World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 258 The Cat Pack! (nsfw)

--- Sex Scene ---


--- End of Sex Scene ---

“Oh my Van! I-I’ve never felt like this before!” Cerina said in a flattering tone of voice, though she meant what she said. “I think I finally know what it means to be a woman.” She murmured, eyes fluttering, leaning forward to give him one final kiss. “Thank you so much… You don’t know how much this means to me…”

Afterward she rested on top of him, eyes closed, basking in the afterglow of their copious amounts of sex. Kira was hanging on his left arm and Luna on his right. They had joined in mid way through, and he had made sure they all got a turn and an equal amount of pleasure.

“Life really is good…” Van thought. “My senses are heightened so I could enjoy sex even more. And with my increased stamina, I can go on for a few hours longer as well. I wonder what else I can do…” He thought with a grin.

“With Cerina as my woman, there is practically nothing I can’t do in this school. Not to mention Seral is my friend as well. Politically speaking, I’m untouchable…” He then tilted his head. “But what am I going to do with all this power? I can’t just fuck things… I need to fight something!” His muscles were practically screaming for him to test them out.

“No, no… Calm yourself Van, you're supposed to be in control now…” Van gently shook his head, though it was a hard-fought battle to do so. “There are more important things to do… I have to learn more about these clan battles. A few of the other dorms have already merged and already are trying to steal our monthly stipend of resources… Not to mention I have to get back to Kiki and Nikki and ask them about what they have found out about the MPD. Too bad they already left…”

He tried to think of a few more things he had to do. “I should probably bring that Devi woman on my side. Her skills would be invaluable.” He chuckled inwardly “I have so many skilled individuals working for me that I can conquer just about anything!” He paused at that.

“Wait… Conquer? What am I exactly trying to conquer?” But no matter how much he thought about it he couldn't come up with anything. “Hmm… perhaps the more I rank up… The more attuned I'll be to whatever subconscious is making me act this way…”

“Ren said I was missing hope and rage… So what does that make me exactly? Now that I think about it… The island for my soul realm is far too small for the soul space that it inhabits… could it be…” He then remembered how once, a long time ago Ren admitted that there might be others like him. His thoughts also went back to that haunted house where he met the ghost of his past self.


He then felt Cerina’s quiet breath on his chest. It seemed she was falling asleep. She was so cute, he felt himself grow hard inside her all over again…

“Ah well…” He thought as he began to make Cerina moan once more as he rocked her body up and down his shaft. “I can think about it later.”


“Oh wow, this is pretty damn fun!” Van thought as he began to walk around as a shadowy black cat. It had only been a few days since his rank up and already he was beginning to master multiple unique skills and abilities that he had been training on for a while.

“The best part is all the girls think I’m so cute. And if they get too close, or their petting becomes too rough, I can just poof out of there by hopping into a nearby shadow! It’s totally awesome!” as he began to do that just now, merging into a nearby pool of darkness, feeling his form lose all cohesion and just zip from one shadow to another.

“Thanks Azra! You're a great teacher!” He thought toward Azra.

“Your welcome master. I am glad to help.” Azra replied through thought, her form of the smaller variety without the wings. “Maybe one day you can teach me how to change my form into that of a human? And I too can join you in the mating rituals.”

“Definitely!” He purred.  Azra’s thought voice was smooth, soothing, gentle, and caressing, he loved hearing it, and he really hoped that she would gain a humanoid form soon.

The two then began to walk around the school campus. Azra leading the way and showing him the sights.

“Aww! So cute!” One student would say.

“Ugh… Even a cat has better luck with the boys than I do!” Another student whined.

“Damn… I think I just awakened to something…” Another muttered under her breath when she realized she thought Van’s cat form was really sexy. Though she didn’t know it was an actual person and not a cat.

“Hmm… I guess even in my cat form, some people can pick up on my true nature… Another issue with being an Incubus I guess… Not that I’m complaining about it.” Giving a cat-ish smirk as he followed Azra around. “Even if I’m a bit shadowy, my skill is good enough to pass as any other tom cat!” He thought proudly.

“Well what do we have here?” A familiar-sounding voice called out.

Van paused wondering who was addressing him, then came to a sudden realization. “Wait… That wasn’t said out loud…”

Suddenly a beautiful white and elegant-looking cat with bright golden eyes and a bell on her tail appeared before him.

“If it isn’t Van! I can’t believe you’ve mastered such a rare and difficult spell! If you had told me about this, I would have helped you master it sooner!” Astrid said, happily rubbing herself all over him.

“Stay away from him, Miu Tiikari!” Azra hissed. “This is our date! You’ve already mated with him!” Mreowing loudly, she went and tried to swat Astrid with her paw.

Astrid seemed to disperse into light and appear a few feet away. “Aww… Don’t be like that!” Giving a cat-ish pout.

“Whoa!” Van thought, with his inside voice. “Astrid can move through light like we can move through shadow! That’s so cool! How come I never knew that!?” He realized that such a thing was something he should have paid attention to. “It at least explains how she disappears all the time, and how she always seems to be in multiple places at once… She must be moving very fast because of her ability to move through light.”

“So, where are you two going?” Astrid asked from a safe distance away. Now looking away and licking her paw, showing disinterest in them.

Azra gave a huff. “That is none of your business.” She growled.

“We're just exploring around.” Van answered.

“Anywhere in particular?” Astrid asked.

“No, just going wherever Azra is going.” He said.

“I see…” Astrid gave that some thought. “If you want, I can show you a few places in town that are pretty interesting. Great views, great food, and lots of fun to be had.” Giving him a slow blink.

Azra hissed and she grew a little in size, her wings coming out from her shadowy form. “Beat it! You’ve already had your time with him, I will not let you get in the way of our date! I’ve waited too long for this…”

Van was surprised by the anger and irritation that Azra was showing. In his mind she was always a calming presence. Though he supposed in this instance she really was desperate to get some alone time with him. To which he could somewhat understand. They didn’t really get to spend a lot of time together. Well… technically speaking since she usually was in his shadow. But not like the way he was with Luna and the other girls. So this was probably a pretty important opportunity for her.

He looked towards Astrid and decided to let her down easy. “Sorry Astrid, but I'm going with Azra right now. We can go somewhere some other time, but not today.”

Astrid looked a little dejected while Azra went back to her previous cat form and looked smug like only a cat could be. She gave a purring rub of her face onto his face and entwined their tails for a brief moment. Silently thanking him for choosing her over Astrid.

“No problem, love. Why don’t you go show me around like you were going to.” Enjoying the attention from her.

Azra stuck out her cat tongue to Astrid and began to walk away with some pep in her step, Van following after.

But after some distance was made between them and Astrid, she began following after as well.

Azra paused to look back, and moved forward again.

Astrid also paused, looking away like she wasn’t interested, but moved once Azra did.

This went on for some time until Azra gave a hiss and Astrid pretended not to be noticing.

Finally Van sighed and talked to Astrid. “Astrid, you can follow us, but only at a distance, so please stop trying to aggravate Azra okay.” He admonished.

“What!? Me! Following you guys? No… I was just going this way too. But… Since you insist!” Astrid quickly walked up and stood behind Van happily waving her tail.

Azra gave a long, suffering look filled with exasperation before deciding to ignore Astrid completely and continue her tour of the school campus and all its hidden secrets.

The small group began to walk around, Azra showing them the sights. First, they took a tram, admission was free since cats couldn’t pay, and then they went to the food court. Azra showed her skill at begging for food, and getting a few tasty leftovers. Van wasn’t so sure about eating leftovers from others, but Azra and Astrid didn’t seem to mind. So he just watched while they ate, even though a few of the girls at the lunch tables tried to coax him with bits and pieces of their meal.

The lunch lady in particular seemed familiar with the two cats and gave them both bowls of water and food to eat from. “Aww, you two are back, and together! What a surprise and… Oh? Is he the reason why?” She teased the two cats. “Trying to impress such a cutie! I’ll go back in and get you guys something really special for your date.” She said with a smile and a wink.

Not long after she came back with some fresh pulled chicken, with tuna on the side, placing the plate on the floor for them to reach. “Go ahead, dig in!”

Van watched as Azra and Astrid went to town on the plate. They would hiss at each other if their faces got too close, but other than that would eat up the food as quickly as possible.

“And here you go little fella, you're going to need your energy with two beauties pursuing you like that.” The lunch lady said, placing a separate plate in front of him.

“Meow?” Van said, in thanks, unsure of what else he could do, and a little embarrassed by how cute his voice sounded. He then looked down at the food and gave it a tentative nibble. His eyes widened when his brain finally was able to make sense of the taste. He then went at it with a little more gusto, but still with some reservation.

“It’s like the food has so much more flavor to it than it should have!” Van thought. “Is this what it’s like for all cats? It actually tastes good!” Eating the meal and unintentionally purring while doing so.

The lunch lady chuckled, glad the new guy was enjoying his meal, and went back to work. After their lunch, the group went to Azra’s favorite napping spots and then went to some pretty high buildings where they could watch over others as people went about their day.

It was there that Van noticed something interesting…

“Is that Lucia? I hardly ever see her… I wonder where she’s going?” Van thought but unintentionally thought it out loud, bringing his question to the attention of Azra and Astrid.

“Hmm…” Astrid looked to where he was looking, a light bulb going off in her head. “Why don’t we follow her! It would be a great way to try and practice your sneaking skills. A good cat always has good sneaking skills!”

Van wasn’t sure stalking someone was the right thing to do, more importantly, he was supposed to be spending his time with Azra, so looked to her to see what she wanted to do.

Azra gave it some thought but was convinced by Astrid to use this opportunity to teach Van how to be all sneaky sneaky. “Alright… Let’s follow her for a bit. But only to teach Van. If she notices, we go do something else.”

“Yes! Sneaky time!” Astrid said excitedly.

Van hoped that what they were doing wouldn’t be considered wrong. Though he had to admit, he was pretty excited about the thought of testing out his sneaking skills…

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