Yugioh Card Summoner

CH.61 Aiming for Vampires

I followed Lucia towards her house. Or is it Prime Rib’s house? Well, that doesn’t really matter. 

The house was only a few blocks away from the guild building. It looked like any other two storey house in town. For an adventurer’s house, it was decently large. Well, I guess Prime Rib is the second highest ranking party in town.

Lucia used a key to open the front door and we went inside.


The downstairs had a large open room with a kitchen space and a table. Minimal decor for a house. There were stairs leading to, well up stairs, and a couple of doors to other rooms. We sat down at the table.


“Well, we are here. What did you want to give me?” She asked.

“Before I do, can I ask another question?” 

“Go for it.” Lucia answered.

“How did you know I helped Alice?” I asked.

“Oh, that. I was asked to perform blood magic on her a little over a year back. Her teacher wanted to know what were her strongest attributes, but this town doesn’t have a place to test them. But I can do it with blood magic.” She told me.

“And you realized she didn’t have a strong enough of an attribute to use magic, correct?” 

“Yes, and I told her teacher. But I also remember her strongest ones being wind and earth. There is no way she could have grown her dark magic enough to use it. Without some outside interference. You showed up in town and just a few days later, Miss Alice was using dark magic. There is no way that is a coincidence. Especially since you were staying at the Watchman manor.” She gave me her theory.


Wow. She really saw straight through me. Not that it was that difficult, but it’s still impressive. 

“I would give you the perfect score, but this is not a test.” I told her. “I did interfere with Alice’s attributes. And I could do it to you as well, if you want me to.” 

“I don’t need it.” She answered.

“You don’t want light magic?” I asked. “I could also boost your water magic, if you prefer that.”

“I Don’t Need It.” She said slowly, emphasizing her words. “You are the one that taught me that. I don’t need approval from others. Only from myself.” 

I guess I did say something like that.

“That doesn’t mean you need to refuse.” I told her.

“Then let’s do this.” She offered. “If you can cure my curse, I’ll let you do whatever you want with me.”

“Well, that’s certainly an offer.” I’m pretty sure she didn’t consider what she just said. “Are you sure you are fine with Anything?”

“.... nothing lewd.” She added. 

“Deal.” Now I just need a vampire. Let’s go!

Pack Opener
Sleeve maker
Set lists
Open Packs
Daily Pack tokens: 10
Current Pack tokens: 21
Available packs :
Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharaoh’s Servant
Labyrinth of Nightmare
Legacy of Darkness
Pharaonic Guardian
Magician’s Force
Dark Crisis
Invasion of Chaos
Ancient Sanctuary
Soul of the Duelist
Daily Reprint Tokens: 1
Current Reprint Tokens: 3
Available Reprint sets:
‘Dark Beginning 1’

(Laura, what sets had vampire cards?) I asked so I don’t have to go through the card lists.

(‘Dark Crisis’ has ‘Vampire Lord’, ‘Ancient Sanctuary’ has ‘Vampire Lady’ and ‘Dark Beginning 1’ has ‘Vampire Baby’. But I don’t believe ‘Vampire Baby’ can do what Master would want it to do. You should open ‘Ancient Sanctuary’ first and move to ‘Dark Crisis’ if you get the ‘Vampire Lady’.)

(Sounds like a plan, but why?)

(‘Vampire Lady’ is common, but ‘Vampire Lord’ is secret rare. Chances of Master getting one are a lot lower.) 

(Then, I’ll go with your plan.) Laura is always on top of these things. 


“Lucia, I’m going to try to get a Vampire card now, do you want to watch?” I asked.

“You can start without me. I’ll make you some tea.” She answered. 

“You have tea? In this house?” I confirmed. I would love some, but that’s unexpected.

“Zay and Alex like having it in the morning.” She told me. Men of culture. And tea.

“Sure, I’ll start alone then.”

After Lucia went to heat up some water, I got busy opening packs. I have a ton of pack tokens. What do you mean 21 isn’t a ton? It’s the winning hand in black jack, so you can get a ton of money with it.

Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Ancient Sanctuary’
[Yes] [No]

Vampires, please bless me (and Lucia) with your presence.




No vampires there. Next. 


Still no Vampire Lady. Here I was hoping it would be a one try wonder. Well, at least I have sleeve material.


REALLY? Still nothing? Isn’t this lady supposed to be common? Well, better keep going.


And still nothing. 


“I’m back. Here’s your tea.” Lucia said to me as she set a cup of tea in front of me.

“Thank you, Lua.” I said to her.

“Of course. You are trying to help me, after all. Did you get what you wanted?” She asked.

“Not yet. My luck is terrible today.” I told her. Honestly. How difficult is it to get the common you want?

“Can you show me now?” She asked.

“Sure, Open.” I tried to open my skill for her to see by just saying open, while I already had it up. And it worked. Convenience. 

“Pack 16 here we go.” I said and continued.


“THERE IT IS!” I yelled out of excitement. 19 packs. For a common card. This is crazy.

“Nice.” Lucia said next to me. “Let’s try it out right away.”

“We could, but I still have two more pack tokens. We could try for a higher ranking vampire as well. It won’t take long.” I offered.

“Fine. I’ll wait a little longer.” She gave in.


Time to change set.

Use a ‘Pack token’ to open 1 pack of ‘Dark Crisis’
[Yes] [No]

Two tries. Let’s get the other vampire.


Well no Vampire Lord for me. Did get Skill Drain and Final Countdown. Those might be useful. I still have the reprints, but let’s do those later.

“Well, we didn’t get the lord, but at least we got the lady.” I said to Lucia.

“Will you summon her now?” She asked.

“Just a second. I need to make a sleeve for her.” Well, actually a toploader, but same difference.


2x Absorbing Kid from the Sky, 2x Arcane Archer of the Forest, Aswan Apparition, Atomic Firefly, 3x Beckoning Light, 2x Blessings of the Nile, Delta Attacker, 2x Desertapir, Dora of Fate, 4x Dust Barrier, 5x Emissary of the Oasis, Flower Wolf


25 sacrifices for a sleeve and toploader combo. 

(Laura, apply the sleeve and toploader onto the Vampire Lady.)

(Of course, Master.)


I grabbed the toploader Vampire Lady from my skill. I hope this works.

“Lucia, are you ready?” I asked.

“I think so.” She answered. “I’ve dreamed of the day my curse would be lifted, but I honestly didn’t think that day would ever come.” 

“Well, today is the day of miracles for you.” I told her as I activated my DiaDhank. I put the Vampire Lady on it and said: “I summon Vampire Lady.”


A tallish woman with blue skin and green hair appeared. She wore a purple dress and had purple wings coming out from her lower back. In all honesty, I’m not sure I would call her beautiful or creepy.

Lucia was looking at her with her eyes wide. I think she was muttering something, but I couldn’t hear it.

“Master, you have called on me.” She greeted me.

“Hello. Yes, I need you to cure the blood curse on Lucia. Can you do it?” I asked.

“The blood curse of a dhampir? I’ve never done it, but I can try.” She said to me.

“Lucia, what do you think? Do you want to try?” I asked her.


She pondered for a second before answering. 

“Yes, let’s do it.” 

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