Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 019

0051_Hiking and climbing

On the way to continue upward, I passed many candidates who were trapped in different illusions.Obviously, I was one of the first few people to rush up the stone steps—it was a matter of positioning. Before I reached the foot of the mountain, a group of impatient people had already surrounded the entrance. I can only say that I was not left behind by them for more than a second, but I'm sure I wasn't the first to rush up the stone steps—by the time I emerged from the illusion I had encountered, many people had already run ahead of me.

The one who ran the furthest... well, he was blocked too.

I withdrew my gaze and wondered, how does the illusion on this mountain climbing road work?Although my xinxing level may not be considered good among sword cultivators of the same level, but it is not so bad that even those children who have not entered the qi training period are not as good?What's more, even if I'm really that bad, why are they trapped by illusions now, and I'm not affected at all when I walk through the same area with illusion arrays?

Why, the phantom array still picks people up?

I ran up quickly with deep doubts.There is a time limit for mountaineering, and you must reach the top of the mountain before sunset, otherwise you will have to come back ten years later.

Encountering illusions also has the benefits of encountering illusions. Every time you break free from an illusion, you will be transported a long distance, which saves a lot of running time. On the contrary, the less illusions you encounter, the more distance you have to work on your legs...

Wait, how did the big brother not run at all, and just rely on teleportation to go up the mountain?It is impossible for a person like him to be recruited in every illusion.Even if the levels on this mountain road are far from only illusions, after deleting the illusions, the other levels are not enough to make up the continuous teleportation.

Or is the setting of the mountaineering road checkpoints in those days different from that of now?It is indeed possible, after all, hundreds of years have passed, and no matter how lazy the elders are to change the exam questions, it is impossible for the same questions to be used for so long.When I go back, I have to take a look at the test papers of Yunxiazong. I really underestimated the depth of the water here.

The climbing road before the selection meeting clearly stipulates that swords are not allowed, but this is not to embarrass the candidates, on the contrary, it is to improve the safety factor of the candidates.Because the candidates who take the mountain-climbing road have the most foundation-building period, even if they are proficient in fencing, they cannot restrain their spiritual power well.

——Dengshan Road said: Don't you think you are good at it?Yu Jian is so slippery, so let's play something more difficult.

Don't forget, on the mountain climbing road, the defensive formation is one of the basic formations.Whenever you encounter strange spiritual power, you have to be an enemy to test it out.

0052_There is a pig

In the previous life, there was a safety manual that warned us not to wander while walking, but to watch the road.

While I messed up the shady scenes of the selection conference, I changed from fast running to jogging, and then to walking. After walking for a while, I realized that it was too late and started running again. Speed, and finally accidentally kicked something.

Fortunately, I have practiced it in my life, and I didn't trip over the ground. When I kicked that thing, I came back to my senses, took two steps back, drew my sword and focused, and looked at a pig.


Maybe it's my villainous heart, but when I looked at the egg in my hand, I suspected that this pig was deliberately used by the people from Beast Control Peak to tease me.

——Yes, I didn't put down my spirit beast eggs during the exam, and I followed the best procedures in the spirit beast raising manual diligently all the time.I was so dedicated that I once again suspected that I might be more suitable to be a beast master.When the thing inside breaks the shell, if you dare not recognize me, I will definitely use it as a barbecue to mend my wounded fatherly heart...fuck you motherly love.

I moved a few steps to the left, and the pig also moved a few steps to the left, and I moved a few steps to the right, and the pig moved in the same way, to ensure that it accurately blocked my path.

I jumped twice on the spot, and was about to jump over from above, but the pig also jumped twice on the spot, jumping higher than me.

...Well, the spirit animal pig is not an ordinary pig, of course it can jump high.Wait, normal pigs seem to be able to jump high too?

While I was trying to test the pig, several candidates caught up with me from behind.They were also taken aback when they saw the pig, and then continued to walk tentatively, only to find that the pig didn't think they existed at all, and only stopped me with all its heart.

Did I mess with it? !

I saw the faces of a few people who couldn't help laughing, but they are all busy climbing the mountain now. This is a life-long event, which is much more important than watching people joke, so they laughed for a while and continued on their way.

Except for one person.

"Beauty, I helped you get rid of this pig, how about you follow me?" The man asked me softly with a folding fan in his hand and a smile on his face.He was dressed in white clothes, which were spotless, except for a jade pendant hanging around his waist, there were no other accessories.The whole person looks suave and suave, with a lot of money and stupidity.

I looked at him coldly.

"Don't get angry, beauty." The man smiled softly, like a passionate seed or a stallion boy, "Although it is said that after becoming a monk, the family background in the mortal world can hardly provide help, but at the beginning, in the training The mortal world still has some influence on monks during the Qi period, including the foundation period. At least, it can make life a little more comfortable. Isn’t the beauty willing to abuse herself?"

In fact, I didn't get angry. The reason why I looked at him coldly was because I didn't know what to say for a while.It is said that all you have to do is smile in this situation, but I have hated smiling all my life, so I can only keep my face paralyzed.

Oh, I didn't really lose my temper, really.This is the first time in my two lifetimes that a typical dandy molests a woman from a decent family. It is quite new.Besides, what do I have to care about with a young master who is about sixteen or seventeen years old but still at the beginning of Qi training?He probably won't be able to enter Yunxia Sect at all, and naturally he won't have any contact with me in the future.

Thinking of this, I ignored him and continued to concentrate on watching the pig, trying to figure out what the Beastmaster Peak meant by putting it in front of me. If I slashed the pig with a sword, wouldn't the Beastmaster Peak bother me afterwards?

0053_There is one...Master

"The beauty is so indifferent." The playboy said with a smile.The elder brother also often smiles at me, and occasionally calls out to me for being a beautiful younger brother.However, the elder brother's smile made me slightly annoyed, but he was also a little familiar, after all, we have known each other for so many years.But this young master, I can only say that he has a good appearance, so it's just a bit of an eyesore, and I don't think he is wretched.

But then again, monks rarely look ugly.There is a saying called phase from the heart, and another saying that one white covers all ugliness.

The xinxing that can produce some results in cultivation should not be too bad.Similarly, those who can achieve some results in cultivation, their bodies will definitely become more and more healthy during the cultivation process, and their skin quality will become better and better, without acne or scars, and with an average appearance, they can be cultivated into a little beauty. She evolved into a male god and goddess, such as my mother, but unfortunately she joined the Hehuan sect, and others saw her wearing colored glasses, less admiration, and more gossip.

I ignored that young master, but that young master seemed to be getting excited.

"Beauty, look at me, I will make you feel that I am worth relying on." He stood in front of me and faced the big fat pig.

If I rely on you in the early stage of Qi training, my father will definitely pull me out of Jianxiu Peak.

I still didn't say a word, watching the young master fight the big fat pig quietly - as a spirit beast, this pig's size is definitely beyond the standard, if I can't sense the spiritual power around it, I really think it is waiting for me It's ready to be slaughtered.When did the business scope of Yushoufeng expand to the field of meat pigs?

"It's just a pig, it should lie down and be eaten by others." The young master sneered and attacked the big fat pig with a folding fan.

For human consumption?The use of this word coincides with my imagination, what a coincidence... Wait, young master, did you not realize that this pig is a spirit beast?Just like you don't seem to realize that my cultivation is higher than yours?

It's not enough for you to come here to take the entrance exam.Don't you and I have the nerve to take the Yunxia Sect's entrance examination at our age?With a little common sense, you should know that your cultivation level at the early stage of Qi training is at the bottom among Yunxiazong candidates in the same age group, but whenever you encounter a situation where you can't see through the opponent's cultivation level, you should guess that the other party's cultivation level is higher than yours. It is not that people have not cultivated.

Don't talk about people, this pig's cultivation is actually higher than yours, it has actually built a foundation, so I am hesitant to do it directly, because I may not be able to beat it...

0054_ step on the past

The playful young master Xiong Jiu held the folded fan high-spiritedly like holding the hilt of a sword, with spiritual power attached to the fan, and struck at the pig.The pig didn't dodge or dodge in a daze, and then... the attack was ineffective.

I knew that with this level difference, except for misses, it is impossible to break the defense...

Originally full of confidence like a mystery, the young master who even turned around to ask me for credit at the moment he made the move froze.

I looked at him calmly.

"It was an accident, beauty, don't be afraid, I will correct the accident at once," he said.

Then I saw the pig move, with a shove, the young master fell on his back, and with another sway, the young master flew out.

Tsk, it was flying towards the top of the mountain, and it took a long way to go.

I pulled my eyes back from looking at the young master who flew away, and continued to look at the pig. It didn't show any aggression towards me, just like it didn't show any aggression towards him before the young man made a move.But I can't just stand here in a daze?

I thought about it and tried to find a smart solution to get past the pig, but in the end I could only scratch my head. Compared with wits, I would rather bet on luck and brute force. For example, the pig will automatically attack when I attack. Get out of the way, like I can narrowly beat it.

In order to avoid accidental injury in the battle, I put the spirit beast egg in my hand aside, and then... I found that the pig stared blankly at the spirit beast egg and ignored me.

...Wait, so it turned out that it was not me but my spirit beast egg that it had been staring at just now?

Thinking of this, I immediately became angry: It doesn't matter if you have plans for me, anyway, I'm used to being looked at by people all my life, but if you have plans for my things, you should step on my dead body first.

The battle process is brief.I won anyway.The pig was hacked to the brink of death by me—because I might be watched by the people from the Beast Riding Peak, and as long as my own life was not in danger, I couldn’t hack it to death—and I stared at the pig with all my heart. , making me more convinced that a pig will hatch from the egg.In fact, if it hadn't been for at least half of its attention on the egg during the battle, I wouldn't have won so easily.

Alas... To be honest, although I have prepared myself, I am still a little disappointed.It's not that I discriminate against the pig species, but spiritual pets... who doesn't want their spiritual pets to be mighty, domineering, have their own cheats, or at least be cute?Pigs are more likely to be only associated with the dining table, and the momentum will drop to the bottom all at once.

—Okay, maybe I really discriminate against pigs.

I hugged the egg, stepped on the dead pig, and continued to walk up. Before I had gone a few steps, I saw the young master running back.

...Hey, young master, do you really have no knowledge of exams?In the Yunxiazong mountaineering project, running down the mountain means abstention.What do you mean when you look so happy?No, you don't seem to be injured or hurt, what kind of power did you abandon?

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