A Space Whale in the MonsterVerse (AU)

7. It’s just so simple!

Two days later.


Caelicetus POV

I looked down at the start of what would be called an Ocean in the future, well now it was more of a very, very big lake with strange lily pad fish-triops-amphibian chimera swimming on the surface.

It was one of the many that I found. They were rare and small at first but started to get more frequent and bigger as time went on. 

Life gathered around them like an oasis ranging from small strange white quilled porcupines with red bowling balls serving as heads that eat algae the day, to six-legged, blind, and covered in black chitin 'lizards' seen during the darkest of night. These two species moved through a series of tunnels from the surface to the Abyss.

To dozens of different plants and mycelium of all sizes and shapes.

Very different from any place on Earth that I could remember. The signature harsh unforgiving red sand of Mars started to get progressively covered in different types of grass, they were mostly purple and blue, glowing flowers, strange trees, and giant mushrooms started to pop up more and more making beautiful forests, swamps, and bogs, and many other flying plants went from one floating island to the next.

It was very peaceful and magical, I could hear the flapping sound of wings of a part of the Flock nearby, the sound of insects and various exotic animals around, also my voice was still being hearable in the howling echoes of the martian wind.

It was completely serene until I sensed something… wrong, very wrong. I don't know how to explain it. Then I sense it again… then again.

The first few times I thought it was just my imagination. However, I was proven wrong when I looked at the starry sky of Mars. It was the middle of the night.

I couldn't find the moon Deimos, the smallest and farthest moon on Mars, it was supposed to be seen from this angle but it wasn't there anymore. I could only barely see its rocky remains floating around.

I was confused. Very confused. Then I noticed something enter the atmosphere, it was on the other side of the planet. It was fast, extremely so.

Then I heard a big boom as if multiple nukes just exploded on the ground. I started my space jump at the same time as I felt Mars cry in agony, making all of my instincts flare up in outrage. With a violent cracking sound of space tearing apart, I entered the black hole.

I zipped through hyperspace and reappeared the next instant, exiting the white hole with the same sound I entered each counterpart but it was in reverse and what I saw… made me feel something akin to fury.

No, it was more. Way more. It was something akin to pure, primordial unadulterated wrath, stemming from the deepest part of my being.

The cause of these emotions was before my eyes, 200 meters (656 ft) below was a three-headed, four-legged, winged, black and red-scaled chimera of a dragon, slightly smaller than me. The middle and right heads were biting the ground stealing MY Mars lands of its vitality.

The two heads had a look of bliss in their blood-red reptilian while the third was smashing itself against the ground, repeatedly, and with a happy but idiotic glint in its eyes, its forked tongue lolling out as it made dust clouds around.

The body shape seemed familiar but I wasn't in the mood nor was it the time to remember things. Just seeing them made me want to delete them from existence.

Everything around them was dead, a volcanic dull grey wasteland of death and fire, the radiation of Mars gone, unnaturally sucked in by them. It was a hellscape. And it was, growing in size, spreading just like an infection.

Hundreds of micro-black holes were forming and evaporating around me at the same time, gravel, trees, and more were floating chaotically as the wind started to pick up. 

As I will the whole dead region with the source of its depth in the middle, to be removed from Mars lithosphere, an amputation of sorts.

Said region was the size of multiple small islands combined. The reverberating sound of stone ripping apart, the soil splitting apart around it as I mentally lifted the billions of tons of rocks that made this part of the tectonic plate.

The usual molten rock in the gaping hold below was missing, only sluggishly getting replaced by the excess from the sides, it was devoured by the three-headed parasite, I snapped at that.

'They were… killing the planet, MY planet. How dare they.  And that's why I felt it weakening.' I realized. All of my fins were intensely glowing and quivering, preparing for another jump as I swam closer.

The parasites finally realized that they weren't getting anything from Mars anymore. The three heads stared right at me. Insanity was in the three pairs of red eyes, especially the left.


Third POV

*CLICK*CLICK*ROAAAAAR!!!*, Caelicetus clicked then reared at Desghidorah. Directly indicating his statue as Mars Alpha. It was straightforward and basic, the exact opposite of the sophisticated sound he usually made.

It was two impossibly loud clicks that made two shockwaves pulverizing everything in their pass followed by a whistling sound that has more similarity with a tsar bomb explosion than anything else. And it ended in a sort of growl.

The three shockwaves slammed against a strange thermal shield that Desghidorah had always erected since their awakening to protect themselves. Aegon learned from their past mistakes.

It wouldn't have killed them even if hit, though, and if it harmed them, they could have healed themselves with the plenty of energy they had in store.

This made the whale kaiju's golden eyes go wide in alarm, it explained why he had difficulty sensing the exact location of the dragon and the difficulty manipulating gravity within this small sphere-shaped shield. It was as if everything inside was a blurry unrecognizable mess.

Aegon and Visenya stared in surprise at the titan before them but put themselves back together rapidly after. This clarifies the strange familiar echoes they heard when they entered Mars's atmosphere.

*ROAR!*, Desghidorah's three heads roared back in hostility at the young King's insolence, they would kill him slowly and eat him alive. Their roar was akin to the distorted sound of hundreds of trumpeting elephants.

Caelicetus changed strategy by starting to crush the thermal shield of its enemy, hoping to crush the three-headed dragon while at it and pelting hundreds of boulders-sized stones at match 90 in their direction. 

Some of the projectiles passed through the thermal energy shield but barely made the other alien titan feel anything as they simply bounced off their scales.

Desghidorah had enough, of the stupid stalemate, it was angering them, and Visenya in particular was getting angrier by the seconds. 

They were trapped by a calf of a species that was in an eternal war with their own but this species was supposed to be extinct but there was one specimen in front of them.

One was a planet eater while the other was a planet farmer but the problem stemmed from the fact that both were planet conquerors.

They knew Caelicetus was way too strong, way too aggressive for a calf of his age, he wasn't even a millennia-old for their grandfathers' sake. 

Even if the young whale seemed strangely way older, his body size, voice, and smell told another story. This phenomenon was in fact caused by the millions of years of cryptobiosis that Caelicetus had gone through. Not that any of the four presents knew.

He was also way too apt at using his ability and to add salt to the injury it seemed purely based around gravity instead of a hybrid ability between gravity and something else, making it more powerful. 

It was a threat, a very big one. They will eliminate him at all costs. They were facing an inexperienced calf, an abnormally powerful one, certainly but it won't change the outcome. They will not play around.

"ENOUGH!!"TIMMY!", Aegon and Visenya simultaneously psychically shouted, no humans would have heard it, their deep voices mixed together, both draconic and rumbling in nature, one strict and cold while the other playful and sadistic, the third, Rhaenys shouted in delay something else with a completely childish but still deep voice, resulting in something quite 'unique'.

This enraged his two brothers, the damage by the seal was quite severe. He wasn't the smartest of the bunch in the first place but since they woke up, Rhaenys could only say this word even within telepathic bonds. They will destroy this planet after killing the stupid calf. To avenge their brother.

They suddenly jumped back with a powerful flap of their wings and deactivated their thermal shield. Freeing them from the hold of the calf. Making stone and dust flying everywhere.


*Roar!*, Desghidorah roared in pain as they felt their front paws' bending the wrong way, the bones inside broken. 

The paws healed just after but it still shocked them, the calf could hurt them this easily when their body is especially resistant to any type of force, gravity in particular.

Caleicetus was taken aback by what his opponent had done, he didn't anticipate this nor that the winged hydra could speak and that it wasn't any language he knew of but he could understand it.

Too much in his own thoughts, he didn't pay enough attention to his surroundings and was caught by surprise by Desghidorah's attacks.

*BOOM*, the whale felt white hot pain on his left side, near his rib cage where his heart was. He was bombarded by three intense heat rays, the one from the middle head being the most intense of the three.

He howled in agony as he felt the two weaker rays burn through his thick skin, but the one from Aegon goes even deeper burning through his 7-meter (23ft) thick blubber and damaging the muscle behind. He never felt so much pain before.

His immediate response as he felt the Hell Flame goes deeper was to make mini black holes in front of the rays, sucking them in to never be seen again. The pain only made him angrier.

Desghidorah flew at Mach 20 around the calf, making a giant hurricane that caused a giant grey sandstorm to appear and constantly shooting his three energy beams but this with little success, the whale anticipating all of its movement and where he would shoot. And if they hit, they rapidly get shucked in.

Aegon was getting impatient, nervousness setting in his heart but he crushed this feeling of weakness. A weakling he was not.

"Physical it is." Understood."Timmy!", coldly declared Aegon, his brothers agreeing, as they were also getting impatient, and so Desghidorah slammed Caelicetus's lighter body at full speed making the latter groan in pain.

Each of the dragon kaiju heads was going to bite and electrocute the whale kaiju to death. Their body was so close, claws open like an eagle, jaw ready to catch the defenseless calf.


'Got you.', thought Caelicetus as he simply teleported nearby, with the now perfectly cut front half of Desghidorah with him.

They were still alive, oily black blood was leaking through each of the alien dragon snouts, the internal organs spewing out of each half in a dark gory shower but most importantly, their pesky thermal shield would be disabled during the regeneration of both of their half.

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