Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch114- Feitan, Make Him Talk

As Killua, Gon, and the rest arrived, Kurapika bowed respectfully, his voice clear and sincere, "We will take our leaves now."

Haruto nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze steady. "Go on. We'll handle things here," he said, subtly ushering his elite Nen Masters to explore and engage with the world as they pleased.

Now, only Haruto, Canary, Komugi, Feitan, and Phinx remained, standing under the vast sky with the meadow stretching out before them.

Canary scoffed lightly, a smirk playing on her lips, "How long are they going to watch us?" Her voice, though light, carried a hidden edge, a warrior's intuition sensing the unseen eyes.

Haruto's smile turned wider as he saw the curious glances and hidden smirks from the shadows. "They think we are newbies, so they want to exploit us. Don't worry about them." He kept his tone light, yet the confidence and command were evident. His companions didn't seem concerned either, and they continued walking, their steps sure and unbothered.

However, their calmness was soon interrupted as an aura started to descend from above, landing smoothly next to them. A tall man with an imposing presence appeared, his purple hair standing in bunches, and large piercings adorned his left cheekbone. He wore a yellow tank top paired with grey baggy pants, his look completed with knee and wrist protectors, each adorned with symbols.

The man smirked as he took out his binder, his eyes scanning the group for any hint of reaction. When he saw none, his grin widened, evidently pleased. "Looks like we've got some fresh meat," he taunted, his voice loud and carrying across the meadow.

Haruto turned to face him, his smile never fading. "Is that so? And what makes you think that?" His tone was calm, yet there was a hint of amusement in his voice.

The man chuckled, "Well, for starters, none of you pulled out your binders when I did. That's a clear sign you're new here." He crossed his arms, looking satisfied with his assessment.

Canary stepped forward, her smirk matching his. "Maybe we just didn't think it was necessary. We're not here to play by the book," she said, her tone playful yet sharp.

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, evidently taken aback by their responses. He hadn't expected such composure from a group of supposed newbies.

Haruto stepped closer, his presence commanding, "We're not here for trouble, but we're not pushovers either. So, I suggest you take your games elsewhere."

The man took a moment, his eyes studying Haruto closely before bursting into laughter. "I like you, kid. You've got guts. But this game is not somewhere the likes of you should come easily."

Canary's fist clenched as she took a step forward, her entire being emanating a silent fury. Feitan and Phinx shared a glance, the tension in the air tangible, and they were ready to jump into action. However, Haruto stopped them with a simple, subtle look. A silent command that spoke volumes, showing his trust in their loyalty and his desire to handle the situation himself.

The man grinned, seemingly amused by the brewing storm. He took out a card, his eyes glinting with mischief. Checking their names through the book, he said, "So, you are Haruto, Canary, Komugi, Feitan, and Phinx. Hehe." His laughter echoed across the meadow, a sound filled with arrogance and challenge.

He played with three cards, deliberating, then decided to use one. "Trace On, Attack Haruto." A light left the card, homing towards Haruto, unwavering and relentless. It became immediately apparent to Haruto that he couldn't destroy or evade the light by normal means. It was as if the light was an integral part of the universal laws ruling this island.

This was the reason Haruto was here—to understand and learn the mechanics of this mysterious and perilous game.

Meanwhile, Canary's eyes locked onto the man, deadly and filled with a murderous intent. Her aura intensified, making the air around them heavy. The man, feeling the overwhelming pressure, shivered in his boots, realizing he might have provoked the wrong group.

He was about to use another card, desperate to escape, when he suddenly found himself unable to move. His jaw locked, his body frozen in place, as if invisible ropes bound him tightly. Panic surged through him as he felt every cell in his body immobilized.

Haruto, unaffected by the light that was supposed to attack him, calmly walked toward the paralyzed man. His presence was commanding, his aura exuding a subtle yet undeniable power. His eyes, sharp and focused, never left the man's face.

Haruto looked at Feitan and said, "Feitan, make him speak." A wild, sadistic smile covered Feitan's face as he took a step forward. Torture and interrogation were his favorite activities.

Without wasting a moment, Feitan cracked his knuckles and leaned in closer to the paralyzed man. His eyes were gleaming with a dark thrill as he whispered, "Now, now, let's not make this harder than it has to be." The man's eyes widened with fear, his breath hitching as he realized what was coming.

Canary stood by, her gaze sharp and alert. She wasn't going to interfere; she trusted Feitan to handle this. Phinx, on the other hand, leaned against a tree, watching the scene unfold with mild interest. Komugi stayed close to Haruto, her eyes filled with worry but trusting in his judgment.

"Who sent you?" Feitan's voice was low and menacing, his patience wearing thin. The man struggled, trying to break free from the invisible restraints, but it was futile.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!" The man's voice trembled, his fear evident.

Feitan chuckled darkly, "Wrong answer." He pulled out a small blade, the metal gleaming ominously in the sunlight. "Let's try this again. Who. Sent. You?"

The man's breathing became ragged, his eyes darting around as if looking for an escape. "I—I can't tell you! He'll kill me!"

Feitan's smile only widened at this, "Oh, you think he's scary? Trust me, I can be much, much worse."


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