World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 12: Spar

It was a few months since then, and Van and everyone else was standing outside on the training ground. Thea had finally convinced his father to go around with her, and Van was somewhat interested in what was going to happen next.

“You're in for a treat,” Lorenzo said next to him, “their fights are always something to behold.”

Alvaroz and Thea stood facing each other on opposite ends of the training field. Thea looked ecstatic at the prospects of a good fight, While Alvaroz looked anything but. Alvaroz had his training sword out and was ready, while Thea seemed to be going barehanded wearing her casual dress.

“Right, are the combatants ready!” Lorenzo shouted, getting a nod from both of them. He then looked to Lillia and with a nod of their own started a chant together that created an invisible bubble around Thea and Alvaroz that then conformed to their body before disappearing.

“The first one to lose their shielding losses! Ready! Begin!” Lorenzo shouted.

The two combatants didn’t move an inch. They instead stared at each other from across the field. Thea’s smile grew wider as Alvaroz continued to frown. Slowly both of them activated their aura and a sense of pressure waft off of them. Thea continued her neutral aura while Alvaroz first activated his blue, then red, and slowly turned it purple.

“I have to admit,” Lorenzo said nodding approvingly towards Thea “that's impressive.”

“What do you mean?” Van asked, looking between the neutral color of Thea and then the deep purple color of his father.

“You see, while everyone can use neutral mana, only master’s use it exclusively whenever they can. When she first told me that she used only neutral aura now, I thought that was just her ego talking. But that dense aura and control… your father always had a hard time with her, and it looks like he's not going to win this one either.”

“But aren't colored aura supposed to be better?” Van said.

“Yes, to a point. You see, as you were no doubt already told, some people have a natural disposition towards one color over another. So when learning to use one’s aura, some will naturally have an easier time learning that type of colored aura. But here's the thing, if you used a colored aura exclusively then you won't get the benefits of the other auras. Only neutral if mastered can give you the best of all of them. Some have mastered it to the point that they can actually use the other colored auras to their utmost. Do you understand?”

“So you're saying one shouldn’t limit oneself to one aura but instead learn all of them and then try to use neutral aura only?” Van asked

“Yes, there is also another reason for doing so. Imagine fighting an opponent and he starts using yellow aura, what do you think he’s planning to do?” Lorenzo questioned.

“Umm. something tricky. Like firing an arrow that curves.” Van said, a little unsure.

“That's right! Now, what if he used red?” Lorenzo asked

“Then he's going to attack me head-on?” Van realized

“And blue?” Lorenzo said.

“Probably keep his distance until he comes with a plan to beat his opponent!” Van firmly said.

“Very good! As you can see, showing one's colors can show your hand early on to your opponent, leaving you at a disadvantage. So if you train your neutral aura to the point it can do everything a colored aura can do and maybe even better, then why shouldn’t you?” Lorenzo said. “Now take a look, the fight is just about to begin!”

Van looked, but it didn’t seem that the staring match had ended yet, he was just about to ask another question when Thea grinned and stomped the ground and it ruptured towards his father. His father causally jumped, practically gilded, away from the rocks flying everywhere, an annoyed look on his face.

Thea then kicked up some of the loose rocks she created his way. They shot towards him like arrows to which he responded with a swing of his sword, deflecting any that would hit him and ignoring the rest. Alvaroz looked deeply annoyed at this, as Thea just seemed to be having fun at his expanse.

Thea then picked up a few rocks and threw them, some straight, while others looked like they would clearly miss. But instead of ignoring the ones that looked like they were going to miss, Alvaroz got rid of them, even the ones that looked like they were going to miss by a mile.

Van looked a little confused at that and Lorenzo seeing his confusion whispered to him. “The reason why your father got rid of those ones that looked like they weren't going to hit was because they were infused with Thea’s aura. You can infuse your aura into things to make them harder or so you can throw things faster, but that’s not the reason why he got rid of them. Thea is actually a good shot so those that looked like they missed were probably infused with aura to make them curve or something like that, so your father not wanting to take chances got rid of them.”

Van nodded in thanks as he continued to watch the fight. He was surprised, or for that matter, everyone was including Alvaroz when he was still hit from the side by a rock. Van was confused by how that happened. But everyone else with some knowledge on aura seemed dumbfounded by that as well.

“I can't believe that!” Lorenzo whispered, “she must have been able to infuse one of the rocks she kicked up earlier. To do that with your foot and on top of that a delayed aura technique, that takes considerable skill, yet I didn’t sense any aura on the rocks, so she must have also hidden the aura at the same time!” he shook his head as if he couldn’t believe it, and it looked like he wasn't the only one.

Alvaroz was completely taken aback by the attack while Thea seemed to grin from ear to ear. The rock hardly even hurt, and probably barely had any aura to mention, just enough to make it move. But the fact that he was still hit by it showed that he had gotten soft over the years if something like that got to him. He then decided to get serious and soon his aura became like lighting, he took his stance and practically teleported right in front of Thea.

The shockwave of the blow was truly something as Thea raised her hand to block the attack casually with her bare hands. Van thought he was going to be blown away, he didn’t even notice the attack. One second his father was on the other end of the field, the next Thea was blocking his attack.

“Unbelievable” Lorenzo muttered “even if it's a training sword if it's infused with enough aura it can cleave through rock. Yet she blocked it with her hands and it barely made a dent on the shielding. She really has improved…”

If Lorenzo was impressed then so was Van, though probably more so, yet something still didn’t sit right with him. “Why wasn’t she pushed back?” Van asked

“Because she used aura to adhere herself to the ground. You should know enough about aura by now. Use what you learned and add aura to your eyes, to see what we're seeing.” Lorenzo said.

Van did so, and he wasn't the only one, Anna and some of the other people who were just passing by but decided to stop and watch, also did. Van then noticed that Thea’s aura was like a tree’s roots in the ground, preventing her from easily being pushed back.

Just as Van was finally able to see in more detail the fight was on again, this time Alvaroz gave a flurry of blows that Thea either blocked or dodged, almost easily. This angered Alvaroz and soon he sped up his attacks. He was going so fast that Van started having a hard time keeping up as it looked like he was nothing but a blur. Thea at that moment started to take things a little more seriously. She started to counter-attack forcing Alvaroz back and opening some distance between the two.

But Thea didn’t give a chance for respite. She started punching the air in front of her and pure shockwave blasts shot towards Alvaroz. He dodged them and gave a massive swing of his sword filled with energy towards Thea herself. Thea almost seemed to refuse to budge and gave a massive kick, striking the energy wave and dispersing it into another massive shockwave that forced Van to take a step back.

Lorenzo looked towards Lillia once more and in silent agreement, they both erected a magic barrier around the training field so as to not allow the onlookers to be hurt. Van was thankful for the barrier as it made him feel a bit safer. But something was still on his mind “seriously!? Why do women not wear underwear!?

That silent question went unanswered as the fight continued once more when the barrier fully enclosed the area. Alvaroz with his purple aura started to spark electricity and moved in confusing patterns. Thea still seemed to be able to keep track of him though and didn’t fall for any of his feints. Instead, she sent a massive shockwave from her body, forcing Alvaroz who was closing in on her to stop and block.

This time it was Thea’s turn to go on the offensive, she got in close where it would be more difficult for Alvaroz to use his sword. But instead, he just ramped up his electricity, forcing her to jump back to safety. But she didn’t give up, she started to coalesce her aura around her, making it thicker and deeper. Alvaroz seemed to be wise to the move and moved in to prevent her from doing anything else. Thea unleashed a massive kick towards him, the blast of which almost sent him flying if it weren't for the fact that he grounded himself.

Then when the blast abated. He returned it with a pointing of his sword and having lightning jump from its tip towards Thea who took it, and then as if grabbing it, forcing it down her body into the ground, barely doing any damage. But Alvaroz didn’t let the opportunity go. He dashed forward to give another flurry of blows, trying to force Thea back. She was expecting this though and gave a kick that sent a shockwave towards him as he moved in on her. He was barely able to block it and was pushed back instead.

Thea then stomped her foot several times, each time a wave of ground spikes was sent in Alvaroz direction. Forcing him to move out of the way or to cut them down. He in turn sent crescent slashes of aura energy back, forcing her to go on the defensive. At first it looked like a stalemate, both couldn’t realistically get close to each other without opening themselves up to attack. Not to mention, if Thea got too close, Alvaroz would discharge some of his aura as electricity and if Alvaroz got too close, Thea would just send an all-around shockwave blast forcing him back.

Though it might look like they were tied, the truth was the Alvaroz was more worn out than Thea was. Thea was only lightly tired, Alvaroz, while trying to hide it, was panting through his nose.

Thea took a stance, and this time it was her turn to disappear and reappear with an attack that Alvaroz was barely able to block. But then something strange happened, Thea, who gave a full-frontal attack, split in two and gave another attack to Alvaroz’s side that he was able to Dodge by only by a hair's breadth. A string of attacks followed as he was unable to concentrate long enough to make his aura spike to force Thea off of him.

“What was that!” Van exclaimed, not entirely expecting an answer.

“That was an Aura Art. or Aura Technique.” Lorenzo helpfully answered “ that particular one, once used it creates an afterimage of where you were last. Though some have been able to make temporary doppels of themselves that actually attack. Such techniques require extreme control over one’s aura and a massive amount of aura to create and sustain. There are many different types of aura arts and techniques. Those waves of spikes, slashes of energy, and the way they moved quickly from one place to another are also examples of aura arts/techniques.” Van was thankful for the explanation and went back to watching the fight.

It wasn’t looking good for Alvaroz. Van saw that every time Alvaroz was forced to block an attack he winced a little. Van soon saw why, when Alvaroz was able to dodge one of her attacks, it created a small depression on the ground, clearing indicating the weight behind each strike of hers. Van shuddered at the thought of being on the receiving end of one of those blows. “If that was me, I would be nothing but paste!”

Alvaroz was being pushed back and he knew it so he spiked his aura and decided to give everything he got in the next few attacks. Soon he was moving so fast that it looked like there were several images of him, and probably not related to any technique or art. He moved aggressively, almost uncaring of getting hit back, making only killing moves on Thea, forcing her back. But Thea didn’t give in, instead she smiled and started to give as good as she got and then some.

The audience watched dumbfounded as blows so heavy that they could shatter rock rained down on the fighters. The barrier shook with every blow. Van was actually starting to get afraid for their lives and was worried they might end up killing themselves. Even Luna who was enjoying the show at first seemed scared.

Thankfully, the winner of the fight was becoming more and more clear to everyone, including to Alvaroz and Thea. Alvaroz did a great jump backward and stop, and surprisingly Thea didn’t bother to follow to keep up the attacks. He let his aura go and shattered his own personal barrier put on him by Lorenzo.

“I admit defeat.” he said “you truly have improved over the years and showed me that I have much more training to do.”

Thea smiled and destroyed her own personal barrier and let her aura go, she then proceeded to stretch like a cat, fully contented “that was a good fight!” she said “ Also don't’ put yourself down, you are still just as strong if not a little stronger than when we returned.” she put her hands on her hips “you just don't make the time like I do to do some personal training, and I get why” she looked lovingly towards Luna, “being a parent is a full-time job.” she looked back at him. “Especially with your sense of responsibility!” she said with a smile.

Alvaroz smiled back “ I suppose with everything going on I didn’t have much time for myself to train and get stronger. But honestly I wouldn't miss the time I got to spend with my son for anything.” he looked towards Van who was a little embarrassed by being called out.

“Right!” Thea exclaimed. “If it's for my precious baby I would drop everything! Even Training and food!” she happily said, making it Luna’s turn to be embarrassed.

“Still... good fight! can I train the kids now?” Thea asked.

Alvaroz smiled “yes Thea... you can help train the kids.”

“Yesss!” Thea said, pumping her fist then smiled “now that that's taken care of, wanna go to the bedroom? That fight kinda made me horny.” she said unabashedly straightforward.

Alvaroz rolled his eyes “of course it did.” he muttered.

With that, the barrier over the training field was dispelled and the two walked out with Alvaroz carrying Thea in a princess carry per her request, much to his annoyance. A round of applause soon followed as they left by everyone who was watching. To Van’s surprise, it looked like most of the castle staff had taken some time off to watch the match.

“Well that was certainly an interesting fight,” Lorenzo said to himself. “She really has improved over the years. I might have to get stronger if I don’t want to be left behind. It’s a good thing they weren't being serious either, otherwise, they would have broken the barrier on their own.”

“They weren't being serious!?” Van thought as he heard what Lorenzo said and wondered what everyone else’s reaction was. He turned to Anna who was staring at Thea being carried away, she seemed excited for some reason. “What did you think of the fight?” he asked Anna.

Anna looked surprised and several of her turned to look at him while a few others seemed to not have heard him. “What do I think!? I think that was amazing!” she gushed “She’s so confident and strong! to be so powerful, and then to just take her man to bed whenever she wants! That’s amazing!” she looked back at Thea a little dreamily “One day I want us to be kinda like that…” before realizing what she just said and blushing a deep red. “I-I mean-!” she stuttered.

Van was taken aback by her feelings but decided that she didn’t mean anything bad by it and tried to comfort her. “ It's okay. I feel the same way too. It would be nice to be together like that.” he said with a gentle smile, calmly and soothingly trying to play it off because he was thinking that she fumbled and meant that she wanted to get along as well as Thea and his father did. although he didn’t mean anything more by it than that, Anna though blushed an even deeper shade and looked away too embarrassed to look him in the eye.

Van, A little weirded out by her reaction. Turned to look at Luna “what about you, what do you think?”

Luna, who had heard the exchange, blushed and had a hard time looking him in the eyes “I-I think it's nice,” she said quietly, “i-if we could be like that too.” she fumbled a little at the end making her a little more embarrassed.

But something about Luna caught his eye. “Luna, look at me… Look at me in the eye,” Van said soothingly but to Luna’s ears sounding something a little more, making her blush and unable to look at him. Slowly his hands cupped her cheeks as he lifted them, making her blush harder and think weird thoughts. “It's okay,” he said gently, his face getting closer to her’s, slowly she instead closed her eyes and puckered up, expecting something else entirely. Her eyes open only marginally so she could see.

“Luna… what happened to your eyes,” he said worriedly, as he tried to stay calm when he saw what Luna’s eyes looked like now.

“Huh?” Luna said, confused. Wondering what Van was talking about.

“Your eyes! Their silver now!” Van in disbelief.

It took a moment for Luna to realize what he just said and almost immediately panic took over her “Nooo! Don’t look at me!” Luna cried as she pushed Van away and turned so he wouldn’t see her eyes, shutting them tight.

Van was surprised by her action, Luna had never been violent before, and it only served to worry him more. Luna looked like she was going to run away but Van hugged her to keep her close and whispered that it was going to be okay.

Luna tried to struggle away, but Van was stronger, and with him trying to soothe her and make her feel better, by telling her it's going to be okay and such, only made her break down even harder.

Lorenzo wondering what all the noise was about looked towards Van and Luna and saw the little drama playing out. “What's going on here?” Lorenzo asked moving past the Annas who made a cordon to block others from view who might be watching the show.

“It's Luna, her eyes turned silver and now she's freaking out!’ Van said, panicked and worried. All the while trying to hug her and soothe her.

“Ah… that’s right, you weren't told yet were you?” Lorenzo said, with a sad expression, making Van wonder what he was talking about. “You see, Luna is supposed to have some elf blood in her, but that could also contain fae blood as well. It's a common mutation in some elves that have fae blood in them, their hair or eyes will change color, sometimes randomly or with purpose, and usually only changing between a set amount of colors.” he looked down sadly at Luna who finally stopped trying to struggle as the truth was brought out. “ it's just another sign that she has elf blood in her, all the excitement must have done something to change it.”

Luna stopped her tears and just leaned against Van, sniffling as he held her, terrified about what he must think about her now.

Van gently placed his hand on her head and stroked it, trying to soothe her. As his hand made its way through her silky soft hair, he couldn't help but notice that her ears, hidden by her hair, were like his own, but were slightly longer and more pointed. He moved some of the hair away to get a better look, Luna shivered in fear, and he gasped in horror at what he found. Her ears were cut up, with gashes and wounds partially healed by time. Van was mortified at what he saw, he gently caressed them, Luna shivered in his arms once more as he felt her ears. Slowly he hid them behind the hair once more.

Slowly Van moved his position and brought Luna’s face in front of his own. “Luna…” he said gently, trying to get her attention. Luna looked down not wanting to. “Luna please look at me…” he said pleadingly. This time Luna did, but only reluctantly, her now silver eyes meeting his own. “When I first saw you… I thought you had the most beautiful eyes... I look at you now, and I still think your eyes are the most beautiful eyes I ever saw. You don’t need to hide them from me. We're family, I promise, now and always. So please” he caressed her ears in a loving manner looking her in the eye “don’t hide yourself from me. Promise?” Van asked, trying to push all the sincerity he had in his entire body into his voice for this one time. Hoping to convey his feelings that he didn’t want to see her get hurt or to hide her hurt from him.

Luna stared at him, as if unsure if he really meant it. Slowly she nodded “Okay…” she said. But Van wasn't sure if She really meant it. So he vowed to make sure that he was always by her side giving her positive reinforcement so that she could come to rely on him and be the person he knew she could be.

“Alright,” Van said, “let's go back to our room, okay?”

“...okay” Luna replied subdued.

With that, they walked away. Lorenzo and Anna had scared away most of the onlookers so as to give the two some privacy. With that done Lorenzo excused himself and Anna set herself on the task of guiding them to the room. Once there she didn’t enter, and instead allowed the two of them some alone time. Van wanted to know what happened to her ears, whether they were self-made or not. He hated himself for not realizing or paying attention enough to her to see what she was going through. He vowed that from now on, he would do everything to make her happy. And over the years, he made sure of that.

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