What's wrong with me promoting my girlfriend as a diva?

Chapter 30

The second episode of "Singer" has arrived as scheduled.

According to the order of the draw, Wang Siyue was the first to go on stage.

Lin Yixiang was the fourth, and the unlucky Liao Feng was the fifth after the draw.

After the first episode was broadcast, Wang Siyue crossed his arms and looked disdainful, which was screenshotted and posted by netizens.

Recalling what he said in the first episode, it immediately caused some people to denounce on the Internet.

Some said that he did not respect his predecessors, and some said that he had no patriotic feelings.

As an idol star, Wang Siyue has many fans.

At this time, fans naturally couldn't bear to see their brother being blackened, and they all left the stage.

Wang Siyue lived up to his arrogant name and released the video directly.

In the video, he solemnly declared that he loves his motherland.

As for his performance in the show, he just felt that as a singer, he should not use his patriotism to consume the audience.

It is obvious that Wang Siyue is targeting Lin Yixiang.

"No, I wonder, does this Wang have a grudge against Uncle Lin for killing his father? Why is he targeting him like this?"

After the show started, Qiao Sheng saw Wang Siyue appear on the screen and immediately started to complain about him.

Lin Moxue said lightly: "He is indeed targeting Uncle Lin, or, he is targeting Snowball Entertainment."

"Huh?" Qiao Sheng was confused.

"He is one of the main forces who followed Dai Jiabin to Tianguang. Several artists in the company were encouraged by him."

Seeing Qiao Sheng puzzled, Lin Moxue explained to him.

No wonder, now everything makes sense.

The host came on stage.

"Welcome everyone to watch "Singer" exclusively sponsored by the "Tonight's BBQ" catering group. I believe that after the first episode, everyone has a certain understanding of our singers..."

Led by the host, the atmosphere on the scene gradually heated up. When the audience's expectations were full, it was Wang Siyue's turn to perform on stage.

Although Wang Siyue is an idol singer, he has strong singing skills and personal characteristics.

The song he sang this time was a new song.

After watching his stage performance, Qiao Sheng knew that his votes would definitely not exceed Lin Yixiang.

"It's stable, Uncle Lin will definitely win him."

Qiao Sheng was very confident and directly judged that he lost to Lin Yixiang.

Wang Siyue's strength is beyond words, his bass is steady, and his treble is transparent. He deserves to be a first-line singer.

He will lose mainly because his songs are not as good as Lin Yixiang's.

"He is so strong, you are very confident." Yang Yue did not refute Qiao Sheng, but was shocked by Wang Siyue's strength.

"I didn't expect that after leaving Snowball, Wang Siyue's strength has improved." Lin Moxue muttered to herself, with a trace of doubt in her heart.

Is Snowball really not as good as Tianguang?

"No matter how good his singing skills are, he can only tie with Uncle Lin at most. But my songs can leave him three... no, five streets behind."

Qiao Sheng looked up at the screen, his mouth corners raised, very proud.

"I give him an above-average score for the singing part, and the song, poor."

After commenting on Wang Siyue, Qiao Sheng found that the surroundings were quiet. Looking back, everyone's eyes were on him.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Sheng didn't understand, and licked his teeth with his tongue, "Is the vegetable leaf stuck in my front teeth?"

"No, your analysis makes sense." Lin Moxue came back to her senses and explained with a smile.

Wang Siyue is strong and has made great progress, but so what, now the company has Qiao Sheng.

In Qiao Sheng's words, with his songwriting level, even a pig can give him a first-line.

Qiao Sheng said this as a joke, mostly exaggerated.

However, after hearing Qiao Sheng's proud and confident comments, the haze that had just arisen in Lin Moxue's heart was swept away.

The performances of the next few singers, including Wei Qin, were all standard, without mistakes or outstanding places.

The final ranking depends entirely on the preferences of the audience.

The next one to appear is Lin Yixiang.

Before a singer usually appears, a separate interview with the singer will be played, and then some preparations for the performance will be made.

For example, the singer has to insist on rehearsing when he is sick and needs to get an IV drip.

When it comes to Lin Yixiang, there is nothing, and he goes on stage directly.

The stage lights dimmed, and Lin Yixiang slowly walked out of the stage aisle, bowed slightly to everyone, and sat down next to the piano.

"Are you going to play and sing by yourself?" Lin Moxue looked at Qiao Sheng in surprise.

Qiao Sheng was also surprised. There was a piano in the accompaniment of this song, but he didn't expect Lin Yixiang to take the initiative.

Let's play the piano and sing.

It's good to act on your own!

Looking at the expectations and screams on the bullet screen, Qiao Sheng gave Lao Lin a thumbs up in his heart.

As expected of a veteran singer, the changes are just right.

The camera is given to Liao Feng. He is the next one to perform. He is preparing backstage.

Seeing the camera, he smiled and gave a thumbs up to the audience in front of the screen.

"Hahahahahaha, I laughed to death."

"Poor Liao Feng, he doesn't know what he will face next."

"Those who have finished watching, come back and check in again."

"I feel sorry for Liao Feng."

"High warning ahead, please evacuate quickly if you have been in love!"


The content of the bullet screen also aroused the expectations of everyone in front of the screen, only the song producer Qiao Sheng was calm.

The melodious piano sounded and the song title emerged.

"She's Far Away"

Lyrics: Lao Qiao

Music: Lao Qiao

Singer: Lin Yixiang

The original singer of the song is Jacky Cheung, the God of Songs.

This song was released in his Cantonese album "She's Far Away" in 1986 and was one of the top ten golden songs of the year.

And this song, which was released nearly 40 years ago, has also been covered by many singers, such as Eason Chan, Hacken Lee, Mao Buyi, etc.

Everyone sings it with a different flavor.

Some netizens commented that Jacky Cheung sang the feeling of the person involved, Eason Chan sang the feeling of a person who had experienced it, and Hacken Lee sang the feeling of a person who understood it.

When Qiao Sheng sang it to Lin Yixiang, Lin Yixiang said that he sang the feeling of a dead person.

This song is one of Qiao Sheng's favorite Cantonese songs. Every time he hears this song, he will think of his neighbor sister who is one year older than him.

At that time, he liked to play with his neighbor sister the most.

The two played all the way from preschool to junior high school, and their relationship was always good.

Until the little sister's family moved abroad.

Due to the communication conditions at the time, the two lost contact.

Later, when Qiao Sheng heard the song "Her in the Distance" for the first time, it was as if a knife was stabbing in his heart.

He did not cry, but was upset all night.

When he gave the song to Lin Yixiang, he felt like he was giving up his youth.

Lin Yixiang leaned forward, close to the microphone, and his low voice echoed throughout the audience.

"Let the evening breeze blow the sunset gently,

I am used to thinking about her every evening,

She in the distance knows now,

This love is always in my heart."

The lyrics of the song are very straightforward, like a person standing in an open space halfway up the mountain.

He blew the evening breeze, and the sunset stretched his shadow very long.

He turned around and told you that he would come here every day, looking at the sunset and missing someone.

Lin Yixiang also performed it in this way, as if he was telling everyone a story that belonged to him alone.

"On that day halfway up the mountain,

I knew I was going to leave soon, so I didn't say anything.

I looked at her, but she said no to meeting.

Even if we are separated, we are not afraid of loving each other.

Thousands of miles apart, is there any deviation in the voice of the heart?

It is to let this love test the truth and falsehood.

She seemed to talk to me through the wind in the distance.

If the passion remains unchanged, who cares about the vicissitudes of life."

What separates lovers is distance.

People who have had long-distance relationships will definitely feel the same way about this lyric.

My love, I am worried that you are alone in the distance.

Do you bring an umbrella when it rains, are you alone when eating, will you be lonely at night, and I am also worried that someone will appear by your side and bring you warmth close at hand.

And the person you love tells you that no matter how far apart we are, as long as you and I remain true to our original intentions, even if time flies and the distance is far, I will still love you as before.

If there is no accident.

"But I received a letter from her father today,

The letter said that leukemia had taken her away.

But I felt an empty heart, as if it had become rigid.

The past was like a cannonball, exploding in my heart."

Leukemia is also called leukemia.

When Lin Yixiang sang this part, Qiao Sheng clearly heard a little more tremor in his voice.

Oh, this little old man Lin Yixiang actually trembled.

Qiao Sheng was complaining in his heart, but Lin Moxue looked at him strangely.

Did Qiao Sheng customize a song for Uncle Lin?

The two of them had their own thoughts, but the audience was caught off guard by this turn.

There was no time to think about it, the song continued.

"On this day halfway up the mountain,

I am so sad and talking nonsense.

In the night rain, I seem to hear her say don't make an appointment,

Even if we are separated, we are not afraid of loving each other.

There is no place to find people, is there any deviation in the voice of the heart.

It is to let this love test the truth and falsehood."

Lin Yixiang's expression is sad, his singing voice is moving, and there is a wailing in the barrage.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, don't use the knife of pure love to kill me! Tears are coming out."

"My fiancée left forever a month before the wedding.

This world has also taken away a part of me. "

"In front, in your fiancee's heart, she has already married you, she just changed the way to protect you, you have to continue to live happily, this is also her wish!"

"My husband also died of leukemia because he had no money to continue treatment. When I gave up, I asked him if he hated me. He said it was okay, he was useless and made me suffer."

"When my mother passed away, she held my father's hand and said, "Husband, I love you."

"That year, I was two years older than her, and now I am nine years older than her."

The song is a tearjerker, but the real story in the barrage made many people cry in front of the screen.

Absent love is always a killing weapon.

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