[Jason Todd's POV] 

I lay in bed, trying to clutch my fist as the numbness that still lingered in my body, I couldn't help but replay the fight with that guy over and over in my head. It was unlike any other fight I had ever encountered, and I was still trying to come to terms with the fact that I had been beaten so badly without even putting up a fight.

I couldn't bring myself to tell Barbara about it. I was too ashamed to admit that I had been so thoroughly defeated, and I didn't want her to think any less of me.

But what really frightened me was the man's words. As he held my face and sent an electric shock through my body, he had said something about wanting to try his hand at a little art. It sent a chill down my spine, then all of a sudden he said hw was just kidding kidding. He must be some psycho of some sort. 

I haven't heard of anyone having such powers here in Gotham before, and another thing that's been bothering me was… Why didn't he save the helpless dude who was being oppressed?

He had all that power but still he just gave a cold stare to a man who could have ended up dead if I didn't interfere, I can't forgive him for that. I can't let such an asshole get away with kicking my ass.

What was that force-field thing he did to block my attacks?

Telekinesis, force-field, electricity, those were the powers he used. I will need to know more about him, at least get to know who the fuck had the guts to do this to me and come up with counter attacks for his powers. I will have revenge the next time we meet and make him pay for what he did to me. 


[Tom's Hendricks POV] 

I was at the bustling bar enjoying a drink and the kind of villians that pulled up to the joint, from there also observing what kind of person they were and how they related with each other. 

For the last few weeks I've been trying to keep a low profile at the bar and not stand out, but my white hair makes it impossible as it makes me stick out like a sore thumb. 

"Hey new kid, what are you staring at everyone for?Are you a cop or something?" I looked back to a lizardman taking slow steps towards me, it was  Killer Croc being paranoid just so I kept looking around. I thought I had been subtle about it but the paranoid reptile found it disturbing. 

"A cop? You took a good look at me and think I'm a cop? That's the most absurd thing I've heard all week." I said as I burst into a short laughter which definitely angered the lizard. 

"You punk." He said with an enraged tone which was backed up with a growl as he got a tighter grip on his beer bottle and swung it at my head. 

No one was trying to stop him even though there was a no fight policy and anyone in their normal senses won't let the lizardman attack the new kid. 

Selina was at the bar and just observing, like they've been waiting to see what I could do and if I actually deserved to go to that bar if I can't even protect myself. 

"Fine, they want a show? I'll give Them a show." As the bottle approached my head, it got in contact with the deflective field around me and broke. It left his hand swinging by with the half broken bottle. 

Before anyone could attempt to comprehend what just happened, I dashed at him with the accelerator beneath my feet and delivered a firm palm to his diaphragm. As my palm came in contact with his body, I increased the momentum and force behind it a little and sent a small shoe across his body using the bioelectricity of his body. 

I also eliminate the recoil action that would have sent him flying through the air a few meters back and eventually through a wall. This had him standing in place as his insides must have forced themselves outside but the electricity must have kept them down, he fell on his knees first before falling on his side. 

I sent a jolt of electricity through his cells and it had him completely numb for a while, he could not move a muscle and he was somehow conscious. 

"Now that's what I call a timeout." I muttered as he turned back to the bar and continued with his drink. 

The bar fell completely quiet, no one could understand what just happened and none had the slightest idea how he was able to do that. They just ignored the incident and continued with their previous activities but thought it in their mind how dangerous Tom might actually be.

"That's something you don’t see every day." A voice coming from behind the bar caught Tom's attention and it was Selina. 

"I guess that's true." I replied to her as I put down the bottle. I wasn't a fan of beer and I was drinking it because I wanted to know what pleasure ecstasy crooks actually got from it. 

"He'll be okay, won't he?" She asked with an "I hope so" expression on her face. "Sure he will, I just gave him some time to cool off for a bit." I replied to her and she gave a slight breath of relief but tried not to show it. 

"Well I didn't know you could do that." She let out a slight purl as she seemed to have had a sudden interest in me, unlike before. 

"There's a lot you don't know about me, I'm not just a pretty face. I just chose to keep to myself." I winked at her then turned to look at the game that was playing on the TV over at a distant corner in the bar. 

She leaned over the counter and whispered behind my ears." There's a job that will be taking place in a few days time and we might need someone with your kind of powers, I don't know what the hell you did back there but I guess we might need someone like you on this." She drew back a little and gave a moment of pause, I could only guess she wanted to watch my reaction to her offer." So, what do you say. You in?" 

Tilting my head a little to the side, a slight smirk grew across my lips."A theft huh?". 


"You don't even know what I can actually do, and yet you want me to join you." I asked. "Is there an issue with that?" She cocked up an eyebrow as she asked me. 

"No, not at all. I would have to decline the offer though, but I would really love to see you in your feline costume." I said to her with a half smile on my face, then took my glass to my lips as I took a sip. All while keeping eye contact with her. 

She had on a surprised expression on her face but concealed it within a second."I don't know what you meant by that." 

"There's no need to feign ignorance, I know you are Catwoman. Not that it's any of my business though." This time she couldn't hide the surprise on her face as she started to ask me questions with caution in her eyes. The strange kid who walked into the bar for the first time a few weeks ago, somehow knew her secret persona.

"How'd you know that?" She didn't seem to deny it anymore but wanted to know how much I knew about her and what I didn't know as she suddenly had her guard up again. Not that it was previously down, she just seemed to be a little carefree that one might not notice whenever she had her guard up.

"I know certain things, but still I know nothing." 


"And what is that supposed to mean?" I get that she was surprised and all but her questions were starting to get annoying. 

"Let's just leave it at that," I took the last drink from the bottle before placing it on the counter and walking out of the bar. 

A few days later I went to the library, something I've been doing for some time now. I never read anything in particular, just books about technology and some mechanical engineering books. 

The kind of technologies that existed here are merely theoretical in my previous world and they were very fascinating. So I mainly read about how some parts of certain devices and machine worlds and how to make certain things. Small things but more than enough knowledge for me to utilize it in making something completely different, however I desired it to be. 

It was closing time at the library and I returned the books I had taken before taking my leave, I sometimes get submerged in my reading and lose track of time. I headed home and something felt off the moment I parked my bike, someone else besides me was within the area. 

I just left my bike and took a few steps away from the bike and let myself feel everything that possessed some kind of vector around me. I felt someone on a nearby tree and I wasn't worried because there was nothing the person could do to hurt me. 

"Why don't you end this game of hide and seek so you come out and we could at least talk." I said out loud as I felt someone make contact with the ground as if they had dropped from a height. 

I turned over to where I had parked my bike and was greeted by the annoying sight of Boy Wonder leaning on it, with a smug look on his face. 

At first I wondered how the fucker found me but then again, he's Robin and this was his city. 


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