A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

5. For every action, there is an equal and opposite re-action.

Caelicetus's Alpha song/call could be felt through the whole solar system but only the most acute of machines and most sensitive of life forms, for instance, an Alpha level titan, or those close enough to the source could truly perceive it in all of its glory.

The ripple of the dubbed 'Orchestra of Gravity' by humans in the future transpierced each celestial body without a certain amount of gravitational force, atmosphere, and magnetosphere.

The one that had them, like Earth, might reduce and muffle it while also potentially altering the song in the process, but its nature remained untainted, a unique and powerful but soft and rhythmic pulse of gravity with a fraction of psychic power using it as a means of transport.

In the center of Deimos; one of Mars's three moons. Hidden and isolated from the outside by a facility made of different geometrical alien structures, that were themselves made of rusted and archaic black metal carved with strange symbols and accompanied by a flickering and weak toxic green light.

The bio-graviton-psychic pulse passed through the million years old facility without an itch and caused the already weakening psychic seal inside to weaken even further.

It was brought to existence by the pure vengeful hate and utter spite of the previous Mars inhabitants before their ultimate demise, the one sealed in question was a strange beast of gargantuan proportion.

This creature was a three-headed dragon, each head black and having two slightly curved spiky black horns at the top.

Their body was sporting two pairs of stocky legs plated with black scales, all with three-fingered talons that ended in razor-sharp claws and one pair of bat-like wings with red-orangish membranous skin behind their shoulder blade.

Their body ended in a tail that had membranous skin similar to that of its wing between each of its upper spikes and it stopped with a two-pointed end similar to that of a centipede tail.

Suddenly a tiny flex of their forked tail happened, Desghidorah we're gradually stirring from their forceful and 65 million years-long comatose while also being trapped in isolation in each of their respective minds.

Now, only time was needed for them to be free and be able to eat again.

The Martian facility's different captor sensed these abnormalities and sent a pulse of greenish light back to Mars in futility, their civilization was buried under dozens of kilometers of stones, and the last Architect's mind would likely not even be able to intercept the signal, even less react to it.

At the same time on Earth, in a remote place in Antarctica. A large glacier hidden from the world started to show little cracks. 

The hardly conscious brother of Desghidorah was frozen solid inside said block of ice they didn't and couldn't comprehend or even truly hear the Martian Alpha call.

However, they felt a familiar pulse of bio-graviton making them instinctively and unconsciously react, causing the ice around them to unhurriedly but surely little by little crack appear and it will eventually break and liberate the golden hydra within it.

In the middle of the Pacific Ocean, deep below the water surface a giant reptile with black crocodile-like scales, three sets of gills on the two sides of its broad neck, and its back covered in the maple-leaf shaped dorsal plate. 

Its four bulky limbs as well as its long and muscular tail propelled it through the salty water with ease.

It was Godzilla, Gojira, Zo-Zla-Halawa, Titanus Gojira, and many other names and titles. 

He continued on swimming while he felt and heard the call from another Alpha, it was low and distorted as if it came from very, very, very far away, was extremely sophisticated but the vague information it contained was a bit alien and seemed childish in nature, it said his name was Caelicetus, he seemed somewhat innocent and young? And the call traveled purely through… a sort of distinct gravitational radiation?

Godzilla didn't know nor cared about why or how it traveled. He only cared that the call was from supposedly another Alpha and that made him furious, even more, if we had the fact, that the one doing it is a whelp of a titan and it felt alien, just like Ghidorah.

He was going to roar back at the little shit that dared to go against his rule and beat it into pulps, but halted himself as he realized in confusion that the call wasn't even from Earth but from… what was this planet called again?

He looked up in contemplation as his reptile's brain was in the process of going through a senior moment. 

Nope, it didn't come back. 

He wasn't the Queen of Monsters, he was the King of Monsters, he certainly was smart but not that smart, he preferred to solve problems by using violence.

And the current problem was out of his expertise but an alien titan was always bad news as far as he remembered. 

If only she was currently awake she could have explained to him what it was. Alas, Mothra was still in an egg at the moment.

In the middle of the South Pacific, on Skull Island.

A giant gorilla was seen snoring as he was sunbathing under the heat of the Sun, he scratched his hairy butt as the space kaiju song passed by his island.

He didn't sense it all, he was too weak, too young and even if he could, he wouldn't give a single fuck. 

If the other didn't mess with his turf he will stay neutral and let the other titans take care of whatever it is.

Moving to another place yet again. In the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, Outpost 54 - Castle Bravo.

Scientists and engineers of different domains were studying and recording everything that was happening on the dozen screens.

They were fully focused on what PEQUOD was sending back to them, she was the result of cooperation with Monarch and NASA.

An artificial satellite made with the most brilliant mind of mankind and billions of dollars. Incomparable to even the most technologically advanced of Earth satellites.

Named after the whaling ship used in Moby Dick, she can record and detect all kinds of radiation and vibration, gravity and magnetism, take pictures and videos of the highest definition, and way more.

She was designed to be able to stay in the new Mars orbit, unlike her predecessor. 

They were two other different models after her but they were still on Earth and in construction, they were AHAB a rover, and ESSEX another satellite.

PEQUOD was nearing Mars, she was four days from reaching it, this time already doing what she was made to do.

Collect as much data as possible before her inevitable destruction.

The human looked at the data, strange gravity as expected, it was the only thing for the moment.

Until the 4 screens were lines comparable to that of a heart rate monitor but they were indicating changes in gravity, it goes up and down showing notable abnormalities but nothing out of their expectations. 

Then all lines simultaneously became completely 0 in what they measured, it was like this for 2 long seconds before everything did go absolutely crazy.

The line was as if a kid with multiple hands had a stroke while drawing multiple lines on a piece of paper.

All four screens showed different diagrams but they mostly were incomprehensible, one sound engineer declared with disbelief, "That looks like sound frequency! But, but, that shouldn't even be possible!?"

Murmurs started to envelop the whole room and were shell-shocked for multiple minutes until all of the diagrams on the fours screens stopped evolving, caused by the four quantum gravitometers on PEQUOD breaking at the same time working, due to the strain that the strange gravitational put on them.

Some gravitometers all around Earth also started to be destroyed.

"I have an idea. Maybe we could try to convert all of this into actual sound?", proposed an excited Dr. Mark Russel. He was a tall human male with brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin.

Everyone looked perplexed by what he said but that won't hurt anyone to try.


Twelve hours after the recording and translations of Caelicetus's Alpha song.

In the Temple of the Moth.

Emma Russel, a woman with fair skin, blue eyes, and golden-brown hair, is the mother of Madison Russel, wife of Mark Russel.

She was currently studying the translated song of Titanus Cetus, called 'Orchestra of Gravity' due to its complexity and length, she was beyond ecstatic. 

It was from an Alpha, distinguishable with the unique sequence they have in their voice compared to other titans.

With this, they learned that Titanus Cetus was an Alphas and they hoped that very soon more data would be added about this Martian titan and Mars in general.

"ORCA…", she slowly muttered, she knew the Orchestra in their database wasn't complete but it didn't particularly matter, at least in her eyes. 

It will help them in ORCA development tremendously, it is a device made to communicate with titan and potentially control them.

Ironically its name is now more appropriate than before.

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