Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 392 - Escape from Death

Chapter 392 Escape from Death

“I saw my sister-in-law smiling when she fell from upstairs.”

“Smiling?” Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi shout simultaneously.

Perhaps because their voices are loud, Liu Yun is frightened. He grins and murmurs, “Maybe my vision was blurred.”

The female doctor raises her hand and breaks in lightly, “Your vision must have been blurred. Your sister-in-law isn’t a fool. She knew it would be dangerous to fall. How could she smile? If you say she was scared, that would be normal.”

Ignoring the female doctor, Han Siqi thinks and asks, “Maybe she heard you playing cards downstairs and wanted to stick her head out of the window for a look. She wore a smile. Unexpectedly, she slipped and fell. It happened so suddenly that her facial expression had no time to change because of inertia. Is it possible?”

“Um, even if the smile isn’t weird, I think her fall from upstairs is weird.” Liu Yun scratches his head and expresses his doubt again, “The windows in my house are made of fully-enclosed aluminum alloy. They are common in the countryside. The window is about one meter above the floor. If she didn’t lean out of the window deliberately, she would not fall out of it, even if she slipped. I tried. My sister-in-law has been pregnant for about eight months. Even if she wanted to watch us playing cards but she didn’t want to go downstairs, she didn’t need to stick more than half of her body out of the window. My aunt tells her to be cautious every day. I think she wouldn’t act in such a dangerous way.”

Han Siqi measures Liu Yun’s height with eyes and says faintly, “Li Yin is tall.”

Liu Yun understands Han Siqi means he is shorter than Li Yin. He smiles embarrassedly, “She is only a few centimeters taller than me.”

Fu Zhengzheng keeps silent and ponders about what Liu Yun says. Then the female doctor breaks in again in a shrill voice, “In my opinion, what happened to Li Yin isn’t accidental but intentional!”

They cast their astonished eyes to her immediately.

Finding she has drawn others’ eyes successfully, the female doctor becomes complacent and stops here deliberately to keep them in suspense.

Liu Yun’s face has changed. He stammers, “Do…do you mean I pushed my sister-in-law down? How…how could I do that?”

“Who said you pushed her?” The female doctor waves her hand. Meeting Han Siqi’s cold eyes, she gets panicky and expresses her thought at once, “Li Yin must have wanted to kill herself.”

Liu Yun sighs with relief, but soon he objects, “Impossible! It’s impossible for my sister-in-law to kill herself. My cousin will be released soon, and the baby will be born. She has no reasons to kill herself.”

The female doctor argues, “Perhaps Liu Lin committed another crime in prison and can’t be released as scheduled? Or Li Yin found her unborn baby had an illness? Otherwise, it can’t be explained why she called Liu Lin and fell smilingly from a place where she was not supposed to fall.”

“Doctor, the ambulance of your hospital has gone back. Why are you still here?” Fu Zhengzheng asks the doctor.

The female doctor grins embarrassedly, “Um, Li Yin hasn’t revived. Anyway, I’m her relative, and she is my patient. I have to know her situation, right?”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “Thanks for your caring about Li Yin. It’s unknown when she will come out of the operation room. It’s so late. You can go back now. If necessary, I will call you, OK?”

Hearing that, the female doctor moves closer and asks quietly with a fawning smile, “Are you well acquainted with the president of Shuguang Hospital?”

“Um? What’s up?” Fu Zhengzheng looks at her strangely.

“Um, I am Li Yin’s relative. Considering that I have spared no efforts to help Li Yin, please introduce me to the president of Shuguang Hospital. I will pay for the recommendation. You’ll also profit from it. Alas, the medical facilities in the small county are terrible and the salary is low. The point is that my husband and child are in B City. I…”

Fu Zhengzheng feels funny. The female doctor keeps talking, Fu Zhengzheng says perfunctorily, “Let’s talk about it after Li Yin gets well. I am in no mood.”

“OK. OK.” The female doctor beams at once and slips the note paper she has prepared into Fu Zhengzheng’s hand, “My name is Zhang Meifeng. This is my phone number. Please contact me later.”

“Oh.” Fu Zhengzheng puts it into her pocket.

“Then I’ll go home now. My child is waiting for me to help with the homework.” Zhang Meifeng gives Li Yin’s cellphone to Liu Yun and leaves happily.

Of course, Liu Yun hears Zhang Meifeng’s request to Fu Zhengzheng and smiles embarrassedly.

“This is a distant cousin of my wife. She always wants to be transferred to a hospital in the city. Perhaps she sees you are well acquainted with the president, so she wants to pull some strings. Don’t take her to heart.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles and says nothing. She glances at the operation room where the operation is still on, lowers her eyes and asks suddenly, “Since Li Yin went to your home, have you found her unusual behaviors?”

She knows since Li Yin and Liu Lin’s aunt went to the countryside, they have lived in Liu Yun’s house.

“Unusual behaviors?” Liu Yun is surprised and shakes his head, “No. But aunt said my sister-in-law talked to herself sometimes.”

At this moment, Lu Song comes with some bags, “Mr. Han, here is the food.”

Fu Zhengzheng takes the two bags and gives them to Liu Yun, “You haven’t had dinner, right? This is for you, and the other is for your aunt. Please take it to her. I will contact you in time if something happens here.”

Overwhelmed by the unexpected favor, Liu Yun takes the bags, says thank you and then leaves.

“I’ll go to buy one more meal.” Lu Song turns around and is about to leave.

“No, thank you. I don’t have the appetite now.” Fu Zhengzheng stops Lu Song.

Han Siqi sees her frowning and asks in a low voice, “What’s wrong?”

Fu Zhengzheng glances at him and says uncertainly, “I think Zhang Meifeng’s suspicion that Li Yin wanted to kill herself isn’t unreasonable completely.”

“Kill herself?”

“But it’s definitely not suicide. I suspect she had hallucination and then fell from upstairs.”

“Hallucination?” Han Siqi thinks it unbelievable, “Li Yin takes drugs?”

“She doesn’t.”

“Does she have mental disorder?”

“Each time I saw her, her mental state was normal.”

Han Siqi laughs, “If she doesn’t take drugs or have mental disorder, how can she have hallucination?”

Fu Zhengzheng shrugs for her self-contradiction, “I can’t explain clearly. I just guess by instinct that she had hallucination. Liu Lin’s aunt once told me that she heard Li Yin talking to Lin Jiao and Brother Liu. In fact, Lin Jiao had died then, and Brother Liu was in jail. She talked to the air actually. She might had had hallucination at that time, feeling Lin Jiao and Brother Liu were in front of her.”

Han Siqi asks suspiciously, “Maybe she had no mental disorder originally, but she was stimulated by Lin Jiao’s death?”

“It’s possible. She might have had hallucination again today. She saw Brother Liu waving to her outside the window, rushed to him excitedly and then fell from upstairs. This is the most reasonable explanation of her fall with a smile.” When Fu Zhengzheng sees Lu Song smiling aside, she is a little embarrassed. Honestly speaking, she doesn’t believe the reasoning either.

Han Siqi smiles, “I haven’t found you read whodunnits recently.”

Fu Zhengzheng is going to speak when the light of the operation room is off. She straightens her body instantly and looks at the door of the operation room with all her eyes.

Some doctors come out. The president walks in front. He removes his mask. Without stopping for breath, he strides to Han Siqi and says, “Mr. Han, the operation was difficult, but the result is good. Mother and baby are doing well.”

“Mother and baby are doing well? You mean Li Yin is fine, and the baby is… all right too?” Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t believe her ears. Then she looks at Han Siqi to verify the news.

Han Siqi doesn’t seem to believe that either and casts his suspicious eyes to the president.

The president nods seriously, “In the beginning we also thought the baby couldn’t survive. But we spared no efforts to save the baby and created a miracle finally. But the baby is premature and hurt when he was in mother’s belly, so he has to stay in the incubator for a long time for heath.”

“You are amazing! You are amazing!”

Fu Zhengzheng clenches her right hand and hits the palm of her left one hard. She doesn’t know what she should say to express her worship towards them. She just repeats the sentences.

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng so excited, Han Siqi asks the president relievedly, “Where is the new mom? Can we go to see her now?”

The president wipes his sweat and shakes the head, “She hasn’t come around and is in the ICU for the moment. We have arranged someone to take care of her and her baby specially. Please don’t worry, Mr. Han.”

Suddenly Fu Zhengzheng stops smiling and asks with hesitation, “Doctor, will the baby have any sequelae?”

The president says smilingly with certainty, “Don’t worry. We have made several tests for the baby. Except that he is weak, every index shows he is healthy. In another word, he is only born over one month ahead and has no other problems.”

“Great!” Fu Zhengzheng becomes excited again. Her hand trembles when she takes out her cellphone, “I’ll tell the news to Aunt Liu.”

It seems that she wasn’t so excited when she gave birth to the child.

While she is calling, Han Siqi walks over to chat with the president. After she hangs up the phone, he takes her hand and goes out.

“Where are we going?”

“To the infant room.”

When they are about to move, they hear Liu Yun shouting at the corner.

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