Umbra Frontier Online – A Casual Playthrough of the Umbra Witch

Chapter 52: A “not-so-surprising” Surprise

It is six in the morning. My alarm clock rang annoyingly.

So I silenced the thing and went back to sleep.

About five minutes later, my phone alarm rang.

Annoyed again, I hit the snooze and got back to dreaming. Only to be woken up again five minutes later by another alarm I had set on my phone.

I really need to change my alarm time.

I got up. Still tired as I could barely keep my eyes open and got off my bed to wash my face in the bathroom.

Also, my back hurts. Having large breasts can really be a huge burden on a woman's shoulders.

Honestly, I was surprised to learn that my boobs had gotten bigger again despite being in my twenties. I'm still a virgin so pregnancy was definitely not it. And after a short look up on the internet, apparently women's breasts may still grow despite being in adulthood. Who would've thought, huh?

Well not that I mind... Plus, Yoruto seemed to have liked it when I told him so it's not so bad, I guess.

"Ara, Sanae! Good morning, dear."

"Good morning, Mom. Is Dad up yet?"

"Yes, sweetie. Your father is already downstairs making preparations. He'd also prepared breakfast for you. They're waiting for you in the dining room."

"Got it, Mom. Tell Dad I said thanks."

"Will do, sweetie."

And with that, my mother left me be and went downstairs to help my father.

My mother is a terrible cook though, so she'll mostly be setting the tables and the front of our restaurant before we open.

But anyways, after washing my face and brushing my teeth, I went back to my room to change into my work clothes. During which, I paused and stared at the Dive Gear sitting on my bed for a short second, because I really wanted to play the game, Umbra Frontier Online, instead of helping my parents out with the restaurant.

Yoruto was right. The game was fun.

It has been five days since I bought it. Five days since I started playing the game. Five days since I stayed over at Yoruto's house and met his sister, Hikari, for the first time. As well as her friend, Himeji.

Hikari was a cute girl. I could understand why Yoruto would dote on her. Himeji too. Plus, she had a big bust for a junior high school student. I would imagine it'd be hard for her to have such a chest at her age. After all, I was once in the same shoes when I was a teenager.

But putting that aside, I really want to play the game now. Unfortunately, servers to the game will be temporarily unavailable since there's a patch update for it today. So until that's over, there isn't much for me to do even if I were to be a bad daughter for once and attempt to log into Umbra Frontier Online, or UFO as other players called it.

So I wore my work clothes and headed downstairs to help my mother out since I, too, am bad at cooking...

Then, we open the restaurant at 8am sharp.

Yoruto will be coming to work later on in the afternoon. And once he clocked out, I planned on telling him about the Dive Gear and game that I've bought.

I wonder what expression he will make when I tell him. Hehe~


Meanwhile at the Himekawa household, or Himeji's house...

Mrs Himekawa, Himeji's mother, had a pipe under her kitchen sink leaking and so she requested my help with fixing them, since I know how as it saves money should a minor situation like this ever occur.

So as I stood waiting outside of her front door after ringing the doorbell with a toolbox in hand, Mrs Himekawa came greeting me wearing some loose clothing that would likely make young men in their adolescence stare in awe.

"Good morning, Mrs Himekawa." I greeted her, respectfully avoiding staring blatantly.

"Good morning, Yoruto. Thanks for lending me a hand. Come in, come in." She returned my greeting and welcomed me inside.

I took off my shoes and went straight to her kitchen to check on the problem.

The pipe has a small hole where water was leaking from, it would seem. After confirming that was it, I opened the toolbox and went to work on it. Mrs Himekawa was watching me while I was fixing her pipe.

After a while, I ran the faucet to check and...

"Yup. It should be good now." I said.

"Thank you so much, Yoruto!" Mrs Himekawa expressed her gratitude greatly to me. "I'm so glad that we got someone  in this neighbourhood who knows how to fix this."

"Well if there's another leak, I would suggest calling an expert next time. I only know how to do the small fixes."

"But even so, I'm grateful for your help." Mrs Himekawa said, suddenly leaning closer against my body, pressing her chest against mine. "That's why I should reward you for the help. So, Yoruto..." She leaned in closer to my ear and whispered. "How about cracking a cold one with me?"

"Must you push yourself onto me to say that?"

Mrs Himekawa promptly began to laugh out loud after my response.

"Hahahahahaha! So you knew I was just playing with you, huh?"

"Of course. As if a happily married woman like yourself would do something sexual with someone who isn't your significant other." I calmly stated, knowing Mrs Himekawa for almost three years now since she and her family moved into the neighbourhood.

"Fufufu~ Of course!" She said with a snide smirk. "My darling is the best after all." She spoke proudly.

"And I'm sure he'll be happy to know that." I added.

Honestly, aside from looks, Himeji's personality is nothing like her mother's at all. Rather, she acts more like her father who is a fairly shy person.

"So anyways, how about that cold one?" Mrs Himekawa asked.

"No thanks. I have work to do later at noon. It'd be bad if I got drunk on the job. Besides, I don't drink alcohol."

"Oh my, well that's a shame." Mrs Himekawa sighed in disappointment. "Maybe some other time then. Tonight, perhaps?"

"Did you... Did you not hear the last part of what I said? I don't drink alcohol."

"Tonight it is then! I'll bring the beer over and we can get wasted at your place, Yoruto!"

"Listen to me!"

In the end, I wasn't able to persuade Mrs Himekawa as it's been decided that she'll be coming over tonight to drink with me.

I would rather not. But I'm guessing that she's doing this as a way to tell me to relax every now and then because of how I am.

Good grief... Such a busybody. Not that I hate it...

After returning home, I just did some prep for dinner before getting ready to head to work.

When I arrived at the restaurant, I was greeted by Sanae who was serving a customer their order.

"Oh hey, Yoruto."

"Good afternoon." I greeted her back.

"You've arrived just in time. We're getting more orders right now." Sanae informed me, facing towards the kitchen where the Boss is next and shouted.

"Dad! Yoruto's here!"

The Boss then shouted back. "Got it! Tell him to get changed quickly and help out here!"

Sanae then turned back to me.

"You heard him."

"Yeah. Better be quick then." I said and made my way to the changing room.

"Ah. Hold on, Yoruto."

But when I had only taken a step, Sanae stopped me for a moment.

"After your shift is over, could you come up to my room with me? There's something I want to show you." She said.

"Sure, but umm... Should you be asking that in front of others?" I questioned, since the customers have clearly heard her, judging by the numbers of eyes that are on us.

"Heh. Nice job, Yoruto." One of the regulars, Mr Yamazaki, remarked while his buddy, Mr Kokonoe, whistled.

"Try not to be too loud, alright, kid?" Another regular, Mr Sasaki, made his comment as well.

God dammit...

I sighed.

"It's not going to be what you think, you guys." I stated, assuming that the thing Sanae wanted to show me is nothing perverted.

"Yeah, sure it is." Mr Inui, another regular, replied with a sarcastic smirk.

Knowing full well that there's no changing their thoughts, I just head straight to the changing room so that I can start working after I get changed.

The restaurant had way more customers than the norm. There were people lining up outside by the time the clock hits 1pm.

"Have you still not worked on a solution to this issue yet, Boss?"

"Nope. I thought it'll fix itself after a few days, so I didn't think much about it. Besides, thinking about it just gives me headaches."

"You really need to figure it out soon then."

"I know... I know... So stop moving your mouth and move those hands instead! And I told you to call me 'Dad'! 'Daddy' is fine too, if that's what you prefer."

"Not happening, Boss. Now here, Mrs Kanae. Two bowls of oyakodon. Two bowls of katsudon. And one bowl of gyudon with gyoza on the side. All ready to serve."

"Yes~ Thank you, Yoruto." Said Mrs Kanae as she placed the bowls on some trays before going to serve it to the customers.

It was a long afternoon. But once lunch hours were over, things went back to normal as we finally got to take a breather.

"Phew~ I'm exhausted."

"You and me both, Boss."

Both of us were sweaty from the rush of orders and the heat of the flames while constantly cooking non-stop.

The increase in customers is good, but this is honestly too much for a small restaurant where people tend to hang out for a while after eating their meals.

"Kid, I am thinking about making the place reservations only for the time being. What do you think?" The Boss asked me.

"I think you should, Boss..." I replied.

"Yeah, I agree with Yoruto." Sanae came into the kitchen at that moment and gave her opinion as well. "The number of customers trying to hit on me and Mom got really annoying." She stated, as the Boss and my eyes lit up with much... intrigue.

"Oh... Do you remember the faces of those customers, sweetie? Daddy would like to have a word with 'em." Said the Boss.

"What a coincidence. Me too." I pitched in.

"No need to worry about that. Mom had already sent those losers packing. Pretty sure they aren't coming back." Sanae replied.

"Hahahaha! That's my wife!" The Boss laughed proudly. "Anyways..." He then calmed down and faced towards me. "Kid, you're off the clock now. Go and take a shower. You can use ours upstairs."

"Ok. Thank you."

"Then I'll wait for you in my room." Sanae said. "Come in when you're done showering."

"Alright." I replied, as Sanae took off to her room in a gleeful excitement.

I wonder what exactly she wanted to show me?

"Heh. My daughter must be really excited to show you the Dive Gear she has, huh? Despite being 26 years old already, she's still a child as always."

Wait, what?

"Hold on. What did you just say, Boss?"

"Hm? I said despite being 26—"

"No, not that. Before that part."

"Oh. Before, I said..." The Boss paused at that moment. His eyes opened wider like it's about to pop out and his mouth made an O shape, making an expression like he's screwed up.

"Oh shit."

He'd fucked up, it seemed. Realising that, he looked at me and said, "Forget what I just said."

"Sanae bought a Dive Gear, huh? When?"

"I told you to forget what I just said!"

Anyways, I know the surprise now. Going upstairs to use the shower and changing back into my regular clothes, I head to Sanae's room after being freshened up and politely knocked on her door.

"Come in~!" She said from the other side of the door, as I opened it with her permission.

I'm going to pretend like I didn't know she bought a Dive Gear. For the Boss's sake...

I entered her room and the first thing I saw was Sanae with an excited expression, holding up her Dive Gear up to her chest.

"Is that a Dive Gear?" I asked her, acting surprised.

"Yup! I got curious and bought the same game you played. You were right. It was fun." Sanae replied cheerfully like a child. Which quickly vanished like smoke as she gave me a suspicious expression next.

"Also Yoruto, you aren't deceiving me. Who told you?" She said, interrogating me.

Welp, I tried... Sorry, Boss.

"Your dad spilled the beans."

"I see..."

There was a silent rage of slight irritation boiling behind her smile, which was then tucked nicely away for it to be served to the right person later.

"Still... I'm kind of surprised that you bought it because I said it was fun." I said, taking a seat next to her on the bed.

"Well, I wanted to experience the things that my boyfriend likes." Sanae stated, making me feel embarrassed. "So, shall we play together tonight?"

"I would love to. But only tomorrow. I won't be playing tonight."

"I see. Then may I come over to your house tomorrow to play?"

"Sure. Just remember to buy more pudding for Hikari. She finished the ones you bought for her the last time you came over."

"Hahaha! Guess I shall buy more than the last time."

With the promise to play together made, I got up and was ready to head back home.

"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow, Sanae."

"See you tomorrow, Yoruto. Give Hikari my regards, okay?" Sanae waved goodbye, seeing me off. "Oh. And just out of curiosity, what will you be doing tonight?" She then asked, before I left.

"I have an appointment with a married woman later tonight. Knowing her, we'll most likely be doing it in my room until the next morning."

"Umm... Excuse me?"

"It's going to be very exhausting for me..." I sighed in advance of what's to come. "Anyways, bye bye."

"Wait... Hold on, Yoruto! What is 'it'? What do you mean it'll be exhausting for you!? You got to elaborate on these sorts of things, you know! Come back!"

Thanks for reading. 🍫

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