Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch113- Game Begins

Entering the advanced game room within the palace, Milluki offered respectful greetings to Haruto, Canary, Phinx, Feitan, and Komugi. "Welcome, everyone," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Haruto nodded, his eyes scanning the room before settling on the gaming console. He moved forward gracefully, the others parting to make way for him instinctively.

"Let's see what this game is all about," Haruto murmured, his voice calm yet filled with a quiet confidence. The room fell silent, all eyes on him as he started to navigate through the game's details.

In the room, Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio were already present, along with Baise and Neon. Over the past few days, Koshiro had taken it upon himself to teach Neon how to control her Nen, given her existing ability to use Hatsu. The responsibility to finish the game, if possible, was theirs, while Haruto’s team focused on research.

Haruto came before one of the councils, noticing immediately that it had extra slots. This was a game that could allow up to eight players instead of just one. He decided he would enter first, followed by Canary, then Komugi, Feitan, and Phinx. The others would play separately.

As he released his Nen to the Ring that was necessary to enter the game, his form flickered and then vanished from the room. He reappeared in a virtual space, surrounded by walls adorned with strange markings and doors that seemed to lead in all directions.

Haruto’s eyes quickly scanned the room, his body poised and ready for whatever came next. The markings on the walls drew his attention, intricate and glowing faintly in the dim light of the virtual space. Each door had its own unique set of markings, as if telling a story or providing a clue.

He chose a door at random, stepping through with confidence. The room beyond was vast, the ceiling high above and the walls stretching out wide. More markings adorned the surfaces here, and Haruto felt a strange sense of anticipation as he moved forward.

After passing through several more doors, each leading him deeper into the virtual labyrinth, Haruto entered a room that was different from the others. In the center floated a girl, suspended in mid-air by a futuristic chair that seemed to be controlling the game.

The girl, upon noticing Haruto, seemed equally surprised. Her eyes widened as she took in his presence, and Haruto could feel the weight of her gaze on him. He could sense her strength, latent and powerful, even though it was not currently unleashed.

She regained her composure and said, "Welcome to Greed Island, player. Would you like to hear the guideline?" Haruto nodded, his posture relaxed but attentive, ready to absorb every piece of information.

The girl began to explain, her voice steady, "Upon entering, each player is given a Ring. This Ring is your key to navigating the game. There are two keyword spells that you can use with it: 'Book' and 'Gain'. When you say 'Book', a binder will appear. This binder is essential for storing your cards. There are 100 specified card slots that you need to fill to complete the game. Additionally, there are 45 free slots for any extra cards you might pick up along the way."

Haruto listened intently, his eyes never leaving hers as he processed the information. “And the ‘Gain’ command?” he asked, his voice calm but curious.

"When you say 'Gain', you can turn any item in its card form back into its physical form," she continued. "But be careful, once an item is transformed back, it cannot return to its card form again."

He nodded, understanding the stakes. “Anything else I should know about these cards?”

"The cards are crucial," she explained. "All items you find on the island will transform into cards. If a card is not placed in the binder within a minute, it will revert back to its item form, and you'll have to find it again. The cards can’t be used outside the game, and they won’t respond to 'Gain' unless they are one of the three special cards placed in a case obtained by clearing the game."

Haruto absorbed the information, his mind already strategizing. "Tell me about the difficulty levels and conversion limits," he prompted.

"There are 10 difficulty levels for the cards, ranging from SS, the hardest, to H, the easiest. The upper right corner of each card will show its difficulty level and conversion limit. The higher the rank, the lower the conversion limit."

He understood that this meant some items would be scarcer than others. It added an additional layer of challenge to the game.

She seemed to sense his realization, a small smile playing on her lips. “Anything else you wish to know?”

Haruto paused, considering. “The players. Can I see a list of those currently in the game?”

"Use the binder," she replied, her tone suggesting it was a test. "Say 'Book', and you’ll find what you need."

He did as instructed, saying the keyword. A binder materialized in his hand, and he quickly flipped it open, finding a section listing the names of all the players.

Satisfied, he looked up at the girl, “I think I’ve got it. Thanks for the info.”

She nodded, her expression unreadable. “Good luck, player. Greed Island is not for the faint of heart.”

Haruto smiled, his posture poised and confident as he proceeded down the spiraling stairs. The scenery unfolded into an endless grassy meadow, framed by a towering structure. Soon, he was joined by the others; Canary arrived first, a glint of determination in her eyes, followed by Komugi, whose gaze darted around in awe and surprise.

Her eyes, recently healed, drank in the world with a childlike wonder. "Haruto, is this...?" her voice trembled slightly, a mix of excitement and apprehension lacing her words.

"Yes, Komugi. Welcome to Greed Island," Haruto responded.

Feitan and Phinx soon made their appearance, eyes scanning the surroundings, always alert. The group was now complete, yet the presence of others lingered. Shadows seemed to watch them, unseen yet felt.


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