Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 18: Interrogation

"Let me formally introduce myself"

At the center of an open space just outside of the estate, a large gray haired man stood with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"I'm Marquis Vilka of House Denver, the former Wall of the North as well as the newly appointed headmaster of the Academy, pleased to make your acquaintance, sir....?"

He tilted his head in an innocent manner that looked so wrong with his large frame.

Seeing this old geezer act like this just moments after he beat me senseless greatly irritated me, but there was no way a mere servant such as myself would be allowed to openly berate a high noble.

"Apologies for raising my hand against you earlier, Lord Vilka."

With a heavy heart, I swallowed my vexation and apologized to him while bowing my head.

"This one is named Larc, I am the personal butler of lord Jorgé's sister, Lady Juliette."

"Hooooh?? A butler, you say?" He said with great interest while holding his chin.

"Then, mind telling me how you learned the stances you used just now? A mere butler wouldn't have known those things, you know?"

Hearing that raised my already high irritation. How dare this old geezer question my integrity as a butler, the sole purpose of my life.

With a twitch of my face I smiled and answered him.

"I was personally trained by sir Alford, my lord. My duties as a butler include the protection of my lady, so I was trained in the martial arts by him."

Upon hearing this, the old man's face lit up.

"HA! So you're Alford-dono's apprentice, eh? That brat learned everything he knows right now from myself, you know? Guahahahhaha!"


Did I mishear?

"That explains why you're so good at partial body strengthening Guahahahha, you were especially taught by my most talented apprentice."

I didn't mishear.

Seeing the confused state of my face, lord Vilka tilted his head to the side and raised his brow.

"Has Alford never mentioned me? I was the one who developed that technique after all, for people like us who were not gifted with affinities."

The common practice for people who had body strengthening as their affinities was to use their mana to strengthen their entire bodies to boost their physical strength. However, the way sir Alford taught me was vastly different. Focusing our mana to one point would leave the rest of our body unprotected but in return, greatly enhance a specific part.

A better example would be how a normal body strengthening user would strengthen his body to increase his strength, whereas sir Alford and I, and apparently this old geezer as well, would focus our mana on our feet to produce blitzing speed.

"I apologize, my lord. But sir Alford has never mentioned you before." I said while showing a slight bow.

"Geh! That brat, is he taking credit for that technique??"

[... Calling sir Alford a brat.. just how old is this old geezer?!]

From one of my past lives in Japan, I couldn't recall anyone I knew that passed the age of 60 that looked as good as this old geezer. His body was far leaner and toner for his age, which should be at the very least 65 or 70.

"Well, it has been years since I last travelled down south to meet him, so he must have thought that I forgot and that he could take credit, Guahahahha! I'll be sure to beat him up when I see him again to remind him."

[I don't think that's what he was doing]

"You're in the west, Vilka-dono." Lord Jorgé interjected as he watched us in amusement.

He was right actually. We were currently in Sundgard, which was west of the capital Belmont.

Here in the kingdom, the title of "wall" is given to a Duke or a high ranking noble that governs a territory that borders another country.

There are currently three people that hold the title "Wall."

One is Duke Carmine who governs the Carmine territories which bordered the Great Allesian Plains, hence the title "Wall of the West." Then there's House Rossi who bordered the Holy Kingdom of Vanahan, hence the title "Wall of the East." At the South is House Sylvan who has the Great Dragon Sea as their border, they're called as the "Wall of the South."

From what I just heard, this Old geezer's territory bordered the Kingdom's sworn enemy, Ferahim, that's why was called the "Wall of the North." Unfortunately, after losing some of his territories to the enemy, his title was stripped.

"Bah! You're all southerners to me, you know? Guahahahha."

Seeing his actions right now, I can imagine how he'd lose to the enemy.

"With that said, I think it's time that we talk about the thing I called you for, Vilka-dono."

"Ah, yes! I had so much fun with this Brat I almost forgot about that! Guahahahha!"

The old man grabbed his belly as he laughed heartily.

"Well then, Larc-dono!" He bellowed as he looked at me with bright eyes. "Let's fight again sometime! Get stronger by then, Guahaha!"

After that lord Jorgé led the old man inside the castle, but not before looking back at me with apologetic eyes and slightly bowing.

[I'm sorry for this fool's behaviour, the fault is mine!] His eyes seemed to say.

After they disappeared into the castle, I looked up to the sky and sighed.

[I'm surrounded by outrageous people.] I thought to myself as I picked my self up and proceeded to get cleaned.


Inside the castle Jorgé walked side by side with Vilka passing by several guards that cranked their necks trying to catch a glimpse of the legendary Greywolf.



The first to speak was Jorgé.

"What do you think?"

Upon his question, the jovial and easy go lucky expression that Vilka was just showing suddenly disappeared. What replaced it was a sharp look like that of a wolf eyeing it's prey.

"There's no doubt about it, that boy's special." He said in a low grumbling voice.

He crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows as he looked up to the ceiling.

"I saw the way he analyzed the situation and adapted to it, no boy of his age would've thought of that. Plus his mana control is astonishing."

Seeing Villa's reaction, a grin appeared on Jorgé's face.

"And I haven't even told you the best part yet."


After walking for a while, the two reached an exquisite door that lead to Jorgé's private study.

Upon entering, what welcomed them was the figure of Jorgé's personal Butler, Grun.

"Welcome back, Master, Lord Vilka."

"Umu, Glad to see you in good health, Grun."

After the greeting, Jorgé sat down on his desk while Vilka made himself comfortable on the sofa.

"Would you like tea, lord Vilka?" He asked as he crossed his fingers.

"Ahh, no. I'd like your finest wine, if you will."

"Very well then. Grun, please fetch my personal wine."

"By your will, my lord."

As the servant walked out of the room, Vilka then turned a sharp eye towards Jorgé.

"Well? What did you mean when you said you haven't told me the best part?"

Seeing the old man's interested look, Jorgé smiled and leaned back on his chair.

He hesitated for a while before speaking.

"That boy can use frost magic."


Upon hearing this Vilka unconsciously stood up.

"Impossible!" He exclaimed with great vigour as he slammed his hands on the table. "I would've felt it, boy! If you're playing me for a fool, I swear--"

"I'm not."

Wondering how that table was able to take the old man's hands bearing down on them, Jorgé interrupted Vilka's angry remarks.

"His mana is being suppressed by a strong sealing magic. Strong enough to resist my eye."


Upon hearing this, Vilka begrudgingly sat back down and crossed his large burly arms.

".... I'm not saying I believe you, but if it's true, then.. this boy might just be---."

"Indeed, that is why I told you that this boy is incredibly valuable."

Before Vilka could finish his statement, Jorgé cut him off and stood up. He approached the window and gazed out into the outside.

"He might very well shake the entire continent to it's core."


Vilka leaned forward and linked his fingers together.

"This game you're playing, boy." He said in a low and serious voice. "It's very dangerous, you know?"

He looked at the back of Jorgé who was overlooking the people below.

"I know." Jorgé answered as he turned around and faced the old man.

With his silver blonde hair being illuminated by the sun, Jorgé looked directly at the old man with sharp eyes and smiled.

"Don't you think that's what makes it so interesting, Vilka-dono? The fate of the continent in our hands, one wrong move and we could plunge the world into a grand war. Ahh, the excitement is driving me insane."

Seeing this sent a cold shiver down Vilka's spine. In all his years as both a warrior and a noble, never has he met a man remotely close to the thing standing before him. It made him reaffirm his desire to not make the future Duke of the Carmine territories into his enemy.

*Knock knock knock*

As if on que, the knock on the door suddenly pulled Vilka from his thoughts.

"I've brought the wine, my lord." Said Grun as he entered carrying a tray with wine and glasses on top.

"Ah, just in time. Well, Vilka-dono please help yourself, and please take it easy in the couch, It's pretty expensive, you know?"

Confused by the young lord's words, Vilka looked to his side and saw that he unconsciously gripped the side of the couch, almost tearing it completely.

"Ah, apologies Jorgé-dono, I'll pay for it"

"Oh don't worry about it, you are our guest. Please enjoy the wine."

He said that but Vilka had just lost his taste for wine.

After a while, Jorgé sent a glance towards Grun and spoke.

"With that said, are you ready to talk about the main reason I called for you today, Vilka-dono?"

"Ah, yes. I almost forgot about that."

Upon hearing this, the butler quickly fixed up the almost untouched wine and glasses and curtly exited the room.

After the doors shut behind his butler, Jorgé stood up and approached one of the bookshelves. He tapped several books before settling for a specific one and  pulling it, causing the shelves to suddenly grumble with slight vibrations and slowly open to the sides, revealing a descending stair case.

He looked at Vilka and once again smiled.

"Right this way, my lord."

"A secret door? How childish of you, Jorgé-dono Guahaha."

The Greywolf's usual jovial expression returned as the two of them descended into the stairwells.


Walking down for a good while, the two arrived at a dimly lit confined space akin to a dungeon with several barred rooms decorating it's side.


Upon Jorgé's call, a petite hooded girl appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

"Ahh~ masteeer, you're finally heree~ Poenemu was getting lonely, you know~" She said in an almost singing manner as she embraced Jorgé.

Seeing this, Vilka's eyes lit up as he examined the girl.

"Hooh! Shadow step! You've got yourself some interesting followers, Jorgé. Haven't seen a shadow step user in a very long time.

Poenemu's face pouted as she pointed towards the old man.

"Wha--- I'm not a follower! I'm Master Jorgé's lover, you know?!"

"Hoh? Lover, you say?" Answered Vilka as he sent a judging look at Jorgé.

"Please spare me, Vilka-dono. She's of age, I assure you."


Vilka was not convinced.

"A-anyways, Poenemu, where's the clergy man?"

"Ahh! His right here, master~ Poenemu followed your orders and didn't kill him~~"

In response to Jorgé's words, Poenemu happily skipped towards a room on the far side of the space.

Upon reaching it, what welcomed them was the sad figure of a naked middle aged man chained to the wall.


He groaned as his chains clinked.

".. Poenemu.."

"Yes masteeer~?"

".. Why is he naked?"

The pitiful sight of the man was enough to make the usually stoic Jorgé embarrassed, not because of what he saw, but because of what Vilka might think of him.

"Ahh~ because he tried resisting when my girls and I were chaining him, so we decided to teach him a lesson~~ rest assured, his still alive, master~"

"So this is your kink, Jorgé? I never would've guessed."

Just as he had predicted, Vilka nudged his side while sporting a shit-eating grin.

"Haaah, please open the door, Poenemu."

"As you wish, masteer~"

At the sound of the door opening, the man slightly wiggled to the corner and looked up.

"?!!.. YOUUU!!!"

Upon seeing Jorgé's face, the man's eyes suddenly burned with anger; trying his best to stand up, he suddenly charged at Jorgé only to be pulled back by the chains.

"GAH!" He winced in pain as he landed on his butt.

"You damned demon spawn!" He exclaimed with great anger.

Hearing this, Poenemu's eyes became dark. She quickly drew her daggers and moved to slice the man's throat.

"Insolent fool!"

"Poenemu, Stop!"

Stopping just a few millimetres away from skin, Poenemu looked back at Jorgé with pleading eyes.

"Please let me kill this man, master! He's disrespected you countless times now!"

"Please don't, I still have some questions I want to ask him."

Upon hearing this, the man gritted his teeth.

"You'll get nothing from me you damned demon spawn!" He exclaimed with great vigour.

Jorgé pat Poenemu's head and slightly ruffled her hair before smiling at her.

"Please leave us alone for now, Poenemu."

"Uhehehe~~... Ehhh?? But master!"

"Please? Why don't you go up for now, Camilla is actually here right now, you know?"

At the sound of Camilla's name being mentioned, light returned to Poenemu's eyes.

"Ehh~?! Camilla-onee Sama is here?? Please excuse me master, I have to go and meet her!"

She quickly dashed out of the room and sunk back into the shadows, but not before throwing her dagger towards the man's thigh.

"Gaaahh!!!!" He screamed in pain as the dagger dug deep into his flesh.

At Poenemu's exit, Vilka sent yet another suspicious look towards Jorgé.

"... I don't keep her here, Vilka-dono. She just likes spending time here on her own, I don't have that kind of hobby."

"... Whatever you say, Jorgé-dono."

Vilka was not convinced.

"Now then"

Simultaneous with his words, Jorgé drew close to the man and yanked the dagger out of his thigh, causing his blood to splatter on the ground.

"Gaaaaah!!! You fucking demon spawnn!!!"

Handing the dagger towards Vilka, Jorgé stood up and stood over the man.

"Why don't we start with the introductions, I'm Jorgé Von Sera Carmine, lord of the Carmine territories in my father's stead, this here is lord Vilka Von Denver, lord of the Denver territories. And you are?"

"Damned you! I'm not telling you anything!!"

In response to the man's words of defiance, Jorgé simply smiled.

"I don't know how it is in the Holy kingdom but here in Seraphim, it is considered extremely rude not to introduce yourself, especially towards high ranking nobles. Isn't that right, Vilka-dono."

"Indeed so, Jorgé."

The man clenched his chained fists and spat on Jorgé with his bloodied mouth.

"You'll never break me, demon spawn!!"

Wiping the bloodied  spit off of his face, Jorgé faced the man and grinned.

"All men break, some later than others, but they all break nonetheless."

He said as he jammed the dagger back into the wound and twisted It around.


"They just need a little bit of encouragement."

It was said that that day, the blood curdling screams of a man could be heard coming from within the castle walls. Although faint and somewhat muffled, some servants claim to have heard it, becoming something that maids would talk about in the dead of night to scare each other.

The truth however, was far more sinister and cruel than what the rumours told.

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