Unexpected Story – Isekai

Chapter 45

After leaving Jimmy, we immediately went to the intended place. To enter this sewer we had to pass through an iron gate guarded by two soldiers.

This place usually often has monsters. Although the monsters are not as dangerous as the others, Slime and big rats are still scary for ordinary people. Therefore this place is made as a beginner's test site or as a routine hunting event.

And the monster population here has never disappeared despite being exterminated. Of course, for guilds and authorities, this was an unexpected benefit. In addition to them protecting it, this can also be a field of income for people who need money considering the demand for materials made from monsters. For example, slime cores can be used for medicine.

After verifying our identity, we were allowed to enter. Celi, who was in charge of guiding, did not join me. Although she is also a strong person and also a beastmen but to exploring this sewer is quite easy. I also didn't want to show the duo ability yet.

I prepared my equipment and gave Rose my shield and mace. I'll put her on the front line.

"Good luck, nyaa"

"Wait for us at the daycare"

"Okay nyaa"

Soon we were walking through the dark and wet sewer. This place turned out to be quite spacious. But we couldn't stand the smell of this place.

"Ugh! It stinks!"

"Wear a cloth to cover your nose. You're the one in front of us"

"This monsters are easy, aren't they?"

"Are you scared?"

"Not at all. Whatever it is, I'll fight"

This sewer had an easy route. Just a straight road and three branches in the middle that would end up forming one more road. And the distance was not too far considering the size of the city.

"What am I stepping on!"

"Just a rat carcass"

"No wonder it smells so bad. There are many dead animals here."

After walking for a while. We came to a fork in the road. We didn't need to use the separation method to trace it. It was enough for Elene's sensors to tell us anything at close range.

We chose the path on the left because there were monsters swarming there. They were our targets and we had to hunt them down faster. Although the guild doesn't require how many we have to hunt, usually this hunting mission will be completed if we bring at least 10 or there are no monsters visible after searching.

"Get ready"

"Wait, sis! I see something"

From quite a distance, we saw a swarm of giant capybara-sized rats swarming around something. I guess they were enjoying a meal but this scene was unnatural. That's because we saw a human hand among them.


"Don't get them burned, Elene! Go take care of old- Micah!"

Many of the rats were killed by the magic and the rest were running around. We exterminated them first before approaching the thing.

"Big sis!"

"I know. It's a human body. But why is it here?"

"It looks like a man but it's decomposed. The body looks like it's been dead for some time ago"

"We can report this immediately but we also have to complete our mission. Rose, you cut off the monsters' ears and we'll go back to the guild"

"Mama there is something ahead of us. This monster is quite strong. I think it's the boss"

"Really? Let's hold off upstairs. Let's finish this as soon as possible"

We left the human body and went deeper. It didn't take long before we could see the end of this vast sewer. There was a slime monster that had a body as big as a house and its cores were also large.

"What is this?"

From inside its transparent body, we saw pieces of half-destroyed bodies but we could still guessing that it was from humans.


[Target unreadable]


"Wait, Rose. Slimes are immune to physical attacks"


"Why can't it?"

[Firevolt!] [Bolt!] [Wind Cutter!] [Water ball!]

The magic can hurt its body but its regeneration is extraordinary.

The slime core that looked calm suddenly spun and showed something. From a considerable distance away, the giant slime gave a counterattack. It spewed out something in the form of liquid.

"This is strange. Why can't it? Even though the fire element is the weakness of all slimes-"

"Get down!"

"Uh! What is this?"

"Take a look at your clothes!"

From the attack earlier that we managed to dodge, Rose was slightly splashed on her chest and the liquid made her clothes slowly fade.

"Acid slime liquid. If it hits the skin it only causes itching but strangely it can fade fabrics in an instant. Slimes like this are rare"

"Although it doesn't hurt if it makes you naked this is not good"

"I'm okay. I'm used to being naked. Then how do we defeat it?"

"Now the slime is not moving or showing resistance anymore. Could it be because it's digesting its food"

"I remember slimes like this only exist in... Oh! You must also know that, midget man!"

"Wait, but Hell Slimes aren't like this. Their appearance is a little strange and their aura is strong. Maybe this is like a weaker version of it?"

"You guys can beat it?"

"It used to be easy for me but now I need help"

"I'm the same way. The most difficult thing is that the core is very hard"

"Alright. I'll vaporize the body with magic and the other take care of the core"

"Rose you just focus on the core. We'll try to divert the body"

Soon we did what we had planned.

[Reincarnation of the fire god, son of the light, come down to us… Firaboldu!]

The fire magic formed a large fireball then shrank into a small one and made the whole room very hot. Slime who realized the danger immediately formed his body into a shield to protect the core.

Elene who had prepared immediately cast her magic and instantly the entire slime body evaporated. Part of the interior of the sewer was also affected and fortunately, it did not make it collapse. But sure enough, the core did not suffer any attacks and the remnants of its body regenerated.


Grandpa and I immediately attacked the slime's body parts as quickly as possible. Although it didn't destroy it, our goal was the core.


Rose quickly picked up the core of the large slime core and headed back away from where it came from.

"It's heavy!"

"Put it there and get out of there quickly!"

[Earth Grave!]

The ground beneath it forms a wall that encloses and traps the core.

[Firevolt!] [Combustion!]

The caged core was immediately burned with highly compressed flames. The slime body that became more aggressive began to regenerate as before and was about to head towards the core.


"I got it!"

[Frost!] [Frost!] [Frost!]

By being heated to extreme temperatures and then suddenly given cold magic, the surface of the core cracked. Before his body arrived, the core shattered and his body instantly vaporized.

[Congratulations! You've defeated Hell Slime (Degrade)!]

[New trait, First taste of Hell successfully added!]

'No leveling up? But this is pretty much what I got’

"We did it!"

"Yes, we did Rose. Thank goodness we're okay. Now we're going back to the guild to report what we find"

"You don't look too happy big sis?"

"If you had come with me we would have had a much harder time. Let's put this short victory aside"

"Oh... okay. I haven't felt the battle from earlier either"

"Take it easy. We can do another more challenging mission"

After checking around we found no other monsters and the remaining bodies remained in this place. We didn't take them with us so that the authorities could check them themselves later.

It was now just before noon. We had completed the mission quickly and immediately headed back to the guild to report the events at that place.

The guild management then contacted the authorities and we were allowed to wait to assist the investigators. It wasn't until late afternoon that we were able to return home. The guild thanked us and we were granted guild membership today.

"Tomorrow we can take the mission. But you need to practice more. You're lacking in stamina, Rose"

"If you feed me a lot I won't get tired easily"

"Hey, we are going on an adventure, not a culinary tour. You have to be able to survive in hunger"

"What? I don't want to go on an adventure then"

"You're an adult. You should be able to earn your own money. I'm not going to feed you from tomorrow and kick you out"

"No-no, I understand big sis. I was just joking, hehe"

"You want to come with Jimmy?"


"Don't you want to be with mommy anymore?"

"I want to play with my beautiful sister”

"Look at this sister of yours Jimmy. Aren't I pretty too?"

"You're ugly. Elene is ugly"

"Whose fat cheeks do I want to pinch?!"

"Aw-aw, Elane is bad!"

"What about me Jimmy?"

"You're brown! Not as white as sister Quinny, you're ugly too!"

"Oh, this little guy can mock now"

"Jimmy my boy. Don't judge a woman by her looks"

"Mama is ugly too"

"You are a naughty boy, aren't you?"

Grandpa immediately ran into the alley without saying anything.

"Wait! I fell something strange"

"What's wrong?"


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