Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch112- Plans

Hey everyone,

I've got some news to share about my writing. After thinking it over, I've decided to end three of my novels(Reincarnated as A's Heir, Reincarnated as Shiba Clan's Heir and Reincarnated as Young King of Meteor City) at the end of this month. It's a tough decision, but the truth is, these stories haven't gotten as much interest or support on Patreon as I'd hoped.

I tried to keep them going for a few months, hoping things would pick up, but they're just not fulfilling me creatively like they used to. It's time for a change.

I want to emphasize that this isn't a call for pity or a last-minute plea for support. I've always shared my novels for free, and Patreon was just an option for those who wanted to support my work. Your readership has been amazing, and I'm really grateful for the time you've spent with my stories. Thanks for the support thus far.


Haruto sat regally upon his throne in the Throne Room of Meteor Kingdom, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts as he pieced together the complexities of Nen. The room, usually filled with his council, was quieter today, hosting only Canary, Machi, and Kortopi, who were seated around a crescent table in front of him. The grandeur of the throne room, with its high ceilings and intricate designs, contrasted sharply with the intensity of their discussion. His mind, however, was not on the opulence around him, but rather on the topic at hand.

“Specialization,” Kortopi chimed in quietly, almost hesitantly. “Could the creator have used that as well?”

Haruto turned his attention to Kortopi, his eyes sharp yet encouraging. “Indeed, the game’s uniqueness, its ability to transport players into another world... That’s beyond the realm of the other Nen types. It has to be Specialization.”

His words were filled with certainty, his understanding of Nen and its complexities evident in his analysis.

“And Emission?” Canary asked, her voice gentle as she followed Haruto’s train of thought.

Haruto nodded, “Emission is key. To create a separate space, a different world altogether, and maintain a connection to it... Emission Nen is vital.”

His words flowed easily, his analysis sharp and insightful. The room was filled with a sense of awe, Haruto’s intellect and understanding of Nen leaving no room for doubt.

Machi, intrigued and fully invested in the conversation, leaned forward slightly. "Can you do it?" she asked, her eyes searching Haruto's for an answer.

Haruto pondered for a moment before shaking his head, a thoughtful expression on his face. "The effort is immense, and holding such a world wouldn't be possible with a single person. I doubt the Greed Island's creator works alone. Probably with a team. But as Meteor Kingdom, we can create something ten times amazing." His voice held a spark of excitement, his mind already racing with possibilities.

Haruto's eyes took on a serious glint as he continued, “However, we must tread carefully. The simulation will be a massive undertaking, and the risks are significant. We're venturing into uncharted territory, and the unknown can be unforgiving. We need to prepare our soldiers, make sure they are ready for the challenges that lie ahead.”

With a determined look, Haruto shared his vision, 'This simulation is just the first step. Our ultimate goal is to set foot into unexplored lands, to establish a foothold and expand our horizons. Meteor Kingdom will not shy away from the challenge; we will be ready.

Kortopi, drawn in by the conversation and Haruto's confidence, couldn't help but ask, "How?" His curiosity was evident, his eyes fixed on Haruto.

Haruto's lips curved into a smile, "Remember the rumor Machi mentioned about Battera? The card that can heal all wounds? The reason why the card is so strong has two possibilities, either they have a strong healer Nen Master among them, or they used Vows and Limitations."

At the mention of 'Vows and Limitations,' the room’s atmosphere shifted. All present knew the weight of those words, the risk and power they carried. Canary, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and curiosity, was the first to voice the question on everyone’s minds, "You mean they created cards under limitations and vows?"

Haruto nodded, his expression serious as he delved into the heart of the matter. "Limitations are many. The cards are varying in rarity and the rarer it is, the less number of it there is. Using vows and limitations can significantly amplify the power of Nen. It’s a risky move, but it makes the impossible possible."

He paused, ensuring his words had sunk in before continuing, "For example, if we were to create a card similar to 'Blessing of the Angel', we'd need a master healer. But if that's not available, we could set a limitation. The card can only be used once a month, and it demands a great deal of energy from the user. These conditions would make the card's power attainable."

Machi, her eyes wide, was quick to catch on. "So, the stronger the limitation, the stronger the power we can draw out."

"Exactly," Haruto affirmed, pleased with her quick understanding. "But it’s a delicate balance. Push too far, and the risk outweighs the reward."

Canary, her brows furrowed in thought, added, "And it requires absolute commitment. Any hesitation or doubt, and it could backfire."

Haruto nodded, "That’s why it’s a path not often taken. But it’s a path that can lead to incredible power."

Machi, still absorbing the information, asked another question, "What about the players? How do the vows and limitations affect them?"

Haruto leaned back, his expression contemplative. "The players are affected based on their interaction with the cards. For example, a card that grants immense strength but requires the player to not speak for a week. It’s a trade-off, a limitation set to balance the power."

Canary, deep in thought, realized another aspect, "And that’s why the cards have ranks and categories."

"Yes," Haruto agreed, his eyes lighting up with appreciation for her insight. "The ranks and categories are a way to categorize the power levels and the associated risks and limitations."

The room fell into a thoughtful silence, each person lost in their thoughts as they digested the information. Haruto, his mind always working, broke the silence, "This knowledge, it gives us an edge. We can decipher the game’s mechanics, and use it to our advantage."

Machi, inspired by the conversation, nodded in agreement. "It’s like having a key to a locked door. We just need to figure out how to use it."

Machi then asked, "And you want to create a game like that?" Haruto shook his head, locking gaze with her. "No, I want to create a simulation for that place. It is high time our people train for it." He then ordered, "Machi, tell Milluki to save a device. I will enter the game with Canary, Feitan, Phinx, and Komugi."

As Machi swiftly left the room, her movements a clear reflection of her commitment to Haruto's plans, the atmosphere in the room shifted slightly. Haruto turned back to the remaining members, his grin wild, ready to delve back into the exhilarating puzzle they were unraveling.

Haruto turned back to the remaining members in the room, his grin turning wild, akin to a predator that enjoyed hunting. "Let me enjoy this puzzle for a while then."

His eyes gleamed with excitement, his mind racing with possibilities and strategies. It was clear that Haruto thrived in situations that challenged his intellect, and this was no different.


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