Versatile Mage (Subtle Changes)

Chapter 61: Emotional Change


ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

“This Power is... so Overwhelming! It feels like I can stomp the whole world with a single step!” Elemental Mo Fan exclaimed excitedly.

“But that’s not all, I have also gained this astronomical amount of Information and Knowledge  all at once! This Rainbow Phoenix God... It was mercilessly slain and cut up into 4 different parts and hidden away in these sacred tombs!” Elemental Mo Fan said as he was arranging the information inside his head.

“I don’t know why this Primordial being has chosen me to be it’s Guardian, but it seems that it has completely transformed me into a true Primordial Elemental Spirit! Ah right, Primordial Elemental Spirits are basically known as Elemental Royalties, but they went extinct around ten thousand years from now, huh... So that means I will be the first Elemental Royalty Spirit on earth after ten thousand years!” Elemental Mo Fan went on.

There was a lot of information inside his brain and also a lot of memories of the Rainbow Phoenix. 

The Mystical Rainbow Phoenix was slain five thousand years ago mercilessly and purposely by the 4 Sacred Totem Guardians. They were condemning the Phoenix about the Great Holy War of the Sea Monsters vs Humans and Totem Beasts. 

They would’ve won the war with less casualties if the Phoenix and it’s descendants would’ve participated, but they instead chose to be neutral. The Phoenix was the only beast without a guardian so there was no one to protect it, but at the same time it never needed protection. 

It was an immortal bird which can resurrect if there was a slightest presence of its elements. So it never had the need to rely on humans for its rebirth. 

But this time, the Sacred Totem Guardians were not only strong but they also had the help of the other 4 Sacred Totem Beasts. They managed to wear it down and defeat it, and since it was an immortal bird they chopped it into 4 pieces, and sealed it inside the tombs of the Sacred Totem Beasts devoid of any elements.

“Shit! The Phoenix fused it’s Primordial elemental cores with my human core transforming it into something akin to that of a spirit! But it also risked it’s life by doing that. Now it doesn’t have it’s cores to sustain it’s life. I have to find the rest of it’s body parts, before they disappear. Otherwise the Phoenix won’t be able to revive ever again.” Elemental Mo Fan said as he noticed an important point.

The core was as important as the soul for a body, and the Mystical Rainbow Phoenix had literally fused it’s Primordial Elemental Cores with Mo Fan for some reason. 

If Mo Fan could not find the other 3 parts of the Phoenix then it will surely die and there will be no resurrection for it. 

The Sacred Totem Beasts were a very special beings, they were able to generate a new core, every time they were reborn. But if they lost their cores while they were still alive, then they will truly die and never be reborn again. 

But normally, no human nor Magic beast were capable of finding a core of any creature. It was the source of everyone’s power and also the source which supported the life of a vessel. They were in between the soul and the soul corridor which connected them.


Elemental Mo Fan finally came out of the glass box. He was staring at the last Glass Box very intently.

He glanced at his other self who was still unconscious and little loach, who was also alertly staring back at him.

“Calm down Little Loach it’s still me. I Linked the Soul Corridors of both of my bodies earlier when I phased my hand inside his body, so our consciousness is linked to each other. What I know will also be known to him, we are now connected to each other. Coming to the next topic, I’m pretty sure you also sensed it, but there’s another Primordial Core there.” 

Elemental Mo Fan said to little loach, reassuring it that he was still the Mo Fan it knew. Knowing that Mo Fan had not lost his consciousness, Little Loach’s dangerous aura decreased.

“I’m going to merge that Primordial Core into my second body and I need your help in doing so. I know it’s simply impossible to fuse and transform your core normally, and I might be the only person in the world who managed succeed, but it only succeeded because it was not done by me, the Mystical Rainbow Phoenix was the one who did it. So I’m gonna need your help to Evolve my second body with that core as well.” Mo Fan said sternly.

His body was only able to Evolve because of the Mystical Rainbow Phoenix. If the phoenix had not done it, they Mo Fan’s normal human core would’ve burst into million pieces as it would not have been able to bear the burden of 11 Primordial Cores. 

A Human Core was the most normal core, it would’ve shattered long ago if it had even come into contact with a Primordial Core.

But not only did the Mystical Rainbow Phoenix do it, Little Loach was also able to remove the Phoenix’s cores from inside the science world Mo Fan. 

“If you are able to remove them, then I’m pretty sure you’re also be able to stabilize my human core during the merging process. I will leave that to you, while I focus on the merging them together.” Mo Fan said expressionlessly.

Then he also added Viciously, “If you mess this up, I will throw you into the dead space outside.”

Little Loach was simply speechless. It’s own guardian was now threatening it. But it noticed that Mo Fan’s temperament had changed after his transformation.

Elemental Mo Fan was no longer a human being, naturally his mentality won’t change, but that doesn’t mean his humane emotions will remain the same after he was no longer human.

He was changing on a subconscious level, like before he treated Little Loach like his partner, but now all he had for it was just disdain for an inferior creature.

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