I looked at the boy who had no rational excuse as to why he wanted to have a fight with me. 

"So you want to beat me up just because I ignored a beat down which I could have easily stopped and just drove by without doing anything about it, minding my own business?" I asked the boy who was just itching to drive his fist into my face. 

"Not only that, but you attacked me the moment you unhooked my grapple hook while I was in midair. I could have dislocated a limb from that fall if I was lacking in experience."

"Well if you want to fight, then I'll give you a fight that'd have you crawling back home with your tail between your legs and it'll have that cocky look on your face right now completely wiped out."

"You talk big for someone who doesn't even know to put his guard up, I hope fighting you won’t be as boring as having a conversation with your proud ass."

I stood there with my white hair standing out in the dark due to the moon light which enveloped the night. I knew I definitely can't match up with Robin when it came to martial arts, that was his specialty and I won't humor him. 

He dashed towards me and attempted to throw a right hook across my face, but his fist hit a solid barrier with waterlike ripples. It was my deflective field and it threw him back. 

"Come on kid, how can you beat me when you can't even touch me." I looked down on him as I taunted his pride. 

"What the fuck was that?" He asked with frustration clearly visible on his face. 

He brought out a batarang and hurled it my way, it just hit the field then deflected towards him, following the same trajectory as before but in reverse motion. He was quick to dodge but It was time for me to have my fun. 

He was about bringing out something which I didn't care to see, when I halted every movement of his. He struggled to move but couldn't, with my arm stretched out I lifted him above the ground. 

"You are light-years away from beating me you brat." I looked into his eyes which showed just a little bit of fear, but I wanted him terrified. 

I bashed the bastard against a wall then left him to try whatever he thought he could use against me. 

He was running out of options and it was clear to him that he was nor match for me, but his pride and anger had blindsided him. He hurled a few smoke bombs at me then ran around  stealthily, making it hard for me to predict his movements while I stood there with both hands on my pockets and my eyes closed. 

Little did he know that I could tell where he was, I could feel the vector transmitted through the ground each time he stepped on it. He jumped into the air as he tried using a stick to attack me from above, hoping it might be my blint spot. But I calculated his next move from the way he projectiled himself into the air, before he could make contact with the barrier I had around me I took a side step as his stick completely missed me. Before he could recover himself while in the air, I reached for his head as I increased the acceleration beneath my feet and smashed him into a wall with my hand on his forehead. 

He gasped open contact with the wall. 

'There was no harm in trying out that neat trick I learnt the other day.' I thought to myself as I used his bodies electricity and sent small jolts through his cells. 

He screamed, he grunted in agony as his limbs moved in random motions like he couldn't bear the pain he was feeling. 

"I'm thinking of using the blood flow and bioelectricity in your body, and trying my hand in a little art. You'll be dead though, and won't get to see it." I said as I let out a maniacal laughter which filled the air, overpowering his painful grunts. 

"Just kidding." I said as I let go of the kid who seemed to have passed out already. I knew better than to kill a member of the Bat family if I don't want Batman and the League on my pretty little ass. I took a step back and stared at the unconscious kid for a while, before getting on my bike and driving off. If he's lucky he won't be found by some goons before he wakes up. 

"That sure felt good." I said as I drove off into the night. 

[Jason Todd's POV] 

As I slowly opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Batgirl's concerned face staring back at me. But everything else was a blur, like I was looking through a thick fog that refused to lift. I struggled to make out her words, the sound of her voice muffled and distant like I was submerged in water.

"Robin! Robin!" Her urgent tone cut through the haze, and I realized that something was very wrong.

I tried to move, to respond, but my body was unresponsive. I lay there, completely numb, with Batgirl's lap as my only support. She looked down at me with fear in her eyes, her voice trembling as she spoke.

"Are you okay?"

I wanted to answer her, to tell her that I was fine, but before I could say a word, my vision became even more blurry. It was like Batgirl was drifting away from me, her form becoming smaller and smaller until she was just a speck in the distance.

As the darkness crept in, I felt myself losing consciousness, my mind slipping away from me like sand through my fingers. And as the world faded to black, I wondered what it was that the white haired stranger did to me. 


[Barbara Gordon's POV] 

Jason had been missing for over an hour, which was unusual for him. Normally, he checked in regularly on his comms while on patrol, but today there was only silence. I tried reaching out to him, but there was no response. Concerned, I traced his location using the tracker on his utility belt and found that he was in a dark alleyway, unmoving. 

With Bruce out of town, I had to handle the situation alone. I rushed to the alley and found Jason lying on the ground, beaten and battered. It was a shock to see him in such a state. He had a few bruises, but thankfully no major injuries.

I tried to wake him up, but he was barely conscious, only opening his eyes for a few fleeting moments before drifting off again. I knew I had to act fast, so I scooped him up and hurried back to the Batcave.

Once there, I cleaned him up and tended to his wounds, administering first aid as best I could.

Despite my best efforts, Jason refused to tell me what had happened to him. It was frustrating not knowing who was responsible for his injuries and what he had been through, but I respected his decision to keep it to himself.

For hours, I sat by his side, waiting and watching over him as he rested. As the night wore on, I heard a groaning sound coming from his direction. Turning around, I saw him trying to sit up, but I quickly rushed over to him and urged him to relax.

"What happened to you?" I asked, hoping that he would open up to me.

"It was nothing, I'm fine," he replied dismissively, trying to brush off his injuries as if they were insignificant.

"This isn't nothing, I saw you passed out in some alleyway. You need to tell me what happened so we can make sure it doesn't happen again."

He turned over on his bed, his back to me, and I could tell that he didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"Okay, if you say so," I sighed, feeling frustrated and helpless. I knew that Jason was a capable fighter and could take care of himself, but I also knew that he wasn't invincible. If something like this happened again, I needed to know how to help him.

As I watched Jason sleep, I couldn't help but think about what could have caused him to be so defensive about his injuries. I knew he had always been quick to anger and had a bit of a temper, but there was something different about his behavior this time around.

I had a feeling that whatever had happened to him had wounded his pride and left him feeling vulnerable. Perhaps it was something that he was struggling to come to terms with, or maybe he was simply too proud to admit that he had been defeated.

Either way, I knew that Jason needed time to process what had happened to him and come to terms with his injuries. Eventually, I hoped that he would feel comfortable enough to open up to me and share his story.

Until then, all I could do was wait and watch over him, providing whatever support and comfort he needed. As a member of the Batfamily, it was my duty to be there for him, no matter what. 


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