Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 391 - How Could She Fall from Upstairs?

Chapter 391 How Could She Fall from Upstairs?

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked, “What’s wrong with Li Yin?”

Liu Lin’s aunt wails and says incoherently, “The doctors in the county can’t save Li Yin. We’re on the way to the city. I don’t know which doctor is good.”

Fu Zhengzheng is startled when she hears that Li Yin can’t be saved. But she comforts Liu Lin’s aunt instantly, “Aunt Liu, calm down. Speak slowly. Does Li Yin have pregnancy discomfort again?”

She knows Liu Lin’s aunt usually speaks exaggeratedly, so she isn’t very worried.

“No. The baby is gone. My poor grandnephew is gone before he sees the world. What evil has Liu family done? Such a punishment is imposed on us. Ah, Li Yin? Li Yin? My God. What can I do?” Liu Lin’s aunt wails loudly on the phone.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t understand why Li Yin’s baby is gone, but at least she knows Li Yin is in great danger. She interrupts the wail of Liu Lin’s aunt anxiously.

“Aunt Liu, where is Li Yin now?”

After quite a while, the old lady stops wailing for breath and chokes with sobs, “On the way.”

“On the way to the city? Which hospital are you going to send her to?”

“Which hospital?”

Liu Lin’s aunt seems to ask people around her. A woman breaks in fast, “Hello, I’m a doctor. The patient is in great danger. We’re rushing her to the first hospital. But it will be rush hours soon. The way from here to the first hospital often has a traffic jam. We’re worried that the golden time to save the patient will be delayed.”

Fu Zhengzheng’s stomach knots, “Can you rush her to another hospital without traffic jam?”

“We can, but we usually rush patients with severe cases to the first hospital. We haven’t dealt with other ones. It will be troublesome to negotiate with them.”

“Wait. I’ll call you later.” Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone quickly and calls Han Siqi immediately.

“I have arrived. Come down now.” Han Siqi thinks she wants to ask if he has arrived.

“Not that.” Fu Zhengzheng tells him briefly what happened to Li Yin.

“Tell them to send Li Yin to Shuguang Hospital of Weihan directly. I’ll arrange everything.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng dials Li Yin’s number and tells them to go to Shuguang Hospital of Weihan.

After conveying the message, she rushes out of the police office. Seeing Han Siqi’s car parked aside, she opens the door and gets into it at once.

“Go to the hospital.”

“OK.” Han Siqi starts the car while asking, “What happened?”

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head anxiously, “I don’t know. Maybe Li Yin fell carelessly and hurt the baby. I hope they are fine. The baby is almost eight months and will be born. Such an incident happened at this time. It’s really…”

She doesn’t finish her words. She can’t imagine how Li Yin will be if the baby can’t survive.

With Fu Zhengzheng’s sigh, Han Siqi’s car runs to the side door of Shuguang Hospital of Weihan.

“Have you arranged people to receive them?” Fu Zhengzheng asks worriedly.

“Yes.” There is no parking space near the door, so Han Siqi parks the car aside, makes a call and then signals Fu Zhengzheng to get out of it.

Fu Zhengzheng looks at where he parks the car and glimpse a guard come over. She points to the car and asks confusedly, “Can the car be parked here?”

As soon as she finishes, a tall man runs over. Han Siqi throws the car key to him and then walks towards the hospital gate with Fu Zhengzheng.

Before getting to the gate, Fu Zhengzheng sees some doctors standing before a small handcart and looking outside on tiptoe with anxiety.

One of them sees Han Siqi and goes to him quickly, “Mr. Han, hasn’t your friend arrived?”

Han Siqi nods slightly to greet them and then turns his head sideways to ask Fu Zhengzheng, “Ask where they are now.”

Fu Zhengzheng glances at the doctors and takes out her cellphone to call Li Yin. It’s still answered by the female doctor.

“We’ll get to the gate of Shuguang Hospital any minute.”

Fu Zhengzheng tells her, “We’re waiting for you at the gate.”

When she just stops, am ambulance runs over and the doctors at the gate begin the reception.

Fu Zhengzheng follows them, but Han Siqi holds her back, “You know nothing. Don’t add to the trouble. Leave it to them.”

When he talks, Fu Zhengzheng sees Li Yin be carried onto the small handcart, and her face is as while as a sheet. She is frightened. She breaks free from Han Siqi’s hands, rushes over and shouts anxiously, “Li Yin? Li Yin?”

Han Siqi pulls her aside again, “Don’t hinder the doctors. They are the elites of the hospital and will try their best to save her, so long as there is a glimmer of hope.”

Fu Zhengzheng shivers, looks back at him and says seriously, “There must be a hope!”

Han Siqi nods and takes her to catch up with the doctors. At this moment, someone shouts in the ambulance, “Doctor! Doctor! There is one more patient that needs first aid!”

Fu Zhengzheng stops her feet immediately and turns around to look inside the ambulance. A female doctor over 30 years old is pinching the philtrum of an old lady whose face is ashy. Fu Zhengzheng looks carefully and finds the old lady is Liu Lin’s aunt.

“Siqi, that’s Liu Lin’s aunt. Call doctors right now.”

Han Siqi jumps into the ambulance without hesitation, lifts Liu Lin’s aunt and rushes her into the hospital. At this time, another handcart is pushed out. Some medical workers help him put the old lady on the handcart carefully and then rush her into the emergency room.

Fu Zhengzheng runs after them. Han Siqi doesn’t run. He takes out his cellphone to call.

Fu Zhengzheng follows them to the door of the emergency room and is stopped by a doctor. Then she halts her feet.

“Are you well acquainted with the president of Shuguang Hospital of Weihan?” The female doctor, who has brought Li Yin and Liu Lin’s aunt here, asks Fu Zhengzheng quietly. She has found that Fu Zhengzheng has a privileged background and her face is full of surprise and respect.

She once met the president and the vice-president of Shuguang Hospital of Weihan in some symposiums. But each time she listened to their reports far away from them as an audience. She even wasn’t qualified to ask a question. Therefore, she knows them, but they don’t know her. She only knows Li Yin is the wife of the old lady’s nephew, but she didn’t expect that Li Yin would have such a great friend. The president and the vice-president come out to welcome them and treat the patients. Besides, they are respectful.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t answer her. Instead she asks worriedly, “Doctor, is the baby really gone? Will Li Yin be all right? How could it happen?”

The female doctor shakes her head and doesn’t dare to say anything casually. She just comforts Fu Zhengzheng in a low voice, “I heard that she fell from upstairs. I’m not clear about the detail. When rushed to the county hospital, she and her baby were already in great danger. We sent them to the hospital without delay. Unexpectedly, on the way…”

Han Siqi comes over and interrupts her impatiently, “Can she and her baby escape from the danger?”

The female doctor is surprised and then explains at once, “It can’t be asserted with certainty that the baby can’t survive, but it’s surely not optimistic. However, if the president and the vice-president can treat them by themselves, there may be no problems. The president and the vice-president of this hospital are very…”

“How could she be so careless as to fall from the second floor? It’s really…” Fu Zhengzheng feels annoyed and sympathetic. Then she stops and asks, “Where is she being rescued?”

“Probably in the operation room.”

“Then let’s wait for her outside the operation room. Perhaps Liu Lin’s aunt was frightened by the situation of Li Yin and her baby and thus passed out.”

Han Siqi nods and takes Fu Zhengzheng to the operation room.

Then the female doctor finds Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng don’t listen to her, so she stands aside embarrassedly and shuts up.

Outside the operation room, Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi have sat for nearly two hours.

Han Siqi looks at the watch and stands up, “There may be no result within a short time. Let’s go out to eat something, OK?”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t want to leave. She shakes her head, “You can go to eat and then bring some food for me. By the way, buy some porridge for Liu Lin’s aunt.”

Liu Lin’s aunt has come around after she is sent into the emergency room. But because she is afraid to hear bad news about Li Yin, her legs are feeble, and she feels weak all over. She doesn’t have the courage to wait for news outside the operation room. Therefore, Han Siqi arranges a VIP ward and sends two nurses to look after her.

Now that Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t want to leave, Han Siqi doesn’t either. He calls Lu Song and asks him to do it.

“The operation room is here. They are still in danger.”

A female voice comes near. Fu Zhengzheng twists her head and sees the female doctor sending Li Yin to the hospital. She is followed by a young man.

The young man isn’t tall. He is simply dressed and looks timid. Obviously, he is from the countryside.

The female doctor points to Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi and tells the young man, “They are your sister-in-law’s friends. It’s they that arrange your sister-in-law and aunt into the hospital. The hospital is the best one here.”

Fu Zhengzheng didn’t expect the female doctor would be still here. She is bored of the doctor’s endless talk. She snubs the doctor and asks the young man, “I’m Li Yin’s friend. Who are you?”

The young man replies instantly, “I’m Liu Lin’s cousin. My name is Liu Yun. Li Yin is my sister-in-law. I just went to see my aunt. She told me to ask about the situation of my sister-in-law. She…”

Fu Zhengzheng sighs, “Doctors are still performing an operation for her. How could she fell from upstairs carelessly?”

“I have no idea. I was playing cards with village friends in the yard. Suddenly I heard my sister-in-law shout my cousin’s name on the second floor. We were startled, looked up at her confusedly and just saw her fall from the window on the second floor.” Talking of this, Liu Yun looks scared.

Fu Zhengzheng is surprised, “Call your cousin’s name? Liu Lin? He hasn’t been released, has he?”

Liu Yun nods and speaks panickily with hesitation, “I feel something is weird. I don’t know if I am oversensitive.”

“What?” Fu Zhengzheng asks immediately. Han Siqi stares at Liu Yun too.

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