A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

6. There is no obligation for the universe to make sense toyou.


Third POV

Caelicetus completed his day-long Alpha song with a final of multiple loud clicking sounds and echoing high-pitched whistles.

As the distorted space around him stabilized itself, he felt that he was particularly fatigued but at the same time content, now he understood that it was the thing that was bugging him out for the last four months.

He instinctively craved to tell the world of his status as Mars's Alpha and Apex lifeform. 

It also immensely pleased the most primal part of his mind when he sensed all sentient lifeforms down below bow their heads in submission to him as if he was their King.

He never experienced something like this before, in his past life he was a human in the lower spectrum of the lower middle-class, so pretty much a disposable and replaceable tool as harsh as it may sound. 

It was a very strange but delightful sensation to finally declare himself as such a unique existence.

Caelicetus could have made a permanent hole in Mars's atmosphere. Good thing that he swam farther from the planet during his song.

If a human or most of the non-Titan lifeforms for that matter were to hypothetically be within less than two hundred kilometers (124mi) radius when the space kaiju sang.

They would have promptly exploded like party balloons being poked with needles, then be flung away in less than little specks of gore by the shockwaves, all of this thanks to how freaking powerful the vibrations 'close' to the heart actually were.

In that aspect, it was similar to how a sperm whale can potentially vibrate a human to death with the vibrations of its 236-decibel clicks.

Making the human eardrums explode and their inside literally cook with the energy pelted at the poor sod and Caelicitus's song was stupidly more potent than one of the loudest animals on Earth.

For comparison Godzilla's roar on land is 174 decibels (lol), Krakatoa volcano eruption in 1883 was approximately deduced to be 310 decibels while Caelicetus's song would be around 320 decibels if it was measured in the air of Earth and it would have been heard from all around the globe, nonstop, for multiple weeks.

It was 1 000 000 000 000 000 more powerful than Godzilla's roar and ten times more powerful than Krakatoa's eruption, all the while saying the eruption is the equivalent to the force of 10 000 times the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in August 1945.

It was more of an outlier since the usual clicks he made at regular intervals for echo-localization were in very short bursts of around 0,1 microseconds and they were less 'powerful' around 230 decibels.

The titan could obviously change the power/intensity and aim wherever he wanted.


One day later.

Caelicetus POV

'I still feel sore as fuck.', I thought, it was a mix between as if I yelled too long and too loud and worked out way too hard.

And it was with most of the organs and muscles close to my pair of blowholes and throat, evidently enough mostly inhuman in nature such as the monkey lips, if I'm not mistaken. 

Who would have thought that doing so much noise for an entire day would have strained me?

I was in outer space but I still could hear the echo of my voice, it was everywhere on Mars and that made me happy in a very narcissistic way.

I was currently eating an entire swarm of grape shrimps, which tasted like fried chicken. 

Each individual getting shredded by my baleen before getting swallowed. They were a bit annoying since they moved everywhere. Even if I was like a vacuum cleaner.

Normally I will stun the whole swarm with one or two powerful targeted clicks but with the stunt, I did yesterday my aim will be less than accurate, same with the power needed.

I don't particularly want to kill random animals and it frankly is a minor inconvenience that will be gone at the end of the day.

My attention was caught when I noticed with one eye a lone grape shrimp desperately trying to float away.

'Strange.', I noted. They aren't that smart and are pretty much suicidal. I was going to catch it with my telekinesis to eat it but I stopped as I saw a purple and blue starfish with a yellow eye attached to its side.

My mind froze as I stared at the clearly familiar starfish, 'It looks like the starfish from Suicide Squad…'

'I'm one hundred percent sure I'm not in the DC Universe. There isn't any shapeshifting mind rapist martian. It's enough proof.', I rationalized before any sort of panic may happen.

'Or I'm in an alternate universe… no bad thought. Earth is the only thing that will easily indicate to me where am I.', I thought as I slapped the mere idea of being in DC away. Those universes were scary.

The starfish was also staring right into my golden eye as if pleading with me not to devour it. 

*sigh*, I made the equivalent of a sigh of resignation which was a very low-pitched whistle. I could sigh while feeding. The little parasitic starfish was too cute.

It made adorable little squeaky noises of happiness before floating away with its mind-controlled vehicle.

'I will name it Peach!', I firmly decided. It wasn't the same tortured thing that was killed in Suicide Squad and the name is quite comical since it's the name of the pink starfish in Nemo.

If it survives, good, if it doesn't that just mean it was too weak and that I wasted food. That is something I noticed, a lot of species appear, and just as much disappears.

As if evolution is sped up. This is due to the pleasant radiation Mars release and the energy I release when I eat. It's the only thing that I could come up with that makes a shred of sense.

I'm a reincarnated human as an alien whale on Mars, why wouldn't this argument work with those conditions?

I have also different hypotheses as to how and why life is here in the first place.

First, the less likely, the present life was magically created with Mars and I energy. I don't like this one since it insinuates that I'm some kind of God of Life bullshit. Which I'm not.

The second, the present life was already there just in a dormant-like state and I unintentionally cause it to wake up.

The third, the present life comes from my body. Different bacterias, viruses, fungi, plants, eggs of different animals, and more were already in or on my body. 

As disturbing as it appears. It's not something this exceptional or truly worrisome, there are already multiple examples such as the microbiota in human guts or skin mites deeply burrowed in humans' skin, especially the face, to only mention those two.

They likely originate from my parent's own bodies and most were in a dormant-like state until I woke up. 

This is also further supported by the fact that the only life present, I know of before my awakening was the bioluminescent flora in the magma chamber of Olympus Mons. 

And how everything seemed adapted to Mars's unique biomes. Maybe my species has a symbiotic relationship with most of the species I carry.

Finally, the fourth and most plausible of the four, the present life come from a mix of the second and third.


In Deimos's core.

Third POV

In the innermost part of the Martian facility. Desghidorah could be seen, their body in a totally different position than yesterday.

The psychic seal on their minds was crumbling, Aegon the middle head and leader and more intelligent and wise of the three, Visenya the right head, the most vicious and feared of the three, and last but not Rhaenys the left head, the dumbest and most reckless of the three and also the one who suffered the most from the seal.

The Architechs made this seal to keep their killer in a mental prison where they couldn't interact with each other telepathically, be always awake, be unable to feel their own body, and even less perceive the outside world.

They didn't particularly care if Desghidorah were okay, 65 million years of isolation will have a pretty big impact on the vampiric three-headed dragon minds.

There was another movement, the middle head giants eyes could be seen shifting behind his scaly eyelids. Aegon was starting to feel their body again for the first time in eons and he was pissed beyond human comprehension and oh so very thirsty for life force.

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