World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 308 Archdukes Conclusion

Dagon looked a little pissed. “And what pray tell… Is more serious then the reunion between me and my long lost descendant? Which I should remind you is the whole reason why I’m here in the first place.”

“I understand…” Malon said. “But now that we are all here… Doesn’t this mean we have a chance to truly discuss things that have been lying unresolved for who knows how long because none of us ever wanted to bother with them? Now that Karmila is dead and a new archduchess has risen, more then ever this the time to discuss our country’s future.”

“Let us not forget that your descendent Dagon, is your last remaining heir… And she is wed and soul bonded to Van, who is also wed to an archduchess… whichever child they designate as heir, will inherit both archduchy’s making them perhaps one of the most powerful noble houses in Alcray…”

The mood in the room now turned serious as Malon had intended. This wasn’t a simple matter after all, nor a light one that they could move down the line for later… “We need to discuss the future of Alcray… Here… And now…”

Silence descended on the room, and with a sigh Dagon moved reluctantly away from Anna and back to his seat, sitting down with an annoyed look on his face. “Alright… Proceed…”

Van conjured up a chair from his soul realm and put it beside him and pat it. Anna got the message and sat down next to him, earning the jealousy of Dagon who watched from the opposite end of the table.

“I think we should start by discussing what we should do about the remaining Nilfan in the-” Malon began but was cut off.

“You again and your Nilfan.” Tethra cut him off. “We heard about it for at least a hundred times. Yes the Nilfan are still out there and a threat, but they are not our greatest issue! We need to expand our influence outward and acquire more trade and technology. If we do that then when the time comes we can deal with the Nilfan at our leisure.”

Malon slammed a fist on the table. “That’s not going to work! The storms are getting stronger and stronger as the years go by! Soon the barrier will not hold and the fogstorms will roll over the whole of Alcray, not just the east and middle. Surely you have reports of fogstorms even reaching towards the outskirts of your beloved home of Zanabrae!”

Tethra frowned. “If we can get people to open up to us, we can make more use of their beloved adventures guild. Give a high enough reward and you’ll have scores of… ‘Heros…’ Running to be the first to die to protect your home.”

Dagon gave his own two cents. “I’m not sure I’m open to the idea of allowing so many humans…” His frowned turned into a disgusted sneer. “And potentially elves… Running around in my Alcray. Not to mention those adventures with hero complex’s will do more harm then good. Not to mention not all of them will be here for adventure, but to spy on us…”

Malon nodded. “Exactly! It is only a matter of time before the rest of the world realizes that most of your strength is tide up defending the world from a tear in fucking space and time! If they did, they might actually try helping the Nilfan rather then us, just to keep the status quo. If you want to allow open trade with rest of the world, you at least have to show them you have the strength to protect whats yours, otherwise they will walk all over us!”

Tethra seemed already exasperated by this line of dialogue, as if she heard it a thousand times over, if not by ear then by ink and paper. “And why do you think I invested heavily in our navy? You think pirates care if your a vampire or not when they are using the latest and newest technology in ship warfare and were still using antique cannons a few centuries old? Before people feared just the thought of one of our ghost ships sailing out in the open blue, now they think were target pratice.”

She glared at Malon. “I changed that. I upgraded our marines with the best weapons and armor. Improved our cannons and ships. Trained our sailors to be the scourge of the seas once more. And opened up a wide world of spices and potions. Materials and magics, some of which you use by the way, to make the weapons you do to fight your war with the Nilfan. You wouldn’t even be able to make those land ships if it werent for me selling you the materials necessary.” Leaning back with her arms crossed.

“If we can acquire enough allies, enough technology, enough materials, then defeating the Nilfan will just be a matter of course. It won’t do to turn our backs on potential threats and allies just because your scared of a few fogstorms getting stronger.” Finally finishing what she had to say.

Malon glared daggers. “You don’t think I don’t know the good you do? Are you serious?” looking at her as if she had lost her mind. “I’m well aware of all that you have provided, but you seem to have the order of things reversed.” He leaned on the table as he stared her down.

“You can focus on all those things because I’m the one watching your back. Not just long ago we had a monster swarm that almost washed my city off the map! Worse it seems that it was planned!” Slamming a hand on the table. “Do you understand what that means!? They are somehow organizing the monsters and sending them on fucking pincer maneuvers!”

“And for all the materials you flood into Alcray thanks to your trade ship, with what goods did you use to trade them with? All the metals, all the hides and bones and materials used to make your cheap products that you use to flood the western kingdoms with first come through me! Your factories might be the ones that put them all together, but you wouldn’t even be able to make them if it weren’t for my miners and hunters!”

The two of them stared each other down with barely concealed anger.

Dagon tapped his knuckles on the table to get their attention. “Enough you too, you both have good and valid points.” he sighed. “If I have to be honest perhaps I was to lazy these past few centuries. I had thought that these changes will go away with enough time and Alcray will continue being who she was no matter how much time goes by. But after listening to you both I realize that is not the case, something must be done about our place in the world and the threats that dare bare their fangs at our country’s throat. Whether they be from within…” Looking at Malon. “Or from without…” Now looking at Tethra.

Everyone went silent when he spoke. His voice sounding old and wizened as if he had a millennia of wisdom to share. He steepled his fingers and addressed everyone in the room. “We have the unique opportunity, perhaps even once in a lifetime, to decide the fate of Alcray… We four are the most powerful individuals to date, and we are all in one place…” He gave each one of them a careful and measured look. “I think it is about time we decide which amongst us will be vampire lord.”

Shocked silence. No one said anything. All eyes were on him. Even Zarial’s big sister looked solemn, keeping her mouth shut. It was if the entire room collectively agreed to hold their breath at the same time.

Finally it was Tethra who spoke first. “Dagon… Are you sure?” She wasn’t just asking because of the severity and importance of choosing a new vampire lord would mean to all of Alcray, but because for Dagon himself, Alcraz, the former vampire lord, was Dagons friend…

Dagon nodded. “I’m old… Perhaps not in mind or body, my constitution prevents that, but… In spirit… I’m tired…” He raised his head high. “It is time that Alcray finds herself a new vampire lord, to give purpose and direction once more.

Malon took a deep breath and let it out, even for him, he was nervous about where this conversation would go.

“And… Who do you have in mind to take up such a role?” Tethra asked.

Dagon slowly turned to look at Van.

Malon and Tethra slowly turned to look at Van.

Soon everyone had turned to look at Van.

Van looked to the left and to the right of him and paled.

“You can’t be serious Dagon, he is not but a child.” Malon said.

“Impressive as his feats are, I’m afraid I have to agree with Malon…” Tethra agreed, surprised by her own words.

“And yet he is the one…” Dagon said. “I felt it through Annastasia’s blood. His potential is as great or even greater then Alcraz. And it is not many that can pull off a soul bonding with six individuals…” He commented, his eyes piercing as if seeing through Van.

Malon and Tethra stiffened. The strength required to do so many soul bindings wasn’t small, even they would have been hard pressed to even do two, and that was if they even wanted to.

“Hmm…” Malon said thoughtfully. “My daughter does have some relations with him, they even have taken each other as a lover…”

“And my daughter did say that she liked Van ever since she first layed eyes on him…” Tethra added with her own thoughtful look on her face. “It wouldn’t be asking much to ask for a political wedding… Would it?”

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Zarial’s sister laughed. “Why don’t you throw my Zazi in too while your at it!”

“Wait! Don’t I get a say in this!?” Van exclaimed, wondering if this was happening too fast.

For the first time Tethra addressed him. “Van… You must understand, just because you’ll be the vampire lord, doesn’t mean all the responsibilities of your office will fall on your shoulders alone.”

“She’s right.” Malon added. “If anything you are the perfect tool to unite our people into one proper nation. Even if me and Tethra differ on where our resources should go, with a vampire lord, every houses from every corner of Alcray will be tripping over each other to shower us with the resources we need for both our endeavors. Then there is the fact that you and Avalyn are going on dates…”

Tethra’s eyes widened. “Oh my~ this I have to hear…” She said with a smile. “If the vampire lord weds Avalyn, the sole heir of both Fandor and Kittar, we can annex peacefully what would have been bleed for.” Her smile turned greedy and it looked like she was going to drool a little. “And just imagine all the open markets and all trade that could be done, the wealth that would flow into our coffers…”

“Wait… So your just going to use me as a tool…” Van said, deeply hurt by this.

Dagon shook his head. “Pay no mind to their delusions Van. “whether or not you are a figurehead, you will wield great power. As a vampire lord you can force those under you to obey and your words will carry with them a great amount of weight. You’ll be at the pinnacle of all vampires.”

“And… You want me to be that pinnacle…” Van asked unsure. “Why me thougth? Surely it can’t just because of how many I’ve soul bonded?”

“I understand why you might be a little confused Van.” Dagon began to explain. “But the truth is… As those two were bickering as usuall, I came to the very reall realization that I didn’t want to deal with their bullshit any longer.” He said flatly. “I just want to retire and as much as I hate to admit it, I can tell you will take care of my Annastasia. In the end, that is what’s important… Once she is properly trained on how to run a duchy, I will bequeath everything I own to her and retire to my vacation home.”

This earned a surprise look from everyone. No one was actually expecting Dagon to actually retire so suddenly or at all. He was like a rock within Alcrayain politics. Somenone who was always there no matter what. Who had been around for over a thousand years. So to hear him sound so adamant about retiring was a true surprise.

“More importantly Van…” His eyes still piercing. “I know you are hiding something… You are far more powerful then you let on… Or at least your potential is far greater then even you probably realize… If anyone can withstand the weight of being a vampire lord, then it is probably you. Now…” He said leaning forward. “Lets hash everything out before I grow even more weary of these two bickering.

After which, Malon, Tethra, Dagon and Rosalyn began discussion on who will have what responsibilities in the new world order that will be created once Van was vampire lord. Thankfully, while Rosalyn was silent most of the time, she spoke up for Van when it came down to some of the crap Malon and Tethra wanted to saddle him with. After talking well into the night and writing down notes, they finally came down to an agreement.

“-Alright, so just to go down the last topics on the list.” Rosalyn said with a sigh, reading over a piece of paper. “Van will marry Katherine, Cerina, Zarial and if possible, Avalyn. Of which all of them will have their own heirs which will inherit their titles. Is everyone in agreement?”

They all nodded.

“Good. Then the wedding ceremony is to be taken in one month from today. All in favor raise your hand.” Everyone but Van raised their hand, even Anna raised her hand.

“Then the next thing on our list is that after the wedding ceremony, we will make Van into a vampire lord. Of which everyone will get the necessary supplies and fulfill the necessary paper to transfer the rights and holdings of enough land and titles to Van to accomplish this goal. Any questions?”

There was only silence, everyone had already gone through with this and knew what to do.

“Alright then… With this, the meeting of Archdukes is over. Until next week. Dismissed.” Everyone got up, relieved that after so many hours it was finally over. Everyone but Van, who was still trying to comprehend what the fuck just happened.

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