Versatile Mage (Subtle Changes)

Chapter 60: Versatile Mage! And A Plot Twist?!


ORIGINAL Author: Chaos

SPINOFF Author: Vester

After making the contract with the Dragon Armour, it automatically turned into an intricate Azure Bracelet. Mo Fan stopped Laughing and looked at the other two Glass Boxes as well.

“This armour really couldn’t be compared to any kind of treasure I’ve come across~ and there are two more Glass Boxes here. Hehe~ wonder what I’ll get in those~” Mo Fan said as he excitedly trotted towards them.

All three of the boxes were kept 1metre apart from each other. Mo Fan went towards the Glass Box which was in the middle now. It was wider in size than the previous Box. Not only that, but the Glass Box was also Misty than the previous one, but for some reason the mist was rainbow-ish in colour.

“Hmm~” Mo Fan went near the Glass Box and wiped the glass with his sleeves, but he still couldn’t see anything.

But for some reason, the moment he touched the glass, he felt that it was warm but also cold at the same time.

He went near the stone tablet in front of the Glass Box. There was information about it written there.


“The Wings of the Mystical Rainbow Phoenix? What’s that? Is this also a Magic Equipment? But there isn’t anything written like that here... Guess I’ll open it and see first.” Mo Fan went near the door of the Glass Box and opened it.

The mist inside the Glass Box surged outside furiously as if it exploded. But just as the mist touched Mo Fan, he felt an Countless amount of Elements present inside it.

No, he felt almost all of the Elements present in the mist in a very dense quantity. How was it possible though?

He got Goosebumps all over his body the moment the mist touched his skin and almost felt breathless and fainted on the spot because of it.

Pant pant~

“What the hell is this?!” Mo Fan was grabbing his knees for support to stand. He noticed his hands were shivering, not only that but Little Loach was also Vibrating!

It was not like the usual vibration of excitement, but it was more like FEAR! Little Loach was afraid of the thing stored inside there, even though it was a dragon.

“Dude, what could possibly scare you? You’re that huge Dragon, grow some balls, will you!” Mo Fan who was connected to little loach naturally felt it’s fear.

To be honest, even he was now scared of whatever there was inside the box. If the thing could make even Little Loach afraid, then it was definitely not a good thing.

“But It said Rainbow Phoenix right? That Immortal Firebird from my world. But the one in my world is made up of Fire in the myths, but if this one is named Rainbow on purpose, and also all those elements present in the mist could only point at one thing.” Mo Fan quickly deduced a lot of things.

The mist which was now spread in the surroundings contained an unholy amount of Elements.

The Glass Box slowly cleared up as Mo Fan finally noticed the thing inside. He walked inside of the Glass Box and noticed that the space inside was huge! But there was also something huge inside there other than the space.

“Whoa!” Mo Fan was simply Breathless at the sight of the treasure.

All his thoughts instantly stopped the moment he looked at it.

There were two Glowing Rainbow Wings which were constantly emitting purest of the elements! A single wing was Ten Thousand metres wide. The glowing rainbow feathers on it were simply Unbelievably beautiful. Each feather was at least two times bigger than Mo Fan.

The wings were simply huge and no matter how far he stared into the distance he was not able to see the end of them.

Mo Fan was just enchanted by them, he could look at them all day but still wouldn’t get tired of them, Little Loach was vibrating incessantly, it was warning Mo Fan not to go any closer but Mo Fan was simply not paying it any attention!

He was walking closer and closer to it as if he was hypnotized by the wings. He stopped at fifty metres from them and stared at them.

Little Loach suddenly emitted a brilliant light and encapsulated Mo Fan in it to protect him, but the Wings suddenly moved themselves as they approached Mo Fan!

The Glow of Little Loach surrounding Mo Fan instantly scattered and vanished into the surroundings as soon as the wings touched it.

Little Loach paled and shivered.


It emitted a large echo as if it was shouting.

“This is my Guardian! Not Yours! Don’t Lay your hands on him!” Mo Fan was Little Loach’s guardian, who was also officially acknowledged by Little Loach.

Mo Fan by all rights now belonged to Little Loach, but the Majestic Rainbow Wings simply ignored it and encapsulated Little Loach in a blinding glow.

It trapped Little Loach who was buzzing like a bug and interrupting it into a Rainbow coloured barrier.

Little Loach was absolutely angry and annoyed, it knew the gravity of the situation. It knew that Mo Fan was special because of his unusual Phenomenon. He had another Mo Fan inside him! And the seal which Little Loach placed on the Mo Fan of Magic world to separate and trap him inside the Mo Fan of science world was also destroyed.

Plus there can only be one Sacred Totem Guardian for one Sacred Totem Beasts. That was an absolute rule set by the Four Sacred Totem Beasts (Sacred Azure Dragon/Sacred White Tiger/Sacred Black Tortoise/Scared Rainbow Gold Kirin).

Little Loach was not willing to hand over or share Mo Fan with anyone, it emitted a powerful glow, it’s aura was nothing like anything it was before. It used all of its power to break through from the prison.

Little Loach was now at its peak Evolution and was also going to be reborn again very soon after absorbing it’s Astral Soul. That’s why it contained a lot of energy inside it. It can after all easily power a large country for tens of thousands of years.

Nobody in this world could mess with it, but this time even a being like him was scared of the dreadful wings!

And no matter how much power it used to break out of the Wing’s Prison, it simply wasn’t enough!

Little Loach simply paled in comparison against it, and the funny thing was, that Little Loach was only dealing with the wings of the Mystical Rainbow Phoenix.


After trapping Little Loach, the wings turned their attention on Mo Fan again!

Suddenly an illusory silhouette of the entire Pheonix appeared. It stared at Mo Fan intently and probed him with his will.

It knew something was unusual about him the being acknowledged by the prideful Azure Lizard... Oh sorry, Dragon.

It instantly knew, that there were two Mo Fan, which had Fused into one! But they were also able separate from each other at will!

Mo Fan was just like The Mystical Rainbow Phoenix. It was also a being which can split itself in 11 different Elemental beings. But it noticed one point! Unlike it’s great self, Mo Fan had two separate souls within him, he wasn’t completely like It.

It pondered for a moment, then it suddenly nodded it’s illusory head. After that the Illusory Phoenix disappeared and only it’s wings remained.

The Majestic Rainbow Wings touched Mo Fan and suddenly he split into two!


The moment the wings touched him, his consciousness came back.

He was absolutely shocked when the first thing he saw was huge rainbow coloured feathers. He immediately turned to saw where he was but no matter where he looked, all he saw was the huge wings.

He was terrified. He was absolutely confused as to what he was doing here when someone suddenly grabbed his shoulders from behind.

He noticed their hands were shivering. He turned around to see who was the one grabbing him.

“[[What The F*ck?!]]” Mo Fan’s eyes almost popped out as he noticed another him who was shivering while hiding behind him.

When Mo Fan Cursed, the other Mo Fan was also Cursed at the same time, shocking him even more.

“[[What the hell is happening?!]]” The Two Mo Fan’s shouted at the same time again.

Mo Fan right now was really not in a situation to figure out what was going on. He grabbed Other Mo Fan’s hand quickly bolted towards the exit as he somehow knew they were one and the same.

But alas, the wings emitted another pink glow which made the two Mo Fans stop in their tracks instantly. Their panicked look slowly turned expressionless and their eyes became cloudy again.

Both of the Mo Fan turned around and walked towards the wings again. They again stood in front of the wings. One had Little Loach and the other didn’t, but they both had the tattoo of the Azure Dragon on their chest.

The Rainbow Wings didn’t knew how Mo Fan was able to gain control of himself before. But whatever, this time it simply didn’t waste anytime.

The Majestic Rainbow Wings Glowed blindingly. The Glow slowly travelled inside both of the Mo Fan.

The Little Loach which was still trapped, noticed something alien entering the body of his guardian. It Furiously used it’s energy but was still not able to destroy the barrier. It was frustrated as it was not able to do anything.

The two Mo Fan slowly started to Float in air.


As the wings were entering him, both of the Mo Fan’s hair were Glowing with Rainbow Colours, not only their hairs but their eyes were glowing too. They were covered in Rainbow Glow.




Little Loach finally shattered the barrier, it knew it still had a chance when the wings were still observing Mo Fan. But now that they were making Mo Fan their guardian, it knew it had no chance of resistance against a being who had 11 Primordial Cores of its own.

It quickly encapsulated the Mo Fan of the science world in its Glow and removed the foreign substance from inside him! All the Elemental power of the Wings was quickly thrown out of the Science world Mo Fan. The power which was thrown out simply went towards the Naked Mo Fan who was of Magic World.

Mo Fan right now was Glowing with two different Glows, one was Azure and the other was Rainbow!

Little Loach succeeded in separating and freeing one of his host by sacrificing the other, but albeit barely.

The Majestic Rainbow Wings were now fully absorbed by another Mo Fan!

The science world Mo Fan, slowly started descending and slumped down on the ground, he was unconscious.


Unknown to the Mo Fan who was in control, the Magic World’s Mo Fan’s Spiritual World was in a turmoil! It was expanding at dangerous rate.

Soon, lot of lights appeared in the spiritual world like the comets streaking across the night sky.

His expanded spiritual world was now falling short of space, after the new lights had appeared out of no where!

To be exact, there were 19 New Lights. They were of various colours!

The lights were in fact new Stardust’s of various other elements! Mo Fan had awakened 19 New elements all of a sudden. The two existing Stardusts were still humongous compared to the rest of them though.

The Wings of the Rainbow Phoenix were so dense in elements that they made Mo Fan forcefully awaken all the elements they possessed. Right now, Mo Fan had 21 Elements inside him!


He was now officially a Mage who can be said a one Mage army or A Versatile Mage!

And that was not all! Mo Fan of the Magic World had absorbed the Wings of a beast with 11 Primordial Elemental Cores. He was transforming!

The 11 Primordial Elemental Cores had corroded Magic Mo Fan’s human core. The Human core had absorbed the Primordial Cores and turned into a Rainbow Coloured Elemental Core!

His Human self was drastically changing, as Two New Rainbow Wings emerged from his back! His eyes were now Rainbow Coloured as well as his Hairs too! His aura had also become extremely dangerous! Mo Fan had retained his human type appearance, but his body was now glowing in a rainbow glow.

Magic World’s Mo Fan had now became an Elemental Being, the Rainbow Phoenix’s Cores had completely fused with Mo Fan’s core and became one.

Little Loach who was watching the whole thing was terrified of the Elemental Mo Fan! He was no longer human but a Primordial Being! Little Loach was only a True Dragon, with a normal True Dragon Core which could be found in any dragon, there was absolutely no way it can win or contend against a being with Primordial Bloodline! 

It’s Glow swiftly encapsulated Science world Mo Fan and charged the hell out of the Glass Box with full speed.

The scariest thing about a Primordial is that they are the strongest beings on the Planet! Simply known as Planet Dominators!

The weakest of them were Medium Emperors! But the Dangerous thing about them was that they were different from other creatures of the same level, because every Primordial was ten times stronger than a normal creature!

Even Dragons who were the apex of pyramid were afraid of them! And Mystical Rainbow Phoenix was a being which possessed 11 Primordial Elemental Cores! It was a Genuine Primordial beast which had fused with Magic World’s Mo Fan and also transformed him into a Primordial Elemental Being which is now ten times stronger than anyone at his level!

But The Magic World’s Mo Fan was still incomplete because he was only fused with The Mystical Rainbow Phoenix’s wings, if he want to be complete than he has to find all of the Rainbow Phoenix. But even it’s wings were so powerful, it had transformed Mo Fan and scared away Little Loach!

The Elemental Mo Fan looked at the Human Mo Fan who was running away and stretched its hand out! The Human Mo Fan encapsulated in Azure Glow, immediately stopped in his tracks. The elemental Mo Fan made a ‘come here’ sign with his stretched out hand.

The human Mo Fan started floating back to the elemental Mo Fan. Little Loach Furiously struggled with all its might but The elemental Mo Fan stared at the human Mo Fan and Little Loach condescendingly and haughtily. He did not stopped Little Loach from struggling.

His hand suddenly phased inside Mo Fan’s chest all of a sudden and released a lot of elements. The Human Mo Fan’s Spiritual World also expanded and 19 more elements awakened all of a sudden. He retracted his hand after doing it, and turned his head towards the right side.

“Hmm... I see...” The Elemental Mo Fan uttered as he grabbed Mo Fan and floated out of the Glass Box.

Right now, both of the Mo Fan had Azure Dragon tattoo on their chest and also a new rainbow coloured phoenix tattoo!

Mo Fan was now also a Sacred Totem Guardian of the Mystical Rainbow Phoenix!

Little Loach was absolutely frustrated but there was simply nothing it was able to do. Elemental Mo Fan’s aura and strength had Surpassed Little Loach when it was alive and it was still growing stronger by the minute!

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