Fate weaver’s convergence

C58 Opening breeze, fading flowers 5

Fuck yeah bitch! I'm alive! Field environment be damned! Have another chapter! Divorce, depression, and all the other shit ain't gonna stop me! Got to operate a bulldozer, survey, see new sights and enjoy foreign food! Feeling super damn confident again!

Thank you for reading! Hope ya all enjoy~


Side note, I have an ongoing feeling eating away at me that my writing quality drops every time i take a huge amount of time to get a chapter out. I am trying my best to alleviate it. The only thing that will fix it is sticking to my old schedule. hopefully i can.


With the next week's passage, Beryl seemed unable to escape her rut. Random bouts of happiness would suddenly derail, and she'd shut herself in. By the time she was allowed to roam as she wanted and we were free to use Claire's Garden, she practically begged to do practical exercises with Mother at the city walls. It Was supposedly the first time she'd ever taken a demanding tone with anyone as well.




Vaughn strained to catch his breath as he maintained his posture, holding a low-plank position. 


“-Callum… do you think I could rest? This was supposed to be a break from training.”

The words were forced through Vaughn's lips, his face turning red as he did. 

“Physical training can be done at little harm to yourself and will do you plenty of good in the future, boy. Besides, you gonna let your friend over there out do you?-"

Vaughn could be seen shooting a glance up at Beryl, then over at myself before finally locking eyes with Callum.

"- She might win your little competition. Hold on for another minute, then you can start stretching.”

From my own position, I could barely make out what words of encouragement were given. Immediately after however, Vaughn position ceased any change from strain. A strong pat was given between Vaughn’s shoulder blades, the barely audible crunch of an apple soon accompanying it. 

Its almost like looking at myself from before in third person, what the hell. 

 I was given a sense of deja vu from the sight. Opposite of them, Callum set me aside and told me to simply practice using my skill, Cleave, to cut at the air. All I had to do was swing and shift positions into another stance, then swing once more. All I did was repeat the action, though it was slightly awkward, given I wasn't large enough to maneuver my sword without chopping at the ground.

I understand. They're strong kids, but still. What we saw, the messages. Who could decide to go back into what we're doing so readily? 

I stepped forward for the next repetition, the sound of the blade swinging through the air with a characteristic 'woosh.' The ease of following through with Cleave felt strange, as if a secondary force was pushing at the muscles up through my back, chest, and arms.

Beryl's change in mood had never taken such an extreme shift before, her image nearly mirroring that of my sister from Earth amidst some rebellious fit. 

A small part of myself suddenly felt the urge to stop practicing, to stamp my feet and say no. Pushing the feeling down, I vented the frustration by throwing it through the next swing. At that moment, my change in position brought Mother and Beryl into the center of my sight.

"Calm, Beryl. You have to feel the flow of your mana. Let it pool in your hands."

 Mother and Beryl were training in a much lighter use of lightning magic than the form she used when fighting the Bulette. Opting instead of teaching her forms that would guarantee a kill immediately to something controllable that could be used repeatedly.

"Okay, like this, Miss Hatsumi?"

Beryl's arms were raised, awkwardly imitating a similar position to Mother's. The forward arm was raised straight out with the hand balled into a fist, and two fingers pointed forward from this. Presumably, it was to direct the spell.

Hmm, seems familiar.

My attention had been caught as I was temporarily distracted.

"Yes, like that. Feel the energy amassing in your fist. Wield it in your fist as if you were holding a rope."

Mother straightened Beryl's arm slightly before moving to the opposite arm.

"Next, take your rearward arm. Draw the same energy to it, then reach forward and attempt to place each set of pointing fingers to each other."

Beryl's opposite hand mimicked the same pose as her forward one.

"Correct your posture as you do this. It will assist you if you need to hold it for longer periods-"

Beryl's back was arched as Mother's tail pressed forward at its base. As this occurred, her other hand was raised to the same position as the other.

"Do you feel the mana flowing together?"

Mother asked, looking from Beryl's face to the now joined hands. Within a few moments, stray wisps of mana could be seen flowing from the creases of her fingers. 

"It's hard, I can't hold it together."

"Steady, don't let it go-"

 Reaching forward, Mother used her hands to stabilize Beryl's.

"It will become calmer the longer it's held."

The stray wisps of mana began to die down, a small, bright glow now emanating in their place.

That form-

The pose Beryl seemed to be taking was one-third used at least every other day. She was drawing a lightning bow for the first time.

She's already trying to learn more combat magic?

"It feels like I can't hold it back anymore!"

Beryl stammered, a hint of fear in her voice as the slight glow grew brighter. Mother simply smiled before resting her hand on Beryl's drawing hand and slowly began to pull it backward.

"Hold onto the mana; allow it to flow into the string that you're pulling."

"Okay, I'm holding."


"Now, pullll-"


As the two reached backward together, a crackling arc of electricity held itself between Beryl's hands. With it, two jutting arcs of Mana sprayed from either end of Beryl's closed fist in the crude shape of a bow. Soon after, a branch of arching electricity pressed forth from her pointed fingers towards the wall.


"You did it, Beryl. You've managed to summon 'Arc bow'."


Mother patted softly against Beryl's shoulder before directing her sights at the wall.


"Okay, Beryl. I want you to shoot the Arc Bolt at the city wall. It will ground out, so you're fine to do so."


"Alright, so… like this-"


Beryl could be squinting as she locked her concentration on the city's wall. The stone structure serves as the safest apparent target. With a growing crackling noise emanating from her hands, Beryl at least loosed the Arc Bow that crackled and dwelled within her grip.


Mama's Lightning Bow shots don't seem very different. But Beryl's seems more erratic… untethered?




Beryl's final word seemed like it was intended to mark an expected climax.




What was expected to be some kind of show of lights and Mana turned to a crackle of dissipating electricity and the occasional rustling of brush.


"Wh- I don't-"


“Beryl, you did well enough.”


“Are you sure? I- Maybe I’m doing something wrong.”


Mother gave her words of encouragement, stretching each of her arms as she did. Beryl, however, was obviously stressed. Her tail could be seen shifting nervously. Not an ounce of stillness was present when she wasn’t actively channeling her mana.


I can see the effect now… she needs a break… 


My mind clicked back to another memory of earth. Seeing people Crack under performance anxiety. Whether it was life growing up… or with troops. I'd yet to see it here, but then again, I can only ever recall those I'd met so far. Continuing to watch, I dropped my stance. Instead of practicing swinging, I found myself leaning against my swords cross guard as I watched.


Beryl, you need to take a break.


“Man-mm, Beryl-“


Mother shook her head, her tail drooping uncharacteristically.


“Beryl, the fact that you manifested Lighting-strike so early is a miracle. It should honestly take you a hundred or so tries to get Arc bow to work properly.”


Mother looked to Beryl with an expression attempting to push out the words ‘I’m sorry’ with a glance alone.


Beryl lowered her hands, looking down to empty palms as small sparks of energy dissipated rapidly.


"I don't understand! I followed the instructions to the word!"


Beryl's tail whipped against the dirt in frustration, its tip cutting into it slightly.


" You just need to keep trying. I could never get that far on my first try. You'll make it eventually."


Mother placed a palm on the fuming Beryl's shoulder.


"Don't let your frustration get a hold of you. Imagine if you made it this far in a few hours; what could you do in a few days? It will make it harder for you. Now, bring your arms back together-"


The two immediately began running through the movements once more. Beryl's frustration seemed to die as she brought her focus back. 


She's running on Mama's encouragement hard.


I continued watching the two practice Arc-bow together, my body loosening as I relaxed. The only thing reminding me of my previous work being the sweat trickle down my brow.


Endurance makes a difference when you have a stomach that isn't dead empty.


At this point it was less an excercise of skill rather than cardio. Bringing my weight off of the sword's hilt.


"She doesn't- hah- handle failure well."


Vaughn strained, just barely audible enough for me to hear him. Looking over, he was posted on his knees while gasping, sweat rolling down most of his body.


Christ, kid looks like a fuckin hometeam football player after practice… ugh, smells like it too.


Trying not to sneer at the sudden sour smell of BO, I responded to Vaughn's statement.


"What do you mean? She's just picking up where she left off, isn't she?"


Vaughn looked toward Beryl, our friend still awkwardly following Mother's instruction in an attempt to succeed at using the lightning magic.


"She's putting up with it for now. She won't be able to hold out forever, though. She did this when she first started learning mana manipulation."


"She did?"


"Watch, her tail will start whipping at the ground really hard."


Vaughn nodded back in Beryl's direction.


"It was kinda funny when we were younger… used to bully her over it... She keeps it down a lot more but it gets worse over time."


Huh? Vaughn, what do you? 


Thinking back, I remember the two not getting along perfectly. Maybe that's what it was?


Can't really ask how they became friends though. My guess would be necessity? Knowing where they come from… 


"Wanna sit with me for a bit while we watch?"


For some reason, the offer pressed itself out of my mouth. Shrugging in response, Vaughn dropped to his knees, kicking his feet forward as he leaned backward. With his butt firmly planted in the grass, we both found ourselves caught in the show of Beryl doing her best.

Come on, dangit! Work already!


Beryl's own thoughts were repeatedly brought back to her frustration. Her feeling of hopelessness. The crackling of electricity stiffening the feeling of her muscles in her fore arm.






Hatsumi repeated; her tone, while strict, was more lenient than Beryl's Mother's. She had been at the practice for well on a couple of hours now. The morning that would have originally been spent lazing around, now instead bringing them back into light practice. No sparring between Kiyomi and Vaughn, no training on healing, or instructional blocks with books and such. It should have been a routine practice of basic offensive magic. Beryl asked for it, and her friends simply played along.


But why is it so hard?


The crackle of raw mana shifting and taking form could be heard each time she began. 


Almost there, come on just hold on a little bit lo-




The mana dispersed rapidly as she attempted to release it. The power could be felt maybe less than a meter away from her own hands before it.




The twelfth try. It came to the point that Beryl noticed the eyes of her friends now watching from the sidelines. Kiyomi was simply repeating some monotonous motions with her sword. Vaughn, on the other hand, had been training physically with Kiyomi's 'uncle'. Both had finished their time in the field already for what it seemed. Now, they watched as Beryl herself pushed to improve.


Focus… focus!


She could feel her tail flicking at the ground reflexively. The frustration ebbed out of her in any way she could without interrupting her lesson.


"Breathe in, maintain your mana flow-"


I am maintaining it! That's all I've been doing! I have to!


Beryl's thoughts constantly came around, she found herself talking back or making snarky remarks within the safety of her mind.


"Okay, now to form the-"


The mana within her hands joined once more, she shaft of the arrow formed as she pulled her non-dominant hand to the rear.


I have to do this. For them! Now!


Beryl's anxiety pressed her friends back onto the spot light.


How can they be so calm? With what just-




The eighteenth attempt soon passed.




Beryl nearly screamed, her voice cracking awkwardly as the frustration forced itself to the surface. 


I have to get it right! I have to-




"What do you-"


Beryl swung around and the feeling of a hand plant on her shoulder, anger apparent in her tone. As she came to see who the owner of the hand was, she was met with the concerned faces of her friends. At some point, the two crept closer. To the point, they were at the same distance as Hatsumi as they watched. 


"Cr-Sorry! Sorry! It's just-"


Regret washed over her momentarily, causing her to try back-stepping instantly.


"Beryl, maybe we should call it for today?"


Kiyomi asked in a strangely collected tone, as if she were handling something delicate with her words. Her brows furrowed with concern, and tail low to the ground.


"Would you like to go to the spot we discussed before, Kiyomi?."


Hatsumi looked to the smaller of the girls, receiving a nod in response.


"Perfect, how about we all clean up and meet back in the adventurer's hall to head for a picnic? Beryl?"


Beryl gave a hesitant nod.


Maybe… maybe I should rest… can I rest?

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