DNA

Chapter 75

Ashleigh and Elijah left the Doctor’s office after booking Ashleigh’s next appointment with Dr Reid for a few weeks time. After saying their goodbyes to Dr Reid and booking the next appointment, Ashleigh barely uttered a word until the couple returned to the car.

“Ashleigh…are…are you okay?” asked Elijah, his voice filled with concern. He watched as she sank into the driver’s seat, her hands shaking slightly.

Ashleigh took a deep breath, her eyes wide and unfocused.

“I…I just thought I was having one baby.” She said, looking down at her stomach, a small, burgeoning bump barely visible beneath her shirt. “Two babies. It’s…a lot to take in,” she added as she sniffled, trying hard not to allow the tears to escape her eyes.

Elijah took a hand and squeezed it gently,

“It is,” he said, a slow smile spreading across his face. “But it's also…amazing. We're going to be parents, Ashleigh. Twice over!”

Ashleigh looked at him, her eyes widening,

“Twice over?” she announced, “Elijah…are you forgetting about Sofia? That’s three…Elijah…how am I supposed to be a mother to three children?”

He leaned in and kissed her forehead,

“We'll figure it out,” he promised, “Together,” he added softly, “You’ve already shown that you are an amazing Mother, Ashleigh. You have nothing to worry about in that regard.”

She looked at him as she was no longer able to contain her tears,

“I’m scared, Elijah,” she confessed, her voice choked with emotion.

“I know,” he said, his voice a soothing balm. “But I’m here. We’ll face it all together.”

Ashleigh looked at the grainy image she’d been given by Dr Reid one last time before she slipped it into her handbag. She couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Two tiny lives grew inside her, joining their little Sofia, who in the short few weeks, had quickly become her everything, despite her own past. A wave of fear washed over her. How could she possibly be a good mother to three children, when she was still only getting used to the first?

Ashleigh wiped the tears from her eyes and started up the car before she began on their way home.

The journey home felt longer than usual, each mile stretching out before them as she wrestled with the enormity of the news. The entire journey was done in silence, unknowing of what to say and yet the only constant throughout the trip was Elijah’s hand that rested on her thigh, a silent show of his continuing support, one that gave her a slight feeling of warmth despite her own inner turmoil.

When they finally arrived home, Elijah helped her out of the car and into the house. He put his arms around her, and she rested her head on his shoulder.

“Hey…It's going to be okay,” he whispered.

Ashleigh looked up at him with tear-filled eyes.

“I don't know, Elijah,” she said. “I don't know if I can do this.”

Elijah quickly cut her off,

“As I said…it’ll be fine, Ashleigh, you’ll be amazing, I don’t doubt that for a second,” he whispered as they entered the front door. “We will learn and grow, together,” he added, kissing her softly on the head.

Before Ashleigh had the chance to say another word, the ironic yet familiar sound rang out through the hall,

“MUMMY, MUMMY,” Sofia cried out, her tiny footsteps reverberating on the marble floor.

As the little girl reached her Mother, Ashleigh through her arms tightly around her and kissed her gently,

“Sofia my darling, have you been a good girl for Grandma?” she asked, forcing a smile onto her face.

Sofia nodded before she traced her finger down Ashleigh’s cheek,

“Mummy…why are you crying?” asked Sofia, looking deep into her Mother’s eyes, “Are you upset?”

“I…I’m not upset…sweetie…” she began, her voice trembling. She glanced at Elijah, his face a radiant beacon of shared joy, and a silent question formed in her eyes: was she ready to share this news, this immense joy and fear, with everyone? Elijah smiled and placed his hand gently on her shoulder,

“I think she should be the first to know,” he said, his voice unwavering. Then, turning to Mrs Henry, he asked her to summon everyone to the hall, his eyes filled with the anticipation of a shared miracle.

Within moments, they were not alone in the hall, with the household staff appearing over the far side of the hall, behind Mrs Henry and Grace standing by the door to the living room.

Ashleigh took a deep breath as she looked around at her gathered audience before turning her gaze back to the little girl who stood before her. Once more she felt Elijah gently squeeze her shoulder in support.

“Sofia my darling,” Ashleigh whispered, “I have news… Some really big news.”

Sofia tilted her head, her wide blue eyes sparkling with curiosity,

“What news Mummy?”

Ashleigh took another deep breath, 

“Well…” she began, “You know how Mummy and Elijah told you that a baby is growing in Mummy’s tummy…and that you’re going to be a big sister.”

Sofia nodded in response.

“Well…sweetie…” continued Ashleigh, as her voice began to crack, “You are going to be an extra special big sister because there are actually two little babies... what do you think about that?””

Sofia’s eyes widened, and a joyous squeal escaped her lips. She jumped into Ashleigh's arms, burying her face in her mother's neck, the news washing over her in a wave of pure excitement.

As the hall erupted into applause, Ashleigh continued to hold Sofia close,

“Are you okay with that Sofia?” Ashleigh whispered softly in her daughter’s ear.

Sofia paused for a moment, looking deep in thought,

“You’re still my Mummy?” she asked, placing her finger up near her mouth.

Ashleigh couldn't help but chuckle at her daughter's innocent question,

“Of course, sweetie,” she replied, “I love you more than anything. They're not taking me away from you.”

Sofia’s face broke into a wide grin, and she hugged her mother tightly. Ashleigh, still trying to process the magnitude of the news, felt a warm feeling wash over her. She looked at her daughter, radiant in her innocent joy, and a silent promise formed within her. She would be the best mother she could be, to all three of them.

One by one the members of the household staff came up to congratulate the three of them, being sure to include Sofia in their celebrations. Finally, once everyone had returned back to their duties, Grace approached her daughter, her eyes filled with a mixture of love and pride.

“Oh Ashleigh,” she said hugging her daughter, “I'm so happy for you…for the three of you,” she added with a huge radiant smile.

“Thank you, Mother,” replied Ashleigh, a small smile appearing on her lips. "I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of nervous excitement.

“I am sure you will be the best big sister in the world,” added Grace as she turned to Sofia, who was still beaming from ear to ear.

“I’m sure she will,” replied Ashleigh looking down fondly at the little red-haired girl who stood proudly beside her.

Elijah, who had been observing the heartfelt exchange between the trio, cleared his throat, his voice filled with anticipation. "I suppose I should make the necessary arrangements to inform Aunt Vivian, Pippa, and of course, my brother. They'll be thrilled to hear the news," said Elijah, his voice filled with anticipation as he fished his phone from his pocket with trembling hands.

Grace stepped forward towards him and placed her hand on his,

“I hope you’re not planning to tell them over the phone, Elijah?” she asked her tone firm but laced with a touch of amusement.

Elijah blinked, startled by the unexpected seriousness in her tone,

“I…erm…I…” he stammered, his words failing him. Ashleigh had never seen him so lost for words, causing her to giggle softly.

"We need to do this in person," Grace insisted. "This is a special occasion that deserves a proper celebration."

“What…what do you suggest?” mumbled Elijah in response.

But before Grace could respond, Elijah’s phone buzzed, interrupting the moment.

“Excuse me, I must take this,” he interjected, dashing off toward somewhere more private, leaving Ashleigh, Grace, and Sofia momentarily in a buzz of shared anticipation.

Ashleigh looked at her Mother, expectantly, knowing she had something in mind.

“Sofia my love,” said Grace, crouching to meet her Granddaughter's level, “Be a sweetheart and fetch Mrs Henry will you please,” she instructed.

Sofia nodded and scampered off excitedly in the direction Mrs Henry was last seen,

“What do you have in mind Mother?” asked Ashleigh, her curiosity piquing as she studied Grace’s expression.

“You shall see my dear,” chuckled Grace, as the pair noticed Mrs Henry approaching them, towed along with haste by Sofia’s hand.

“Alright child, alright,” Mrs Henry laughed as she arrived where Ashleigh and Grace were standing.

“Ashleigh, if you would excuse us,” said Grace with a smile.

Ashleigh shook her head and rolled her eyes before reaching out her hand for Sofia,

“Oh no…I’m afraid Sofia is in on this master plan too,” said Grace as she and Sofia began to chuckle.

Just then, Elijah returned with a huge smile on his face,

“Sorry about that…you were saying, Grace?” he asked.

“Never mind that, Elijah,” chuckled Grace, waving her hand dismissively.

“Mummy…GOOOOO,” exclaimed Sofia, pushing her Mother’s leg with all the force she could muster.

“Ok, Ok, I’m going,” Ashleigh relented, chuckling at her daughter's insistence. “Come, Elijah, It seems we are being plotted against,” she added with a soft chuckle, crouching to give her daughter a gentle kiss on the head before she left her.

The couple retreated to the living room, both still laughing at Sofia’s reaction to being included in planning something along with Grace.

Elijah closed the door behind them and stood looking at Ashleigh with a huge, wide grin on his face,

“Ashleigh…” he said, unable to contain his joyous expression, “There is something I must speak with you about, something urgent.”

Ashleigh felt her heart in her throat, what was Elijah up to now? However, judging by his expression it was nothing sinister. Besides, at least he was seemingly letting her in on whatever it was he was planning, instead of just executing his scheme without any consultation with her at all. That is progress…right?

“Please…my love, take a seat,” he urged gently, gesturing towards the inviting seats arranged around the warmth of the fireplace. The crackling flames cast soft shadows on the walls, creating an intimate setting. The room was infused with a rich aroma of wood smoke and the faint scent of cinnamon from a nearby candle, enveloping them in a cosy cocoon. Ashleigh felt a tingle of excitement mixed with curiosity as she moved toward him, the prospect of whatever was unfolding sending butterflies dancing in her stomach.

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