Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 46

"What are you doing? Come on, we need to get back soon"

"I'm sorry ma'am. Just now I felt something following us. But now it's gone again."

"Never mind. It must have been bad flies attracted by the smell of the flowers. Put on your robe and let's go back, Sol"

"Yes ma'am"


A few days later we still hadn't taken any quests. For now, we need to prepare for traveling in the future. Mainly physical training for Rose and preparation for my first business in this city. I also wanted to relax and enjoy the city life.

"Are you sure?"


"But this... what did you call it? Borg... Broke... Burk-ker?"


"Where did it come from? I'd like to know. The taste is strange, but quite acceptable. Perhaps a little more spice would improve it. Isn't that right, Rose?"

"Nom-nom... What- cough-cough, yes of course it's good"

"Don't ask her. Anything she can eat is good"

"It's not bad as a first attempt. Did you make it yourself?"

"Uh... yes of course. It's my recipe, haha"

"Calculating the results of raw material expenditure and sales... I think the price is also reasonable"

"No need to be afraid. I can understand that we won't make a profit at the beginning. Look at the contents of this bread. There's meat and vegetables inside, and the spicy sauce and seasonings that will be added later will make it taste even better

The main focus of this meal is that you can get a complete meal in one package and that you can also eat anywhere without having to bring other tableware"

"You're right Myra. This is such a unique and wonderful idea. I've never heard of this anywhere. It's certainly better than my clothes idea"

"I'm sorry"

"It's okay. The business owner is the decision maker. And if the predictions are correct, this will be very popular"

"Of course. And I trust you to manage it. Seeing what you're doing now is the process of a professional businessman. You've prepared everything and you can even get the licenses and legal papers completed in no time. If you can do this why don't you just work as a merchant instead of being an Umm- Prostitute”

"You are talking too soon. We have to set it up successfully first, and then we can be reassured. I'm no longer working in that place anyway. Anyway, where's Celi? I haven't seen that troublemaking cat since yesterday"

"Ah, she's taking care of other things. You know she's a pushover now, right?"

"You're lucky indeed. It's a good thing you managed to hold her tail. What I know is that Celi is a child who is quite respected in this place. She can do any jobs in the city. But are you sure you can trust her?"

"Don’t worry. I have a way to force her and she won't betray us. Alright, after this I'll go check out the house we'll be staying in."

"You're filthy rich"

"I'm just lucky. You and the kids can stay at my place later"

"Thanks, Myra. You are indeed my savior"

"You praise me too much"

"So what can I give you now but praise? Let's make this happen right away. I know a cook who can help you perfect this recipe"

After taking care of business and handing over everything to Jenna, we would proceed with our plan to go on an official adventure. Of course, we would start with the easy ones first.

Social life in this world is the same as in any other world, where the rich will prosper. Also, the position is the key to getting that wealth. Unlike the modern world, if you're poor, the only way you can get rich is if the king gives you a noble title or you become a merchant, and that's really difficult.

No matter how much money you make, you will still be inferior to a low-level noble. Of course, their wealth is still limited by their social status.

"Hey Jenna, your daughter is pretty too. I think she'll be very charming when she grows up. Maybe she can be matched with my son?"

"Haha, we'll see. I don't want to force her. But learning from my mistakes maybe I will select who will be her match. Don't you have a daughter too? Maybe she can also be matched with my son"

"True. But put that aside and let's get our work done before I leave town"

"Wait, I haven't finished this yet"

"You ate the whole experiment? Your tongue is indeed tasteless"

"Food is food. I'm afraid you'll take me to a place where there's no food"

"I envy you for staying skinny even though you eat a lot. You're like a desert camel who likes to eat a lot before walking"

"That's right. The difference is that her hump is in front, haha"

"Sis! Don't squeeze my breasts while eating!"

"Finish it immediately. We still have more to do"


In a house with a large yard. Many children were playing and running around. Most of them were old enough to speak fluently but some were still babies. They were being taken care of by a single woman.

"Beautiful sister! Beautiful sister!"

"Very good. You're very clever Jimmy. Let's make the blocks bigger with your friends. I'll go get some more things"

"Keep praising me, sister Quinny!"



"Show-off! You spoiled brat show-off!"


"Show off!"


"Jimmy's a spoiled brat. I'll report him to big sis Quinny"

"No, I'm a good boy. You're the bad one!"

Jimmy pushed the little child and made her fall backward.

"Huaaa... Huaaa..."

"Who pushed Nea?!”

"I pushed him. Boys can't be whiny anyway. He's weak"


A kid slightly bigger than Jimmy attacked him with a soft punch to the head. Jimmy retaliated and the two got into a fight.

"You guys! What's going on?! Why are you always fighting?"

"Sob-sob, August started it, sister Quinny"

"Jimmy is lying! Sob-sob... He pushed my sister!”

"You can't fight. Look at your other friends. They play together in peace. Jimmy, you can't be mean to Nea. She's a gentle girl"

"But-but she was mocking me, and-and... She looks like a boy!"

"She's a girl. And August, you can't hit someone right away. We should immediately shake hands in a spirit of mutual forgiveness"

"I don't want to!"

"I don't want to either!"

"Remember I will punish you if you fight again, okay?"

"Yes-yes sister Quinny”

"And Jimmy it looks like your sister has picked you up early. You should apologize to Nea before you go home"

"But I don't want to go home. I want to stay here. I still want to play with sister Quinny"

"Little Jimmy, little Jimmy, I miss you!"

"Ugly witch! Go away! Don't kidnap me!"

"You're so cute my sweet little brother"

"No-no! Don't take me away. Please... help me, sister Quinny!"

"Be careful on the road. You can come back here tomorrow morning little Jimmy"

"Go away spoiled brat!"

"Elene help me. I still want to play here"

"Call me sister. You're so cute when you cry"

"Sister Elene..."

"Not now Jimmy. Mama is going to give you a surprise today. So we'll go together"

"I don't want a surprise! Leave me here. I want to play with my friends!"

"You're so cute little Jimmy. With your friends or just that beautiful sister? I see you fighting with your friends every day"

"Mama taught me that fighting is a way for men to strengthen bonds!"

"You're making this up. It must have been Rose who taught you, right? Don't listen to anything from that crazy woman. Let's get going. Your pouting face is so cute. I want this ugly witch to eat you alive, rawwwrrr"

"No! Sister Quinny! Please... August... Nea... forgive me. I promise not to be naughty again- Argh! My cheek! You chew my cheek! Mama!"


In a deserted alley, a figure walked anxiously. It looked around, and when it felt safe, it quickly entered one of the doors hidden behind a tall building.

The person entered a dark and winding room leading to the lower floor.

There was another door underneath it, but it was locked tightly. The person skillfully opened all the locks and finally the metal door opened.


The person locked the door again from the inside and lit a candle to illuminate the dark room.

In the medium-sized room, there was a simple bed. But it also had something unusual about it. There was a place like a shrine that contained many pictures.

The person immediately knelt in front of the altar and with a happy expression it seemed to worship it.

"I'm back... I've returned! Today I have seen you but there is nothing I can do anymore. Oh... I can't leave without seeing you, my idol..."


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