
Chapter 53: Domain of the Frost Witch.

"Eyes of the Primordials,"

The second the Frost Witch heard that she felt like she was being watched as if all her secrets were read like an open book, it was almost as if some kind of divine beast was looking at her.

"Low Life! you dare look at me with that filthy look?? me?? the Frost Witch? pay with your life!!"

Night was very much aware of the strength of the Frost Witch and her skills, he wasn't yet comfortable enough with his skills to solo the Frost Witch, as a matter of fact, it was his first time using his new skills. Both Noctis and Shade were beside him to help him out, which certainly did put a smile on his face.

Since his new skills didn't involve any actual damaging attack skills, he had to rely on his basic attacks until he learned how to use them properly. While Night just stood there thinking, the Frost Witch looked at the tiny beast flying beside Night, just looking at it proved to be quite the task for the Witch.

"Hail St-"

"Circadian Manipulation"


The four of them were soon surrounded by darkness, it expanded more than 50 meters, slowly but surely everything lost its light, every petal or blade of frosted grass seemed to have lost its shine and soon wasn't visible at all.

[Night Vision]

[One of the Night]


The three skills were automatically triggered, the first two allowed Night to see better in the dark and deal extra damage to opponents with increased damage, crit rate, and armor penetration. Unfortunately, all he could do with Umbrakinesis was form his weapon, the skill proficiency was extremely low to execute the orders he wanted the darkness to do.

He specifically cherished the skill "Night Vision" as it made it seem like it was daytime for him, his fear wouldn't be triggered and even if it would, he had Shade and Noctis beside him, so it wouldn't be as severe.

It wasn't just Night that could take advantage of the dark, Shade could now produce shadows that would help them in the fight. The only downside was that Night could only maintain the skill for 7 seconds, and even then he would need to consume nearly all his Mp to do so.

Without wasting any more time, Shade and Night charged the Frost Witch, Night didn't want to use Noctis yet as it was still a child.

How would his energy slices work? would dark aura slices go forward? how would they look? multiple questions ran through his mind until he decided to just thrust his spear forward.


To his surprise the second, he thrust his spear, the Frost Witch wailed in pain,

Umbrakinesis, he had complete control over the darkness, if he wanted his spear to hurt the Frost Witch then the Frost Witch would be hurt, regardless of range, as long as they were under his domain, none of his attacks would miss. Shade traveled at maddening speed, of course seeing in the dark was completely natural for Shade, in fact, Night was positive Shade hadn't felt anything different with his vision.

The Frost Witch was confused, she could very slightly sense the duo of Night and Shade attacking her but she couldn't react fast enough, it was just too dark for her.

"Blasted human!! remove this domain and fight me like a man, or are you too afraid? HAH, that must be it, filthy humans like you that only steal, hunt, kill for their own greed always hide when they're faced with true power,"

Could Night hear the Frost Witches provocation? of course not. He couldn't waste any time, he had only 7 seconds and two of them were already confused.

He quickly rushed forward and began attacking the Frost Witch with his bow, with his enhanced attack speed, and attacks that always connected, the bow was one of the best weapons to use.

-3000, -3000, -3000, -3000, -3000.


In one second he managed to get five shots in, was this possible without the domain? naturally, it wasn't, the domain automatically listened to Nights will and attacked the Frost Witch, even if Night shot his bow in the opposite direction but willed it to hit the Witch, the domain would bend to his will and allow the Frost Witch to take damage.

Shade didn't hold back as well, Night dealt nearly 25k in 5 seconds, whereas Shade being a Guardian who was level 80 with his shadow dealt nearly 75k. This seemed almost unnatural but the shadow could copy Shade's skills as well as his stats but just that much wouldn't be enough to deal so much damage, while the Frost Witch was randomly swinging her arms and throwing Frost Spears randomly, some managed to touch both Shade and his shadow allowing them to trigger the skill "Retaliation Strikes" special condition, where if the user uses the skill within 2 seconds of taking damage, the damage dealt would increase to 400% of PhyDmg and being a Guardian, Shade naturally had overwhelming power.

100k damage was dealt to the Frost Witch, in just a few seconds, that was 1/10 of her total health, there was still 2 seconds left for the domain to collapse and Night runs out of mana, the two of them, Night and Shade along with his shadow took full advantage of the few seconds.

-25k, the three of them managed to deal 25k in one second, and it wasn't even a major spell, it was just their basic attacks.


They unleashed everything they had in them and somehow managed to deal another 25k but unfortunately, they ran out of time and the Frost Witch was enraged. The second the timer hit 0, she screamed:


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