Fate weaver’s convergence

C56 Opening breeze, fading flowers 3

Whew, back from the rather unwarranted and unappreciated break. My apologies for the wait, I've been working on the story the best I could in the meantime. Demotivation with writing and stress, in general, have been wreaking havoc on me. Thankfully, things look up now. This particular chapter for some reason was illuding me in purpose, it has been re-written nearly a dozen times and now it feels just good enough to post. My work has been going well, I've been swapped to full-time from part-time so now I actually earn paid leave and get benefits from my job. The move went well and I'm breathing in that fresh Washington air in the shadow of Mt. Rainier/an active volcano. 

In other news. While I don't think posts will be as active as before, I do intend to at least get multiple chapters done a month as opposed to the pattern that rose over the last 3 months. Thanks for reading and sticking with me! Please enjoy as always!

“Hahahaha! She looks adorable!”


Mother squealed, her arms wrapping around me as she began squeezing the air out of my body; as if I were an oversized plush.


“Mama, wa-urk-”


I was currently being lifted into the air thanks to Mother's infatuation with my new wardrobe piece. Looking over it before I was so rudely brought out of the floor's embrace, it was rather eye-catching considering my tastes before.


Wait, why this styling for a little girl?


 I couldn't necessarily blame her considering she was proud of her commission as well as how it looked on me. The coat was quite loose, only showing any sign of adjustability through a set of strings located along specific points to allow proper fit for unencumbered movement. The interior was a blended mix of wool and fur that's been dyed either black or a very deep shade of red, wool being primarily on its interior and fur occupying the sleeves, hood, and the seam along the button. The exterior differed in texture greatly. It looked almost synthetic rather than natural; being smooth and holding a strange sheen. Upon closer inspection, it was some form of scaled hide. Its primary coloration was cream, shifting to a darker hue of magenta closer to seems, and the edges of the coat. The buttons were rather bland but form fitting to the theme; consisting of more loops of string, accompanied on the opposite side of the coat by what was either teeth or claw trimmings from a larger monster that were stained a dull brown.


I can't blame her- it does look kinda nice. 


“Claire, you outdid yourself!”


Mother twisted her head in the direction of the exhausted seamstress, her ears at attention whilst a smile was plastered across her face.


“Mama, this is kinda uncomfy.”


My slightly muffled voice unceremoniously interrupted the mothers mini celebration. 


Please… put me down, this feels infantilizing.


Thankfully, my complaint did not fall on ears too occupied to hear them.


“Ah, sorry baby.”


Lowering me slowly, Mother looked on once more before exhaling with a prideful smile.


“Those hides weren't easy to come by, the fact that you managed to work with them was even better.”


Mother nodded to Claire whilst she returned to her chair, the creak of wood and the shuffling of the padded cloth overtaking her speech momentarily. 


“Kiyomi, the outer material of that coat is expensive. I was not exaggerating when I said do NOT damage it.”


Mother nodded to Claire, signaling the seamstress. After a moment of distracted sipping, Claire cleared her throat. The sound of congested lungs filled the brunt of the noise as she pounded her chest.


“Apologies, part of the reason for the tea was to help loosen some things up. Ahem.”


Claire inhaled before she began, looking at me with a straight expression.


“Kiyomi, Hatsumi and Callum both invested a particular amount of funds into the making of this coat. Please take care to listen, as your Mother says.”


Claire awaited a response, refusing to continue without some form of acknowledgement. 


“Yes Ma’am…”


Hearing my voice, Claire continued in confidence. 


“Do you understand the length of winter?”


The length of winter?


I thought back at my lessons with Lorn, and those with Mother. Winter supposedly lasted a whole earth year on average. The last winter ended just as I was found, leaving me with no recollection, even on Kiyomi’s part. 


“I remember in my lessons that it was once every couple of suns. And it lasts nearly a sun by itself?”


“Correct, winter lasts nearly a solar cycle in and of itself. Along with winter's length, is its harsh weather. Winter within this region is fairly mild, however you still need rugged and warm winter wear thanks to our proximity to the mountains. It is almost unpredictable when a flash snowstorm may sweep the area. This coat should last you the next couple of years thanks to the material put into it.”


Claire paused for a moment, thinking through her words possibly as she hesitated to continue more than once.


“You may not recall, or even remember the last winter, do you?”


She looked on to me, brows furrowed as she asked a question she was unsure of.




I shook my head, unable to even give a memory from Kiyomi in my own place.


Even her last memories that I CAN recall, it was as winter passed and spring was under way.


“Kiyomi, the previous winter ended a few months before we found you. The next one is just around the corner.”


Mother added, crossing her legs as her tail swayed.


“Hatsumi will guide you well through it, sure enough. Reading about it is never like truly experiencing it. The cool breeze and the frost on the window panes are merely the start.”


Claire added.


I thought it was mild here? Why is she suddenly talking it up as if it’s grueling?


“Kiyomi, if winter were shorter this would be less of a concern. But an entire sun is a long time for many things to happen. This coat is meant to keep you warm throughout that entire period. Don’t take it lightly, the cold is your worst enemy. Not at first, but over time it will take even experienced adventurers down.”


Claire paused before shaking her head and regaining her focus. 


“The entire point of this coat is to keep you healthy. The winter tends to sneak up on most, especially a young girl as- ah, what’s a word for this?”


Claire awkwardly scratched at the corner of her mouth before looking to Mother then back.


Er- a girl as active and reckless as yourself.”


Excuse me?




I asked, slightly taken aback by Claire’s observation. 


“Mama, I’m not reckless, right? I’m- wait. Don’t look the other way like that! Why are you looking away?!”


I found myself questioning Mother as she shifted her gaze to a corner of the room, an awkward smile being fought down as she was obviously holding in a laugh.


“Seriously? I’m thought of as reckless?”


I slumped my shoulders, feigning the part of the saddened child.


“Not necessarily Kiyomi, just think of it as… insurance.”


Mother looked away from the corner with my complaint, responding in an attempt to clarify some unspoken reasoning.


“Hatsumi. If you’re going to hint at it, say it earnestly. Don’t let your concern go unnoticed when it's that reasonable.”


Claire chided suddenly, grabbing my attention as she did.


“Kiyomi, do you remember the conversations we had…about the eighth sun, and sixteenth sun?”


Claire’s question stumped me, blindsiding from lack of context for just a moment. The only hint that broke me out of my clouded thoughts as I attempted to remember was the recollection of the dress adorned with scales.


Looking back, I was swept up in all that. Had It not been for the momentum, I’d have been a lot more embarrassed. What does she mean?


“By the look on your face, you don’t remember. Ah, you’ve been blooming for a month now, but you’re still young.”


With a shrug, Claire answered herself.


“It is common for children to never make it to your age in this region. One of those lead reasons was disease around your age. Remember?”


I nodded, the thought of the night just barely creeping back.


Is it tough thanks to having drank that night? Or the cloud in my mind again?


“Winter… winter is the lead multiplier of that cause. Usually, you’d be adapted by now, but thanks to your memory-“


“You lack the respect for the winter’s grasp on your life.”


Mother interrupted, staring at me intently.


“What do you mean?”


The question seemed to be all I could muster, strangely.


“You’re very resilient in the face of what happened not so long ago… in case you underestimate it… I want you to be safe.”


Mothers ears twitched as she said this, wavering at her own words.


“What she means is don’t think a little cold won't hurt you. She’s saying ‘Stay warm’ in the language of a worried mom.”


Claire said with a sigh, audibly exhausted.


“Do I seem over-worried?”


Mother asked, furrowing her brow. 


“Over Worried? A little. Overworking this explanation? A lot.”


Claire strained her neck, then relaxed.


“The coat will keep you warm and is adjustable as you age and grow. The buckles and seems are designed for this… though whether it will do you any good for your chest remains to be seen.


Let’s ignore and react as if we never heard that comment…for Kiyomis sake… yeah, definitely not my own.


“ Although it will graduate from ‘warm coat’ to that of a windbreaker by the time you’re fully grown. Exposed surface area and all. Next is the pockets. There should be one just inside the center for avoiding pickpockets. The next is-“


Roughly half an hour passed with Claire idly going on and on with her work put into the coat, yawning intermittently.


Tired… I wish I was home… or with Lorn… or with- Ah- I forgot!


Somewhere through Claire's rambling, I was reinvigorated with a nearly lost objective.




In a split second I’d gone from wavering where I stood, to planting myself into the side of Mothers chair that I’d startled her awake from an abrupt nap.


“What-!? I’m up! What’s up?! I’m here with the apples!”


Both my own, and Claire’s explanations shuddered to a halt as we attempted to register mothers surprise. 




“Did I fall… asleep… ah”


Mother began blushing as she forced herself to sit up straight. 


All that drama a while ago, and now you’re dead tired? Wait- focus!


I shook my head before calling Mother once more. 


“Mama! I can’t forget! I came here to ask for your help!”


I was unsure how I may have looked to her or Claire at that time. The closest I could imagine was looking like I was some dumb child.


“Beryl’s really sad right now, and I want to help cheer her up. But I just can’t seem to do any good. I… I don’t have any other friends. Talking to Vaughn was easy, but Beryl-“


Speaking to Vaughn was eased by my own youth. I could relate to him cause I am- was one as well, right?… Beryl though? I only ever had a handful of girlfriends… My Mom… My Sister. But not a single girl that I could legitimately call a friend. My capacity to draw from my own experience is nil when it comes to cheering her up. 


I looked to the floor, hands placed back onto the arm of the chair. 


“I’ve tried, but I just can’t. I don’t know how to be there for her. I can think of things to do, ways to help… ”


My words ceased as I suddenly felt unable to continue, a strange sense of guilt weight in my stomach holding my tongue back. 


“I want to help, not accidentally make things worse.” 


With the feelings vented, the room was silent for just a moment, I stared at the floor, unable to look at the two other women in the room.




Mother spoke. 


“Why are you acting so embarrassed about seeking help?”


Mother’s tone was one mixed with soft laughter, an effect that was strangely reassuring.


“I’ll do my best, what kind of Mom would I be if I didn’t?”


Mother gave her answer, her smile filling with pride as she brushed a few stray strands of hair from my face.


“Now, explain everything as best you can.”

“Kiyomi, what you all went through must have been terrifying.”


Mother took a moment as she looked back out over the balcony of our room.


“You can’t expect your friends to handle what happened the same way you did. In truth Kiyomi, I expected you to be shutting yourself in. But here you are, defeating expectations and trying to help Beryl.”


“What do you think I should do? Every time I think of something I feel like it’d get shot down.”


I’m clueless on how to actually help, you’re my best hope Mom.


There was silence for some time as Mother undoubtedly thought over a handful of responses. By the time she answered, shopfronts in the street below had closed. 


“With everything you mentioned, Claire could help.”


Mother gave her initial thought, her tail now fidgeting in place. 


Claire? Of all people?


“Claire doesn't let many people through her shop, but she actually has quite the garden. Maybe letting Beryl back there would brighten her up some… how does wednesday sound?”


Mother gave her fist proposal after the hour long conversation, leaning back from the railing as she did so.




“I don’t know if it’d be best… considering that was the last thing we did that could have set her off.”


I grimaced at Mother's suggestion, unsure if it was the wisest choice.


“It’s not much, but it's what we have. Besides, I think there might be something you're not reading into, Kiyomi. Think about it, I want an answer by breakfast tomorrow.”

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