Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 76: Juggernaut Gym

It is Sunday.

Hikari is currently at Himeji's house, and Mom has gone out with Madam Tori to do some shopping at a mall.

Meanwhile, I head over to the next block in the neighbourhood to visit a certain place that I have not gone to in a long while.

The Juggernaut Gym. Also known as the base of the muscular Tomboy Housewives to us, Neighbourhood Household Association members.

It is also where I used to train when I was a child. Because I wanted to gain enough strength to move the furniture in my house when cleaning. All of the dust and dirt accumulated most behind those places after all.

But now, I am here for one specific reason. To re-train my fighting senses in preparation for my rematch against the Umbra Lord of Marionettes, Pinocchio.

Back when I had my first fight against the scrowlers in the game and when I fought against Zanny in the first event, I understood well that personal combat skills in real life can be translated into the game.

But when I fought against Pinocchio, not only was my movement slowed because of the pool of blood I had to fight in, but the boss's attacks were also very fast for me to barely react in time.

The past me around my high school years would have been able to dodge them easily, regardless of the environmental debuff. But the fact that the current me was only barely able to do so could only mean that I have become a bit rusty. Therefore, I must refine it before facing that raid boss again.

So, without further ado, I entered the gym and walked up to the counter where I could see a familiar face whom I have not seen since the last time I came to this gym.

"Hi there, Miss Karin. On your phone again as usual, I see." I greeted her, the receptionist, who looked up and took a second to recognise me.

" You're Yoruto, aren't you!?" She quickly stood up, enthusiastic to see me again.

"OMG. Mrs Katsuragi wasn't lying. You sure have grown into a fine man, haven't you? I almost couldn't recognise you." Miss Karin eyed me up and down, impressed by how different I look now compared to when I was a young boy.

"I guess so. It's been a long time, Miss Karin. How have you been?"

"Ah... Same as usual."

"Still can't find a date, huh?"

"Tell me about it... Why can't I find myself any good man...?" She slumped over in despair. Then, peeked up to me and asked, "Speaking of which, are you single, Yoruto?"

"I have a girlfriend. Sorry."

"Yeah. Of course you do. It would be weird if you don't, in fact."

Miss Karin then propped up and went back into work mode.

"So, how can I help you?" She asked.

"I'm looking for Mrs Katsuragi. Is she in?"

"Oh, she's always in. The gym and her husband." Miss Karin replied with a bit of sass.

Then, speaking of the devil, Mrs Katsuragi from the training room, drenched in sweat and radiating pure muscular energy.

"Oh? Why if it isn't Yoruto! What are you doing here?" Mrs Katsuragi asked as Miss Karin answered before I did.

"He's here to see you, Katsuragi."

"Is that so?" Mrs Katsuragi then looked at me and smiled. "Well, don't just stand there. Come on in and let's work out with the other ladies! You've brought your gym wear and membership card, haven't you?"

"Yup. They are right here." I showed the bag I had with me, as well as my lifetime membership for the Juggernaut Gym that Miss Karin and  Mrs Katsuragi bought for me.

"Great. Then let's go."

"Yes, ma'am." I began following Mrs Katsuragi in the training room, waving at Miss Karin as I entered. "See you later, Miss Karin." I said to her.

"See you, Yoruto!" Miss Karin blew a kiss at me in return.

I ignored it and continued following Mrs Katsuragi to her group of other muscular tomboy ladies. One of them noticed Mrs Katsuragi approaching and put her weights down for a moment.

"Hey Retsu! Back from your house already?" She asked.

"Nah. I ran someone we haven't seen in a while just outside and brought him in." Mrs Katsuragi pointed to me, as her eyes widened in joy and astonishment.

"Yoruto!?" She yelled out, causing others to turn heads.

"Yoruto, you say?"

"Did someone mention Yoruto!?"

The muscular tomboys ladies all turned their attention to me as I greeted them with a smile


The ladies dropped everything they were doing and rushed up to me, surrounding me as they roughed my hair up.

"Yooooo, Yoruto! It's been a long time since you came!"

"Haven't seen you since our war at the supermarket."

"The wonder boy has returned, huh?"

"How have you been, kid?"

"It's been a while, everyone. I've been great." I answered the last question.

"I won't be here for long though. I'm just here to do some workout after not doing it for a while." I said after that. "That, and a little 'light sparring' with everyone, if possible."

The cheerful atmosphere suddenly turned serious the moment I mentioned "light sparring", as the ladies' eyes glinted with excitement at the thought of "sparring" with me again after a long time.

"Hahaha!" Mrs Katsuragi laughed. "'Everyone', you say? Acting a bit cocky, are we?" She asked me.

To which, I made a smirk. "Except for you, Mrs Katsuragi, I have beaten everyone here before. And I will do it again." I said, lighting the ladies' spirit high on fire as their muscular aura trembles the entire premise of the gym and the neighbourhood around it.

I say that metaphorically, of course. Not literally.

Although, tensions are now high because of my remark as Mrs Katsuragi slapped me on my back.

"So you're saying that you can handle all of us in one day, huh? My my... how bold of you, Yoruto."

She then turns to her fellow muscle sisters.

"Alright, ladies! Take care of Yoruto while I'm gone."

"""Yes, ma'am!""" They all replied.

"Are you going somewhere, Mrs Katsuragi?"

"Yeah. Home. I ran out of protein powder in my bag, so I'm just going to get a new bucket of it back at my house."

"I see. Take your time then. I'll be done by the time you return."

"Hahaha! Those are some strong words, coming from you."

Mrs Katsuragi and I waved goodbye to each other as she left temporarily. Leaving me with the rest of the Muscular Tomboy ladies who put their hands on my shoulders and look down at me with intimidating glares.

"Now then, Yoruto..."

"Let's see how much you have grown, shall we?"

"Follow us. We will use the boxing ring in the room in the back."

"Let's see if you can make our bodies numb and our legs sore."

"Hahahaha!" I laughed, looking back up at them with a wide grin. "Sure thing, ladies. I'll be sure to dominate each and every one of you thoroughly."

And so, I went to the back with the ladies to get in some training with them before the boss fight against Mrs Katsuragi. But not before I changed into proper gym wear and did some workout with them.

But after that, the sound of the ladies groaning and equipment breaking could be heard very loudly even from outside, along with the audible sound of flesh hitting each other.

When Miss Karin came in to check on the noise, all she saw were the ladies fallen exhausted and beaten all over the ground with me standing above all of them like a ruler, drenched in sweat.

"I. Am. Victorious!" I proudly announced, breathing heavily from exhaustion after taking on every single one of the ladies at the same time in the ring.

Then, I turned around to see Miss Karin standing there appalled by the scenery before her eyes.

"Oh. Hi there, Miss Karin. Were we too loud?" I asked her.

"Kind of. Yes." She answered. "So, would you like something to drink to celebrate your victory?"

"Yes. Milk please. Thank you."

A few minutes later, Miss Karin brought a large bottle of fresh cow milk as I refreshed myself with it. However, in those few minutes while I was waiting, the Muscular Tomboy ladies whom I have defeated have risen from their graves and are heading towards me, reaching for my milk.

"Hey, Yoruto. Pass the milk, will you?"

"No. Get your own, ladies. This is mine." I quickly moved to protect it.

"Get over here, boy! And let us drink your milk!"

"Never!" I yelled and ran with my milk in hand.

"Get him!" One of the ladies shouted as the Muscular Tomboy housewives proceeded to chase me down for my refreshing and nutritious milk throughout the entire gym area.

It's a good thing that no one else uses this particular gym besides the Muscular Tomboy housewives here. Because things would have gotten hectic if there were.

But in any case, I ran all around the gym. Swiftly and evasively avoiding being caught by the thirsty army of muscled women who are after my milk.

In order to stop them, however, I needed to take them down one at a time, which was easy since they were already exhausted and beaten by me earlier in our little sparring match.

And so, by the end of it all, I stood victorious above the defeated and proudly raised my bottle of milk high up in the air.

That is until Mrs Katsuragi suddenly snatched the bottle out of my hand and drank what's left in front of me.

"Ahh~ That was refreshing. Thanks, Yoruto."

"Mrs Katsuragi... When exactly did you return?" I asked her, appalled by the loss of my precious milk.

"Just now." Mrs Katsuragi answered and placed the empty milk bottle and her new bucket of protein powder down.

Then, she turned to me.

"Now, let us jump into the ring, shall we? You have done your warm-up with the other ladies already, yes? So let's start our little sparring match, boy. Show me how much you have grown."

All of a sudden, it was no longer fun and games. As standing two hundred and eleven centimeters tall before me is the one person whom I respect and fear the most in my entire life.

The Titan Matriarch of the Muscular Tomboy Housewives: Katsuragi Retsu!

Umbra Lord of Marionettes, what? No...! This is the real boss fight right here.

"Let's go."

Thanks for reading and Merry Christmas, all! 🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫🍫

Can anyone tell me wtf I have just written?

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