World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 257 Strange Changes(nsfw)

--- Sex Scene ---


--- End of sex scene ---

“And so after that I started to try and seduce Cerina and I actually think there’s something happening now between us. And Then when I finally have the courage to come here to ask you about it, I end up fucking Kassandra!” Van said, looking very panicked as Kassandra snuggled up to him, her white wings covering them up.

“I’m serious Ren, I think something's happening to me.” Looking up at Ren with a pleading look in his eyes as he quickly tried to change into some clean clothes while Kassandra’s wings still hid everything.

“Hmm… hmm…” Was all Ren said as he used a small orb that scanned Van’s body from head to toe.

Once Van got fully changed he stood up as Ren moved away and started opening up multiple screens showcasing Van’s body with many different graphs and numbers.

“Did you find anything?” Van asked.

Ren looked over his notes and numbers. “Remember when you were going to fight Karmine and you decided to rank up your incubi bloodline instead of your vampire one?”

“Y-Yeah…?” Van said, already having a bad feeling he knew where this was going.

“And remember how I told you it could take six months to two years for your body to acclimate to the changes?” Ren asked.

“Yes…?” Already figuring out where Ren was going with this.

“Well… You're now fully an incubus…” Ren Stated. “And it gets worse…”

“Worse?” Van asked worriedly.

Ren nodded. “Truth be told… It seems that Luna was an outlet for your sexual desires… But now that she isn’t trying to convince every woman under the sun to fuck you… All that lust is shunted back to your end… After all, your soul realms are so integrated, that it’s hard to determine where one begins and the other ends.”

Van blinked. “You gotta be kidding me… Are you saying that all of Luna’s antics… To get me to sleep with women… Half of it was actually my fault?”

Ren nodded. “I know it’s hard to believe… But it’s true.” He turned to Van. “Let me ask you this… Why are you so willing and okay with having sex with anyone Luna threw your way? Was it really because you loved her and just wanted to make her happy? Or was it that subconsciously you wanted this and Luna acted on that subconscious on your behalf? Or it could have been a little bit of both.” He shrugged as if it really didn’t matter to him.

“True or false, it’s clear that your desire to dominate those around you are your real feelings… Power is an addictive thing, and being a godling of order only compounds that with a desire to set things your way.”

He then pointed a finger at Van. “Not only do you have these desires… But you have a great deal of rage within you. All bottled up and well… Gone… Somewhere… Alongside your hope if that makes any sense. Leaving only despair and acceptance.”

“What? My hope and rage are gone? What the fuck does that mean!?” Van asked Ren.

“Hmm… You're not ready to know just yet…” Ren sighed. “The clues are all there right in front of you. If you're missing pieces of yourself… That could only mean one thing, right? That’s all I’ll say on the matter.” Looking back to his screens and numbers.

“Oh no you don’t!” Normally Van would just accept what Ren would say and be done with it. But at the moment he really was freaking out about his changes and wanted to know of a way to fix himself. Now he was being told there were pieces of him missing or some such bullshit and Ren was just going to leave it like that!?

He grabbed Ren and turned him around, holding him by his shirt. “Why the fuck are you always playing to cryptic asshole character! Why not just tell it to me straight! What the fuck is going on and how are we going to fix it!” He glared at Ren with as much Anger as he could.

But oddly found his anger quickly dissipating as Ren just stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

Gently, Ren took Van’s hand away and began to explain himself. “I… Will never tell you anything until the time is right.” He said flatly. “Even if you wished otherwise, there is nothing you could do about it. Deal with it.” Then turned back to his screens and went back to work.

After a few clicks he spoke again. “There is no real way to subdue your lust… As you grow stronger, the bigger it could grow… But… Perhaps ranking up into a greater vampire will help. We could also rank up a few other bloodlines… Such as your chimera and dragon ones. Maybe go into your inner sanctum and meditate on your new and growing desires….”

He then sent a screen to Van. “Here's a list of everything you need for your next rank up. You should already know it since you used most of the items before ranking up Luna into a greater vampire. Your soul realm has also mostly recovered from that expenditure of energy when you saved Rosalyn’s life. So you're good to go.”

After that, Ren didn’t say anything else, having said his bit and simply went back to managing the soul realm.

Van seethed a little but decided to ignore him and just rank up as suggested. Turning his back to Ren he walked out the door to get a breath of fresh air to calm his heart.

Ren gave a sad look back as he watched Van depart. Turning back to his screen one last time and changing the display to a large map of the world. On the map were three blinking dots. Two of them were practically on top of each other, but one of them was far to the north.

“I’m sorry Van… After this is over I will accept any punishment… Even if you send me to the depths of your memories, never to be heard from again, I will understand…” His hands tightened on themselves, his nails making small depressions into his skin.

“But I’ve worked too hard for too many lifetimes to stop now.” His eyes turned an eerie bright blue. “We will be completed… No matter what… Then have our revenge on those traitors…”


Van walked around his soul realm trying to figure out what he was going to do.

He went to visit Lyn and the other insect girls and fairies. But just ended up having an orgy with them. He then went to Isa with her goblins, Sela and her troglodytes, Venus and her mandrakes, Sena and her kobolds, Gwen and her harpies. But each and every time, it would always end up the same way… As a freaking orgy…

“At least we won’t have to worry about troops for a while…” he thought self-deprecatingly. It was the same with Leaf, Sini, and Scarlet. And when he went to visit the temple, he did it with all the Annas and Ruby too. “When is my fucking libido going to end!?”

He quickly decided to get the resources he came for and hop back to the real world to do his rank up. Rushing as fast as he could, he got what he needed and popped out and got Luna, alongside Kira and Cerina since they were the only ones around at the moment that he could trust.

“Cerina, I know it's a lot to ask of you, but can you help me rank up into a greater vampire? I’m going through A thing and really need to get this done now.” He asked.

“Sure, but why me? I can only promise you I have some knowledge about ranking up, I usually leave it to my servants when necessary.” She said,

“You don’t have to worry about it, I can make the circle myself, I just need a few people to regulate the mana flow when I start it up and I trust your skill with mana manipulation.” Van said.

“Well if that’s the case, I don’t mind helping out.” She said with a smile hidden by her fan at Van’s compliment. “But why are you suddenly wanting to rank up? I think you're pretty strong as you are now, perhaps you should save your wealth for later?” Saying because it was usually expensive to rank up.

“Truth be told… I want to do it because of… Well… My libido…” Van blushed, not wanting to say it, but explaining his reasoning and hoping that Cerina might have some knowledge that she could share about what he was going through.

Cerina chuckled. “You know… For some people, when they rank up, their bad habits get worse, not better.” She gave him a coy smile. “And I honestly don’t mind being wooed, it’s actually quite nice.” Giving him a wink.

Van paled a little when he thought his sexual desires would get worse and not better after ranking up. Seeing this Cerina tried to soothe his fears. “Don’t worry about it too much. ranking up also gives you more control over yourself, I'm sure it would be fine…”

Van thanked her for her kindness in trying to make him feel better. But he was determined to go through with it anyway. “Even if my libido grows or stays the same, I’ll become stronger.” He consoled himself.

An hour later Van finished making a circle in one of the spare rooms of their dorm and stood inside of it. With a nod to Luna, Kira and Cerina, he activated the spell matrix and began to go through the somewhat painful process of becoming a higher life form.

He was engulfed in energy and began to rise. His shoulders broadened, his muscles became more defined and compacted, his eyes became sharper and it seemed his body matured a little as well, though only probably by a few months. He felt energy like a lattice, form inside his body and support him, creating new channels of energy and increasing his durability and toughness. He felt far more in control of his thoughts and body, and his well of mana had increased greatly.

When it was over, Kira was drooling and even Cerina couldn’t help but openly stare. He realized then that the glamor to hide his looks was no longer powerful enough to cover his new attractiveness, and so he increased the spell to get the girls to stop making a fool of themselves.

“How do you feel Van?” Luna asked.

He looked at them all one at a time until an easy-going smile appeared on his face. “Like I could do you all for hours and not break a sweat.”

The girls blushed. Luna smiled. Kira looked excited. And Cerina tried to hide her face with her fan, she was embarrassed, though she tried to peek out from behind it from time to time.

Van smiled. He was in more control of himself. But now he realized there was no reason as to why he should try and hold back. If he loved someone or wanted someone, he would try to have them. If it worked, great, if not, that was fine with him.

He picked up Kira and Cerina in each of his arms.


“Oh my…” Cerina blushed.

“Luna… Lead the way to the baths would you.” Van said confidently.

Luna’s smile widened. “Of course my love.” She turned to the door. “Anything in this world you want is yours…” She thought inwardly with love as she led the way.

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