World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 307 Meeting of the Archdukes

Van was beyond nervous. Even dressed up in the finest clothing that Rosalyn could find, it still didn’t mask how tense he felt. He had been dreading this day for a while, ever since he heard the news from Duvessa on Rosalyn’s behalf.

“I can’t believe it… All three of them are coming at once… Taldor was one thing, he was just my principal when I first met him, but Dagon and Tethra as well?” He shivered at the thought of three powerhouses all in one city, let alone in one castle. “I wonder what’s going to happen…”

Just then Van felt a small hand grab his and he looked down already having a feeling he knew who it was.

“Don’t worry too much Van.” Rosalyn gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “We’ll get through this all right, just trust me and follow my lead.” Giving him a winning and professional smile filled with confidence, hiding like a mask the uncertainty that lay beneath the surface.

Eitherway, Van tried his best to give a small smile back and returned her loving squeeze before turning his eyes towards the large double doors and taking a deep breath. “Alright… Let’s do this…”

The two let go of each other's hands and walked forward, the servants opening the door for them just as they were about to reach it. Even as nervous as he was, he schooled his expression and ignored the sudden gaze on his person, moving like an automaton towards his designated seat right beside Rosalyn at a long and large finely crafted wooden table. The chandelier above gave off a pale light and the curtains were closed and the windows shuttered. What little obvious light to be had was shut away when the servants closed the door on them, leaving them in a darkened and all too eerily quiet room.

Van had heard before the term, a deafening silence, but he had never before once thought how accurate that term could be until today. On his left side was Tethra with her daughter Katherine, both having a perfectly schooled and calm expression, sitting in a confident manner, and looking at him like one might a cat to a mouse. On his right side was Malon with his maid and daughter Cerina, who he was surprised to see here, just as much as it seemed she was surprised to be here as well. Compared to Katherine, Cerina was clearly nervous and stiff, but doing her best as her father gave a bored and almost brooding face, more eyeing up his competition than Van, though giving him a few glances from time to time. There was also for some reason Zarial, and what appeared to be an older sister of hers, both standing in the corner, watching as things played out. Zarial herself looked like she had no idea why she was here and kept giving glances to her older sister nervously. The older sister in question giving a wide shark-like smile as if she was going to enjoy what was going to happen next.

Then there was Dagon… Looking right across from Van, glaring daggers at both him and Rosalyn, emanating dark energy and barely concealed bloodlust, if he even was bothering to hide it at all. On his left and standing was a butler of sorts who seemed far too relaxed for being in a room with some of the most powerful people in all of Allcray.

It was Tethra who spoke first, her natural skills at playing the diplomat coming out in full force, giving a wide business-like smile as she addressed the room in a candid manner. “My~ it’s been so long since I last saw any of you. I honestly can’t recall the last time we’ve been all together in one place.” She said in a swaying kind of voice.

Malon rolled his eyes. “That’s because we haven’t ever been together all in one place before. In fact I’m pretty sure the last time we met was over a century ago.” Referring to just the two of them.

Tethra chuckled, “Was it over a century ago? Hmm, Maybe you're right? I do recall you being such a good young man, you’ve grown so much since then. How is your wife…” her eyes were smiling, but the hidden dagger in her words were clear, making Malon glare and Cerina stiffen more than usual.

He began to retort with vitriol. “You know very well how-”

A sudden slamming of a fist sent a shockwave through the table, sending cracks all the way down to it’s foundation and even making one leg bent. Dagon glared with unkempt animosity and anger, silencing the two before they could begin to bicker. The sudden violence was enough to make both Van, Cerina, and Zarial flinch, though Katherine kept herself composed.

As for Tethra, Malon, Rosalyn, and the unknown women in the corner, their expressions remained relaxed and unconcerned, none of them willing to even give a centimeter of a reaction, all of them turning their attention to Dagon, their aura’s unflared but swirling beneath the surface just in case.

“I do not care why any of you are here.” He hissed, eyes a deep crimson red. “I’m only here for one thing… Now where is she…” Eye’s narrowing down on Rosalyn threateningly with the weight of violence promised.

Rosalyn didn’t even bat an eye, her shoulders remaining relaxed and her hands clasped firmly in front of her. She took Dagon's intense gaze and endured it, refusing to show weakness to a fellow archduke. Slowly she turned her eyes towards Van and gave a small but firm nod.

Now all eyes were on him, and he nervously tried to ignore being the center of attention as he built up his mana and prepared a portal. With a show he opened up a swirling vortex, the other vampires looking upon his work with great suspicion, ready to strike should anything happen. Slowly priestess Anna walked out, the most complete and core of most Annas, wearing a dress giving to her by Rosalyn to look presentable.

She looked a little pale, and perhaps also a little stressed as anyone would in this situation. But did her best to stand straight and proud for the sake of her master. All eyes now turned to her as the swirling vortex closed behind. They watched her, stripping her down to the bone with their gaze, analyzing every nook and cranny and gauging her power. After a while they turned their eyes back to Dagon to see his reaction and were taken aback by what they saw.

Dagon’s face was pale as a sheet of paper and his eyes were as wide as saucers. Whatever show of strength or aura he had around his body had completely disappeared, and if anything, revealed an old and decrepit man.

“You…” He croaked, throat filled with emotion. “You look just like her…” Eyes watering a little in disbelief. Slowly he got up and ambled over to her, his legs a little shaky but his eyes focused only on her. Finally he was standing right in front of Anna and gently cupped her face with old and yet gentle hands as if doing his best to truly soak in her every feature. “By the gods…” He whispered. “You would be her spitting image.” Looking down on her face and body, noting the few key differences between the vision he had in mind and the person right in front of him.

He let go of her face and gently took her hand in his own, his expression still one of disbelief and elongated a nail and pierced a vein on her hand while still looking her in the eyes as Anna did her best not to react or show how she winced at this action. He then slowly brought the bloody nail to his lips and tasted it.

If he didn’t look shocked before he did now.

“You really are her…” He said incredulously, as if he couldn’t believe his own ears he said it again as if trying to convince himself. “You really are her… My… Annatasia… That’s how your mother would have wanted you to be named…” Gently he moved the back of his hand over her cheek as tears began to run down his own. “You are my last remaining heir… My last remaining blood kin…”

He suddenly gave her a big hug, overcome with emotion as he was. Even his butler seemed to watch on getting misty eyed, Zarial’s older looking sister for some reason doing the same. None of the other vampire archdukes said anything, not daring to utter a word or ruin this tender moment.

Finally Dagon turned to Van. “Thank you young man… You have done me a great service in returning my descendent to me. Whatever you wish for, name it and it shall be yours.”

All of a sudden Van got the attention of everyone in the room. He knew then that he had to play this right, otherwise it could turn out really bad. But more importantly… The way Dagon said My Decedent irked him something fierce, and so decided to play Dagon’s offer off in a way that wouldn’t make it feel like the other owed anything.

Van gave his best smile, all things considering the place he was in and responded to Dagon in the kindest tone of voice possible. “I’m grateful for your offer, but there is no need to give me anything, afterall I didn’t just do it for you but for my wife Anna. How could I ask anything of family when it is the least I could do?” A fake plastered smile on his face that obviously conveyed, She’s mine, not yours, i’m just doing this because you're family and was asked to, don’t get too attached.

Rosalyn paled in surprise and even Malon and Tethra looked shocked. Zarial’s big sister did her best not to laugh loudly, covering her mouth with both her hands while everyone else’s mouth seemed to hang stupidly open, including Katherine’s.

Dagon’s eyes narrowed but oddly enough he smiled grandfatherly as his hands squeezed Anna’s shoulders. “Oh? My darling Annastasia is already married? To who? You? Oh my… Don’t you already have plenty of wives? I’ve heard you have quite a few? I’m thankful you consider my Annastasia so highly, but I think it's about time she spends time with her real family and think of her future. The family and future that was so callously taken away from her when she was just a baby by a madman that butchered it. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that now, would you?” He asked, then shook his head. “Ah well… That’s all in the past, since Annastasia is coming with me and i’m depriving you of a friend, the least I can do is give you something in return, you just have to name it.” He asked kindly but underneath his words he said. You really don’t think I didn’t find out what your father did? You better just be happy that i’m willing to give you a gift at all!

“I’ve heard about that, it was a sad thing that happened to Anna’s parents. That is true. A great misunderstanding brought about by grief.” Van lamented. “But our union wasn’t just a method for us to learn from our mistakes and move on, but out of genuine love!” He said playing the part of a doting husband. “What greater gift can I ask of you other than your approval?” Throwing Dagon’s words right back at him.

Lightning seemed to play between Van and Dagon as the two fought over ownership of Anna. The verbal and concealed assaults on each other continued for some time as everyone on the side lines seemed to be watching with bated breath, eyes flipping back and forth like the balls of a pingpong table as they switched between Van and Dagon. Zarial’s big sister seemed to be the one having the best time of it all, holding a bag of candy she probably snatched from her soul realm and was eating it as she watched the drama play out with a wide grin.

“-and I already took her first time, I’m afraid she's addicted to me, I am an incubus after all.” Van apologized with a smile.

“That’s okay, women bed countless men, besides her virginity and addiction can be easly fixed with the right medicine.” Dagon refuted with an understanding smile. “Besides, she needs a male of higher pedigree, one I can trust. No offense.” Much offense meant.

Van nodded sagely. “Oh I understand, pedigree is important, but do you really want to give her to someone with good blood but no accomplishment?” Doesn’t she deserve better than that?”

“Of course she does!” Dagon exclaimed, “only the best for my darling Annastasia.”

Van gave a knowing smile. “Then wouldn’t that mean that all of my accomplishments far outweigh anything any other male has ever achieved?” He then began to list them off. “I have a massive soul realm, to which Anna can attest to. I am wed to an archduchess with very favorable terms, and I have killed a semi-archduchess all by myself. I have the soul power, political power, and the magical power more than any other young male. Where will you get someone else with my accomplishments? Hm?”

“Thats…” Even Dagon had to admit after the research he had done on Van before this meeting his accomplishments were impressive.

Van went in for the kill. “Besides… Where already soul bonded…”

“YOUR WHAT!?!” Dagon exclaimed.

“BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Zarial’s older sister laughed. “He’s got you there Dagon!” She roared in good mirth.

Dagon turned to glare at the women. “You shut your mouth you snot-nosed brat.” He hissed before glaring back at Van. “How dare you bond my daughter to the soul… Do you even understand what you have done.” He growled.

“The only thing that would have made the both of us survive childhood I reckon…” Van responded, suddenly serious.

“Grandpa… Please…” Anna said tentatively, unsure of how to address him.

Oddly enough that calmed Dagon and he looked down on his beloved descendent. “I only want what’s best for you my child. For so long you have been deprived of a family… I just want you to have it back…” Gently caressing her cheek.

“But I do have a family grandpa… I have Van and Luna and everyone else… They’ve been my family ever since I was a child.” She gently took Dagon's hand in her own. “And my wish is that you also become a part of it…” Tears formed in her eyes. “I want to know everything. About mom, about dad, about my grandmother, everything…”

Dagon turned away, feeling another wave of waterworks if he wasn’t too careful before turning back after regaining some control. “Alright my child…” He said with a sigh. “I’ll do my best to… Accept the man you have chosen as a spouse… But…” He turned to give Van a death glare. “If he ever breaks your heart… I’ll rip him into pieces…” Making it more of a promise than a threat.

Van gave a solemn and calm nod. “I accept. If such a thing were to happen, that I would make Anna or any of my wives anguish, then I deserve such a fate for I would have truly failed as a husband…”

This came as a great surprise, both Malon and Tethra giving a thoughtful look and glancing at their daughters. The older sister of Zarial also seemed surprised and gave a wide smile. “I can see why you like him so much, Zazi, Even I want him now.” She teased Zariel. While Rosalyn blushed and looked oddly proud.

Dagon and Van stared at each other before it finally seemed the two came to an understanding. Only to be interrupted by a polite cough from Malon.

“As much as I appreciate this moment for what it is… I think It’s about time we move on to more… Serious topics…”

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