Fate weaver’s convergence

C57 Opening breeze, fading flowers 4

Okay, firstly... FUCK... let me yell that as loudly as possible. Life has been less than kind lately... Regardless... Sorry about the wait yall. Where do I start? Fuck, like really...

Divorce. Don't know any other way to word it. After moving 2,000 miles to another state, 3 months in and a fight slams hard enough to trigger divorce. We aren't parting on the worst of terms, but heartbreak isn't something just fixed by an "I want you to be happy, have a nice life. Working around a hundred hours a week, diving back into work with the army too, and going to disappear for a month for reasons... literally. Sorry about the hiatus, will do my best to post what chapters I can where I can. As always, enjoy, and thank you for reading.


The torrential downpour fell endlessly at the covering tarps of the small fleet. A random mix of fishing boats and warships leftover from forgotten rulers or taken from mercenaries. Elexis, Brand, and a handful of their trusted lieutenants struggled forth in an attempt to secure any food stores they could for the coming winter. With their efforts finally bearing fruit through the regained territory, something more important than arms or land was now needed. Food was short in supply, thanks in large parts to the razing of any stores the church could find whilst they backpedaled from town to town. Upon seizing her new hold, Alexis changed the primary objective until winter's end to maintaining the flow of food to her territory. In her eyes, rationing amongst those loyal to her solely would simply embolden those that were already on the fence about joining her.

“Brand, sir!”

The voice of one of his crewmates called to brand, who sat at the bow of the ship, leaning against its railing.


The ears of the manticore twitched in response, followed by a slight turn of his head to look one he addressed.

“Everyone’s beginning to ask, this is our first time raiding… everyone talks about the old ways but… it’s been a hundred years or so-“

Emil, a young human who was but twenty or so suns in age mustered forth his words, unsure of their end purpose.

“Should we see anyone unaligned, how should we react? We’ve never raided before.”

As Emil finished, Brand could see the eyes of his crew peering at him through the boy.

Brand peered to the sea, unsure of his answer for a moment. Their loosely cobbled together nation of clans was once a waring people intent on raiding and fighting in the name of Solah.
After the worship of Solah shifted sharply under the watch of Elexis’s ancestors, their people fought primarily as a recreational activity through arenas and sanctioned battles. Even then, the battles came to possess less and less death. Those with their raiding party only saw combat against an enemy that was clearly hostile. One that wanted to hunt them; an enemy that considered them prey. Looking up from the water, Brand peered at Elexis, their Matriarch, and Brand’s partner.

None of us are accustomed to raiding, it’s a dead practice and we feel all the closer to our enemy’s doing it. They were gilded with the colors and the armors of the church, but something is off. Elexis, I pray you are confident in your choices.

Brand took a deep breath before looking back to his men and uttering the words Elexis told him with the same question in mind.

“Be they soldier, or farmer! Cut down any who raise sword, spear, ax, or fork. We are raiding territories of Morus. Not for the gold, blood, or glory of our ancestors, but for food to fill the bellies of our families and friends. We are condemning those we raid to a slow death unless they can weather the winter approaching us. With that in mind, and with a mind for their hardship will raise arms. Be prepared to cut down men and women not too unlike yourselves before the start of this war. Watch the back of those next to you, and they will do the same.”

With those words hanging in the air, one of the crew members pointed to the horizon.

“We’re not far off, the docks are within the next hour’s reach.”

Brand yelled at the top of his lungs as the ships ground their keels against sand, and the very moment his raiders stepped foot upon the docks. He could only assume Elexis was giving the same command herself as she landed either her own party just a hundred meters away.

“If they fight, kill them. Don’t touch anyone otherwise.”

With the final word, most of his raiders began running as fast as they could manage along the moorings. Their haste was well-founded, for the raiding party was at a disadvantage. With their landing, they took the very clear risk of fighting a losing battle should the enemy cut them off before they ever reached the end of the mooring. Solah on their side, however, Brand, and Elexis’s parties found the secure footing of stone and sand before any of their enemies even presented themselves.

“Stay together, ready yourselves for battle lines.”

Brand yelled just as the rain began to increase in volume, the wind picking up and nearly skewing the clarity of his words.


Brand grabbed the shoulder of a stout Minotaur from his party, just as Elexis and her raiders came into view.

“Yes, brother?”

Ferrus looked over his shoulder to the Matriarch’s chosen mate, to the manticore for whatever order he may issue.

“I need you to locate the grain stores! If they can be secured, do so! If not, you know what to do!”

Handing Ferrus an unlit torch, Brand nodded before sending him on his way. At the same time, Elexis could be seen dispatching her own raiders throughout the entrances of the village before taking a handful of them with her as she made her way to Brand's side.

“As planned! As soon as we get as much as we can loaded onto the ships, we leave. I won’t have us staying to capture another port I can’t afford to defend. The current one is difficult as is!”

Elexis spoke into brand's ear as the two walked, peering about themselves for any warning of movement.

“No contest, Elexis. We need food, not the territory. I’ll do my best to watch our escape!”

In time with Brand’s words, one of his raiders spotted the first gathering of Church soldiers as they flooded from a hunter's lodge along the street's edge. Eyes catching eyes, one could see the strange hunger emanating from them as fellow humanoids presented themselves. It was as if starved dogs looked upon bones and fresh meat cast into their cages before them.
Brand responded in kind just as the sound of yelling from the Morrison defenders that were approaching. The chorus of clanking armor and weapons beginning to drown out the rain competing for dominance in their ears.

“Battle lines!”

Elexis yelled at the top of her lungs.

“Brand! With me!”

Elexis commanded, pulling a pair of hand axes from her waist.


“This place was hidden in the middle of town?”

I looked up at the fledgling oak that stood at the center of the small clearing, its top barely managing to reach the height of the gutters that surrounded it.

“So, this is why you thought Claire could help, Mama?”

I asked as I looked back down to the grass and flowers that lined the entire courtyard. Dozens of different species adorned the space that was roughly a fifth of a football field in size. Had this been a different time, I was sure Beryl would have had a field day with this kind of garden.

It's crazy to see so many different plants in one spot.

Flashes of the flowers within Beryl's books cycled through my mind at the thought.

Would this be enough?

"Claire's been collecting flowers for years. If it isn't here, then the flower is either too rare or too difficult to raise in such a space."

Mother touted her words as if they were fact, her confidence in the older woman absolute.

"Hatsumi, don't raise the girl's hopes like that."

Claire interrupted as she entered the courtyard just behind us, a small tray of cups in hand.

"While Hatsumi brags in jest, Kiyomi, I do have quite a selection. These are flowers that I've continued to cultivate since the passing of my own mother some time ago. It isn't too much of an exaggeration to claim I have an example of almost every species so far known on the frontier."

Claire continued to speak as she passed us, approaching the tree at the center of the yard. Mana began flowing from her as she approached the tree, the grass near its base began to split apart. Parting the ground, a set of branches reached outward, steadily coiling as they began to form a makeshift table surface as they coiled.

More magic? I've seen electricity, as well as healing. Time to add plants to the list.

"That never ceases to give some kind of 'wow' factor, Claire."

Mother kneeled alongside one of the makeshift tables, looking closely at the coiled wood.

"It's the same way I manage all of the plant life in this garden. Controlling the mana flowing in the ground or through them directly, influences their growth… Outside of that, it's a gardener's secret."

Claire smirked mischievously as she placed the small cups along with the living tables.

"You make it sound so easy, but that's something only a handful of Mages in or outside the empire can say. And here you are, running a shop to make clothes."

Looking between them, it was clear that they were trying to discuss something discreetly.

“Hmph, well, the saying is ‘do what you love’. Not ‘do what you're good at’. That said, Hatsumi, you brought your girl here for a reason. So you think the garden would be a good tool to relieve the Lamia girls' trauma?”

Claire shrugged as she placed a knife through the conversation, ending it promptly and moving to the goal of the meeting. Mother’s fur stood on end for a moment in irritation before settling. Looking to myself, she placed a hand on the grass where her tail lay.

“Come, Kiyomi. Time to tell her the plan, if you really want to help Beryl get past her slump then Claire’s our best resource.”

Still stuck in my thought at the direction of their conversation, I was hesitant to take my seat before acknowledging mother's signal.

Ah, catch up with the conversation…

“Sorry, I was thinking of something for a second. Miss Claire, Mama said we might be able to use your garden to train?”

I asked the question intended to lead the conversation, my own tail swaying nervously before tucking it to the side. Tail in hand, I dropped to my knees next to Mother, careful not to land on the tail that marked its place.

“Depends, Kiyomi. I want to hear it from you instead of Hatsumi.”

Claire sighed as she moved to sit in the grass, a small set of roots rising from the ground to form a contoured seat as she did.

Why explain the reasoning again? You were there for the conversation the first time. We even asked when we arrived.


Claire furrowed her brow at my hesitation to answer, shooting a look of concern briefly before straightening her expression.

“You’re mature for your age, you need to confront the possibility that what we do here could actually hurt your friend.”

With her cup cradled in her hands, Claire leaned her weight onto the table so to close distance.

“How do you directly intend to help Beryl?”

Claire asked firmly. Unexpectedly, I was unable to look away. I was stuck giving a straight answer, unable to lean on Mother's ability to articulate herself or to voice vague concern.

“Sh- “

I choked on my own words momentarily before swallowing. A small part of myself attempted to rationalize a strange fear at the back of my mind that screamed to back out. Going against it, I forced the thoughts that I was able to compose after actually looking back to the moment Beryl shut down. Sighing, I slumped my shoulders as I voiced the thoughts I had myself. The thoughts of not Kiyomi, but Aiden.

“The exact moment Beryl shut down was the time we finished her book of flower pressings as we discussed. After Mama brought up your garden, I was hoping we could use it to train in. Like it would give us a secure environment to actually spend time instead of worrying about another Bulette…”
I paused, looking at the cup that Claire nudged towards me.

“Unfiltered thought. You think surrounding her with something she relates both fond AND traumatic memories would help her get over any fear over the world on the outside?”

Claire asked in a flat tone as if chasing down an answer that was yet to be given.

“Kiyomi, you can just as easily hurt Beryl with this plan as you can help her.”

Strangely, the feeling of fear at the back of my mind pressed forward. The nervous sway of my tail was enough to break my own hand's grip, forcing my now empty palms to seek comfort in my lap.

I- Wh- No! That wasn’t what I wanted! I want to stop her from-

A swarm of emotion welled to the surface, only to be held just below. The realization that suppressed feelings were taking hold.

“I know… But I can't think of anything else. I don't want her to hide from what she finds happiness in. I’ve- I’ve seen it before.”

So it came full circle, the memories of Lucas. We found many things in common, I couldn't find much joy in anything after I watched him die. All I ever saw was his face. Was that what Beryl saw? A friend? Her old home? She’s afraid to see us get hurt… will bringing her here really help her? Or will it validate her fear?

“I’m afraid of her pushing Vaughn and I away, as if shutting out the possibility of loss is the best way to handle it in the first place!”

The sudden feeling of warm tears streaking down my face forced the words that suddenly came to mind forward.

“I don't want-”

Don’t say that shit! If you do it, you do it for her only! This isn’t YOUR life to be selfish with.

My voice cracked at my thought, the attempt at berating myself cracking some kind of floodgate as a small hiccup breaking the vocalization.

“To lose another friend…”

The trickle turned into a stream of tears as I felt my mother pull me closer to her, forcing me to lean in.

“That's the full answer we wanted, Kiyomi.”

Mother cooed, brushing my bangs to the side to avoid wetting my hair.

“Well Hatsumi, you have my garden. When’s the first day?”

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