Lucky Once in Yugioh GX

Chapter 63. You Caught a Rakki!

Confused, I studied her face for any indication of what caused her 180 in attitude. She first hated and didn’t want Camula near me. I wasn’t sure if I had more pull in her decision-making as I should have. She then pressed her lips against mine, and before I could push her away to explain her thoughts, she pulled away, her smile growing larger as she spoke. “But we’re dating now…” A chill ran down my spine, and I gulped in fear of having one of my last walls of defense removed. However… “Alright…” I acknowledged, the red flags from the idea falling on deaf ears as I envisioned Blair rejecting staying with me, and leaving the island in anger of being led on.


Blair’s eyes glinted dangerously as she smiled, the pale moonlight falling behind the branches of the surrounding trees, encompassing us in darkness. Her lips gently pushed against mine as my vision was taken for just a moment. After she was done, she rested her chin on my shoulder while still having her legs wrapped around my waist. “Can you say it?” She whispered in my ear, her lips glancing and grazing my ear as she spoke. I licked my lips, still tasting her lingering bubblegum lip balm.


My instincts screamed at me, this was a door that could never be closed again once opened. After saying those words, I would be bound together with her, and the possibility of holding her back would diminish rapidly. After the sound of silence, mixed together with the passing breeze, finally I opened my mouth. “Blair… You are mine…” Was all I could eek out, not proficient in this kind of talk. I bit my lip as Blair shook her head. “You can do it~” She whispered in my ear, helping push me into saying those words she desired most.


I hit my head in embarrassment, trying to regain my composure before attempting to say it again. “Blair… Please… Be my girlfriend…” The only sound was the blood rushing through my head as I waited for Blair’s response. ‘I wanna die.’ However she nodded, giving me the sigh of relief I wouldn’t have to say or ask in any more embarrassing way, but that was short lived as Blair’s next words showcased what made this a mistake. “I Do…” She whispered, like a vow one would take at a wedding.


Blair then finally let go of me, her face now in full view. A massive smile, made from all her hard work in finally capturing the man she loved. I began wondering who owned who as she latched herself back to my side, her favorite position to be. I had my arm around Blair, instinctively keeping her as close to me as I could. Blair giggled in glee as she continuously rubbed her cheek against my side. I ignored her actions the best I could while I grabbed Camula and threw her over my shoulder, the only way to carry her with only one arm. “Let’s go back.” I said with a sigh, a long day finally coming to a close… Or so I thought.


Back inside our room I placed Camula down in the top bunk, the one Blair was supposed to be sleeping in while rooming with me. I sighed after draping the covers over Camula, making sure to help keep any daylight from hitting her directly. I didn’t know much about vampires in this universe, but sunlight was always the strongest weakness in all literature. I then got down from the small ladder and took an extra blanket we had, using it to block out the window around the edges the curtains missed.


Blair, watching me do all of this from inside my covers, smirked at my actions. “You really are going far for her.” I paused momentarily frowning at her accusation. “I’m not going to let you go.” I said looking towards her, but her smirk never wavered. In fact, it grew from me announcing that. “That’s not what I said.” She said, shaking her head. I stared at her, wondering what she meant by that comment then. 


I was then pushed from behind towards my bed. I glanced back to see Dark Witch gently caressing my back as she kept moving me forward. “We know how you care and depend on us.” She whispered tenderly, her every word blowing air across my ear, sending tingles down my spine. “However.” She continued as more spirits appeared around me. “Girls do like being shown that from time to time.” I slowly nodded in understanding of what she was explaining.


Dark Witch spoke as Dreamsprite fluttered beside me, kissing and nibbling my other ear. “We have been waiting for this day for what seems like forever.” She spoke, a little more heated, her hands resting upon me, grasping tighter and tighter in excitement. “Dark Witch…?” I asked a bit unsurely, looking at Blair tossing and turning under the sheets, Spirit of the Breeze blowing hot yet ticklish air through my clothes, trapping the heat inside, making me unbearably hot. 


Dark Witch spoke while rubbing her chest against my neck from how much taller she was than me in this still prepubescent body. “We understood your desire to keep things at a distance between Blair and yourself.” She paused as I saw Blair’s jeans come flying from underneath the covers, the slow realization of what was happening here making my chest hurt from the strain of excitement and guilt from that excitement. Blair was a young girl, one that I should not have gone as far as I did with before, but this was a larger leap than anything I had ever done thus far. 


Feeling my guilt and anxiety over this, Dark Witch wrapped her arms over my head itself, bringing it to rest on top of her soft chest. “You believe she has the right to do what she wants, right?” I gulped, knowing where this was going, but a small hand, I instinctively knew, rested on my stomach, helping to keep me still. Dark Witch removed her arms covering my vision, allowing me to see Blair’s bare arm. I averted my gaze the best I could so as not to see whether or not she was wearing a shirt, or at the very least a bra.


Blair gripped my shirt tightly as she spoke. “This is what I want.” She finally spoke her voice filled with desire and determination, flaring my body’s desires. I grit my teeth to keep my wits about me, however the multitude of beautiful bodies surrounding me, staring at me, lusting after me… I felt myself starting to slip. “This is normal for boyfriend and girlfriend…” Blair continued while leaning off the bed, and using me to keep herself up. As I looked down, I could see her large eyes looking back at me with a concoction of lust and yearning.


She only had on her light pink bra and panties with white stripes across them. Her long black hair rested down to the small of her back, showcasing a strange contradiction of sultriness and childishness. I gulped as she pulled me a bit closer to the mattress. “Blair…” Was all I could say before words left me. What could I say? That I was older than I looked? That this felt illegal and forbidden to me? That this is about as far from normal as one could get?


As my mind ran through questions at how to stop this without Blair hatefully leaving me. I was brought back by Dreamsprite turning my cheek to look at her orange eyes, mostly hidden under her long and luxurious orange hair. “This isn’t about what you should do… This is about what we all want.” She then gained a teasing smirk as her hand gently placed over the slight bulge in my pants. “What I’ve seen you want~” I gulped, images of those dreams that I kept out of my thoughts the moment I woke up. I always thought she somehow didn’t see them considering how quiet she was about it, but now I knew for a fact she had witnessed some of my dreams.


By this time my body felt stifling from Spirit of the Breeze’s hot air being wisped through my clothes. My willpower of not touching Blair slowly being overruled by my desire for ownership. Dreamsprite, caressing my bulge, suddenly stopped, making my body jump at the need for more. She giggled like the little minx she was, before placing her fingers on my fly. She wrapped her arm around my neck as she leaned back into my ear. “All you have to do is ask~”


I stood frozen for a few seconds, before letting out a deep sigh. I glared at Blair, who’s expression quickly turned to worry if she had pushed me too far. “I tried…” I muttered while slowly wrapping my arm around Dreamsprite's nude blue body, still staring down at Blair with a frown. “I really did try to give you time, to back out of the insanity of being in this kind of relationship. Because you’re too young to really understand the repercussions of your actions.” I then leaned over her as she descended back into my, no… our bed. “But there’s a limit to my self-restraint. I'm not a saint… You’ve made your decision.” I put my hand over my shirt, the overwhelming heat of it finally being removed. Blair stared at me with wide eyes, her surprise quickly changing to excitement. “You shall be one of my women. Not alone in my heart, but one of many… Are you certain this is the road you shall travel down…?” Zorc altered my speech a bit, but Blair seemed to like it, as she touched my cheek, staring deeply into my eyes. “Yes.” She answered back, seemingly out of breath, her face a deep red. “Then let us begin.” I said, slowly undoing my pants.

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