
Chapter 54: Every color, Every element




The second Night's domain collapsed, the Frost Witch's domain instantly took over, it was almost 5 times the size of Night's domain, the blades of the frosted grass began to break, a sudden deadly pressure descended upon Night and Shade, they were barely a few meters away from her, slowly but visibly so, ice crept up on both Shade and Night. From their feet to their knees and slowly the frost completely covered them, the frost was see-through and thin but neither Shade nor Night could find the strength to break free.

"PFFTTTHAHAHAH" The Frost Witch burst out laughing, "Filthy human knaves, you should consider yourself lucky I showed you this skill. MY DOMAIN is the absolute of the absolute, now you shall suffer haha, oh, and don't bother moving,"

Night and the others weren't aware but currently, they were being watched,

"Bah, this child, no matter how much I warn him, he's so reckless" Nyx sighed as she watched the scene unfold.

"Chairman, what do you think is going to happen? I don't think there's anything he can do this time... even Nyx wouldn't risk involving herself, there's a good chance she may be noticed this time...." Reed asked the chairman, Kenny Smith.

"Ahh, I-i'm not sure as well... let us just see," Kenny replied with an eager look.

It seemed as if everyone including the spectators forget about Noctis, which was natural since they hadn't seen Noctis at all. Night asked Noctis to stay back as he was concerned, he was aware of Noctis's skills but he hoped he wouldn't have to rely on Noctis.

Of course, Noctis reacted exactly like a child, it waited for Night to walk away when he used "Shadow Camoflague", during the night the skill would completely hide the user for 5 minutes and Night's domain created a 'fake night time' which allowed Noctis to completely hide itself.

Was Noctis aware of what it was doing? the answer to that was a simple no. Noctis despite how long it lived was just a child, it could be compared to a 1-year-old, however, this was only when comparing behavior. Noctis was a cross between an Owl and a Dragon and to top it off was a beast of the Chaos.

Owls were considered wise creatures and Dragons, regardless of which reality were considered powerful beings, powerful enough to rival even the Divine beings. So, why was Noctis not the same as them? the answer to this was only known by Nyx.

It was merely a coincidence that Noctis used Shadow Camoflague, once it used the skill, it quickly got behind the Frost Witch and sat on a nearby tree branch, he just watched as its master and Shade were fighting the Witch. Sometimes the beast tilted its head as he watched the mysterious techniques his master displayed.

It watched as the domain Night put up slowly disappeared and the Frost Witche's overwhelming domain now covered them, of course, nobody noticed Noctis yet as it just hid behind the tree. Noctis continued watching the Frost Witch continuously throw skills at the two of them.

Night was watching as he cursed himself, "F*ck, I'm such an idiot, not only did I get myself in trouble but Shade's in trouble because of my carelessness,"

He needed to survive no matter what, just 10 seconds and they could move again, Night quickly put the remaining 134 stat points into his VIT, hoping to somehow tank the attacks.

VIT: 501-->635 (Hp:31,750 Def:1,270)

Thankfully he didn't need to physically move to increase his stats, he just needed to think it and it would be done.






'You're shitting me, this is madness' Night expected massive amounts but 25k in 5 seconds was just too much, fortunately, the Frost Witch stopped attacking Night, unfortunately, it was to attack Shade, his shadow disappeared the second the domain appeared, the Witch deemed Shade to be a bigger threat and began multicasting on Shade.

-5000, -5000

-5000, -5000

-5000, -5000

-5000, -5000

-5000, -5000

'That's.. half his health...in just 5 seconds' Night muttered.

The only bright side to the Frost Witch attacking Shade was that now both Shade and Night were barely alive and could now move. As long as they were able to move, they still had a chance to survive. Thankfully, the stuns caused didn't accumulate them while they were frozen.

"Tch, so what if you can move, there's nowhere left for you to run, bahaha this is my domain, THE DOMAIN OF THE FRO-"

"Shut up, goddamn it, you're so loud..." Night said as he spat out blood, anyone looking at him would laugh after what he just said, his face was barely visible, blood covered his entire face, his shoulder looked like someone caressed it but with a sharp blade. As his blood dropped to the ground, a hissing sound could be heard as it melted the snow under him.

Looking at his lord's body and how badly damaged he was, Shade could only bite his lip and blame himself.

"Now isn't the time Shade, as long as we can move, we still have a chance to win," Night said almost as if he could read Shade's mind.

For some reason, the Frost Witch took Night seriously, perhaps if it was any other player in his position she wouldn't but something about Night made her feel like he wasn't bluffing.

Without any hesitation, Night charged the Witch, he sliced in the air, he watched as dark slices formed and instantly dashed towards the Frost Witch's direction but the Witch wasn't any normal monster or boss, she easily dodged the slices by slightly jumping sideways, as if predicting that Shade appeared next to her and swung at her. The Witch knew she couldn't dodge the attack so instead, she formed a frost spear and shot it towards Shade, anyone watching would easily be amazed by the reflexes the three showed, even from such a close range Shade managed to move aside allowing the spear to only graze him.

Soon only a few seconds were left for the domain to collapse but both Shade and Night were only a single attack away from death. Until then Noctis decided not to act as he was afraid he would be scolded but now his master's life was on the line, he couldn't hesitate any more and rushed the Frost Witch who's back was facing Noctis.


Noctis's enraged screech was enough to distract the Witch as she now looked back to see a claw in front of her face.


['Bleeding' status inflicted]

The Witch now had claw marks on her face, the marks slowly turned red and started to bleed. She immediately backed away out of instinct.


Noctis didn't care much about what she said about killing him but the second the Witch mentioned his master, his eyes turned black. The Witches domain then collapsed completely and an even stronger pressure descended upon the witch.

Noctis's eyes slowly turned colorful from pitch black, it was red for a second then orange then blue then purple, finally it seemed as if his eyes consisted of every single color.

Noctis opened its jaw and the second it did, the pressure the Witch felt increased, she couldn't even run away as the penalty for using her domain was triggered. Initially, she was left with around 85% of her Hp but after the domain collapsed, her Hp immediately dropped to 42% and she was left unable to move as well.

She just watched as the mana from the surroundings slowly gathered around Noctis only to be sucked into the sphere-forming in front of his mouth.

The ice slowly floated towards the sphere, the leaves, the water, the air, the space around the sphere seemed to have been absorbed, the light and the darkness slowly, every single element around them was absorbed into the sphere that formed in front of Noctis.


The sphere was now shining with every element and soon it became a color that resembled that of Noctis's eyes.

"Chaos...Blast..." Night muttered as he watched the sphere launch itself towards the pitiful Witch who seemed as if she was crying.

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