World of Alvarra: Rise of the Vampire Lord

Chapter 11: Stories

Van was always surprised by Thea’s appetite. She stuffed herself for what he believed to be beyond what her body should be able to handle and then some. She seemed to enjoy the food so much it seemed she couldn’t help but smile while eating. Luna for her part always seemed concerned for her mother when she was eating like this.

“Thea, you don’t need to eat like that, the food is not going anywhere,” Alvaroz said with some concern.

Lillia giggled “oh let her be. You know she doesn't get the chance to let loose and enjoy herself unless it's with us. She probably has to eat slowly and dainty-like back at home, so as not to appear unlady-like in front of the others.” Thea paused in her eating to blush at that as if Lillia hit the nail on the head.

Realization dawned on Luna as she figured that’s probably the reason why her mother had been acting weird when it comes to eating since they got here. Or for that matter in general, Luna had noticed that her mother generally seemed to be happier and more carefree since coming over to visit and wondered if it wasn’t because she felt at home with her friends.

Lorenzo began to chuckle “that reminds me! Remember when we were almost kicked out of a tavern because Thea almost ate them out of business!” Lorenzo began to laugh “when she heard that we may have to go a few days without proper food again, she decided to “pack her body” with as much food as possible, the reason she gave was “so I won’t get hungry.”” Lorenzo couldn’t keep it in and started having a bit of a fit. “an-and because she said, “I don’t like jerky!” The tavern keeper’s face as Thea kept asking for more was priceless! In the end, the whole tavern was staring at her and the stack of plates! And we were so fucking embarrassed! Wh-when it was time for us to leave, she ended up eating all our jerky anyway! And the reason she gave was, “Because it was there!”” that seemed to do it for Lorenzo and he couldn't talk anymore.

Alvaroz and Lillia couldn't hold it in and began laughing along at Thea’s expense who was blushing beet red but also trying not to smile along with them. If she was to be honest, she missed this, and she knew it was all in good fun. “I can’t believe I even miss being made fun of by Lorenzo. It really has been too long.” she thought as memories of their past adventures entered their mind.

Luna and Van thought it would be rude to laugh but still couldn’t help a small smile at the obvious fun being had all around.

Soon the dining room was filled with stories of the past, the adventures they had, the close calls. Van and Luna were swept away by what they heard, even Anna who was on duty couldn’t help but pause to more intently listen on to the fantastical tales of far-off places being told.

They heard tales of Istra, the great mercantile nation in the moon sea. Stories of the magic kingdom of Malor. And much dissing and crude language on the Empire of Baloes. Van perked up when his mother started talking about her home. A floating city where many other angel-kin and even bird-kin live. How their kind originated far to the west beyond charted maps. How she grew up to be a librarian and met his father. As well as other things about the Angel Conclave and even how the floating city was an offshoot of the capital city of the angel-kin. The capital city of the angel-kin being more of a giant floating ark that traveled from the western lands to where they are now.

Everyone was very interested in that, since that was new information to everyone, including Alvaroz and Thea, though not much to Lorenzo who seemed to already have known that through his own studies, but appreciated an angel-kins view and perspective.

The stories continued and so did Van’s, Anna’s, and Luna’s imagination. The more they heard the more they wished to see the world that their parents talked about. Van wondered if he would ever get the chance to explore the world. Fly on airships, combat deadly monsters, make loads of money, and more.

Almost too soon, lunch had ended and so with it the stories. Van didn’t get many opportunities to learn about his parent’s past, mostly because they didn’t really bring it up, and also because Van didn’t know if it was appropriate to ask. But this lunch was definitely something he was going to remember for a long time.

But there was something that he wanted to ask, and since everyone was in a good mood, he figured it was best to ask now than later. “Hey, mom?”

“Hmm? What is it?” Lillia inquired.

“You said you were a librarian. But why were you a librarian when you could have made it as a healer?” Van asked.

“Ah… that. Well… you see I was a bit of an outlier in my family. They were important officials you see, and it was expected of everyone to have some rank or another in the wider conclave. Whether that was the captain of the guard, an adviser to someone important, or an official in the government with a lot of connections.” she said.

“ I on the other hand was far more interested in plants and herbs and what you can make out of them. Healing magic just was something that I became naturally good at as I went along the way with my studies. I much prefer learning about healing people then doing desk work or trying to not step on any toes.” she said as if the mere thought of that wasn’t something she enjoyed.

“My parents… they were not very happy with my inclination. Despite the fact, for being self-taught, I was very proficient and could have gone into business as a self-made apothecarist if given some time. but… they wouldn't hear of it.” she went silent as if remembering things she didn’t care to remember.

“We got into a few fights, in the end, I accepted a job as a librarian in a prestigious library that was closely tied to the government. You might not know this but for the angel-kin, libraries are considered similar to temples. So being a librarian of the world-renown Ashia library, was something that was akin to a person given knighthood or priesthood, along with all the honors, benefits, and prestige that goes with it.” she sighed.

“ It was also something my parents somewhat forced me into, honestly speaking I agreed to it, mostly because it was better than any other option given to me, and it would have provided me with the means to read at the library at my leisure and learn more about herbalism and healing. But it was still a path they forced me into, I honestly was thinking if I should give up on my dreams.” she looked sad, but then a thought seemed to occur to her.

Slowly she looked towards Alvaroz with a beatific smile on her face. “Then comes this crazy guy. Honestly speaking, I don’t even know how he entered the library, not just anybody can enter it, and you need permission from some pretty important people to even glance at the inside of the library let alone strut in like he owned the place as he did. And yet there he was, walking right into my life.”

Alvaroz blushed a little. “It was a one-time thing” he muttered sheepishly.

Lillia continued her smile towards her husband. “I never saw a vampire before, and by the look on his face it seemed that he never saw an aasimar before either... despite being in a city full of angel-kin,” she said making Alvaroz blush a little more.

“After asking for the location for a few books, he kept coming back to talk to me more, despite having a finite amount of time to read the books he had. Since you can’t take the books out of this type of library, they are far too rare and valuable. And yet, he still wasted his time trying to talk to me. So we talked, and talked, and talked some more, soon I found myself telling him my whole life story, how I felt trapped and stuck in a job I didn’t want and how it was my dream to be a healer.”

Slowly she leaned in towards everyone. “And do you know what he said to me? He said ‘you should follow your dreams with me! My team could use a healer!’ Lillia began to laugh loudly at that. “He was Sooo Enthusiastic about it! He kept giving me reasons why I should follow my dreams, though I suspected there were ulterior motives for it.” she grinned as she started to shed a few tears and couldn’t stop from laughing a little before finally calming down. “No one has ever done that for me before though, supporting my dreams like that honestly was too funny and It didn’t hurt that he was quite the catch either.” she chuckled.

“I was so taken aback by his tirade that I couldn’t think straight.” she started to giggle uncontrollably before slowly calming down. “But in the end, I agreed to meet him again outside the library. After a few more meetings we conspired to have me run away with him. And honestly, despite having too many close counters-” she was silent for a moment “-and people we lost…” she looked to her husband and her friends. “ I never once regretted my decision.” she finished with a smile

Her smile was so heartwarming that everyone couldn't help but get a little emotional at the story themselves.

“Wow. so that's how you and dad met…” Van said, as he took a moment to think about it. Slowly he turned to Lorenzo. “ and you? How did you meet everyone? Also you are from Asser, but you have a Lyranian name, why’s that?”

Lorenzo smiled “you noticed that did you? Yes I am from Asser, but my mother was from Lyra. she was a traveling bard you see, one day she traveled to my father's village, took a shine to my dad, and slept with him. After that the rest was history.” he chuckled.

“Or at least it should have been like that, the truth of the matter was that my mother really didn’t mean to get pregnant with me, but in the end it all worked out. You see, my mother was fleeing from the occupation of Lyra by the Baloes Empire, they had just expanded into her home. She was traveling when it happened and decided that it was for the best not to return.” Lorenzo looked a little sad at the thought of the Empire taking over Lyra.

“So she took the opportunity and married my father and had another two kids with him, making my sisters, and played in the nearby tavern to make ends meet. Sadly she was a creature of the road. After eight years with my father, she left to go back to traveling and see the sights.” he shook his head. “Now at first I was angry at her for leaving us, but over time I had come to accept it. She left my father with all the earnings she made over the course of those eight years at the tavern to help raise me and my sisters, she also helped get my father married to another woman before leaving so that we would still have a mother figure before she left. A real sweet woman, but we were a little distant. She also had a few kids with my father.”

Lorenzo was silent for a while but continued anyway. “When my mother was still with us, I remembered how she would use some minor cantrips to help augment her stories and music. It was what got me into magic in the first place. Despite having no talent for it, I never gave up and using some of the money she left me personally, I bought books on magic and even my first staff. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I read, reread, those books I bought. By the time I was done with them they were practically worthless with how worn they were.

He smiled as if remembering something. “Despite many setbacks, I didn’t give up, I had decided to explore the world like my mother had, to learn and to improve on my magic so that I could be a great mage! When I was old enough I decided to leave, I was surprised to find that my father had saved most of what my mother left him and in turn gave it to me. My father was a simple man” Lorenzo’s eyes seemed to tear up at that. “But he was a very honorable and kind one, who never used more than what he had. He told me he was proud of me, and that I should go and follow my dreams.”

“I used that money to travel to Istra, where I met your father and Thea, at that time we hadn’t met Lillia yet. Your father and I hit it right off, honestly speaking I was surprised by how well we got along. At first, we were going our separate ways, but we kept bumping into each other!” he chuckled at that and Alvaroz seemed to smile as he too remembered.

“So we decided to just form a party and since then we started getting in all sorts of trouble!” Lorenzo laughed a little before reining himself in and giving a polite cough. “You see, I originally went to Istra to earn some money and to be an adventurer, maybe even join the mages guild to help further my studies. But ever since I met your father that plan was thrown out the window and I had to study and experiment as we fought wolves, bandits, and monsters! Honestly speaking it helped force me to grow. But I still wish he would have given us a little more time to prep before throwing us into another conflict week after week!” Lorenzo mocked glare at Alvaroz who blushed and was beginning to think all these stories were being said at his expense.

“ He couldn't sit still and train unless it was convenient for him!” Lorenzo mocked/accused. “While everyone else had to rush to meet his time frame!”

Alvaroz blushed a little more “it wasn’t every week” he tried to defend himself. Lorenzo snorted at that. “besides if we didn’t leave as often as we did. Thea would’ve eaten us out of all our money! Going ‘come on please, just this once!’ or “oh! Can I have some of that!’ and ‘Just a taste!’ or even just joining in on our meal and ordering food expecting us to pay for it! We had to be the ones who helped pay for her equipment because she kept wasting it on food!” Alvaroz retorted.

Lillia giggled and Lorenzo nodded as if Alvaroz made a fair point with Thea pretending to look deeply hurt by these ‘false’ accusations on her character. “Come on guys… I wasn’t that bad!”

““YES YOU WERE”” they all replied at the same and started laughing once more making Thea pout. Van, Luna and Anna couldn’t help themselves and giggled along with them.

After calming down a bit, Lorenzo was able to get back in control of himself and gave another polite cough to get everyone's attention before looking at Van “ to recap, I met your father and Thea in Istra, we went on crazy adventures and then met your mother. We went on more adventures than I decided to stick with your father when he went back to reclaim his home. And honestly, I never looked back, I have been able to expand my knowledge on magic with the time and resources given to me. In exchange, I help your father with things of a more magical nature that he can’t handle. And everything just seems to work out. And that's my story.”

Van was happy he asked, the stories told were very interesting. But he couldn't help but think there was something missing. “But what about your parents?” he asked looking back and forth between his mother and Lorenzo “whatever happened to them?”

This seemed to throw Lillia and Lorenzo off, and then they looked a little uncomfortable at the question. It was Lorenzo who spoke first.

“I suppose it is true that I have been somewhat neglectful in keeping in touch with my father. But honestly speaking back then, we were moving around so much that we didn’t have the time to send or receive a letter. And it's been so long that I wonder if they are still even there?” Lorenzo seemed a little sad at that thought.

Lillia was silent for a while before she too spoke up. “As for me, if my parents knew where I was, they would do everything they could to force me to go back. And I don’t want that, over here I have so many interesting books to read and have the time and resources to learn more on herbs and healing than I ever got when I was living there. Not to mention your father is here and also you, I couldn’t leave either of you behind.” she hesitated for a bit. “Though I admit, I wished I could show them how well I’m doing. But if they were to ever find out that I eloped with a vampire and had a child… They might not take too kindly to it.”

“I see…” Van felt a little bad for them. He realized then that adventuring isn’t just for anyone, and that everyone has their own reasons as to why they took up the adventuring lifestyle. “Well… for what little it matters, I’m glad you decided to stay with me and dad.” he said to his mother as Appreciative as possible, then looked to Lorenzo “ And Lorenzo… This is your family too. Or at least, I always considered you an uncle to me.” he finished, trying to convey his feelings on the matter.

Lillia gave a loving smile back while Lorenzo looked honestly touched by Van’s words.

“Your opinion matters greatly to me.” Lillia said “ don’t you ever think It doesn’t. I know that I didn’t show it to you at the beginning. But you really do mean everything to me, please don’t ever doubt that.” she finished with emotion that touched Van’s heart.

“And I for one would be proud to be your uncle!” Lorenzo added, also touching Van’s heart.

“Well, that goes without saying” Alvaroz interjected “didn’t we both swear to be sworn brothers with each other that one time,” he said with a smug smile making Lorenzo blush and Lillia giggle.

“Oh! I remember that!” Thea said “weren’t you two drunk at that time!” she looked at Lorenzo with her own smug grin. “ and from a guy who disdains alcohol and what not!”

Lorenzo’s face went a little red “that was a one-time thing! And I purposely let myself get a little loopy so I could enjoy the moment with everyone a little more. I could have gone back to being sober if I wanted to!” he indignantly replied.

Soon the table was filled with talks again about who did this and who did that and more. Laughter was shared by everyone, even the maids attending couldn’t help but try to hide smiles as they work, the room filling with good cheer to be had for all.

Soon the talks died down once more and Van noticed that it was getting late. At the rate things were going they might be stuck on their chairs all the way till dinner time. But there was still one more question he wanted to ask.

“Umm, Thea? I already know why my father wanted to go out to explore the world, but why did you want to go?” Van asked.

“Ooooh! Is it my turn!” Thea exclaimed with joy.

Lorenzo groaned “please save it for later or at least keep it short. With the way you like to toot your own horn, we’ll be here till dinner time!”

Thea gave a mock glare at Lorenzo “just for that, I’ll make sure to make my story extra long! Not to mention, that’s not a bad idea! I can’t wait for dinner!” Almost immediately, Alvaroz, and Lorenzo groaned in unison, but all in good humor.

“Thea dear, we are all very busy, perhaps the short version if you please?” Lillia asked kindly.

“All right… but only because you asked so nicely.” Thea replied. She then gave a few fake coughs as if winding up her throat for a story, then started to overdramatically tell her story. “It all began with my birth-”

“”Thea!””All three of them glared at Thea, this time without humor.

“Okay! Okay!” Thea said, raising her hands in defeat “A-hem. It all began when I was told that I was going to marry your father. I was just a child then, and I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life.”

She then looked lovingly at Alvaroz “but then I met your father, and I knew, looking into his eyes, it was love at first sight for the both of us!”

“She kinda scared me,” Alvaroz said deadpan.

“We did everything together!” Thea

“She bullied me into them.” Alvaroz

“Went everywhere together!” Thea

“Dragged me all over the place” Alvaroz

“Feed each other food!” Thea

“She ate all my food.” Alvaroz

“Played games with each other!” Thea

“She cheated, and refused to admit when she lost.” Alvaroz

“Bathed with each other!” Thea

“She sometimes scrubbed too hard.” Alvaroz

“Slept with each other!” Thea

“She used to snore and hog the bed.” Alvaroz

“Trained with each other!” Thea

“Only so I could get strong enough to beat her up.” Alvaroz

“We were inseparable!” Thea

She wouldn’t leave me alone.” Alvaroz

“We even gave each other our first time!” Thea

“She used me to get off.” Alvaroz

“Then one night as we watched the stars, a shooting star passed by and he told me of his dreams of exploring the world and showing me the sights. Promising me delicious foods and that he wished to show the whole world our love!”

“ It was during the day. she started to cry and grabbed onto my leg and refused to let go until I agreed to take her with me. I dragged her for almost the entire length of the courtyard before giving up and agreeing reluctantly.”

Thea pretended to wipe away an imaginary tear “we were so innocent back then.” she said dreamily then gave a beaming smile “ and that's why I went with your father to explore the world!”

“Admittedly, she grew on me, and I did grow to like her to the point that I didn’t mind taking her with me when I left. Even If I still had reservations and the fact that she got us into a fair share of troubles and ate too much, I ended up being glad that I did, she was a great traveling companion in the end. And I think she would be a great second wife as well.” Alvaroz finished kindly.

“Anything else you wanted to know?” Thea asked all smiles.

“No… I think I’m good” Van said bemused, at first he was a little worried by his father's interjections, but the way Thea rolled with it was pretty funny and showed they got along with each other very well.

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