Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 44 Financial Crisis 3

When Yannick placed the 200 million yuan promissory note with interest on William II's desk with a proud look on his face, William II's expression was very wonderful. He opened his mouth wide and asked after a long time. "how did you do it?"

Yannick shrugged and said very relaxedly. "This is not a difficult task. As long as you are familiar with economic history, you will find that economic crises break out every few years. It is an economic phenomenon that repeats itself in cycles. I just happened to catch the outbreak point of this crisis and worked a little bit. Soon, the money will be available." Of course, this is all nonsense. If it weren't for the knowledge of later generations, no one would have known that this financial crisis would break out so suddenly and violently.

"..." William II couldn't help but regret a little. If he had known this, Yannick would have given more when he borrowed money from him.

However, this success must also have an element of luck. If he was really given hundreds of millions or more and lost all of it, he would really regret it. "Then tell me what will happen after this stock crisis?"

Yannick replied after pretending to think deeply. "If my calculation is correct, the U.S. stock crisis will evolve into a global economic crisis, which will be an inevitable disaster."

According to the original time and space data, the number of companies that closed down during this global economic crisis was 140,000 in the United States, and nearly 10,000 banks, 60,000 in Germany, and 20,000 in the United Kingdom. There are more than 30 million fully unemployed workers in the capitalist world, and when including the partially unemployed, the number reaches 40 to 45 million!

The economic crisis quickly spread from the United States to other industrial countries. For millions of people, life has become a struggle for food, clothing and shelter. In order to safeguard their own national interests, various countries have strengthened trade protection measures and means, further exacerbating and worsening the world economic situation. This is an important root cause of the outbreak of World War II. The Great Depression also caused serious social problems: during the Great Depression, about 2 to 4 million middle school students dropped out of school; many people committed suicide because they could not bear the physical and psychological pain; and social security deteriorated day by day.

The most important issue is unemployment. In the United States, the total number of unemployed people has reached 8.3 million. In cities across the United States, queues for poor people to receive relief food stretch for several blocks. In the UK, 5 to 7 million people are unemployed and have to wait in longer lines at the labor market. The disaster caused by the Great Depression in the United States is unprecedented in human history. It was even more serious than the so-called "three-year famine" during China's three-year difficult period from 1959 to 1961. Therefore, a serious economic crisis broke out in the United States during the Great Depression from 1930 to 1933. Famine and widespread malnutrition occurred throughout the United States, resulting in a large number of abnormal deaths of the population. The most conservative estimate is that at least 7 million people died, accounting for about 7% of the United States at that time. The Great Depression in the United States in the 1930s: millions of people had to act like animals to survive.

As for what kind of impact Daming will receive, he doesn't know.

William II asked tentatively. "Then you should also deal with this economic crisis, right?"

Yannick shook his head very simply. "No, unless Germany becomes a communist country like the Soviet Union and changes its economic system." The cause of the capitalist economic crisis is the contradiction between the socialization of production and the private ownership of capitalist means of production. The public ownership of the Soviet Union will not cause this kind of economic crisis. The only beneficiary of this world economic crisis is the Soviet Union, because the Soviet Union did not integrate with the capitalist world economy and was not affected by the big crisis. On the contrary, it took advantage of the big crisis to develop itself. "And even if there is a way, I don't intend to implement it."

The last sentence made William II stunned. "Why?" Germany will be his empire in the future. How can he helplessly watch his empire fall into dire straits?

"I also think about the interests of the imperial power." After the end of World War I, the German government was forced to change from a dual monarchy to a parliamentary monarchy. Although William II has regained a lot of power little by little in the past ten years, Parliament still has great power.

Therefore, he will take advantage of this world economic crisis to change the political system back to a dual monarchy! !

American writer John Toland once described in a book: In Germany, hatred spreads across the country like a plague; victims of the economic crisis target people who are more fortunate than themselves. Small shopkeepers who were forced to close their doors cursed the big department stores; millions of unemployed people resented those who still had workers and 'the bosses'; and tens of thousands of college graduates, finding their futures blocked, vented their despair everywhere. Class employer. The economic crisis has hit almost every class. The tax burden on farmers is like a heavy burden on cattle, and the price of agricultural products is low. They despise urbanites; and the huge number of unemployed "white-collar workers" are jealous of farmers because they have crops to harvest. Erich Karrell believes that “the economic crisis has hit the lower middle class extremely hard, and has gradually degraded the morals of the entire nation and destroyed its rational thinking ability.” “The psychological depression that comes with material scarcity, It is disastrous for any nation, but for Germans, they have been educated to be a nation that regards work as the purpose of life, so unemployment forces them to do nothing, which means the collapse of the entire morality."

The Weimar Republic in the original time and space was helpless when faced with the chaotic situation of domestic economic collapse and social unrest after the war. They did not take effective measures to deal with the real difficulties. During the crisis, the government implemented a policy that harmed the interests of the middle and lower classes of society and safeguarded the interests of the upper classes. As a result, the middle and lower classes lost their economic security. Their hopes in the government were completely shattered. They felt that the Weimar government did not represent them at all. interests, but the spokesperson of monopoly capital. The Weimar Republic was synonymous with social instability and "national humiliation."

Although the current government is not the Weimar Republic of the original time and space, it is the same in terms of incompetence in governing. Yannick believes that the government will still be helpless about the coming economic crisis. As long as he does something in the middle, it will not be difficult to force the existing government and parliament to resign collectively. When all rights are returned to the royal family, he is stepping in to turn the tide.

After hearing Yannick's plan, William II nodded and couldn't help but sigh. "Why didn't grandpa realize that you were so talented before?"

He used to be a playboy. "Grandpa, in fact, I have always been so talented. It's just that I had older brothers and younger brothers before. One more of me is not more, and one less of me is not less. I don't have to show off my talents. At that time, I still wanted to imitate my father and be a free man. An explorer or something like that. Now I’m the only one left, what should I do if I can’t do anything else? Should I let the empire go to destruction?”

William II put down the document in his hand and praised him heartily. "Thank you for your hard work, kid."

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