Why are you special?

047: Softening Her Up

Of course, I still need to calm Life. But that's what my crafted minion is for… if I can pull him away from Wanda. Which isn't really a problem; Wanda's easy to manipulate: "If you don't milk yourself when you're full, your production will go down." I just need to make sure never to actively deceive her, so as not to break trust.

That knocks her out of her pleasure lock, "Oh no! Quick! Help me!"

I reach down my hand help her up as I make another milking bench, then summon a bunch of Satyrs to help her out (Summon Nature's Ally VI, using the 1d4+1 from a list two levels lower option, then maximizing it via Divine Providence to get five).  "I have a task I need to take care of, which will require him, "I point at the 'centaur', "but these summons should be happy to help you out." I turn to the summons, "Follow her instructions," I indicate Wanda, "until I return."

Wanda smiles as she straps herself in, "OK, so I want you making milk on my left, you on my right, you get behind me, and you two come here, I want to keep my hands busy…"

As Wanda sets herself up as the centerpiece to a fey party, I grab my construct and Plane Shift to my crafting plane. Now, my minion won't be able to work here… but I can work on him, no problem. I explain what I need: "OK, so I need you to have Supreme Resurrection from the Life Sphere. So I need you to swap out enough talents to get it; we'll swap them back when we're done with why I need you to have it, all right?"

My golem - still in centaur form, nods, and I begin casting Psychic Reformation on it.  Ten minutes of concentration later, my beast is done. Thinking a bit, I cast Esser Create Demiplane, at the minimum caster level, and we're on one that's magic-enabled… if plain.

Why the lesser version? I want this one small. It will be easier to add the warding spells I want. The dead magic trait will shut down basically all intruders, but leaves me alone… but for this, I'll need magic available, as it's my minion doing the casting. So I cover the place with Mage's Private Sanctum to prevent divinations, make a permanent Gate back to my crafting plane via Greater Create Demiplane's Portal option, and then lock the plane with Dimensional Lock spells to prevent Plane Shift, Gate, and similar from opening up here. Wish's Transport Travelers clause can get someone in if they know about it, but that should be it for break-ins… and this place will be hard to know about. I also add Seasonal (just a basic 24 hour day, for this one), and Bountiful (makes the place a garden that produces edible fruits, nuts, berries, and vegetables very quickly - serves as both decoration and food supply).

That done, I need information… "Hey Comforter, Is now a good time?"

Death chuckles, "I'm good at multitasking. Now's fine. What can I do for you?"

I smile, "Never hurts to be polite. First off, for my own curiosity, do I have access to that Savage Species ritual, specifically using Wish to change races?"

"Hold a moment…" I somehow hear pages turning, "Yes. And for you… it's basically guaranteed success. You'd be looking at the 5% per point over your DC twenty Spellcraft check, which means your results of WELL over forty makes it quite certain they'd get a full conversion.  Thinking of helping David?"

I nod, "I am, yes."

I hear Death’s sigh, "Well… please be aware we had to arrange his death. He was quite the tyrant - not evil or bloodthirsty, mind, just greedy - and had been engaged in systemic and successful empire building. Of itself that's permitted, but he was taxing everyone into poverty to fund it and increase his hoard. A few nations that are nasty to live in we are supposed to leave alone, but… he was making things unbalanced, and one of Dad's rules required us to intervene through our agents. You can put him back into a dragon body… but SHE will still be tied to your curse unless my sister lets him go, and…" Death pauses, "I figured you should know his history."

I'll try to keep a leash on her, then. "Thank you. And… it's time. How do I uniquely identify Life’s child and lover for Resurrection?"

"Oh certainly," Death rattles off a string of thirty six characters, "will identify her beau, while, "Death rattles off another, "will identify their child. Death date was…" he rattles off a string of three dozen digits, "for the parent, and six further for the child."

Wait… that's zero to nine and the letters a through f. And thirty six of them… "Are those UUID's, and something like the Linux Epoch time stamps?"

I feel that itch in my head again, and then there’s a pause before The Comforter of Souls speaks again, "Yes, yes they are. Apparently Dad's been planting ideas in your home Fractal for quite a while. They're references for the souls and the time since Dad seeded this Fractal, down to the second. The time is needed to retrieve the memories from Archives, as we recycle souls… although in this case, it's not too relevant, as they haven't cycled out due to contracts."

OK, but… I focus on Autohypnosis, "Would you please repeat those? They're great for computers, not so much for people."

I hear a chuckle through the link as he does, "Then what does that make me?"

"Have you ever considered the possibility that you're a piece of maintenance software in a very complex computer simulation?" Not something most people have, but… some philosophers think about such things.

I feel that itch in my head for a long, long time at that one, "Not previously, no. This is my first encounter with some of those concepts. And… I'm going to be distracted for a while…"

I chuckle, "Take your time. Philosophers have been wrestling with variations on that one basically since the first computer simulation became a possibility. The short conclusion is that disproving it isn't possible, as any negative evidence could simply be the simulation accounting for the experiment, and proving it is also impossible, as any positive evidence could simply be a previously unknown aspect of the laws of physics. Philosophers love unknowables."

My conversation companion is silent for a while, "It's also… possible. Ugh."

And I’m done for now, so… "Philosophy is like that sometimes. Thank you as always, Comforter."

Death seems distracted as he replies with, "Be seeing you…."

I take a moment to enjoy the fresh air, sunshine, abundant greenery, and the stream going through this Demiplane…. it's all fake, but it's still nice. Maybe I should get some birds or rabbits in here… no matter.

I turn to my construct, "Human female form, please," it shifts, and I continue, "I have two souls to revive, which may require the full set. We'll link up with Circle Casting so you can use my spell points. Start with…" I rattle off the identifier and death timestamp of the child. Autohypnosis rocks.

My magical minion bows, and begins the one minute casting as I focus on supporting him. Mostly I use Circle Casting via Create Proxy, which is really only good for the caster level boost. But when two Spheres casters use it, they can share talents and spell points - and I get unlimited spell points, up to my Charisma modifier per round - and I'm quite the Charisma monster, so that’s a lot. The five points over ten minutes this thing needs? Basically nothing as far as I'm concerned.

I watch the body build up from nothing; it doesn't take long, and I find I’m looking at an Adonis. That pale complexion, acne, bent nose, unkept hair, uneven eyes, pudgy weak body… I've never seen anything more attractive, and I'm instantly dripping, my lower lips wanting to wrap themselves around his still limp two inch member buried in his hairy… wait, what?

As I find myself moving towards him, I call out telepathically to Death, 《Something is not right here! Help!》

The Comforter replies, "Hold a… ah. His diabolic contract is still valid… or rather, valid again, as he's alive. It's like a divine gift, it breaks rules. I can tell you about his, and give you advice, but I can't otherwise interfere. It won't kill you, at least, and you'll enjoy it, but… yeah. He's unnaturally attractive. Any woman who sees him wants him, period. And it is resonating with the 'blessing' from my sister. On the plus side, after he's done, you'll be released from it… and he's going to be so annoyed with why. Oh, and… well, you're going to be with child after this. That spell you have won't win out. Sorry… or maybe congratulations?"

Great… I get to have HIS child? I couldn't be Happier!

I hate mind control.

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