Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.62 Curing the Curse

As we agreed to try to cure Lucia’s curse, I let Vampire Lady take control of the situation. I’m not an expert on this.

“Miss, we should move to your bedroom.” My summon said to Lucia.

“That’s fine. Follow me.” She said as she got up from the table.

“And you will stay here, Master.” My summon ordered. 

Really? I can’t watch? That’s disappointing.

“I don’t mind if he comes.” Lucia argued.

(It would be better if Master doesn’t go, in case Lucia has a reaction similar to Master’s when blood magic is used on her.) Laura told me. Yeah, I almost lost my mind to the pleasure when she did that blood scan thing. I’ll just stay here.

“It’s fine.” I said to the duo. “I can wait here.”


“We’ll be back soon.” My summon said as they walked up the stairs.



Well, now I’m here with nothing to do. At least there is one thing. My reprints. I’ll just pull those open as I wait. 

Daily Reprint Tokens: 1
Current Reprint Tokens: 3
Available Reprint sets:
‘Dark Beginning 1’
Use a ‘Reprint token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Dark Beginning 1’
[Yes] [No]

Yes, open it.


That’s kind of disappointing. I didn’t get anything crazy. Not that some of it isn’t at least interesting, but I was honestly hoping for more. Giant Trunade might be nice, Red Medicine has already proved itself and Curse of Dragon is a decent monster. Even Dancing Fairy might be useful. Well, let’s just open the two others and hope for the best.


No. I did not. Is that really? 

I rub my eyes for a second and take another look. It’s still there. The beauty, the elegance, the absolute power. The legendary dragon. 

Blue-Eyes White Dragon

I have one. 

(Laura, I need a toploader for this beauty, like yesterday.)


Electric Snake, 2x Fiend Scorpion, Gigobyte, 2x Goblin Thief, 2x Gravekeeper's Servant, Griggle, Hitotsu-Me Giant, Humanoid Worm Drake, Judgment of the Desert, Kiseitai, 2x Labyrinth of Nightmare, 3x Light of Judgment, 2x Man-Thro' Tro', Minor Goblin Official, 4x Monster Gate 


(Just make it. I don’t really care what you sacrifice.) I hurried Laura along. (But I want to place it in the sleeve and toploader myself.) I added. Usually I would let Laura do it. But this is special.

(As you wish, Master. Here are the sleeve and toploader. Please take out the card when you are ready.) 


If I have to wait to be ready, I won’t get it done today. You can’t get ready for this. 

I carefully pull my Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my collection. I hold it in my hand and just bask in its glory. Sure it’s not a first edition from Legend of Blue-Eyes, but it doesn’t matter. I have one and it’s mine. Don’t you dare to even look at it. It’s MINE and I won’t hand it over to anyone.

I slowly and carefully slide the Blue-Eyes into the sleeve. I don’t want to scratch it at this point. After I have it all the way in, I watch as the sleeve seals around the card. Then I slide the now sleeved card into the toploader. Like with the sleeve, the toploader closes after the card is all the way in. 

I take another good look at my dragon. I honestly just want to run outside and summon her right now. But, I would likely just cause mass chaos. Blue-Eyes is likely larger than Red-Eyes, and it’s also shining white. Everyone would see it.

With one final look, I decide to place it back to my collection and open the last pack of Dark Beginning. I love this set already.


Well, that’s quite basic. Jar of Greed for a pack token and poly to summon fusion monsters with. And an Exodia piece, but isn't right leg the one I had already?

(Yes, Master already has the ‘Right Leg of the Forbidden One’. Also, Jar of Greed would give Master a reprint token.) Laura informed me. I can get another reprint token? That’s nice. (I already made a sleeve and toploader for it.) Laura told me. Again she is steps ahead of me.


2x Weapon Change, 2x Theban Nightmare, 4x The Kick Man, 2x Talisman of Spell Sealing, 3x Sword of the Soul-Eater, Stone Statue of the Aztecs, 2x Sonic Jammer, 3x Soul Reversal, 2x Solar Ray, 2x Sand Gambler, 2x Sand Gambler 


I take the toploader Jar of Greed presented to me. I guess nothing more than to activate it. But, it’s a trap. Can I just activate it normally? Let’s just try. I place it in my DiaDhanks spell zone, and try to activate it.

“Jar of Greed.” I said quietly. 

Would you like to consume 1 ‘toploader’ ‘Jar of Greed’ to increase your daily Reprint tokens by 1?
[Yes] [NO]
Daily Reprint token number increased by 1. Total is now 2

I really got a spare Reprint token. And a daily increase. And I could activate a trap immediately after setting it. All good news. Let’s pick open the last pack.


Nothing amazing here. Ground Collapse might do something fun and St. Joan is a strong monster. But I don’t have the materials for St. Joan. Well, at least I have it if I ever get the materials for it. I also have poly.


Now, I just wait. At least I have this tea to drink while I wait. It’s really good actually. She knows how to make good tea.



[Lucia POV]


I was laying on my bed in our team house. Technically Zayaan was the owner of the house, but we all paid for it together, so it's a team house. 

I had stripped to just my bra for what comes next. I honestly didn’t think it could ever happen.

After all, in my room with me, was a vampire. A true vampire. Something that should have died over millennia ago. Only legends exist anymore. 

Her blue skin is different from what I’ve heard, but my intuition says she still is one. Perhaps she is a subtype of a true vampire.


“Please, stay still and relax.” She said to me. I did as instructed. I know from experience that using blood magic on a person is easier if that person is completely still.


How did something that should be long since extinct end up in my room? Well it all comes down to one person. The summoner, Brian. He came to town just a few days ago and already almost everyone in town knows about him. 

He wasn’t in the room with me, as the vampire ordered him to stay downstairs. I wouldn’t have minded him being here, but I’m also glad he doesn’t see me like this.

For me, I met him when I was on a hunt with my team. We were aiming for a horned bison that was spotted near the south road. A c-rank monster. But when we found it, it was already dead. Brian had taken it down with his summons. He had two beasts with him at the time, an imp and a panda. I’d never seen a panda before that.

He apologized for hunting our prey but we all agreed that it’s fine. We would still get the guild reward, as the problem was dealt with even if we didn’t do it. Then he even agreed to split the sale of the bison with us.


On the next day we escorted him and the lord of the town to a new dungeon. Brian became the dungeon’s founder. He even gave me a ‘hoodie’ he made with the dungeon. I was a little brought down that he would use me as a test subject, but it was worth it. That hoodie is so soft and warm.


Then he showed us how his unique skill works. I was surprised. I’ve never seen a skill that links to the system like that. I’ve not really even heard of them. The only one I know of is the ‘appraisal’ skill. And even that is slightly different.

He let me try summoning something and the cute little creature I summoned was so adorable I just had to hug it. I was able to play around with it for two hours, before I had to unsummon it. I think Brian said something about two hours being the time limit.


But then, something terrible happened.

I was out in the fields watching over the lower ranked adventurers as they were herding and feeding the boars that called the plains surrounding the town their home, when a bird flew to me. The bird was see-through and it had come to us to deliver a message. It said that wyverns were going to attack the town.

I didn’t fully understand but apparently, Brian had foreseen a wyvern attack and sent this bird to warn us. After telling me that the bird flew off somewhere, only to return a little later. 

Brian then picked Rico and I up in a golem carriage. He was with the miss of the Watchman family. Why is she out here with him?

We managed to take down the wyverns, thanks to Brian’s summons. I was even able to solo one, with the help of the large golem Brian loaned to me. His summons are incredible. 


In the end, no one died. Few had some injuries and one guard was even badly wounded, but Brian managed to heal him with a potion. He was left paralyzed by the wyverns poison, but that can be healed. Death cannot. 

But Brian passed out. I didn’t really know why. Lady Watchman said he was burning up, and as I made my way over to him, he most definitely was. I began using water magic to keep him cool. We got him on a stretcher and took him back into town. 


The doctor said he had severe level-up sickness. All we could do is wait and keep him cool. I didn’t sleep much that night, as I was using water magic to keep him cool. Thankfully the wyvern blood I collected helped me keep my mana levels up. I didn’t get to take part in the festival that took place that evening, but I don’t mind. I had a more important job to do. Taking care of the town's savior.


He woke up and we spent the morning together. He then offered to give me light magic if I wanted. I knew he had something to do with the Watchman daughter learning magic, but I didn’t think he could just give attributes like that.

I refused, because of my curse. He then offered to heal my blood curse. I tried to argue against it, but in the end he won.

He said he could possibly summon a vampire. And he did. And now, we are here.


“I’ll bite now, just hold still.” The vampire said to me.

Her bite didn’t hurt. It was pleasant. Like a hug. I could feel her magic flowing into me. Similar to how the ‘scan’ spells felt, but more powerful. Was she using ‘blood scan’?


Then her mana got a lot more intence. A surge flowed through me. Every muscle in my body stiffened. But not for long, as the surge ran out, I relaxed. I felt lighter. Did she do it?


“I’m sorry.” She said to me. Sorry? Why? “I can’t cure your curse.” She told me.

“But, I feel much better.” I told her.

“I could lessen its effect temporarily, but the curse is not gone.” She told me. “The lessened effect will likely last two to three days.”


I see. So even a true vampire can’t cure me. That’s too bad.

“We should report this to Master Brian.” She said to me. “A higher ranking vampire should be able to cure you completely, so we must tell Master to try to pull one.”

“Sure, let’s go back down stairs.” I answered and got up from the bed. I quickly put my clothes back on and followed the vampire down the stairs.


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