What's wrong with me promoting my girlfriend as a diva?

Chapter 31

The more you sing, the more you will be able to sing.

"She who is far away can never come home again.

But she is always the only one in my dreams.

She who is far away can know what I am saying in my heart.

The passion has not changed, no matter how things change.

She who is far away can never come home again.

But she is always the only one in my dreams.

She who is far away can know what I am saying in my heart.

The passion has not changed, no matter how things change."

At the end of the song, Lin Yixiang's voice gradually became softer from sadness.

It feels like a person who gradually accepts the absence of his lover and slowly gets used to living alone.

But she is everywhere, turning into every corner of his life.

At the end of the chant, Lin Yixiang's voice was trembling.

After the song ended, Lin Yixiang did not stand up immediately, but sat alone with his back to the audience for a while before standing up amid the applause.

Looking back, everyone saw his red eyes and tear marks on his cheeks.

"Why did Uncle Lin make himself cry?" Qiao Sheng was a little surprised.

Lin Moxue understood from Qiao Sheng's puzzled expression that Lin Yixiang did not tell Qiao Sheng about his affairs.

"Qiao Sheng, do you really not know?" Lin Moxue couldn't help asking.

"Know what?" Qiao Sheng turned his head in confusion.

"Uncle Lin's wife also died of a terminal illness."

Qiao Sheng was stunned when he heard this.

Is there such a coincidence in the world?

"I really don't know."

Everything made sense, and Qiao Sheng instantly understood why he looked at him so strangely when he gave the song to Lin Yixiang.

It was because he thought he knew about it and tailored this song for him.

Even jumping into the Yellow River can't wash it away.

On the screen, the scene changed, and Lin Yixiang's personal interview was released at this time.

"To be honest, when the director mentioned the theme of missing, I thought of this song at the first time."

In the picture, his smile made people feel a little bitter.

"But I don't dare to sing it. I'm afraid that I will cry on the stage, and the picture will not look good."

"Who would want to see a little old man crying on the stage."

No wonder he changed to playing the piano and singing, so that his face would appear less often.

"Then why did you choose this song?" Outside the screen, it was the voice of director Xie Haoran.

After listening to Lin Yixiang rehearsing this song, he took the initiative to help Lin Yixiang do the personal interview.

"You also know that it has been so many years, and those who can let go have let go long ago." Lin Yixiang's eyes seemed to be misty.

"But I still can't let it go."

"Every morning when I get up, I still touch the other side of the bed."

"I didn't throw away anything she used, and I kept it well. Sometimes when I miss her too much, I would take out the clothes she wore and look at them."

He looked up at the camera and smiled, "Isn't this a bit silly!"

The barrage went crazy.

"Not silly! Uncle Lin, you are not silly at all!"

Then there were a lot of words "not silly", densely covering the screen.

Qiao Sheng's eyes were a little red, and he reached out to take a tissue, but he saw that the tissue box had fallen into Lin Moxue's arms at some point.

She and Yang Yue were both crying like a spring, and no matter how they pulled out tissues to stop the tears, they couldn't stop the tears from gushing out.

"Why didn't you two cry just now, but you are crying like this now."

"Shut up!"

"You know shit!"

Lin Moxue and Yang Yue cried with a strong nasal tone, but it didn't stop them from cursing at all.

Qiao Sheng shrunk his neck and turned back, wiping his eyes with the collar of his clothes.

Finally, Lin Yixiang suddenly thanked Qiao Sheng.

"I want to thank the producer of this song, Lao Qiao." Lin Yixiang smiled at this time.

"I have known him for a short time, but I didn't expect him to write this song for me without saying anything. I am very grateful. I want to thank Qiao Sheng here."

The interview ended and the camera returned to the stage.

In the picture, Lin Yixiang bowed deeply to everyone.

Some people in the audience began to cheer for him.

Anyone who has paid attention to him before or searched for him now will know about Lin Yixiang and his wife.

This is not a secret.

Lin Yixiang and his wife are deeply in love, which is known to everyone in and out of the circle.

His choice to leave the music scene is also closely related to missing his wife.

His song "Distant Her" today not only made many audiences cry, but also made several singers in the backstage look sad.

Wei Qin even cried directly, and the tissue was rubbed.

One after another, her makeup was all smudged.

After her debut, she rarely had the opportunity to meet Lin Yixiang again, but Lin Yixiang would often call her and give her a lot of advice on the phone.

She also met Lin Yixiang's wife.

Lin Yixiang's wife was a gentle woman.

Although Wei Qin had only met her a few times, she had only heard her husband mention Wei Qin all the time, and he treated Wei Qin very well.

Wei Qin always regarded Lin Yixiang as her mentor.

Now her mentor's song reminded her of her gentle mentor's wife again, and she naturally burst into tears and couldn't help herself.

The person who came on stage after Lin Yixiang was naturally Liao Feng.

He carefully prepared a song and wanted to make a comeback.

Liao Feng's singing skills were naturally impeccable, but in the song he chose, many places were sung in high notes.

It sounded like a sad cry from the heart, but in fact it only had skills and not much emotion.

This was difficult for him, after all, he had been single since birth.

Not to mention being in love, he had never even had a crush on his girlfriend.

As a result, he chose a song that expressed his longing for his girlfriend.

Qiao Sheng didn't hear the emotion of longing, but his frequent high notes in the song sounded more like shouting, An Hong, I miss you!

The "Singer" program team did not invite ordinary audiences, but selected audiences with certain music appreciation abilities from millions of applicants.

Liao Feng's high notes sounded to them like Xiao Yueyue chasing a taxi and shouting at the top of his lungs, Swallow! How can I live without you!

A singer cannot become famous by high notes, and Liao Feng knew this.

But there was no way, he didn't have the kind of deep love that the song wanted to express, so he could only work hard on singing.

Lin Yixiang was a shining example, and he used his voice to tell the audience a love story that was as moving as a song.

It felt like an old friend came to drink with you, and the two of you sat opposite each other in a quiet bar. In the soothing music, the old friend told you how much he missed his wife.

And Liao Feng gave people the feeling that your old friend had just finished telling the story, and he appeared on the stage of the bar, picked up the microphone and started singing Let's Rock Together.

What's even more unfortunate is.

At the end of the song, there was a little crack in his voice.

Liao Feng, who was watching the show in the hotel, saw the place where his voice broke, and he was so angry that he stomped his feet and shook his soles.

He was so angry.

He valued the show "Singer".

In a popular variety show like "Singer", there is an excellent singing stage, which can directly make an outdated singer like him turn over.

Unfortunately, he didn't.

Instead, he was ranked after Lin Yixiang twice, and was beaten to a pulp, crying for his parents.

The final voting results were as expected by Qiao Sheng, Lin Yixiang ranked first, and Liao Feng ranked last.

Wang Siyue only got third place.

The show ended after the director announced that the theme of the next episode was "brainwashing" and warned the contestants that there would be a replacement singer in the next episode.

In the office, the afterglow of Lin Yixiang continued.

Huang Jianguo did not cry, but his face was full of emotion, and he seemed to understand something, as if he had suddenly realized something.

He took out his phone and dialed it. The call was quickly connected: "Hello, Sister Mao, this is Jianguo. How is grandma recently? She's asleep, that's good..."

The call ended in a few minutes. Qiao Sheng asked curiously: "Xiao Huang, is your grandma sick?"

"No." Huang Jianguo shook his head, and suddenly nodded, "She must be suffering from mental illness."

"After my grandfather passed away, my grandma often sat at the door in a daze, and her spirit was very bad. Then one day, she began to talk to herself in the air, saying some trivial things."

"At first, we all thought that grandma was sick, and went to see many psychiatrists, but grandma was normal, and her conversations with us were the same as before."

"Later, my aunt observed for a long time before she remembered that the way grandma talked to the air was exactly the same as when she sat at the door and chatted with grandpa in the past."

"I didn't understand it before, and I always thought that grandma had some problems. She was weird all day long and often avoided her. Today, after listening to Uncle Lin's song, I understood."

Huang Jianguo paused, his tone full of sadness.

"Grandma, maybe she missed grandpa too much, so she created a grandpa for herself in her own world."

Speaking of this, Huang Jianguo's tears suddenly fell.

Qiao Sheng remained silent, and he also figured out some things.

He also knew people like Jianguo's grandma.

In his hometown village in his previous life, there was also such an old man who often talked to himself in the air and laughed there.

It turned out that it was because of the sky

The underground is too far away, they would rather imagine their loved ones by their side.

"Xiao Huang, go back and fix the door for grandma when you have time." For some reason, Qiao Sheng's mind flashed with the image of grandma sitting on the dilapidated threshold and talking to the air.

"No need, her villa was just renovated two years ago, and the door is also new."

Qiao Sheng: Villa? ? ? ?

"Who is the sister Mao who just called you?"

"Oh, sister Mao is our nanny, who is responsible for taking care of grandma. There are also three nannies who are responsible for cleaning and cooking."

Qiao Sheng stood up and bowed to him: "Master Huang, sorry to bother you, goodbye."

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