Fate weaver’s convergence

C55 Opening breeze, fading flowers 2

So... Where to start... for the hundredth time... Why not on a light note?

Thank you all for reading! 

It's strange considering I never expected it, but the story sits on spot 58 still for the 'gender bender' tag at the moment. We're at 4,999 favs, 1248 subbed readers (and god only knows how many unsubbed readers), 115 ratings... And lastly... Just shy over 200k views.

All of that is more than I ever expected, and I'm thankful...

Now for bad...

Life's tough, people in my discord have had a slight heads up. Now comes for you all. The story will be slow... I'm doing the best I can to keep up, but depression, work, and a new unexpected trial are all tearing me down. Will be moving from central Texas to Washington State in the coming month, towing absolutely everything we own in a trailer using truck-kun. New chapters will simply be forced out as I can make them, unfortunately. In that same spirit, I was hoping to start doing illustrations every now and then for the story.


Welp! Back to writing and polishing the story! Please enjoy!




The voice of a young girl uttered the Lamia’s name; youthful energy and excitement filled its tone, the tail of the name’s owner moved idly from side to side, signaling its disinterest in the call. 




A shrill voice cut into Beryl’s perception, drawing attention from her hands that she'd spent what felt like an eternity staring at. She'd been actively trying to ‘make’ the water that she watched one of her mothers summon instantly.


"Hey, Beryl!"


The concentration was shattered instantly as a sharp flick caught Beryl on the forehead, now leaving a stinging sensation in its place.


"Owww! Hey!"


Beryl held her forehead, her eyes tearing up as she looked up to the girl who'd just broken her away from her fantasy. 


“Aisha! Why?!”


Beryl complained, raising her body as her tail coiled.


“Because! Dummy! You’ve been doing that forever! Didn’t you say you wanted me to take you to the flowerbeds?”


The blond-haired girl, Aisha, chastised Beryl, stamping her feet in frustration as Beryl continued to brush aside their plans for her newest interest.


“Sorry, I just got really caught up! Mama splashed that one guy really hard! I wanted to try and make water like her!”


Beryl held her hands aloft, mimicking the motion of splashing water upward. With the motion, the small Lamia shifted, having to correct and save herself from her own fall.


“Beryl, Miss Sophie or Cressa wouldn’t be happy to see you copy them; they said to wait until we get big.”


Aisha shook her head, her expression showing a hint of disapproval.



The memory of Beryl’s past played through her mind as she curled within her own coils. 


“All the time I could have spent with you, wasted... I don’t-“


Beryl was whispering to herself, stifling her speech as she felt tears working themselves outward. She craned her neck to look over the edge of her tail, the floor within view; thinking of the book that was just out of view.


I don’t want to lose Vaughn… or Kiyomi… I can’t see it happen again. But- how? They were brave but-


Beryl shivered in place, her trembling form causing the bed to creak momentarily.


Scared… I have to get stronger… Stronger… like Vaughn… like Kiyomi… but if they're in the way-


The image of the Bulette being roasted alive by the lightning flashed in her mind.


I can't do magic like that… not if it means they'll be in danger.

The young Lamia sat beside herself for what felt like hours after pushing her friend away, her mind traveling in circles as she brooded on memories she’d never intended to draw out.


Okay, Lorn said Mom should be here. Hopefully, I'm not running around for nothing.


The sun had already set over Brenton, the light just barely shining across the mountains as the sky took on a purplish hue. With the Lanterns flooding fresh light across the streets, and the bustle of the evening, the city came to life in a different way. The tune of the city's residents spending their leisure time. In most places, walking around at this hour as a kid would be dangerous; thankfully I was untouchable because of the culture. The only unpleasant feeling was the occasional gust of wind carrying the chill of oncoming winter. I’d almost enter autopilot as I sought out Claire’s storefront if not for the sound of adventurers arguing just ahead. 


“Adrian, the least we expected of you was to not blow the money we saved for the travel.”


The complaint was forced from what looked like a male orc that resembled Stanis in stature; grayed in complexion, scruffy, and built as if he were entirely muscle. He wore canvas trousers, a partially destroyed cloak, and a leather shirt. Accompanying this, either side of his hip was adorned with what looked like Kukri. One word came to mind, at the very least from a soldier's perspective.


He’s built like a brick shithouse! Christ!


“How could I have known healing services of that level cost a fortune?! You’d be half blind AND deaf right now anyway! Ungrateful greenskin!”


A human woman just two heads taller than myself protested, auburn side-tail swinging as her eyes locked onto the much taller Ork. Her pale skin showed a slight tinge of red, presumably from a light sunburn. The last notable feature about her was the single satchel slung over her shoulder and her strangely bland robe. The image was almost amusing, considering she just barely surpassed his waistline in height.


“Just stuff it. What's done is done! What we need to do now is focus on getting our savings up for another cart! Now move it!”


Wait a moment, that voice doesn’t fit the big guy. And his mouth isn’t even moving, he actually looks uncomfortable.


Answering my confusion, a small Goblin poked his head over the Ork's shoulder, as if he'd been perched on a pack of some kind. His own complexion was green, whilst yellow eyes adorned his face along with uncharacteristically smooth and well-kept hair. His own clothes were tightly bound to him by what appeared to be leather and string whilst a coin purse was tied to his chest. 


 “The guild should be up-... Where's the Guild again?”


The argument of the group culminated in all three stopping in place whilst scratching their heads.


Meh, pay them no mind, they can find their way... Don’t attract their attention.


For a moment, the three peered around before the female of the group caught a glimpse of me as I tried pressing by.


Please don't ask. Please don't ask. Please don't ask. Please don't-


“Excuse me, Miss? Would you be able to point us somewhere?” 


Oh, for fuck sake- play it easy. Just tell them where. 


“Don’t go asking random kids for directions, for Nyx’s sake, Adrian!”


The goblin snapped, throwing what looked like a paper ball at Adrian. Surprisingly, it had enough force to nudge her head.




Oh, shi- is she good?


As Adrian regained her composure, she balled her fist until her knuckles turned white. Aiming the fist at the goblin, what looked like a pebble was flicked from her hand, making a small ‘smack’ noise as it contacted the goblin's forehead.


“Ga-fu-. Adrian!”


The goblin brought both hands to his forehead before looking back down to Adrian, fury evident in his disproportionate eyes.


“Graf, we have to reach out at some point! Being stubborn won't help!”


“That neediness is exactly what put us in this situation!”


Graf and Adrian continued to squabble, meanwhile, the Orc that was caught in the middle appeared to be awkwardly twiddling his thumbs as if trying to imagine himself somewhere else. 


Poor guy, I know your pain.


I empathized with him, relating through the arguments of my parents, both past and present. The scene made me feel like I was spectating.


“Uh, sir?”


I managed to speak up whilst the other two argued incessantly. 




The Ork looked like he’d smiled at the slight distraction, his beard and mustache shifting as he looked to me. 


“If you head that way-”


I pointed back towards the street I’d traveled that led back to the main plaza.


“ -to Brenton Plaza, you should be able to see the Guild from there.”


“Oh? Thanks, kid… er-”


The Ork furrowed his brow momentarily.

At Least someone knows how to keep on track. 


“Kiyomi, just Kiyomi. Your name?”


I gave the most impromptu introduction I could manage, given I was on a personal mission. 


“Aleck, nice to meet you, Kiyomi. This way?”


Aleck pointed with his thumb, his brows raised to accentuate his question. 


“Mhmm! Brenton Plaza, to the right you should see the Guild from there.”


I gave Aleck the most polite smile I could manage before falling silent once more, slowly heel-toeing my way into motion so I wouldn’t be dragged further in.


“Thanks, kid, we won't keep you. Stay safe!”


Oh, thank fuck! Side-quest avoided!

The Ork signaled my dismissal from the interaction through his own toothy smile and the slow nudging forward of the girl that argued with his passenger.


“See, at least Aleck can accept help!”


The voices of the three slowly blended into the crowd as we each went separate ways. Turning around, I doubled my pace to Claire’s shop.


Back to operation: cheery snake!

After roughly another ten minutes, I arrived at Claire’s storefront. As opposed to usual, not one of her candles lit. Instead, the front was dark; the only hint of life within the old shop was the glow of warm candlelight emitting from a doorway just barely within view of the glass pane.


They must be in… if anything, Claire wouldn’t mind the visit? 


I pushed the door to the shop open slowly and deliberately to ensure I didn’t force it open in case it was locked. With a slow creak, the door swung open in time with my advance. The cry of metal hinges and the sudden drop of a shop bell greeted me before I even set foot inside. An aroma forced its way past me instantly, coupled with the warm air of a lit fireplace. It was off-putting, washing the air around me as if every ounce of atmosphere in the room was not of the outside world. Instead, the aroma was reminiscent of both cream and herbs. Hints of additional scents were present, yet I couldn’t place a word directly on their origin.


“For the love of- the shop is closed!”


The voice of an older woman yelled out from the building's interior.


Yep, Claire’s definitely home.


Barely a moment passed before Mother’s own voice rang out, much calmer in demeanor than the former.


“It’s okay Claire, it’s just Kiyomi. In here sweetie!”


Stepping further in, the smell became more apparent. By the time I was able to place a name on the scent, I’d already made it to the lit entrance. Turning the corner, the sight that greeted me was that of Mother and Claire each seated in comfortable-looking chairs next to a fireplace. Cupped in each pair of hands appeared to be clay mugs with some kind of drink, presumably tea. 


“Hey, Mama! ‘Evening, Miss Claire.”


Each of the older women flashed me a gentle smile in response to my appearance, relief evident on one whilst satisfaction lined the other.


“You had me scared for a moment, girl. I was anticipating yet another parent or some adventurer.”


Claire visibly shivered at her own words.


Am I missing something?


I raised a brow awkwardly.


“She means winter is making her busy.”


Mother added, smiling and leaning her head back against her chair.


“Over here, Kiyomi.”


Mother released the clay mug, a single hand now held it in place as the opposite hand patted lightly against the material of the chair's arm. 


A rush of orders?


It was difficult to tell if Claires following response was due to my expression, or Mother's presumably light description of events.


“Busy, I may as well drop dead from overwork right now. I can feel it, ugh. So many more wool liners.”


Claire continued her complaints, the older woman's voice cracking as she brought her mug to her lips. Blowing steam away from the fluid's surface, Claire took a deep drink of her beverage; one that lasted nearly half a minute before she parted the rim of the cup from her mouth. Catching her breath momentarily, Claire continued. 


“You’ll see soon enough why child. Hatsumi, give the girl her coat. It's my last order of the day, so I can make any small alterations left.”


Claire waved her hand to Mother, a slight smirk showing for a split second. 




Mother called as I continued approaching. Standing by her side, Mother seemed content. Her tail was swaying side to side, whilst her eyes were relaxed; it was as if she could fall asleep on the spot. Looking to the base of the chair to her side, just below the arm she patted, lay a cloth sack. 


“Winter is due in just over a month, it was about time we got you something worthy of the weather.”


Kneeling to her side and peering into the mouth of the sack, It was evident most of the work was already surprisingly done considering my absence. 


Winter starts in a month... So Mother was here for a coat? Wait, no distractions! I have to ask-


The sway of my own tail locked tightly as I forced myself to focus, looking up on reflex as I attempted to ask my questions.


“Mama, I had a quest-”

Unfortunately, Mother was not as keen to answer random questions. Looking up to her, Her eyes were bare slits, their color visible even when cracked.


“This ones treated with oils and slime enzymes so it doesn't get melted like the other clothes… It won’t… will it?”


The question had an air to it, implying a hint of ‘that's an order, not a request.’ Mother was directly warning me to not treat it recklessly. 


“N- no ma’am…”


On reflex, I forced my eyes down and averted my gaze. 


“Good... Now, try it on.”


Hatsumi murmured, before taking a sip of her drink. 


“Mama, I wanted to ask-”


“Ah-ah-ah, put the coat on.”


Shit, this is going to take time.

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