Resequencing DNA

Chapter 76

Ashleigh sat there, enveloped in an atmosphere thick with tension, her silence contrasting sharply with Elijah's restless energy. He paced back and forth in front of her, his footsteps echoing softly against the floor, a rhythmic pattern that seemed to amplify the unease in the room. Each step he took was accompanied by a flicker of movement that made her stomach flutter uncomfortably, a sensation she was reluctant to acknowledge, even to herself. The way he shifted from one side to another felt frenetic as if he were grappling with thoughts he couldn't quite articulate.

Instead of giving in to the familiar discomfort rising within her, Ashleigh forcefully redirected her attention to the fireplace, where the flames leapt and twirled with almost mesmerising grace. They crackled and popped, sending tiny embers into the air.

“Ashleigh…I erm…” started Elijah, pausing briefly as he looked toward her, “I…I…I have news…”

Ashleigh’s gaze snapped back to him, her curiosity piqued and her heart racing. Whatever news he carried had clearly ignited excitement in him, yet, as she watched him, it was evident that he was struggling to find the right words, each syllable seemingly weighed down by the gravity of what they might mean. The anticipation hung like a taut string, waiting to be plucked, and Ashleigh held her breath, bracing herself for whatever revelation might break the silence.

“Go on…” Ashleigh prompted, unable to shake an uneasy feeling that had begun to grow inside her.

Elijah, noticing the now rather tense look that Ashleigh wore, stepped towards her with haste,

“Honestly, it’s nothing to worry about my love, it’s nothing bad…” he explained, trying to put her at ease, “quite the opposite, in fact.”

His reassurance, however, did little to dissipate the tension that had settled over Ashleigh. She continued to look at him expectantly, searching his face for clues, for hints about what could possibly elicit such a whirlwind of emotions from him.

“Come on Elijah, spit it out,” he muttered to himself under his breath, the frustration threading through his words evident.

Ashleigh got to her feet and took him gently by the hands,

“Elijah…what is it?” she asked, her voice like a soothing balm, appearing to instantly settle Elijah’s nerves.

“It…It’s to do with your Mother…” Elijah began to explain, his voice trembling slightly as he broached the sensitive topic.

Ashleigh’s eyes widened,

“My Mother?” she repeated, sounding a little surprised.

Elijah nodded,

“Yes…that phone call…it was a guy named Dr Brian Cooper,” explained Elijah.

Ashleigh looked at him, confusion evident in her expression.

“Let me explain,” started Elijah, “A few weeks ago…I started making a few calls to the laboratory where Wesey worked. I explained I was a relative of his and was searching for someone who worked with him closely, stating that I had questions, regarding Wesley’s behaviour, before he ‘disappeared’.”

“Ok…” uttered Ashleigh, dragging out the word as she narrowed her eyes, wondering where Elijah was going with it.

“Anyway, that put me in contact with this…Dr Cooper” said Elijah, “Who, after some persuasion, agreed to meet up to discuss Wesley…or so he thought. It turns out, that Dr Cooper worked closely with Wes, so closely in fact, that he is the only other person who knows how Wes’ ‘DNA’ machine operates…on a basic level anyway.”

“Elijah…what does any of this have to do with my Mother?” asked Ashleigh.

“Well…it gets complicated you see,” Elijah continued, “So, Dr Cooper told me, that the lab was investigating Wesley and his machine due to some…ethical technicalities and Government red tape matter. And now with Wesley’s disappearance, the lab is shutting his machine down…permanently…BUT…after some convincing on my part, Dr Cooper has decided to help us with our…problem.”

“You…you mean…” muttered Ashleigh, her pulse quickening as a mixture of realisation and hope surged within her. She could hardly process the gravity of Elijah’s words, yet she felt the potential impact of Dr. Cooper’s assistance laced with urgency.

“Yes,” Elijah affirmed, a determined glint in his eyes, “With Dr Cooper’s help, we can cure your Mother…Ashleigh,” he added softly.

A tear rolled down Ashleigh’s cheek, she couldn’t believe what she was hearing, it sounded far too good to be true,

“How…how did you convince him…Elijah?” asked Ashleigh, holding back any further tears.

“That…that’s irrelevant, however, we must act swiftly, my love,” explained Elijah.

“But won’t he get into trouble?” Ashleigh pressed, her thoughts racing. “I mean, if the government has ordered the lab to shut it down, won’t there be adverse repercussions if...” The question hung in the air, heavy with dread, but before she could finish her thought, Elijah cut her off.

“That…is all taken care of my love, don’t you worry about that,” said Elijah softly and reassuringly, “All you need to know is we need to act and NOW,” he added, “As in, tonight.”

Ashleigh hesitated for a moment,

“I…I don’t know, Elijah, how can I allow someone I don’t even know to get into any trouble for me…for my Mum,” she said softly.

“Listen to me, Ashleigh,” Elijah implored, his grip on her hand tightening just a little. “I’ve got this, okay? Nobody will be getting into any trouble, don’t worry.” His voice was soothing as he gently kissed her hand, a gesture that sent warmth coursing through her veins. But then, without another moment’s pause, he promptly left the room, the door clicking shut behind him with a finality that echoed in her heart.

Alone in the living room, Ashleigh sat surrounded by the soft glow of the flickering fireplace, the crackling of the flames a stark contrast to the storm surging in her mind. Each pop and hiss seemed to mirror her racing thoughts—an avalanche of possibilities and fears engulfing her. Could they really do this? Was it genuinely possible to save her mother? The quiet enveloped her, amplifying the sound of her heartbeat, as she wrestled with hope and uncertainty, feeling both monumental weight and a flickering glimmer of something she desperately wanted to grasp.

Time slowed as she stared into the dancing flames, lost in contemplation when suddenly the door to the sitting room creaked open. Grace, entered the room, quietly making her way over to her daughter. Without a word, she nestled beside her on the sofa, the comfortable silence speaking volumes in that tense moment.

They sat together in silence for a brief moment, where the only sound was the rhythmic crackle of the fire and the gentle rustle of their breathing, a minute reprieve from the overwhelming thoughts that swirled in Ashleigh’s mind. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Grace broke the silence, her voice soft and laced with sincerity,

“You know, you have a good man there, Ashleigh,” she uttered as she gently placed her hand on top of her daughter’s, a gesture that felt both grounding and reassuring.

Ashleigh turned her gaze toward her mother, the warmth of Grace’s hand anchoring her amidst the turmoil.

“So…I guess Elijah has told you his latest plan, huh?” asked Ashleigh, a soft, yet equally troubled smile appearing on her face.

Grace nodded, her expression filled with a mixture of admiration and concern. “It’s an extraordinary idea, but…” she paused, searching for the right words, “I don’t know…I guess I’d already made peace with the fact my time here was coming to an end,” she added softly.

Tears pooled in Ashleigh’s eyes, a swell of emotion crashing over her,

“Remember, it’s no longer a battle you’re facing alone, Mother, I need you here….WE need you here,” she said, placing her hand gently on her stomach and smiling at her Mother.

Grace’s eyes softened as she looked down, recognising the weight of their shared journey.

“You’re stronger than you know, my girl, stronger than even I realised,” she whispered, her voice a gentle balm. “But do you really believe Elijah’s plan can work?”

“I want to,” Ashleigh replied, her heart pounding in her chest. “I mean, that machine is capable of some incredible things, it made me who I am now…didn’t it,” she added with a soft yet rather nervous laugh.

“I guess you’re right, as always,” joked Grace, “However Ashleigh, there’s a huge difference in the situation here. I’m not wanting to switch genders.”

“You sure about that?” laughed Ashleigh, trying to lighten the mood, “I imagine you’d look good as a man,” she quipped.

Grace laughed along with her daughter,

“Oh Ashleigh,” she sighed, “I do not dispute that fact at all, but are you that desperate to have a decent father in you’re life?” she chuckled.

Ashleigh thought for a moment before replying,

“Well…it can’t be worse than what I have already,” she replied, half-joking, half-serious. “In all seriousness, Mum, thank you,” she added softly, her eyes meeting her mother’s with profound sincerity.

Grace looked at her daughter quizzically,

“What on earth for?” she asked.

Ashleigh thought for a moment before replying,

“For going through with this,” she said, “for not shooting down Elijah’s plan, for finally seeing the sense in trying to overcome this…I need you, Mum,” she added with a sob as she fought back the tears.

“Oh my sweet girl,” replied Grace, enveloping Ashleigh in a tight embrace, the world outside their cocoon fading away as they held each other close.

“I need you to be here with me, Mum, I can’t do this…any of this without you,” Ashleigh sobbed into her mother’s shoulder, “I…I…I’m terrified…Mum…I’m so scared,” she confessed.

Grace held her daughter tightly, the fear etched in Ashleigh’s voice resonating through the bond they shared.

“Oh, my sweet, what are you afraid of?” asked Grace, who was now, also holding back tears of her own.

Pulling back, Ashleigh met her mother’s gaze, tears still glistening in her eyes,

“Of losing you…of my future, becoming a wife, a mother…all of it Mum…I’m terrified,” she confessed with a sniffle.

Grace reached up to tuck a stray hair behind Ashleigh's ear, her hand trembling slightly as she cupped her daughter’s cheek.

“Listen to me, my darling,” she said softly, her gaze steady despite the turmoil in her heart. “Whatever happens, I will always be here for you. You are not alone in this.”

The flicker of the fire illuminated Grace’s face, revealing a mixture of love and determination.

“Besides, as for being a mother, yes, it is scary at first. But you already are an amazing mother to Sofia. I know you will be fine,” she added tenderly.

Ashleigh sniffled, slightly tilting her head as she attempted to stem the flow of her tears,

“I’ve never admitted this to anyone…any of this,” she stated, “One of the reasons it was so easy for me to take off my engagement ring…was because I’m scared. In some fucked up way…in my head…taking off that ring and throwing it at Elijah…he gave me the excuse to run away from it all…and I took it…I ran, like a scared little girl,” she explained, her tears streaming down her cheeks once more, each drop a testament to her internal struggle and the turmoil that had been bubbling beneath the surface for far too long.

Grace leaned in and gently kissed her daughter on the forehead,

“You’re not a little girl,” she replied, her voice a blend of firmness and gentleness, “nor are you the little boy that I gave birth to. You’re a woman standing at the edge of the unknown, and it’s completely okay to feel the weight of that. Whatever fears lurk in the shadows ahead, I want you to face them with the same strength and resilience you have shown me throughout your journey so far,” she continued.

“I want you to know that when I look at you, my dear,” Grace said earnestly, her eyes gleaming with pride, “I am filled with an indescribable sense of pride for the woman you have become. You have blossomed into someone wonderful, and I am so proud to call you my daughter. You are brave, you are strong, and you are brilliant—so much more than I could have ever envisioned for you.” Her voice carried a melodic tone, accentuating every heartfelt word, and within that moment, Ashleigh could feel the love encasing her like a warm blanket, soothing the raw edges of her fear.

“I love you, Mum,” sobbed Ashleigh.

“I love you too, Ashleigh,” replied Grace, “my sweet, beautiful daughter.”

Hearing her mother’s words, Ashleigh couldn’t help but smile through her tears. However, the moment between mother and daughter was soon to be interrupted as the living room door opened rather abruptly and in walked Elijah.

“Grace…we must do this now,” he said, his voice filled with haste.

Grace turned back to look at her daughter,

“I’ll be back soon,” she said with a smile, “in time for this evening's celebrations,” she added with a wink.

Ashleigh could feel her heart pounding in her chest, as she nodded to her mother. Grace got up from her seat and approached Elijah.

“Elijah…” exclaimed Ashleigh as she got to her feet.

Elijah stopped and turned back to look at Ashleigh, she could see in his eyes that he was almost as anxious as she was, yet he tried to remain confident.

“Yes…” he uttered in response.

Ashleigh paused for a moment as she looked at him across the room,

“I…I love you, Elijah,” said Ashleigh without giving a thought to her words, “take care of her…please.”

Elijah smiled,

“Of course I will,” he replied, “And I love you, Ashleigh.”

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