Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Side Story: The Two Siblings’ New Life

This short side story happened after Larc and Juliette travelled for Carmine. Hope you enjoy!

"Oni-chan! Oni-chan! Wake up already!"

Getting woken up by the voice of a panicked young girl, I quickly jumped to my feet and surveyed my surroundings . My eyes having landed upon the shine of the morning sun that was glistening against the lilac colored hair of a young girl, I quickly moved towards her.

"What's the matter, Lily?! What happened??" I asked as I shielded her.


Upon my outburst, the young girl became startled and stumbled on her butt.

"Stupid Nii-chan! You surprised me!" She said as she glared at me.

The young girl in front of me right now is my younger twin sister, Lily.

Lily and I are twin orphans from the slums. It's been just the two of us ever since our mother died. Mother once said that our father was some small nobleman in the capital, but after locating him, he only turned us away like stray animals.

Barely surviving by scavenging garbage and doing mundane tasks for small change, we had a chance encounter with a young lady and a young man in the town square. We hadn't had anything to eat for over two days that day, so I was tempted to steal a small piece of bread. After getting caught and almost losing my hand, Larc-nii and Clarrise-nee san saved us.

"You surprised me with your clamouring, Lily." I answered my sister as I helped her up. "Did something happen?"

"Idiot Oni-chan! It's already noon, you know?! Sir Alford will be mad!"


It's been 3 weeks since Larc Nii-san saved us and took us in. Since then we've been under the care of sir Alford Jii-san. Apparently, he was also the one who trained Larc-nii, so we could rest assured the we were in good hands.

Our daily life included waking up early, eating breakfast, helping in the gardens, and then learning how to read and write, although mother did teach us some of the basics before, so it was not that hard for us. The hard part however was the etiquettes training.

Sir Alford said that he was training Lily to be a lady in waiting while he was training me to either be a man servant or a Butler, just like him and Larc-nii.

It was hell.

Since we got here I've gotten scolded so many times I've lost count, so many plates have been broken because I couldn't balance them on my hand. Lily on the other hand was doing just fine, I think she's never been scolded the way I have ever since we got here. Maybe she just puts on an extra effort? Sir Alford Jii-san is merciless after all, far different from Larc-nii who was warm and kind.

On our first week here, Lily and I would often go to Larc-nii's room and play with him there lots, usually up until morning. But we had to stop that because Lady Juliette got mad at Larc-nii whenever we did so. So the two of us just settled with having lunch or breakfast with him. Lily became strangely attached to Larc-nii, she would often look at him with wide eyes and sit on his lap whenever she could. To me on the other hand, Larc-nii is the coolest person here in the estate.

I heard from Milin-Nee sa-- I mean, miss Milin, that Larc-nii was once an orphan just like Lily and I. Miss Milin said that Larc-nii rescued Lady Juliette back when they were our age, and in return the Duke gave him the position he currently held, Isn't that just so cool?

I have no doubt that Larc-nii is heroic, I've seen him fight first hand, and I also saw him and sir Alford-Jii San training in the courtyard, it was the most amazing thing I've ever seen! The way the two of them moved, it almost seemed as if they were dancing.

Someday, I want to be just as cool as Larc-nii. That's why I have to do my best, just like I promised him before they went on that journey to the west.

"Heeey, Oni-chan! Let's go already!"

Lily's call pulled me from my daydream. Flustered by the suddenness, I quickly went to the water bucket and doused my face, before drying it with the clean towel.

"Yes! Sorry, Lily! I'm going as fast as I can." I said while scrambling to fix my hair and clothes.

"The way you look reflects greatly on the master you serve, therefore you must strive to always look your best, so that you may be deemed worthy to carry the golden dove pin."

Sir Alford-Jii San would often lecture us about that.

I found it very tedious and unecesarry at first, we didn't have a clean source of water in the slums after all. But after seeing how Larc-nii carried himself with dignity, Lily curiously began putting more effort into her self image. Taking a bath regularly, brushing her hair for hours at a time before bed time, sometimes even trying (in vain) to tie her hair in a braid, these were the things that she was doing. Naturally, even I would be conscious if my sister was putting in the effort and I was just lazing about, so I also began changing myself.

At first I thought that it would be scary, but strangely enough, it wasn't. In fact, it even felt liberating, like I was washing away the bitter memories of the slums with every bath I took. Of course, I took care not to forget about mother, we sometimes visit her grave whenever Larc-nii has an errand to run in the town square.

You don't have to worry about me and Lily anymore, Mother. We'll do our best here and live good lives with Larc-nii and everyone. I promise that we'll be happy, so please watch over us.


"You're late."


At the moment Alford stood before two Lilac haired twins, arms crossed and with a sharp glare.

".. It was Oni-chan's fault! He overslept!"

"Wha--- you traitor! How could you, Lily?? Besides, you overslept as well!"

In an unexpected turn of events, the small girl ratted out her very own brother, although she wasn't exactly innocent herself.

In response to the two clamouring, Alford merely furrowed his eyebrows.

"Not owning up to your mistakes, and instead blaming others is not a value of a servant of House Carmine."

Upon hearing this, the two children cast their eyes wide open. The disappointed tone of Alford was landed a devastating blow on their feelings, even moreso for Lily who has never been scolded since she came here.

With teary eyes, Lily looked down and apologized.

"U-uwuu.. *hic* I'm sorry Alford-Jii San..*hic* I'm also at fault uhuu.. I'm sorry Oni-chan.."

Seeing his sister cry, Bran couldn't help but tear up as well.

"A-ahh.. don't cry, Lily *hicc* It's my fault, *hic* I'm sorry I overslept."

If anyone were to come across this sight, wherein two small, cute children were bawling their eyes out, while a middle aged man looked down on them coldly, they would surely judge Alford to be a cold hearted human being.

"Well, if you understand then that much is enough." He said in a calmer voice as he crouched down.

"Honesty and Integrity, those two things are what separates a mediocre servant, from a great servant. Making a mistake is part of growing up, the key is to learn from them. Do you understand, Lily, Bran?"

""Yes!""  The twins answered enthusiastically.

"Good. Now then, let's get back to your training, today we'll be working on your speech, so that you won't call me jii-san anymore"

""Yes! Sir Alford-Jii San!""

"You two are just like that boy" Alford quietly whispered as he lightly chuckled.

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